If I wipe my ~/.ssh/known_hosts
file, pijul offers to learn the key, and writes
localhost ssh-ed25519 AAAA...D+
That’s a different key than was listed with localhost before. Note also the extra blank lines.
With this key configured, the same clone command now fails differently:
$ pijul clone rob@localhost:/s/pijul pijul-ssh-clone
Password for rob@localhost:
Error: Not authenticated
Debug output near the errors:
Password for rob@localhost:
[2020-11-15T13:18:04Z DEBUG thrussh::client::encrypted] write_auth_request_if_needed: is_waiting = true
[2020-11-15T13:18:04Z DEBUG thrussh::session] flushing len 55
[2020-11-15T13:18:04Z DEBUG thrussh::cipher] padding length 8
[2020-11-15T13:18:04Z DEBUG thrussh::cipher] packet_length 64
[2020-11-15T13:18:04Z DEBUG thrussh::client] writing 84 bytes
[2020-11-15T13:18:04Z DEBUG thrussh::client] disconnected
[2020-11-15T13:18:04Z DEBUG thrussh::client] drop session
[2020-11-15T13:18:04Z DEBUG thrussh::client] drop handle
Error: Not authenticated
Maybe related: https://nest.pijul.com/pijul/pijul/discussions/364#
In order to debug my nest ssh issues, I tried cloning locally via ssh, and see some issues (that seem different from those with nest):
I’m not sure if the two errors are related. Enabling debug output (for the client), I see:
Is there a way to enable debug logging for the remote pijul process? (My understanding is that pijul probably does something like running pijul remotely in some kind of server mode via ssh.)