\ProvidesClass{thesis}[2021/10/28 Master Thesis]
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\section{Future Work}
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\section{Non-probabilistic ITS}
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- Term Rewrite Systems (TRS)
- Transition Systems
- A set of States S
- A start location S_0 \in S
- A set of transitions T \in S x C x S
- Integer Transition Systems (ITS)
\begin{definition}[Linear Constraints]
Let $V$ be a fixed set of integer Variables $\{x_1, x_2, \dots, n\} $. A linear constraint is defined as $\psi = a_0 + a_1 x_1 + \dots + a_n x_n \diamond 0$ where $a_i \in \mathbb{N}$ are integer coefficients, $x_i \in V$ are variables and $\diamond \in \{>, <, \geq, \leq, =\}$.
\begin{definition}[Linear Constraints]
Let $V$ be a fixed set of integer
Variables $\{x_1, x_2, \dots, n\} $. A linear constraint is defined as $\psi
= a_0 + a_1 x_1 + \dots + a_n x_n \diamond 0$ where $a_i \in \mathbb{N}$ are
integer coefficients, $x_i \in V$ are variables and $\diamond \in \{>, <,
\geq, \leq, =\}$. \end{definition}
An assignment $\sigma : V \mapsto \mathbb{Z}$ assigns an integer value to
each variable in $V$. $\sigma$ is a solution for a linear constraint $\psi$
\end{definition} \
\section{Probabilistic integer programs}
In general, an \textit{integer programs} is a programs that only uses variables
with integer values. Many equivalent mathematical structures have been
developed over the year to formalize integer program. The one used in this
thesis is the integer transition system.
An integer transition system represents a program as locations and transitions
between those locations. A run inside the the transiton system is a sequence of
configurations -- that is a location and a variable assignment --
where every configuration is reachable via a transition from the previous
Non-deterministic programs have mutually non-exclusive transitions leaving the
same location. Hence it is unclear which transition is taken at a possible
runtime. In order to simulate the program, one must take all possible
transitions into account.
Probabilistic programs are similar to non-determistic ones, but the transition
taken is decied on a probabilistic basis. Imagine an oracle that throws some
dice to determin the taken transition.
In order to allow both concepts in a program, we use the concept of
\textit{general transitions} A general transition is a set of transitions with
the probabilities adding up to 1 acting as a single transition for the
non-determinism. Non-determinism can only occur between general transitions and
it is resolved first before probabilities are resolved.
deterministic and non-probabilistic programs are a special case of
probabilistic programs, where very general transition consist of a single
transition and all general transitions are mutually exclusive.
Let's get to the formal definitions. We will follow the definition of F. Meyer
\begin{definition}[Probabilistic Integer Program]
\newcommand{\V}[0]{\mathcal{V}} % Variables
\newcommand{\PV}[0]{\mathcal{V}} % Program variables
\newcommand{\Z}[0]{\mathbb{Z}} % whole numbers, integers
\newcommand{\GT}[0]{GT} % General transitions
$(\V, L, \GT, l_0)$ is a probabilistic integer transition system where
\item $\V$ is a finite set of program variables
\item $L$ is a finite non-empty set of location
\item $\GT$ is a finite set of general transitions, where a general
transition $g \in \GT$ is a finit non-empty set of transitions
$t = (l, p, τ, η, l')$ with:
\item a source and target location $l,l' \in L$.
\item a probability $p \geq 0$, that the transition is taken when
the correspondig general transition $g$ is executed.
\item a guard $τ \in C$
\item an update function $η : \PV \mapsto \Z[\V] \cup D$, mapping every
program variable to a polynomial or a bounded distribution
function. All $t \in g$ must share the same start location
$l$, guard $τ$.
Moreover, the probabilities of the
transitions must add up to $1$. We call $τ_g$ the guard of
the general transition $g$ and $l_g$ the start location
\item $l_0 \in L$ is the start location of the program.
In this thesis we will see a log of integer programs, so let's get familiar
with a couple of examples.
% TODO: examples
Various languages exist to represent integer programs in a computer readable
form; namely Koat2\cite{}, IntC, Some weird XML Onthology
% - CINT
% - Koat Format
% For probabilistic: PIP
\section{Linear Ranking Funktions}
\newacronym{lrf}{LRF}{Linear Ranking Function}
\newacronym{prf}{PRF}{Polynomial Ranking Function}
\newacronym{mprf}{M\Phi{}RF}{Multiphase Ranking Function}
Ranking functions are a widely use tool to prove termination and runtime-bounds of integer transition systems. The simplest variant of ranking functions are \gls{lrf}
We seek a function $f(x_1,\dots,x_n) = a_1x_1 + \cdots + a_nx_n + a_0$ with the rationals as a co-domain, such that
\item $f(\bar{x}) \leq 0$ for any valuation $\bar{x}$ that satisfies the loop constraints;
\item $f(\bar{x}) - f(\bar{x}') \geq 1$ for any transition leadtion from $\bar{x}$ to $\bar{x}'$
Intuition: The ranking function decreases for every walkable transition. If such a ranking function exists, the loop terminates. \todo{not sure about this, guess}
\section{Lexicographic ranking functions}
We expand the \gls{lrf} to a tuple of \gls{lrf}. Where whenever lexicograpically higher function decreases lower ones can increase again.
Example for a tuple.
\langle f_1, f_2\rangle \text{s. th.}
\section{Multiphase-ranking Functions}
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\section{Related Works}
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\newlength{\logoheight} \setlength{\logoheight}{5cm}
{\Large Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen\par\noindent}
Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Informatik 2\par\noindent Programmiersprachen und Verifikation\\
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Giesl\\
{\LARGE\scshape Master Thesis}
\title{Control-Flow Refinement in a Framework for Automated (Probabilistic) Complexity Analysis}
\posttitle{\end{center}\vskip 4em}
\author{Yoann Maurice Kehler}
\postauthor{\end{center}\vskip 2em}
\postdate{\end{center}\vskip 2em}
\color{rwth}\nth{1} Advisor & Nils Lommen, MSc\\
\color{rwth}\nth{2} Advisor & Eleanore Meyer, MSc\\
\color{rwth}\nth{1} Supervisor & Prof. Jürgen Giesl\\
\color{rwth}\nth{2} Supervisor & Prof. Erika Ábrahám\\
Hallo Welt dies ist ein tolles Abstract Es aktualisiert sogar, wenn man im Buffer Dinge schreibt.
\item Fooooooo!
# cfr-tex
A master thesis