markup_heading_3("#ffffff", "#ffffff"); // ==> "string" = {fg = "#ffffff", bg = "#ffffff"}
markup_heading_4(white, black); // ==> "string" = {fg = "#ffffff", bg = "#000000"}
markup_heading_5(make_pair(white, white)); // ==> "string" = {fg = "#ffffff", bg = "#ffffff"}
markup_normal(white, {mod::bold}); // ==> "string" = {fg = "#ffffff", bg = "#000000", modifiers = ["bold"]}
markup_normal_completion(white, white, {mod::dim}); // ==> "string" = {fg = "#ffffff", modifiers = ["bold", "dim"]}
markup_normal(white, {mod::bold});
markup_normal_completion(white, white, {mod::dim});
markup_normal(white, {mod::bold}); // ==> "string" = {fg = "#ffffff", bg = "#000000", modifiers = ["bold"]}
markup_normal_completion(white, white, {mod::dim, mod::italic}); // ==> "string" = {fg = "#ffffff", modifiers = ["bold", "dim"]}
markup_normal(white, {mod::bold});
markup_normal_completion(white, white, mod::dim, {mod::italic});
`make TARGET=<yourCppTheme>` Will install and ouput file as `<yourCppTheme>-htg.toml`
and will automatically copy to `./.config/helix/themes/` directory keeping compiling
and testing cycle as much fast as hand written files.
`make TARGET=<yourCppTheme>` will compile and ouput file as `<yourCppTheme>-htg.toml`
and will automatically copy it to `./.config/helix/themes/` directory keeping compiling
and testing cycle as much fast as in case of hand written files.