using FiordlandPacks
using Test
@testset "FiordlandPacks.jl" begin
# Write your tests here.
module FiordlandPacks
export metrics, metrics_plot
using Airtable, CSV, DataFrames, Dates, HTTP, Indicators, JSON3, PrettyTables, UnicodePlots, VegaLite
function metrics(date::String, invoices::Int)
@show make_visitor_plot(date)
@show build_page_rank_table(date)
@show north_star(date)
@show airtable_sales_for_period(date)
@show sales(date, invoices) #number of invoices sent MYOB, PayPal
# update csv manually because script is sometimes wrong for now
function metrics_plot()
if Sys.isapple()
file = "/Volumes/SSD1/FiordlandPacks/images_and_tables/FiordlandPacks.csv"
file = "/media/david/SSD1/FiordlandPacks/images_and_tables/FiordlandPacks.csv"
df = DataFrame(CSV.File(file))
table = pretty_table(df; title="Metrics", header=["Week", "Contact", "Builder", "Checkout", "ACTIONS", "Shopify", "Invoice", "Google"], display_size=(30, 300))
df2 = Base.stack(df, [:Customer_Actions, :Shopify_Sales, :Invoice_Sales, :Google_Spend])
transform!(df2, :Week => ByRow(x -> Dates.format(x, "yyyy-mm-dd")))
rename!(df2, :variable => "Metric", :value => "Number")
df2 |>
x = :Week,
y = :Number,
color = :Metric,
title = "Metrics Plot",
width = 400,
height = 400
) |>
if Sys.isapple()
return table
# Needs ENV["Plausible"] = "" in startup.jl
function query_plausible(url::String)
headers = ["Authorization" => "Bearer $(ENV["Plausible"])"]
data = JSON3.read(HTTP.get(url, headers).body)
return data.results
# +5 day because of moving average, need refactor later.
function get_traffic(end_date::Dates.Date, days::Int, SITE_ID::String="fiordlandpacks.nz")::DataFrame
start_date = end_date - Dates.Day(days + 5)
url = "https://plausible.io/api/v1/stats/timeseries?site_id=$SITE_ID&period=custom&date=$(dts(start_date)),$(dts(end_date))"
df = DataFrame(query_plausible(url))
return df
Takes a date in string form yy-mm-dd, number of days defaults to 30.
Returns a unicode plot of unique site visits, compared to 1 year ago.
function make_visitor_plot(date::String, days::Int=30)
current = std(date)
if current == Dates.today()
current -= Dates.Day(1)
last_year = current - Dates.Year(1)
c = get_traffic(current, days)[!, 2] |> x -> Indicators.sma(x, n=7) |> x -> last(x, days) |> x -> round.(x, digits=1)
p = get_traffic(last_year, days)[!, 2] |> x -> Indicators.sma(x, n=7) |> x -> last(x, days) |> x -> round.(x, digits=1)
plt = lineplot(collect(-days:-1), [c p], color=[:blue :yellow], title="Unique Visitors: 7 day moving average", name=["Last $days Days", "Last Year"], xlabel="Day", ylabel="Visitors", canvas=DotCanvas, border=:ascii)
vcat(DataFrame("Days" => collect(-days:-1), "Visits" => c, "Period" => "Last $days Days"), DataFrame("Days" => collect(-days:-1), "Visits" => p, "Period" => "Previous Year")) |>
x = :Days,
y = :Visits,
color = :Period,
title = "Unique Visitors: 7 Day Moving Average",
width = 400,
height = 400
) |>
if Sys.isapple()
return plt
# Date to string formatter
function dts(date::Dates.Date)::String
return Dates.format(date, "yyyy-mm-dd")
# String to date formatter
function std(date::String)::Dates.Date
return Date("$date", dateformat"y-m-d")
function get_page_rank(end_date::Dates.Date, days::Int, SITE_ID::String="fiordlandpacks.nz")::DataFrame
start_date = end_date - Dates.Day(days)
url = "https://plausible.io/api/v1/stats/breakdown?site_id=$SITE_ID&period=custom&date=$(dts(start_date)),$(dts(end_date))&property=event:page&limit=10"
df = DataFrame(query_plausible(url))
rename!(df, :page => "$(days)_days")
select!(df, Not(:visitors))
return df
Takes a date in string form yy-mm-dd.
