#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "local.h"
struct String {
const char * start;
const char * end;
struct Token {
int kind;
int location;
struct String string;
struct Location {
int file;
int offset;
int line;
int column;
struct File {
const char * name;
const char * data;
int data_length;
int location;
int num_newlines;
int * newlines;
int max_newline_added;
struct {
int last_location;
int num_files;
struct File ** files;
} _ = {
.last_location = 1,
.num_files = 0,
.files = NULL
static void Files_free(void) {
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < _.num_files; i++) {
if(_.files[i]->newlines != NULL) {
if(_.files != NULL) {
_.last_location = 1;
_.num_files = 0;
_.files = NULL;
static void File_register_newline(struct File *file, int location) {
if(location >= file->max_newline_added) {
file->newlines = realloc(file->newlines, sizeof(*file->newlines) + (file->num_newlines + 1));
file->newlines[file->num_newlines] + location;
file->max_newline_added = location + 1;
static struct File * File_from_string(const char * name, const char * data) {
int name_size = strlen(name) + 1;
int data_size = strlen(data) + 1;
struct File * file = calloc(1, sizeof(*file) + name_size + data_size);
file->name = memcpy((char *)(file + 1), name, name_size);
file->data = memcpy((char *)(file + 1) + name_size, data, data_size);
file->data_length = data_size;
file->location = _.last_location;
_.last_location = file->location + data_size;
_.files = realloc(_.files, sizeof(*_.files) * (_.num_files + 1));
_.files[_.num_files] = file;
File_register_newline(file, 0);
return file;
static struct Location File_get_location(int location) {
struct Location result;
for(int f = 0; f < _.num_files; f++) {
if(location >= _.files[f]->location && location < _.files[f]->location + _.files[f]->data_length) {
result.file = f;
result.offset = location - _.files[f]->location;
int low = 0;
int high = _.files[f]->num_newlines - 1;
while(high >= low) {
result.line = (low + high) >> 1;
result.column = result.offset - _.files[f]->newlines[result.line];
if(result.column == 0) {
} else if(result.column > 0) {
low = result.line + 1;
} else {
high = result.line - 1;
return result;
result.file = -1;
result.offset = -1;
result.line = -1;
result.column = -1;
return result;
static int Location_show_file_line_column(FILE * output, struct Location l) {
if(l.file < 0) {
return fprintf(output, "<invalid location>");
return fprintf(output, "%s:%i:%i: ", _.files[l.file]->name, l.line, l.column);
static int Location_highlight_at(FILE *output, struct Location l) {
const char spaces[33] = " \00";
int count = Location_show_file_line_column(output, l);
if(l.file < 0) {
return count;
int num_spaces = l.column + count - 1;
const char * start = _.files[l.file]->data + _.files[l.file]->newlines[l.line - 1];
const char * end = strchr(start, '\n');
count += fprintf(output, "%.*s", (int)(end == NULL ? strlen(start) : end - start + 1), start);
while(num_spaces > 32) {
fprintf(output, spaces);
num_spaces -= 32;
count += 32;
count += fprintf(output, "%.*s^", num_spaces, spaces);
return count;
struct ExtraState {
struct File * file;
int offset;
%extra_context {struct ExtraState extra}
%token INVALID.
%token END.
%token_type {struct Token}
document ::= expressions(L) nl. { *extra.expressions = L; alias_Vector_clear(&L.vector); }
// INSERTED_TERMINATOR is done by lex before (, {, [, ], }, and )
// required
end_of_line_token ::= NEWLINE.
end_of_line_token ::= SEMICOLON.
end_of_line_token ::= INSERTED_TERMINATOR.
end_of_line ::= end_of_line end_of_line_token.
end_of_line ::= end_of_line_token.
// optional
nl ::= end_of_line.
nl ::= .
