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\title{Parsing with Presheaves}
\author{Max S. New}
A \emph{language} over an alphabet $\Sigma$ is a subset of strings
$\Sigma^*$. A \emph{grammar} $g$ is a syntactic object that presents a
language. There are many descriptions of formal grammars: regular
expressions, context-free grammars, context-sensitive etc. The problem
of \emph{language recognition} is to take a string $w \in \Sigma^*$
and a grammar $g$ and determine if $w$ is a member of the language
defined by $g$.
When writing a compiler, or communicating over a network, we are not
just interested in the problem of language \emph{recognition},
determining whether or not a word is in a language, but in the problem
of \emph{parsing}, the attempt to produce a \emph{parse tree} from the
string. We can think of the parsing as a ``constructive'' version of
the language recognition problem: the parse tree is constructive
evidence that the word is a member of the language. Another way to say
this is that parsing is a \emph{categorification} of language
recognition. A language is a subset of $\Sigma^*$, which is equivalent
to a \emph{predicate} on $\Sigma^*$:
\[ L : \Sigma^* \to \Omega \]
where $\Omega$ is the set of \emph{truth values}\footnote{classically,
this is equivalent to any two element set, but constructively to
assume this set is boolean would require the language is
decidable}\footnote{In Coq this is called Prop}. We can categorify
this situation by replacing the partially ordered set of truth values
$\Omega$ with the category of sets $\Set$:
\[ L : \Sigma^* \to \Set \]
That is, a language is a \emph{functor} from $\Sigma^*$ (viewed as a
discrete category) to the category of sets and functions.
Functors from $\Sigma^*$ to $\Set$ are called \emph{presheaves} over
$\Sigma^*$ and the category of such functors is extremely
well-behaved. We show in the remainder of this note that this provides
us with a rich language for constructing languages algebraically.
A formal language is a presheaf over the set of strings
Then different classes of formal grammars are described by expression
languages that internalize parts of this rich algebraic structure of this
\section{Algebraic Structure of the Category of Formal Languages}
First, since $\Lang$ is a presheaf category, we can define the
\emph{representable} presheaves $Y w$\footnote{$Y$ stands for the
\emph{Yoneda} embedding} where $w \in \Sigma^*$. Since $\Sigma^*$ is a
\[ (Y w)w' = \{ * | w = w' \} \]
Most useful will be the representables $Y c$ where $c \in \Sigma$.
Next, since $\Sigma^*$ is a \emph{monoid} wrt concatenation of
strings\footnote{in fact the free monoid}, this induces a monoidal
structure on the category $\Lang$ called the \emph{Day convolution},
with models the \emph{sequencing} of the languages:
\[ (L \odot L')w = \Sigma_{w_1w_2=w} Lw_1 \times L w_2 \]
That is, a parse of $w$ in the language $L \odot L'$ consists of a
choice of splitting $w$ into $w_1w_2$ together with a parse of $w_1$
by $L$ and a parse of $w_2$ by $L'$. Note that this is associative
(up to isomorphism) but not symmetric if $|\Sigma| \ge 2$.
This has a unit as well, which is the language of just the empty string:
\[ I w = w = \epsilon \]
Since $\Sigma^*$ is a free monoid, every word $w$ is a finite sequence
of characters $c \in \Sigma$. Given $w = c_1c_2\cdots$ we can now
choose between two different representations:
\[ Y(c_1c_2\cdots) \qquad \textrm{or} \qquad Yc_1 \odot Yc_2 \odot \cdots\]
But it is not difficult to prove that the Yoneda embedding preserves
the monoidal structure up to isomorphism.
Next, $\Lang$ has all limits and colimits. Coproducts give us the
``union'' of languages, with initial object the empty language, and
products give us the intersection, with the terminal object being the
language that accepts all strings, but with no information in the
\[ (L_1 + L_2) w = (L_1 w) + (L_2 w) \]
\[ 0 w = \emptyset \]
\[ (L_1 \times L_2) w = L_1 w \times L_2 w\]
\[ 1 w = 1 \]
Finally, given an endofunctor $F : \Lang \to \Lang$, given certain
assumptions about $F$, we can construct the \emph{initial algebra}
$F(\mu F) \to \mu F$, the constructive variant of the least fixed
point. The simplest condition is that $F$ preserve $\omega$-colimits,
i.e., colimits of diagrams of the form
\[ A_0 \to A_1 \to A_2 \to \cdots \]
Then the ``least fixed point'' $\mu F$ can be constructed ``iteratively'' as the colimit of
\[ F^00 \to F^10 \to F^20\to \cdots \]
(TODO: Adamek-Pohlova citation) generalizing Kleene's fixed point
theorem for $\omega$-cpos.