Returns a pretty table of top 10 pages for 7, 30, 365 days.
Make sure repl window is wide enough
function build_page_rank_table(date::String)
current = Date("$date", dateformat"y-m-d")
if current == Dates.today()
current -= Dates.Day(1)
week = get_page_rank(current, 7)
month = get_page_rank(current, 30)
year = get_page_rank(current, 365)
table = hcat(week, month, year)
return pretty_table(table; title="Page Rank", header=["week", "month", "year"])
# "Outbound+Link:+Click", "Contact+Submit"
function get_custom_events(end_date::Dates.Date, event::String, days::Int=7, SITE_ID::String="fiordlandpacks.nz")::@NamedTuple{Event::String, Number::Int64}
start_date = end_date - Dates.Day(days)
url = "https://plausible.io/api/v1/stats/breakdown?site_id=$SITE_ID&period=custom&date=$(dts(start_date)),$(dts(end_date))&property=event:props:method&filters=event:name%3D%3D$event"
df = DataFrame(query_plausible(url))
e = replace(event, "+" => " ") |> x -> titlecase(x)
isempty(df) ? (return (Event=e, Number=0)) : (return (Event=e, Number=first(df.visitors)))
# "thank_you", "checkouts"
function get_pageview_events(end_date::Dates.Date, event::String, days::Int=7, SITE_ID::String="fiordlandpacks.nz")::@NamedTuple{Event::String, Number::Int64}
start_date = end_date - Dates.Day(days)
url = "https://plausible.io/api/v1/stats/breakdown?site_id=$SITE_ID&period=custom&date=$(dts(start_date)),$(dts(end_date))&property=event:props:method&filters=event:page==/**$event**"
df = DataFrame(query_plausible(url))
e = replace(event, "_" => " ") |> x -> titlecase(x)
isempty(df) ? (return (Event=e, Number=0)) : (return (Event=e, Number=first(df.visitors)))
function north_star(date::String, days::Int=7)
d = std(date)
contact = get_custom_events(d, "Contact+Submit", days)
pack_builders = get_custom_events(d, "Outbound+Link:+Click", days)
checkouts = get_pageview_events(d, "checkouts", days)
df = DataFrame([contact, pack_builders, checkouts])
push!(df, ["Total" sum(df.Number)])
df[2, 1] = "Pack Builders"
return pretty_table(df; title="North Star Metric", header=["Event", "Number"], body_hlines=[3])
function sales(date::String, invoices_sent::Int, days::Int=7)
d = std(date)
shopify = get_pageview_events(d, "thank_you", days)
inv = (Event="Invoice", Number=invoices_sent)
df = DataFrame([shopify, inv])
push!(df, ["Total" sum(df.Number)])
df[1, 1] = "Shopify"
return pretty_table(df; title="Sales", header=["", "Number"], body_hlines=[2])
base = (key="appt7SR7DsTsh22zO", name="Pack Builders")
tables = [
#(key="tblZzSmPq7LhdHUFk", name="25l Strong"),
#(key="tbltssUMDKNkjC8ld", name="35l"),
(key="tbldrQLd5cO2D1XEb", name="45l"),
(key="tbl1JARaob1EhEv2l", name="55l"),
(key="tbl8NXUqwPniIOxbM", name="65l") #=,
(key="tblp5cmBqyD4SY9zv", name="AC50"),
(key="tblKCK6N2BapDupSF", name="AC60"),
(key="tblSLbNuFaOb0Qorp", name="AC70"),
(key="tbl9Etx9No0cPn11A", name="Waist Bag")=#
function table_sales_for_period(table::String, end_date::Dates.Date, days::Int=7, base::String="appt7SR7DsTsh22zO")::DataFrame
start_date = end_date - Dates.Day(days)
q = AirTable(table, AirBase(base))#; filterByFormula="{Status} = 'Todo'")
data = [getfield(i, 3) for i in Airtable.query(q)]
# https://discourse.julialang.org/t/construct-dataframe-from-uneven-named-tuples/102970
cols = union(keys.(data)...)
df = DataFrame([c => get.(data, c, missing) for c in cols]...)
df.Created = Date.(chop.(df.Created, tail=14), "yyyy-mm-dd")
function is_between(date::Dates.Date, start_date::Dates.Date=start_date, end_date::Dates.Date=end_date)::Bool
return (start_date <= date <= end_date)
subset!(df, :Created => x -> is_between.(x), skipmissing=true)
return df
Takes a date in string form yy-mm-dd, tables default to variable list above, number of days defaults to f, base defaults to pack builders.
