From Coq Require Import PropExtensionality FunctionalExtensionality ProofIrrelevance ssreflect.
Require Export isomorphism.
Class Atomic (O : Type) := {
Amazing : Type -> Type;
amaze : forall {A B}, ((O -> A) -> B) <--> (A -> Amazing B);
Notation "{ 'amazing' O , X }" := (Amazing (O := O) X)
(at level 0, format "{ 'amazing' O , X }") : type_scope.
Global Instance iUnit : Atomic unit := {
Amazing T := T;
amaze _ _ := {|
Forward f t := f (fun 'tt => t);
Backward f t := f (t tt);
- move=> f.
apply: functional_extensionality => x.
suff: x = fun 'tt => x tt by move=>->.
apply: functional_extensionality.
by move=>[].
- done.
An element J of a topos is *atomic* if the functor `(–)^J` has a right adjoint, called `(–)_J`.
In other words, morphisms `B^J -> C` uniquely correspond to morphisms `B -> C_J`.
But this does *not* mean that the objects `C^(B^J)` and `(C_J)^B` are isomorphic.
They only have the same global elements.
In fact:
X -> (C_J)^B
= X * B -> C_J
= (X * B)^J -> C
= X^J * B^J -> C
= X^J -> C^(B^J)
≠ X -> C^(B^J)
This issue does not happen for exponentials, because:
X -> (B^J)^A
= X * A -> B^J
= (X * A) * J -> B
= X * (A * J) -> B
= X -> B^(A * J)