<QA question={"This is awesome! How can I support this? Do you have a Patreon?"}>
<p>At this time we do not have a Patreon or other option for donations. If you want to support the site, please donate to <a href="https://www.patreon.com/warcraftlogs" className="underline">WarcraftLogs</a> (without which this site would not be possible), <a className="underline" href="https://www.patreon.com/seriallos">Raidbots</a> and other parts of the WoW player-run ecosystem that are key to the raiding community.</p>
<p className="mt-2">If this site ever reaches the point that I consider it fundamental or costs become a problem, I will open up a Patreon. Until then, there are more important WoW fansites.</p>