Returns a returns a pretty table of last 7 days sales.
Note sales recorded in jotform all default to 2023-08-18, the date they were imported into airtable.
function airtable_sales_for_period(date::String, tables=tables::Vector{@NamedTuple{key::String, name::String}}, days::Int=7, base::String="appt7SR7DsTsh22zO")
end_date = Date("$date", dateformat"y-m-d")
if end_date == Dates.today()
end_date -= Dates.Day(1)
for t in tables
df = table_sales_for_period(t.key, end_date)
select!(df, :Number, :Created, :Name)
!isempty(df) && println(pretty_table(df; title="$(t.name)", header=["Order Number", "Date", "Name"], crop=:none), "\n") #, display_size = (30, 300)
# /admin/orders.json?created_at_min=2012-08-01 12:00&limit=2012-08-01 12:00
function shopify_sales_for_period(end_date::Dates.Date, days::Int=7)::DataFrame
start_date = end_date - Dates.Day(days)
# Needs ENV["Jotform"] = "" in startup.jl
# Query api
# save json to file
using JSON3
open("my2.json", "w") do f
JSON3.pretty(f, JSON3.write(k))
# ExpandNestedData.jl -> works badly on this json, crap api.
function query_jotform(url::String)
tail = "?apiKey=$(ENV["Jotform"])"
data = JSON3.read(HTTP.get((url*tail)).body)
return data.content
using CSV, DataFrames, Dates, DataFramesMeta
# example file: "Downloads/25l_Strong_Pack_Builder2023-08-16_08_54_03.csv"
# Note: mutates the input file, just easier.
function jotform_csv_to_airtable!(file::String)
@transform!(df, @byrow :Date = parse(Date, :"Submission Date", Dates.DateFormat("u d, Y")))
f(x) = ismissing(x) ? "" : strip(x) * "\n"
g(x) = ismissing(x) ? "" : string(x)
@transform!(df, @byrow :Address = (f(:"Street Address") * f(:"Street Address Line 2") * f(:"City") * f(:"State / Province") * g(:"Postal / Zip Code")))
@transform!(df, @byrow :Name = titlecase(strip(:"First Name") * " " * strip(:"Last Name")))
select!(df, :Date, :Name, :Address, :)
select!(df, Not([:"Submission Date", :"Street Address", :"Street Address Line 2", :"City", :"State / Province", :"Postal / Zip Code", :"First Name", :"Last Name"]))
rename!(df, :"Side Panels (assuming you have the pack on)" => "Side Panels", :"Side Pockets (assuming you have the pack on)" => "Side Pockets", "Removable Strap Bottle Pockets (+\$25 ea)" => "Removable Strap Bottle Pockets", "Waist Belt Colour and Fabric" => "Waist Belt Fabric and Colour")
#CSV.write(file, df)
return df
function validate_exported_df(df::DataFrame, file::String)
std = DataFrame(CSV.File("/Volumes/SSD1/FiordlandPacks/forms/Pack_Builder_Options.csv"))
#println(setdiff(names(df), names(std)), " ", file) #to check col name differences
#println(length(names(df)), " ", names(df))
#println(names(df)[7:end-1]) #for 25l it is [4:end-1]
@info file
for col in names(df)[7:end-1]
@info col
@info setdiff(df[!, Symbol(col)], std[!, Symbol(col)])
for i in ["Downloads/65l_Pack_Builder.csv", "Downloads/55l_Pack_Builder.csv", "Downloads/45l_Pack_Builder.csv", "Downloads/35l_Pack_Builder.csv", "Downloads/25l_Strong_Pack_Builder.csv"]
df= jotform_csv_to_airtable!(i) #|> x -> validate_exported_df(x, i)
CSV.write("$(i)_final-2023-08-18", df)
end # module
#d2 -w -t 105 --layout=elk strategy.d2 strategy.png
#d2 -w strategy.d2 strategy.svg
direction: right
input: Input Metrics {
grid-rows: 3
visitors: Visitors {
grid-rows: 3
Unique Visits
Page Rank
Contact Submit
stock: Stock {
grid-rows: 3
queue: Queue {
grid-rows: 3
Packs Finished in the Last Week
Custom Packs in Queue
Stock Packs in Queue
input -> customer
customer: Customer Actions {
grid-rows: 2
Pack Builder Link Click
Checkout Basket Click
customer -> sales
sales: Sales {
grid-rows: 2
MYOB Invoice
Number,Created,Name,Address,Email,Torso Length (cm),Waist Circumference (cm),I am going for,Side Panels,Side Pockets,Side Compression,Back Panel (what someone following behind will see),Back Pocket (what someone following behind will see),Rolltop Size,Rolltop Fabric and Colour,Bottom of Pack,Ice Axe Loops,Strap Fabric and Colour,Removable Strap Bottle Pockets,Sternum Strap,Waist Belt Fabric and Colour,Waist Belt Pockets/Gear Loops,Zip Pocket,Lid,Message
,,,,,50,135,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive,Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive,Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord,Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive,Extra heavy duty base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Grey HDPE Gridstop,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,none,
,,,,,48,93,Durability,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Three 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,"No pocket, with stretch cord",+ 5 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Standard fairly durable base,One 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loop,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,"one, colour to match pack (+$25)",None,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Flat Lycra Pockets with Gear Loops,None,Removable Lid Grey HDPE Gridstop (+$120),
,,,,,49,88,Light Weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red,Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red,Off-white VX07 pocket with stretch cord,+ 10 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red,Lycra Bottom Pocket,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue,Gear Loops,,,
,,,,,49,83,,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue,Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue,Grey HDPE Gridstop pocket with stretch cord,+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters),Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue,No Bottom Pocket,Ice Axe Toggles,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey,Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain,,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey,Large Zip Up Pockets ($70 extra),,,