%type expressions { struct Values }
%destructor expressions { (void)extra; Values_free(&$$); }
expressions(O) ::= expressions(L) end_of_line expression(E). { O = L; Values_add(&O, E); }
expressions(O) ::= expression(S). { O = VALUES_INIT; Values_add(&O, S); }
%type real { uint64_t }
real(O) ::= REAL(R). { O = solver_Algebra_real(extra.a, atof(R.string.start)); }
%type variable { uint64_t }
variable(O) ::= IDENTIFIER(I). { O = solver_Algebra_variable(extra.a, alias_str_clone_substring(NULL, I.string.start, I.string.end - I.string.start)); }
%type boolean { uint64_t }
boolean(O) ::= KEYWORD_FALSE. { O = solver_Algebra_boolean(extra.a, false); }
boolean(O) ::= KEYWORD_TRUE. { O = solver_Algebra_boolean(extra.a, true); }
%type undefined { uint64_t }
undefined(O) ::= KEYWORD_UNDEFINED. { O = solver_Algebra_undefined(extra.a); }
%type integer { uint64_t }
integer(O) ::= INTEGER(I). { O = solver_Algebra_integer(extra.a, atoi(I.string.start)); }
//integer(O) ::= big_integer
//%type fraction { uint64_t }
//fraction(O) ::= integer(N) SOLIDUS integer(D). { O = solver_Algebra_fraction(extra.a, N, D); }
%type primary { uint64_t }
primary(O) ::= left_parens expression(E) right_parens. { O = E; }
primary(O) ::= real(R). { O = R; }
primary(O) ::= variable(V). { O = V; }
primary(O) ::= boolean(B). { O = B; }
primary(O) ::= undefined(U). { O = U; }
primary(O) ::= integer(I). { O = I; }
//primary(O) ::= fraction(F). { O = F; }
%type unary { uint64_t }
unary(O) ::= MACRON unary(A). { O = solver_Algebra_negate(extra.a, A); }
unary(O) ::= HYPHEN_MINUS unary(B). { O = solver_Algebra_negate(extra.a, B); }
unary(O) ::= primary(C). { O = C; }
%type power { uint64_t }
power(O) ::= unary(E). { O = E; }
power(O) ::= power(B) CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT primary(E). { O = solver_Algebra_power(extra.a, B, E); }
%type sum { uint64_t }
sum(O) ::= sum_list(L). { O = solver_Algebra_sum(extra.a, Values_count(&L), Values_values(&L)); }
%type sum_list { struct Values }
%destructor sum_list { Values_free(&$$); }
sum_list(O) ::= product(P). { O = VALUES_INIT; Values_add(&O, P); }
sum_list(O) ::= sum_list(L) PLUS_SIGN product(R). { O = L; Values_add(&O, R); }
sum_list(O) ::= sum_list(A) HYPHEN_MINUS product(B). { O = A; Values_add(&O, solver_Algebra_negate(extra.a, B)); }
%type product { uint64_t }
product(O) ::= product_list(L). { O = solver_Algebra_product(extra.a, Values_count(&L), Values_values(&L)); }
%type product_list { struct Values }
%destructor product_list { Values_free(&$$); }
product_list(O) ::= power(P). { O = VALUES_INIT; Values_add(&O, P); }
product_list(O) ::= product_list(L) ASTERISK power(R). { O = L; Values_add(&O, R); }
product_list(O) ::= product_list(A) SOLIDUS power(B). { O = A; Values_add(&O, solver_Algebra_inverse(extra.a, B)); }
%type equals { uint64_t }
equals(O) ::= sum(L) EQUALS_SIGN sum(R). { O = solver_Algebra_equals(extra.a, L, R); }
%type not_equals { uint64_t }
not_equals(O) ::= sum(L) NOT_EQUAL_TO sum(R). { O = solver_Algebra_not_equals(extra.a, L, R); }
%type less_than { uint64_t }
less_than(O) ::= sum(L) LESS_THAN_SIGN sum(R). { O = solver_Algebra_less_than(extra.a, L, R); }
%type greater_than { uint64_t }
greater_than(O) ::= sum(L) GREATER_THAN_SIGN sum(R). { O = solver_Algebra_greater_than(extra.a, L, R); }
%type expression { uint64_t }
expression(O) ::= sum(S). { O = S; }
expression(O) ::= equals(E). { O = E; }
expression(O) ::= not_equals(N). { O = N; }
expression(O) ::= less_than(L). { O = L; }
expression(O) ::= greater_than(G). { O = G; }
%syntax_error {
// struct Location l = File_get_location(TOKEN.location);
// Location_show_file_line_column(stderr, l);
// fprintf(stderr, "syntax error\n");
// Location_highlight_at(stderr, l);
// fprintf(stderr, "\n");
%parse_accept {
// printf("parsing accepted!\n");
%parse_failure {
// fprintf(stderr, "parsing failure!\n");
static void Parser_init(struct yyParser * parser, struct File * file, struct solver_Algebra *a, struct Values * values) {
struct ExtraState extra;
alias_memory_clear(&extra, sizeof(extra));
extra.file = file;
