Client Project Setup
This is the very minimal set of steps that is necessary to build the
JavaScript artifact for the client site:
sudo npm install -g purescript pulp bower
npm install virtual-dom
pulp dep install
pulp browserify --optimise --to dist/aftok.js
import Prelude
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
import Control.Monad.Aff (Aff(), runAff)
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff())
import Control.Monad.Eff.Exception (throwException)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
--import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.Foreign.Class (readProp)
import Data.Functor (($>))
--import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Halogen
import Halogen.Util (appendToBody, onLoad)
import Halogen.HTML.Core (className)
import qualified Halogen.HTML.Indexed as H
import qualified Halogen.HTML.Events.Indexed as E
import qualified Halogen.HTML.Properties.Indexed as P
import Network.HTTP.Affjax (AJAX(), post)
-- | The state of the component.
type LoginState = { username :: String, password :: String }
initialState :: LoginState
initialState = { username: "", password: "" }
-- | The component query algebra.
data LoginAction a
= SetUsername String a
| SetPassword String a
| Login String String a
-- | The effects used in the app.
type AppEffects eff = HalogenEffects (ajax :: AJAX | eff)
-- | The definition for the app's main UI component.
ui :: forall eff. Component LoginState LoginAction (Aff (AppEffects eff))
ui = component render eval
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console
render :: LoginState -> ComponentHTML LoginAction
render st =
[ P.classes (className <$> ["panel", "panel-primary"]) ]
[ H.div
[ P.classes [ className "panel-heading" ] ]
[ H.h3 [ P.classes [ className "panel-title" ]] [ H.text "Aftok Login" ] ]
, H.div
[ P.classes [ className "panel-body" ] ]
[ H.text "username:" ]
, H.p_
[ H.input
[ P.value st.username
, P.inputType P.InputText
, E.onValueInput (E.input SetUsername)
, H.h2_
[ H.text "password:" ]
, H.p_
[ H.input
[ P.value st.password
, P.inputType P.InputPassword
, E.onValueInput (E.input SetPassword)
, H.p_
[ H.button
[ P.classes (className <$> ["btn", "btn-primary"])
, E.onClick (E.input_ (Login st.username st.password))
[ H.text "Login" ]
eval :: Natural LoginAction (ComponentDSL LoginState LoginAction (Aff (AppEffects eff)))
eval (SetUsername user next) = modify (_ { username = user }) $> next
eval (SetPassword pass next) = modify (_ { password = pass }) $> next
eval (Login user pass next) = do
_ <- liftAff' (fetchJS user pass)
pure next
-- | Post some PureScript code to the trypurescript API and fetch the JS result.
fetchJS :: forall eff. String -> String -> Aff (ajax :: AJAX | eff) String
fetchJS user pass = do
result <- post "" user
let response = result.response
return case readProp "js" response <|> readProp "error" response of
Right js -> js
Left _ -> "Invalid response"