,,,,,53,91,,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,6 Removable 19mm Compression Straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Alpine style ice tool holder (don't select ice axe loops later),,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,,,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red,,,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red,No Pockets,,,
,,,,,50,82,,Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown,Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown,,Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown,,,Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown,,,,,,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,,,,
,,,,,46,98,,Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple,Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple,,Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple,,,Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple,,,,,,None,,,,
,,,,,55,96,,Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia,Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia,,Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia,,,Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,51,94,,Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy,Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy,,Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy,,,Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,48,93,,Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain,Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain,,Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain,,,Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,40,84,,Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue,Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue,,Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue,,,Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,53,94,,Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn,Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn,,Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn,,,Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,46,87,,Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White,Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White,,Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White,,,Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,40,83,,Ecopak EPX200 - Teal,Ecopak EPX200 - Teal,,Ecopak EPX200 - Teal,,,Ecopak EPX200 - Teal,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,49,92,,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,,,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,50,135,,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack),,,X-Pac V15 - Bahama Blue,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,48,93,,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue,,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,,,X-Pac V15 - Cammo,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,49,88,,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$120/pack),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey,,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$120/pack),,,X-Pac VX07 - Navy Blue,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,49,83,,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red,,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack),,,X-Pac VX07 - White,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,53,91,,Ecopak EPX400 - Black,HDPE Gridstop - Grey,,Ecopak EPX400 - Black,,,X-Pac VX07RS - Off-White,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,50,82,,,None,,,,,X-Pac VX07RS - Red,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,46,98,,,Small Alpine Pockets,,,,,Liteskin LS07 - Heather,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,55,96,,,X-Pac VX07 - Navy Blue,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,51,94,,,X-Pac VX07 - White,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,48,93,,,X-Pac VX07RS - Off-White,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,40,84,,,X-Pac VX07RS - Red,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,53,94,,,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,53,94,,,Black Lycra Pockets,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,Ecopak EP250 LE Graphite,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,Liteskin LS07 - Heather,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Created,Name,Address,Email,Torso Length (cm),Waist Circumference (cm),I am going for,Side Panels,Side Pockets,Side Compression,Back Panel (what someone following behind will see),Back Pocket (what someone following behind will see),Rolltop Size,Rolltop Fabric and Colour,Bottom of Pack,Ice Axe Loops,Strap Fabric and Colour,Removable Strap Bottle Pockets,Sternum Strap,Waist Belt Fabric and Colour,Waist Belt Pockets/Gear Loops,Zip Pocket,Message
2023-05-08,Vicky Pethybridge,"33 Nelson street
Pukekohe Traders
2120",quickbeyond8@gmail.com,50,135,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack),Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 10 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Standard fairly durable base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi, Dean here. I called you today about your products. I put the order in my girlfriends name so we can have it delivered to her work place. Contact me anytime on 022 647 5764 "
2023-04-26,Oscar Hadley,"1406 Motueka Valley Highway, RD1 Motueka, Ngatiomti
RD1 Motueka
7196",oscarbhadley@gmail.com,48,93,Durability,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack),Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack),Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple,Extra heavy duty base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hey there, Im super excited to get my hands on one of your packs. I have a couple of mates that have them and they are raving about them! Im looking for a pack for work thats suitable for both on and off track and the odd trip in the snow. If youd have any suggestions on the materials I've selected I'd love to hear it.