extra.a = a;
extra.expressions = values;
ParseInit(parser, extra);
static struct Token Parser_next_token(struct yyParser * parser) {
struct ExtraState * extra = &parser->extra;
const char *YYCURSOR = extra->file->data + extra->offset;
const char *YYMARKER;
#define RETURN(KIND) \
do { \
struct Token _result; \
_result.kind = KIND; \
_result.location = extra->file->location + extra->offset; \
_result.string.start = extra->file->data + extra->offset; \
_result.string.end = YYCURSOR; \
extra->offset = YYCURSOR - extra->file->data; \
return _result; \
} while(0)
re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;
re2c:define:YYCTYPE = char;
end = "\x00";
end { RETURN(END); }
ws = [ \t]+;
nl = [\n\r]+;
line_comment = "//" [^\n]* nl;
newline = ws? ((nl | line_comment) ws?)+;
newline {
for(int location = extra->offset; extra->file->data + location < YYCURSOR; location++) {
if(extra->file->data[location] == '\n') {
File_register_newline(extra->file, location);
whitespace = ws;
whitespace { RETURN(WHITESPACE); }
oct_number = [0] [0-7]*;
dec_number = [1-9] [0-9]*;
hex_number = "0x" [0-9a-fA-F]+;
oct_number { RETURN(INTEGER); }
dec_number { RETURN(INTEGER); }
hex_number { RETURN(INTEGER); }
decimal = [0-9]* "." [0-9]+ | [0-9]+ ".";
decimal { RETURN(REAL); }
//"and" { RETURN(KEYWORD_AND); }
//"or" { RETURN(KEYWORD_OR); }
identifier = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*;
full_identifier = identifier ("." identifier)*;
full_identifier { RETURN(IDENTIFIER); }
static bool Parser_next(struct yyParser * parser) {
struct Token t = Parser_next_token(parser);
if(t.kind == END) {
Parse(parser, 0, t);
return false;
if(t.kind == INVALID) {
fprintf(stderr, "invalid token encountered at %8s\n", t.string.start);
return false;
if(t.kind == LEFT_PARENTHESIS || t.kind == RIGHT_PARENTHESIS) {
Parse(parser, INSERTED_TERMINATOR, t);
if(t.kind != WHITESPACE) {
Parse(parser, t.kind, t);
return true;
uint64_t solver_Algebra_parse(struct solver_Algebra *a, const char * string) {
struct File * test_file = File_from_string("input", string);
struct yyParser p;
struct Values expressions = VALUES_INIT;
Parser_init(&p, test_file, a, &expressions);
while(Parser_next(&p)) ;
assert(Values_count(&expressions) > 0);
uint64_t result = Values_values(&expressions)[Values_count(&expressions) - 1];
return result;
#include <struo/struo.h>
void struo_Options_init(struct struo_Options *options) {
alias_memory_clear(options, sizeof(*options));
struo_Options_add_asset_path(options, "./assets");
struo_Options_add_data_path(options, "./data");
struo_Options_set_build_path(options, "./.struo_build");
struo_Options_set_output_path(options, "./.struo_output");
void struo_Options_add_asset_path(struct struo_Options *options, alias_str path) {
alias_DirectoryList_add_path(&options->asset_paths, NULL, path);
void struo_Options_add_data_path(struct struo_Options *options, alias_str path) {
alias_DirectoryList_add_path(&options->data_paths, NULL, path);
void struo_Options_set_build_path(struct struo_Options *options, alias_str path) {
if(options->build_path != NULL) {
alias_str_free(NULL, options->build_path);
options->build_path = alias_str_clone(NULL, path);
void struo_Options_set_output_path(struct struo_Options *options, alias_str path) {
if(options->output_path != NULL) {
alias_str_free(NULL, options->output_path);
options->output_path = alias_str_clone(NULL, path);
#include <tabula.h>
#include <struo/struo.h>
#define cli_warning(FORMAT, ...) \
do { \
fprintf(stderr, "%s:%i: warning: " FORMAT, __FILE__, __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__); \
} while(0)
bool alias_libuv_entry_point(int argc, char * argv []);
int tabula_entry_point(int argc, char * argv []) {
if(alias_libuv_entry_point(argc, argv)) {
return 0;
void data_paths_find_error(void *ud) {
void data_paths_find_found(void *ud, alias_str path) {
void data_paths_find_done_show_files(void *ud) {
bool alias_libuv_entry_point(int argc, char * argv []) {
struct struo_Options options;
bool build_path_defined = false;
bool output_path_defined = false;
