# originally, the functions were all aliases. # # then, delusions of creating terminal-based object-orientedness struck. # # # generally, this entire stack of functionality has gone through refinement of: # oneliner-->alias # alias-->function # function-->class # # where "class" can mean sourcefile (.src) or scriptfile (.sh) # # # # # some of this is just QoL stuff that hasn't become it's own thing # # # # # make nano more usable alias nano="nano --nowrap --backup --positionlog --autoindent --linenumbers --softwrap --tabsize 3" # easy ssh key stuffs alias ssh-makey='ssh-keygen -a 256 -t ed25519' alias ssh-mykey='cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub' alias ssh-showkey='cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub && echo -e "^-- personal pubkey\n\nserver key(s) --v"; ssh-keygen -lf <(ssh-keyscan localhost 2>/dev/null)' alias sd='shutdown -hP now' alias when='date +"%j day %t%t%t (y:%Y - m:%m w:%V d:%d)%n%H:%M.%S chrono%t%t%t%t (%Z/UTC%z)"' alias p=pijul alias g=git