Cheers, Oscar "
2023-04-12,Gerard Hill,"48 Bligh St
Te Anau
9600",edgeeffect.gh@gmail.com,49,88,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters),Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Extra heavy duty base,One 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loop,Grey HDPE Gridstop,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi David,
A fairly standard build in black with an orange back panel, hopefully for some pack rafting and general use.
If possible please add a loop on the front as a handle to lift the pack from that side, wide enough to get a hand through so about 10cm apart where it is sown. I will email a photo of what I'm thinking for that.
I am away until 21st April but will be back in Te Anau after that to discuss anything. The only thing I wasn't sure about is how thick to make the side pockets, so maybe I can come in later next week to look at the fabric options for that.
2023-03-29,James Haddow,"49 Leven Street
9010",jbh78@me.com,49,83,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack),Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red,Standard fairly durable base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Basically I think I would like the one in the video, except instead of the blue accents, a burnt orange colour (I think this called brick red) instead of the blue bits. (I say basically, because you might advise different fabrics - I intend to use it for tramping in NZ on track and off track, I like ultralight but understand that NZ has harsher conditions than most places)
I have chosen Brick Red colour as from the fabrics picture, it looks like what I would describe as burnt orange? Is this correct?
Side pockets colour in the video one I'm guessing is Black Knight?
Strap fabric in the video I’m guessing is Black Knight as well?
I put for two strap bottle pockets, but I’m actually wanting one bottle pocket and one mobile phone pocket please (like the video)
Waist Belt in the video I’m guessing is Black Knight again?
If you are able to deliver by 20th April for my tramp I’m planning, that would be amazing, but I understand if your lead times are longer."
2023-03-13,Thomas Mckellar,"16 Merlewood Ave
8022",tommck90@gmail.com,53,91,Durability,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue,Small Alpine Pockets,Three 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy,"No pocket, with stretch cord",+ 10 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive,Extra heavy duty base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi Dave,
It was great to meet when we visited your workshop in January, sorry it took me so long to put an order through.
For the 'small heavy duty alpine' side pockets: are these the type that the tip of a snowstake could tuck into, if it is held by the compression strap? If so, that's great. If not, are you able to send a picture of an example so I can see?
I'd really like to get the Ultra 400 TX fabric on the base, but also on the bottom few centimetres of the pack (like on this pack: https://www.instagram.com/p/CnP09OKSFxv/). Would that work here?
Also - perhaps most importantly! - can I get one of the side panels in tropic teal, and one in bright blue?
2023-02-22,Tony Beaven,"623 Mt Eden Road
Mt Eden
1024",tonybeaven@icloud.com,50,82,Light Weight,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack),Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters),Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy,Extra heavy duty base,One 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loop,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi thanks for making me a pack
I'm happy to take your advice on details. I'm 60 so it doesn't have to last forever, but light would be good and want to tramp, ski touring carry to hut pack and carry my wife's gear on some of the days ie the long top. Outer back pocket for wet gear and side for empty water bottle. my Aim is a large, waterproof Fiordland trips that i can still fit in small luxuries. Could you secure a pocket on the left shoulder strap below the sternum strap for a phone (80x160mm) so it doesn't bounce around maybe sew it on both sides with a waterproof zip and flap. Is the triangle on back pocket to protect ice axe point, they are good at tearing packs? I have a trip on the 19th April enough time?
