From stdpp Require Import binders strings stringmap.
From iris.base_logic Require Import lib.iprop.
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* Nicer error messages. Instead of being asked to prove `False`,
you are asked to prove `error (hopefully useful message)`.
Module Type errorT.
Parameter error : ∀ {T : Type}, T -> Prop.
Axiom error_elim : ∀ {msgType} {msg : msgType} {T}, error msg -> T.
End errorT.
Module Export error : errorT.
Definition error {T} (msg : T) := False.
Theorem error_elim {msgType} (msg : msgType) T : error msg -> T. Proof. elim. Qed.
End error.
Inductive context Σ : Type :=
| CEmpty
| CVar of string & iProp Σ
| CAnd of context Σ & context Σ
| CSep of context Σ & context Σ
Definition c_sep {Σ} (c1 c2 : context Σ) :=
if c1 is CEmpty _ then c2 else if c2 is CEmpty _ then c1 else CSep c1 c2.
Definition c_and {Σ} (c1 c2 : context Σ) :=
if c1 is CEmpty _ then c2 else if c2 is CEmpty _ then c1 else CAnd c1 c2.
Fixpoint bind {Σ} (var : string) (c : context Σ) : context Σ
:= match c with
| CEmpty _ => CEmpty _
| CVar var' P => if decide (var = var') then CEmpty _ else CVar var' P
| CAnd c1 c2 => c_and (bind var c1) (bind var c2)
| CSep c1 c2 => c_sep (bind var c1) (bind var c2)
Fixpoint prop_of_ctx {Σ} (c : context Σ) : iProp Σ := match c with
| CEmpty _ => True
| CVar _ P => P
| CAnd c1 c2 => prop_of_ctx c1 ∧ prop_of_ctx c2
| CSep c1 c2 => prop_of_ctx c1 ∗ prop_of_ctx c2
Lemma c_sep_spec {Σ} (c1 c2 : context Σ)
: prop_of_ctx (c_sep c1 c2) ⊣⊢ prop_of_ctx (CSep c1 c2).
by case c1; case c2; intros; simpl;
try rewrite bi.emp_sep; try rewrite bi.sep_emp.
Lemma c_and_spec {Σ} (c1 c2 : context Σ)
: prop_of_ctx (c_and c1 c2) ⊣⊢ prop_of_ctx (CAnd c1 c2).
by case c1; case c2; intros; simpl;
try rewrite bi.True_and; try rewrite bi.and_True.
(* Purpose of ctx_uses:
- Only used in constraint generation
- Generates equality constraints, if variable is repeated
- Decides whether the variable needs to be persistent.
- No, it is also used in bind_spec.
- MUST determine whether variable needs to be persistent.
- MUST allow generation of equality constraints.
- SHOULD allow easy definition of bind_spec.
option (constraints * iProp * uses)
Inductive uses := One | Many.
(* Returns:
- Whether the variable must be persistent.
- The type of the variable.
- The generated equality constraints.
Fixpoint ctx_uses {Σ} (var : string) (c : context Σ)
: option (uses * iProp Σ * Prop)
:= match c with
| CEmpty _ => None
| CVar var' P =>
if decide (var = var')
then Some (One, P, True)
else None
| CAnd c1 c2 =>
(λ '(u1, P1, constraints1) '(u2, P2, constraints2), Some
( match u1, u2 with One, One => One | _, _ => Many end
, P1
, constraints1 ∧ constraints2 ∧ P1 = P2
(ctx_uses var c1)
(ctx_uses var c2)
| CSep c1 c2 =>
(λ '(u1, P1, constraints1) '(u2, P2, constraints2), Some
( Many
, P1
, constraints1 ∧ constraints2 ∧ P1 = P2
(ctx_uses var c1)
(ctx_uses var c2)
Lemma bind_spec {Σ} var (c : context Σ)
: match ctx_uses var c with
| None => prop_of_ctx (bind var c) ⊢ prop_of_ctx c
| Some (uses, P, constraints) =>
constraints ->
prop_of_ctx (bind var c) ∗
(match uses with One => P | Many => □P end) ⊢
prop_of_ctx c
have: ∀ u (P : iProp Σ), □ P ⊢ match u with One => P | Many => □ P end.
{ case. apply: bi.intuitionistically_elim. done. }
move=> lemma1.
have: ∀ u (P : iProp Σ), match u with One => P | Many => □ P end ⊢ P.
{ case. done. apply: bi.intuitionistically_elim. }
move=> lemma2.
elim c; simpl.
- done.
- move=> var' P.
case: (decide (var = var')).
+ by rewrite bi.emp_sep.