for(int i = 1; i < argc; ) {
const char * arg = argv[i++];
if(!strcmp(arg, "--asset-path")) {
struo_Options_add_asset_path(&options, argv[i++]);
} else if(!strcmp(arg, "--data-path")) {
struo_Options_add_data_path(&options, argv[i++]);
} else if(!strcmp(arg, "--build-path")) {
if(build_path_defined) {
cli_warning("build path already defined, ignoring extra parameter");
} else {
struo_Options_set_build_path(&options, argv[i++]);
build_path_defined = true;
} else if(!strcmp(arg, "--output-path")) {
if(output_path_defined) {
cli_warning("output path already defined, ignoring extra parameter");
} else {
struo_Options_set_output_path(&options, argv[i++]);
output_path_defined = true;
alias_DirectoryList_find(&options.data_paths, "*.txt", data_paths_find_error, data_paths_find_found, data_paths_find_done_show_files, NULL);
return true;
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "local.h"
struct String {
const char * start;
const char * end;
struct Token {
int kind;
int location;
struct String string;
struct Location {
int file;
int offset;
int line;
int column;
struct File {
const char * name;
const char * data;
int data_length;
int location;
int num_newlines;
int * newlines;
int max_newline_added;
struct {
int last_location;
int num_files;
struct File ** files;
} _ = {
.last_location = 1,
.num_files = 0,
.files = NULL
static void Files_free(void) {
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < _.num_files; i++) {
if(_.files[i]->newlines != NULL) {
if(_.files != NULL) {
_.last_location = 1;
_.num_files = 0;
_.files = NULL;
static void File_register_newline(struct File *file, int location) {
if(location >= file->max_newline_added) {
file->newlines = realloc(file->newlines, sizeof(*file->newlines) + (file->num_newlines + 1));
file->newlines[file->num_newlines] + location;
file->max_newline_added = location + 1;
static struct File * File_from_string(const char * name, const char * data) {
int name_size = strlen(name) + 1;
int data_size = strlen(data) + 1;
struct File * file = calloc(1, sizeof(*file) + name_size + data_size);
file->name = memcpy((char *)(file + 1), name, name_size);
file->data = memcpy((char *)(file + 1) + name_size, data, data_size);
file->data_length = data_size;
file->location = _.last_location;
_.last_location = file->location + data_size;
_.files = realloc(_.files, sizeof(*_.files) * (_.num_files + 1));
_.files[_.num_files] = file;
File_register_newline(file, 0);
return file;
static struct Location File_get_location(int location) {
struct Location result;
for(int f = 0; f < _.num_files; f++) {
if(location >= _.files[f]->location && location < _.files[f]->location + _.files[f]->data_length) {
result.file = f;
result.offset = location - _.files[f]->location;
int low = 0;
int high = _.files[f]->num_newlines - 1;
while(high >= low) {
result.line = (low + high) >> 1;
result.column = result.offset - _.files[f]->newlines[result.line];
if(result.column == 0) {
} else if(result.column > 0) {
low = result.line + 1;
} else {
high = result.line - 1;
return result;
result.file = -1;
result.offset = -1;
result.line = -1;
result.column = -1;
return result;
static int Location_show_file_line_column(FILE * output, struct Location l) {
if(l.file < 0) {
return fprintf(output, "<invalid location>");
return fprintf(output, "%s:%i:%i: ", _.files[l.file]->name, l.line, l.column);
static int Location_highlight_at(FILE *output, struct Location l) {
const char spaces[33] = " \00";
int count = Location_show_file_line_column(output, l);
if(l.file < 0) {
return count;
int num_spaces = l.column + count - 1;
const char * start = _.files[l.file]->data + _.files[l.file]->newlines[l.line - 1];
const char * end = strchr(start, '\n');
count += fprintf(output, "%.*s", (int)(end == NULL ? strlen(start) : end - start + 1), start);
while(num_spaces > 32) {
fprintf(output, spaces);
num_spaces -= 32;
count += 32;
count += fprintf(output, "%.*s^", num_spaces, spaces);
return count;
struct ExtraState {
struct File * file;
int offset;
%extra_context {struct ExtraState extra}
%token INVALID.
%token END.