Thanks again Tony "
2023-02-02,Chris Hill,"35 Sumnervale Drive
8081",chris.hill@doctors.org.uk,46,98,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters),Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue,Standard fairly durable base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Grey HDPE Gridstop,"one, colour to match pack (+$25)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hey David,
Here is the specs for the pack.
Its primarily for ski-mountaineering where I use a pack raft for access, hence the volume.
It will also be used for an upcoming ski mountaineering trip to India where I will be hauling gear up a few different valleys.
With the Lycra pocket and stretch cord, can that be grey??
Can I also add a phone pouch??
Many thanks,
2023-01-04,John Middendorf,"43A Cremorne Ave
7024",deuce4@bigwalls.net,55,96,A good balance of durability and light weight,,None,Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket,,"No pocket, with stretch cord",+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters),,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Grey HDPE Gridstop,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"I have not selected colors or options, as I hope to talk with you about that via email. thank you!!!"
2022-11-23,Jiri Schlemmer,"293 Karaka Bay Road
Karaka Bays
6022",jiri.schlemmer@gmail.com,51,94,Durability,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack),Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 10 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue,Extra heavy duty base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Gear Loops,Internal Access Pocket,"As per email:
- Ultra800TX for bottom of pack
- if the hipbelt pockets could be made removable, I would buy them
- daisy chain loops on the shoulder straps to be apart enough to fit a Peak Design Capture clip
- removable/replaceable padding as per one of your 55l packs on Instagram
- how durable is the lycra back pocket? Could stretchable Ultra fabric be used instead?"
2022-10-15,Wendelien Bakker,"73 Kohu Road
604",wendelienbakker@gmail.com,48,93,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown,Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 10 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Grey HDPE Gridstop,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hello,
Would you be able to do a small side/topish hole for my water bladder straw to come out?
I'm very excited about this! Its my birthday present for myself, I have the Rees Dart and the Hollyford lined up in December, do you think it will be ready by then?
2022-08-26,Kerry Mccormick,"13 William place
3010",kerry@mccormicklog.co.nz,40,84,A good balance of durability and light weight,,X-Pac VX07RS - Off-White,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters),,Extra heavy duty base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Grey HDPE Gridstop,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,None,"Hi David
Side panels and back panel would like xpac vx21 cire
Roll top fabric x pac vx07rs
Not sure of colour options
Only won't to go this way because they are working well on my present pack,happy to listen to your thoughts
Hope life is good for you, look forward to your reply
Kerry "
2022-08-07,Matt Hall-Smith,"27A Carter Road
604",matt@precursor.co.nz,53,94,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 10 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue,Standard fairly durable base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey,Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey,Flat Lycra Pockets,None,"Hi David, been an admirer of your designs for a long time now. Got my bug for custom gear when I met Bill Wilkins from Ultimate Equipment as a teenager. Ive just received your newsletter and time to commit. I'm 6'2"" (188cm) and think I've got my back measurement right according to your instructions. I'm going for blue with the orange safety side panel and an extended roll top. I tramp mostly, but use poles and carry an ice axe sometimes. Expeditions are generally 5 days with the occasional 7 if I'm lucky. Let me know if you need more info. Next mission is early November. I look forward to hearing back from you. Matt 021 661 702"
2022-08-04,Harvey Brouard,"3 Parklands Drive
8022",Harvey.brou@gmail.com,46,87,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Teal,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters),Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Extra heavy duty base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Grey HDPE Gridstop,Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Large Zip Up Pockets ($150 extra),,"I used Warwick Tufnell's bag for Godzone last year. I understand you gave him a prototype or updated bag after he sent his old one in for repair. I thought the bag went fantastic.
I only have a few modifications from that experience.
Could the external access pocket please be sewn into the side around its perimeter such that it isnt a loose flap inside the bag. could it be slightly larger than normal or sized to fit a small first aid + headtorch and battery bag. I found that this got in the way of the packraft or or pulling out things buried deep in the bag when really full. Might not solve the issue so if you have any experience doing this id be keen to hear.
