`map[file:map[path:kafka_chain.pem]]` okay, I see my CA file here (actually the content is ISRG root CA). But what's this `'kafka.tls.ca[0]' expected type 'uint8'`? Why is something plugging a map of into an integer? At least I have a clean commit to write a bisect demo.
`map[file:map[path:kafka_chain.pem]]` okay, I see my CA file here (actually the content is ISRG root CA). But what's this `'kafka.tls.ca[0]' expected type 'uint8'`? Why is something plugging a map into an integer? At least I have a clean commit to write a bisect demo.
#!/bin/env nu
def loo [letter] {
build-string `/home/hdhoang/pCloudDrive/Downloads/fsck twt/f-fl` $letter | open | lines | each { |l| firefox $l }
rm (build-string `/home/hdhoang/pCloudDrive/Downloads/fsck twt/f-fl` $letter)
def ool [letter] {
cd `CocCoc\Browser Beta\Application`
build-string `B:\Downloads\fsck twt\f-fl` $letter | open | lines | each { |l| browser.exe $l }