+ done.
- move=> c1; case: (ctx_uses var c1) => [[[u1 P1] constraints1]|] H1;
move=> c2; case: (ctx_uses var c2) => [[[u2 P2] constraints2]|] H2;
simpl; rewrite c_and_spec; simpl;
[ move=>[/H1 w1 [/H2 w2 eq]]
| move: H2 => w2 /H1 w1
| move: H1 => w1 /H2 w2
| move: H1 H2 => w1 w2
(apply: transitivity; last (apply: bi.and_mono; [apply: w1 | apply: w2])).
+ rewrite eq.
apply: transitivity; first apply: bi.sep_and_r.
apply: bi.and_mono; apply: bi.sep_mono_r.
* case u1; last done.
apply: transitivity; last apply: (lemma2 u2).
by case u2.
* case u2; last by case u1.
apply: transitivity; last apply: (lemma2 u1).
by case u1.
+ apply: transitivity; first apply: bi.sep_and_r.
apply: bi.and_mono; first done.
rewrite -{2}[prop_of_ctx _]bi.sep_emp.
apply: bi.sep_mono; first done.
apply: bi.True_intro.
+ apply: transitivity; first apply: bi.sep_and_r.
apply: bi.and_mono; last done.
rewrite -{2}[prop_of_ctx _]bi.sep_emp.
apply: bi.sep_mono; first done.
apply: bi.True_intro.
+ done.
- move=> c1; case: (ctx_uses var c1) => [[[u1 P1] constraints1]|] H1;
move=> c2; case: (ctx_uses var c2) => [[[u2 P2] constraints2]|] H2;
simpl; rewrite c_sep_spec; simpl;
[ move=>[/H1 w1 [/H2 w2 eq]]
| move: H2 => w2 /H1 w1
| move: H1 => w1 /H2 w2
| move: H1 H2 => w1 w2
(apply: transitivity; last (apply: bi.sep_mono; [apply: w1 | apply: w2])).
+ apply: transitivity;
last (apply: bi.sep_mono; apply: bi.sep_mono_r; apply: lemma1).
rewrite eq {1}bi.intuitionistically_sep_dup.
rewrite bi.sep_assoc bi.sep_assoc; apply: bi.sep_mono_l.
rewrite -bi.sep_assoc -bi.sep_assoc; apply: bi.sep_mono_r.
by rewrite bi.sep_comm.
+ by rewrite
[(prop_of_ctx (bind var c2) ∗ _)%I]bi.sep_comm
+ by rewrite bi.sep_assoc.
+ done.
Inductive expr {Σ : gFunctors} : context Σ -> iProp Σ -> Type :=
| Pair {c1 c2 T1 T2} : expr c1 T1 -> expr c2 T2 -> expr (c_sep c1 c2) (T1 ∗ T2)
| Var {T} : ∀ var, expr (CVar var T) T
| Lam {ctx T1 T2}
: ∀ var {constraints : match ctx_uses var ctx with
| None => True
| Some (uses, type, constraints) =>
constraints ∧ type = T1 ∧ match uses with
| Many => error
( "A linear variable was used multiple times.", var )
| One => True
end },
expr ctx T2 ->
expr (bind var ctx) (T1 -∗ T2)
Lemma check_expr {Σ ctx} (type : iProp Σ) :
expr ctx type -> prop_of_ctx ctx ⊢ type.
- move=> ctx1 ctx2 type1 type2 e1 fact1 e2 fact2.
rewrite c_sep_spec.
by apply: bi.sep_mono.
- done.
- move=> ctx1 type1 type2 var w e fact1.
move: (bind_spec var ctx1) w.
case: (ctx_uses var ctx1) => [[[uses P] constraint]|].
+ case uses; last (move=> _ [_ [_ err]]; apply: (error_elim err)).
move=> H2 [/H2 fact2 [<- []]].
apply: bi.wand_intro_r.
apply: transitivity.
* apply: fact2.
* apply: fact1.
+ move=> fact2 [].
apply: bi.wand_intro_r.
rewrite -[type2]bi.sep_emp.
apply: bi.sep_mono.
* apply: transitivity; [apply: fact2 | apply: fact1].
* apply: bi.True_intro.
Theorem check_program {Σ} (type : iProp Σ) :
expr (CEmpty _) type -> ⊢ type.
exact: check_expr.
(* Example Proof. *)
Goal forall {Σ} (P Q : iProp Σ), ⊢ P -∗ Q -∗ Q ∗ P.
move=> Σ P Q.
by apply: (check_program (Lam "x" (Lam "y" (Pair (Var "y") (Var "x"))))).