I also thought the side pockets could be 25mm deeper. Not sure if things have changed since then but if thats possible to make them slightly deeper than his were, and shift the first side compression strap up to match that would be great.
Also keen for a teal bum bag.
Harvey "
2022-04-30,Reegan Absolum,"352 Sunset road
3015",reegan.ab@gmail.com,40,83,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Ecopak EPX200 - Teal,Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue,Alpine style ice tool holder (don't select ice axe loops later),+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters),Ecopak EPX200 - Teal,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Gear Loops,Internal Access Pocket,
2022-04-12,Mark Houghton,"126 Panorama Drive
Enner Glynn
7011",markedhoughton@icloud.com,49,92,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown,Ecopak EP250 LE Graphite,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters),Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Grey HDPE Gridstop,Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi Dave - have had a good dig around your site online so I think I have everything sussed but sing out if it is not making sense.
I get the impression you will cringe at me squeezing in extra volume with the longer roll-top but we are in that ""family"" tramping mode where you never quite know how much room you are going to need to accommodate smaller party members gear!
Mark H"
"Submission Date","First Name","Last Name",Email,"Street Address","Street Address Line 2",City,"State / Province","Postal / Zip Code","Torso Length (cm)","Waist Circumference (cm)","I am going for","Side Panels (assuming you have the pack on)","Side Pockets (assuming you have the pack on)","Side Compression","Back Panel (what someone following behind will see)","Back Pocket (what someone following behind will see)","Rolltop Size","Rolltop Fabric and Colour","Bottom of Pack","Ice Axe Loops","Strap Fabric and Colour","Removable Strap Bottle Pockets (+$25 ea)","Sternum Strap","Waist Belt Colour and Fabric","Waist Belt Pockets/Gear Loops","Zip Pocket",Message
"May 8, 2023",Vicky,"Pethybridge ",quickbeyond8@gmail.com,"33 Nelson street","Pukekohe Traders","Pukekohe ",,2120,50,135,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack)","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Standard fairly durable base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi, Dean here. I called you today about your products. I put the order in my girlfriends name so we can have it delivered to her work place. Contact me anytime on 022 647 5764 "
"Apr 26, 2023",Oscar,Hadley,oscarbhadley@gmail.com,"1406 Motueka Valley Highway, RD1 Motueka, Ngatiomti","RD1 Motueka",Motueka,Tasman,7196,48,93,Durability,"Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack)","Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack)","Lycra pocket and stretch cord",Standard,"Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple","Extra heavy duty base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hey there, Im super excited to get my hands on one of your packs. I have a couple of mates that have them and they are raving about them! Im looking for a pack for work thats suitable for both on and off track and the odd trip in the snow. If youd have any suggestions on the materials I've selected I'd love to hear it.
Cheers, Oscar "
"Apr 12, 2023",Gerard,Hill,edgeeffect.gh@gmail.com,"48 Bligh St",,"Te Anau",Southland,9600,49,88,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters)","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Extra heavy duty base","One 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loop","Grey HDPE Gridstop",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi David,
A fairly standard build in black with an orange back panel, hopefully for some pack rafting and general use.
If possible please add a loop on the front as a handle to lift the pack from that side, wide enough to get a hand through so about 10cm apart where it is sown. I will email a photo of what I'm thinking for that.
I am away until 21st April but will be back in Te Anau after that to discuss anything. The only thing I wasn't sure about is how thick to make the side pockets, so maybe I can come in later next week to look at the fabric options for that.
"Mar 29, 2023",James,Haddow,jbh78@me.com,"49 Leven Street",,Dunedin,Otago,9010,49,83,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack)","Lycra pocket and stretch cord",Standard,"Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red","Standard fairly durable base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Basically I think I would like the one in the video, except instead of the blue accents, a burnt orange colour (I think this called brick red) instead of the blue bits. (I say basically, because you might advise different fabrics - I intend to use it for tramping in NZ on track and off track, I like ultralight but understand that NZ has harsher conditions than most places)
I have chosen Brick Red colour as from the fabrics picture, it looks like what I would describe as burnt orange? Is this correct?