%token_type {struct Token}
document ::= expressions(L) nl. { *extra.expressions = L; alias_Vector_clear(&L.vector); }
// INSERTED_TERMINATOR is done by lex before (, {, [, ], }, and )
// required
end_of_line_token ::= NEWLINE.
end_of_line_token ::= SEMICOLON.
end_of_line_token ::= INSERTED_TERMINATOR.
end_of_line ::= end_of_line end_of_line_token.
end_of_line ::= end_of_line_token.
// optional
nl ::= end_of_line.
nl ::= .
%type expressions { struct Values }
%destructor expressions { (void)extra; Values_free(&$$); }
expressions(O) ::= expressions(L) end_of_line expression(E). { O = L; Values_add(&O, E); }
expressions(O) ::= expression(S). { O = VALUES_INIT; Values_add(&O, S); }
%type real { uint64_t }
real(O) ::= REAL(R). { O = solver_Algebra_real(extra.a, atof(R.string.start)); }
%type variable { uint64_t }
variable(O) ::= IDENTIFIER(I). { O = solver_Algebra_variable(extra.a, alias_str_clone_substring(NULL, I.string.start, I.string.end - I.string.start)); }
%type boolean { uint64_t }
boolean(O) ::= KEYWORD_FALSE. { O = solver_Algebra_boolean(extra.a, false); }
boolean(O) ::= KEYWORD_TRUE. { O = solver_Algebra_boolean(extra.a, true); }
%type undefined { uint64_t }
undefined(O) ::= KEYWORD_UNDEFINED. { O = solver_Algebra_undefined(extra.a); }
%type integer { uint64_t }
integer(O) ::= INTEGER(I). { O = solver_Algebra_integer(extra.a, atoi(I.string.start)); }
//integer(O) ::= big_integer
//%type fraction { uint64_t }
//fraction(O) ::= integer(N) SOLIDUS integer(D). { O = solver_Algebra_fraction(extra.a, N, D); }
%type primary { uint64_t }
primary(O) ::= left_parens expression(E) right_parens. { O = E; }
primary(O) ::= real(R). { O = R; }
primary(O) ::= variable(V). { O = V; }
primary(O) ::= boolean(B). { O = B; }
primary(O) ::= undefined(U). { O = U; }
primary(O) ::= integer(I). { O = I; }
//primary(O) ::= fraction(F). { O = F; }
%type unary { uint64_t }
unary(O) ::= MACRON unary(A). { O = solver_Algebra_negate(extra.a, A); }
unary(O) ::= HYPHEN_MINUS unary(B). { O = solver_Algebra_negate(extra.a, B); }
unary(O) ::= primary(C). { O = C; }
%type power { uint64_t }
power(O) ::= unary(E). { O = E; }
power(O) ::= power(B) CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT primary(E). { O = solver_Algebra_power(extra.a, B, E); }
%type sum { uint64_t }
sum(O) ::= sum_list(L). { O = solver_Algebra_sum(extra.a, Values_count(&L), Values_values(&L)); }
%type sum_list { struct Values }
%destructor sum_list { Values_free(&$$); }
sum_list(O) ::= product(P). { O = VALUES_INIT; Values_add(&O, P); }
sum_list(O) ::= sum_list(L) PLUS_SIGN product(R). { O = L; Values_add(&O, R); }
sum_list(O) ::= sum_list(A) HYPHEN_MINUS product(B). { O = A; Values_add(&O, solver_Algebra_negate(extra.a, B)); }
%type product { uint64_t }
product(O) ::= product_list(L). { O = solver_Algebra_product(extra.a, Values_count(&L), Values_values(&L)); }
%type product_list { struct Values }
%destructor product_list { Values_free(&$$); }
product_list(O) ::= power(P). { O = VALUES_INIT; Values_add(&O, P); }
product_list(O) ::= product_list(L) ASTERISK power(R). { O = L; Values_add(&O, R); }
product_list(O) ::= product_list(A) SOLIDUS power(B). { O = A; Values_add(&O, solver_Algebra_inverse(extra.a, B)); }
%type equals { uint64_t }
equals(O) ::= sum(L) EQUALS_SIGN sum(R). { O = solver_Algebra_equals(extra.a, L, R); }
%type not_equals { uint64_t }
not_equals(O) ::= sum(L) NOT_EQUAL_TO sum(R). { O = solver_Algebra_not_equals(extra.a, L, R); }
%type less_than { uint64_t }
less_than(O) ::= sum(L) LESS_THAN_SIGN sum(R). { O = solver_Algebra_less_than(extra.a, L, R); }
%type greater_than { uint64_t }
greater_than(O) ::= sum(L) GREATER_THAN_SIGN sum(R). { O = solver_Algebra_greater_than(extra.a, L, R); }
