Dracon is in a heavily experimental state, and it depends on latest IDEA EAP build. First download an [experimental](https://nest.pijul.com/Jonathan/Dracon/experimental) or [nightly](https://nest.pijul.com/Jonathan/Dracon/nightly) build from their respective directory in this repository, then go to IntelliJ IDEA Plugins section and click in the gear on the right side of *Installed tab* and select *Install plugin from Disk...* and select the downloaded Dracon *.zip*. Now you're ready to go.
Dracon is in a heavily experimental state, and it depends on latest IDEA EAP build. First download an [experimental](https://nest.pijul.com/Jonathan/Dracon/builds/experimental) or [nightly](https://nest.pijul.com/Jonathan/Dracon/builds/nightly) build from their respective directory in this repository, then go to IntelliJ IDEA Plugins section and click in the gear on the right side of *Installed tab* and select *Install plugin from Disk...* and select the downloaded Dracon *.zip*. Now you're ready to go.