These constructions alone are enough to give a semantics to regular
and context free grammars.
\subsection{Closed Structure}
By general properties of presheaf categories, the category of
languages has \emph{closed} structure with respect to the monoidal
products of sequencing $\odot$ and product $\times$.
First, the product has a right (multi-variable) adjoints:
\[ (L_1 \times L_2 \to L_3) \cong L_1 \to (L_2 \Rightarrow L_3) \cong L_2 \to (L_1 \Rightarrow L_3) \]
Defined by
\[ (L \Rightarrow L')w = \textrm{Hom}((Y w \times L), L') = Lw \to L'w \]
Informally, $(L \Rightarrow L')w$ is constructive \emph{implication}
of languages: a parse of $w$ is a function that takes $L$-parses of
$w$ to $L'$-parses of $w$
Next, the sequencing operator $\odot$, since it is not symmetric, has
two right multi-variable adjoints:
\[ (L_1 \odot L_2 \to L_3) \cong (L_1 \to L_3 \leftmultimap L_2) \cong (L_2 \to L_2 \multimap L_3) \]
Defined by
\[ (L \multimap L')w = \Pi_{w_l} L w_l \to L'(w_lw) \]
\[ (L' \leftmultimap L)w = \Pi_{w_r} L w_r \to L'(ww_r) \]
A parse of $(L \multimap L')w$ is a kind of ``partial'' parse of $L'$:
given any parse $L w_l$, we can get a complete parse $L' (w_lw)$. So
if $(L \multimap L') w$ successfully parses (and $L$ is non-empty),
then we have succesfully parsed a suffix of $L'$, that when
concatenated with a prefix that can by parsed as $L$ will yield a full
parse of $L'$.
Dually, the left hom $(L' \leftmultimap L)$ is a partial parse from
the right of the string.
These left and right hom operations can be used to define the
\emph{derivative} of a language with respect to a character or
word. If we focus on left-to-right parsing this would be:
\[ d^l_c(L) = Yc \multimap L \]
\[ (Yc \multimap L)w = \Pi_{w_l} \{ 1 | c = w_l \} \to L(w_lw) \cong L(cw) \]
If we reduce to language recognition, this is a de Morgan-dual of the
``quotient'' of a formal language.
\[ (L_1 / L_2) w \iff \exists w' \in L_2. L_1(ww') \iff \neg (\forall w' \in L_2. \neg L_1(ww')) \iff \neg ((\neg L_1 \leftmultimap L_2) w) \]
Finally, for any string $w$, there is also a further right adjoint:
\[ ((Yw \multimap L) \to L') \cong L \to L'_{w} \]
defined by
\[ (L'_{w'})w = \textrm{Hom}(Yw' \multimap Yw, L') = ?? \]
In the language recognition setting, we can define the
\emph{inclusion} of languages $L \subseteq L'$. In the constructive
setting this becomes a \emph{derivation transformer} $\phi : L \to
L'$, which is simply a natural transformation. Since $\Sigma^*$ is a
set this is simply for each $w \in \Sigma^*$ a function
\[ \phi_w : Lw \to L' w \]
with no non-trivial side-conditions.
However it is natural to define a \emph{morphism of multiple variables}
$\phi : L_1,\ldots \to L'$ as giving for any sequence of words $w_1,\ldots$ a function
\[ L_1w_1 \times \cdots \to L'(w_1\ldots) \]
Specializing to the $0$-input case, a morphism of zero inputs is a
parse of the empty string:
\[ \phi : 1 \to L'(\epsilon) \cong L'(\epsilon) \]
This gives the structure of a (planar) multicategory, in which the
operations $\odot,I,\multimap,\leftmultimap$ can be given appropriate
universal properties.
\section{Formal Grammars and their Semantics}
\section{Future Work: Tree Languages and Grammars}