%type expression { uint64_t }
expression(O) ::= sum(S). { O = S; }
expression(O) ::= equals(E). { O = E; }
expression(O) ::= not_equals(N). { O = N; }
expression(O) ::= less_than(L). { O = L; }
expression(O) ::= greater_than(G). { O = G; }
%syntax_error {
// struct Location l = File_get_location(TOKEN.location);
// Location_show_file_line_column(stderr, l);
// fprintf(stderr, "syntax error\n");
// Location_highlight_at(stderr, l);
// fprintf(stderr, "\n");
%parse_accept {
// printf("parsing accepted!\n");
%parse_failure {
// fprintf(stderr, "parsing failure!\n");
static void Parser_init(struct yyParser * parser, struct File * file, struct solver_Algebra *a, struct Values * values) {
struct ExtraState extra;
alias_memory_clear(&extra, sizeof(extra));
extra.file = file;
extra.a = a;
extra.expressions = values;
ParseInit(parser, extra);
static struct Token Parser_next_token(struct yyParser * parser) {
struct ExtraState * extra = &parser->extra;
const char *YYCURSOR = extra->file->data + extra->offset;
const char *YYMARKER;
#define RETURN(KIND) \
do { \
struct Token _result; \
_result.kind = KIND; \
_result.location = extra->file->location + extra->offset; \
_result.string.start = extra->file->data + extra->offset; \
_result.string.end = YYCURSOR; \
extra->offset = YYCURSOR - extra->file->data; \
return _result; \
} while(0)
re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;
re2c:define:YYCTYPE = char;
end = "\x00";
end { RETURN(END); }
ws = [ \t]+;
nl = [\n\r]+;
line_comment = "//" [^\n]* nl;
newline = ws? ((nl | line_comment) ws?)+;
newline {
for(int location = extra->offset; extra->file->data + location < YYCURSOR; location++) {
if(extra->file->data[location] == '\n') {
File_register_newline(extra->file, location);
whitespace = ws;
whitespace { RETURN(WHITESPACE); }
oct_number = [0] [0-7]*;
dec_number = [1-9] [0-9]*;
hex_number = "0x" [0-9a-fA-F]+;
oct_number { RETURN(INTEGER); }
dec_number { RETURN(INTEGER); }
hex_number { RETURN(INTEGER); }
decimal = [0-9]* "." [0-9]+ | [0-9]+ ".";
decimal { RETURN(REAL); }
//"and" { RETURN(KEYWORD_AND); }
//"or" { RETURN(KEYWORD_OR); }
identifier = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*;
full_identifier = identifier ("." identifier)*;
full_identifier { RETURN(IDENTIFIER); }
static bool Parser_next(struct yyParser * parser) {
struct Token t = Parser_next_token(parser);
if(t.kind == END) {
Parse(parser, 0, t);
return false;
if(t.kind == INVALID) {
fprintf(stderr, "invalid token encountered at %8s\n", t.string.start);
return false;
if(t.kind == LEFT_PARENTHESIS || t.kind == RIGHT_PARENTHESIS) {
Parse(parser, INSERTED_TERMINATOR, t);
if(t.kind != WHITESPACE) {
Parse(parser, t.kind, t);
return true;
uint64_t solver_Algebra_parse(struct solver_Algebra *a, const char * string) {
struct File * test_file = File_from_string("input", string);
struct yyParser p;
struct Values expressions = VALUES_INIT;
Parser_init(&p, test_file, a, &expressions);
while(Parser_next(&p)) ;
assert(Values_count(&expressions) > 0);
uint64_t result = Values_values(&expressions)[Values_count(&expressions) - 1];
return result;
#ifndef _STRUO_H_
#define _STRUO_H_
#include <alias/file_system.h>
struct struo_Options {
struct alias_DirectoryList asset_paths;
struct alias_DirectoryList data_paths;
alias_str build_path;
alias_str output_path;
void struo_Options_init(struct struo_Options *options);
void struo_Options_add_asset_path(struct struo_Options *options, alias_str path);
void struo_Options_add_data_path(struct struo_Options *options, alias_str path);
void struo_Options_set_build_path(struct struo_Options *options, alias_str path);
void struo_Options_set_output_path(struct struo_Options *options, alias_str path);