module Data.Alphabet
import Control.SUSY
import Control.Total
import Data.SUSY
(Super a, Super b) => Super (a,b) where
deg (x, y) = deg x + deg y
[SL] (Letter a, Ord b) => Ord (a,b) where
compare (x, xx) (y, yy) with (compare x y)
_ | EQ with (deg x)
_ | Boson = compare xx yy
_ | Fermion = contra $ compare xx yy
_ | t = t
(Letter a, AntiSym b) => AntiSym (a,b) using SL where
antisym (x, xx) (y, yy) with (compare x y) proof p
_ | LT = rewrite antisym y x in rewrite p in Refl
_ | EQ with (deg x) proof pp
_ | Boson = rewrite antisym y x in rewrite p in rewrite sym $ degeq x y {p=p} in rewrite pp in antisym xx yy
_ | Fermion = rewrite antisym y x in rewrite p in rewrite sym $ degeq x y {p=p} in rewrite pp in rewrite antisym xx yy in Refl
_ | GT = rewrite antisym y x in rewrite p in Refl