Side pockets colour in the video one I'm guessing is Black Knight?
Strap fabric in the video I’m guessing is Black Knight as well?
I put for two strap bottle pockets, but I’m actually wanting one bottle pocket and one mobile phone pocket please (like the video)
Waist Belt in the video I’m guessing is Black Knight again?
If you are able to deliver by 20th April for my tramp I’m planning, that would be amazing, but I understand if your lead times are longer."
"Mar 13, 2023",Thomas,McKellar,tommck90@gmail.com,"16 Merlewood Ave",,Christchurch,Canterbury,8022,53,91,Durability,"Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Small Heavy Duty Alpine Pockets","Three 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy","No pocket, with stretch cord","+10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive","Extra heavy duty base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi Dave,
It was great to meet when we visited your workshop in January, sorry it took me so long to put an order through.
For the 'small heavy duty alpine' side pockets: are these the type that the tip of a snowstake could tuck into, if it is held by the compression strap? If so, that's great. If not, are you able to send a picture of an example so I can see?
I'd really like to get the Ultra 400 TX fabric on the base, but also on the bottom few centimetres of the pack (like on this pack: https://www.instagram.com/p/CnP09OKSFxv/). Would that work here?
Also - perhaps most importantly! - can I get one of the side panels in tropic teal, and one in bright blue?
"Feb 22, 2023",Tony,Beaven,tonybeaven@icloud.com,"623 Mt Eden Road",,Auckland,"Mt Eden",1024,50,82,"Light Weight","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack)","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters)","Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy","Extra heavy duty base","One 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loop","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi thanks for making me a pack
I'm happy to take your advice on details. I'm 60 so it doesn't have to last forever, but light would be good and want to tramp, ski touring carry to hut pack and carry my wife's gear on some of the days ie the long top. Outer back pocket for wet gear and side for empty water bottle. my Aim is a large, waterproof Fiordland trips that i can still fit in small luxuries. Could you secure a pocket on the left shoulder strap below the sternum strap for a phone (80x160mm) so it doesn't bounce around maybe sew it on both sides with a waterproof zip and flap. Is the triangle on back pocket to protect ice axe point, they are good at tearing packs? I have a trip on the 19th April enough time?
Thanks again Tony "
"Feb 2, 2023",Chris,Hill,chris.hill@doctors.org.uk,"35 Sumnervale Drive",,Christchurch,Sumner,8081,46,98,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters)","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Standard fairly durable base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Grey HDPE Gridstop","one, colour to match pack (+$25)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hey David,
Here is the specs for the pack.
Its primarily for ski-mountaineering where I use a pack raft for access, hence the volume.
It will also be used for an upcoming ski mountaineering trip to India where I will be hauling gear up a few different valleys.
With the Lycra pocket and stretch cord, can that be grey??
Can I also add a phone pouch??
Many thanks,
"Jan 4, 2023",John,Middendorf,deuce4@bigwalls.net,"43A Cremorne Ave",,Cremorne,TAS,7024,55,96,"A good balance of durability and light weight",,None,"Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket",,"No pocket, with stretch cord","+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters)",,"Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","I have not selected colors or options, as I hope to talk with you about that via email. thank you!!!"
"Nov 23, 2022",Jiri,Schlemmer,jiri.schlemmer@gmail.com,"293 Karaka Bay Road","Karaka Bays",Wellington,,6022,51,94,Durability,"Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack)","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue","Extra heavy duty base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Gear Loops","Internal Access Pocket","As per email:
- Ultra800TX for bottom of pack
- if the hipbelt pockets could be made removable, I would buy them
- daisy chain loops on the shoulder straps to be apart enough to fit a Peak Design Capture clip
- removable/replaceable padding as per one of your 55l packs on Instagram
- how durable is the lycra back pocket? Could stretchable Ultra fabric be used instead?"
"Oct 15, 2022",Wendelien,Bakker,wendelienbakker@gmail.com,"73 Kohu Road",Titirangi,Auckland,,0604,48,93,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown","Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hello,
Would you be able to do a small side/topish hole for my water bladder straw to come out?
I'm very excited about this! Its my birthday present for myself, I have the Rees Dart and the Hollyford lined up in December, do you think it will be ready by then?
"Aug 26, 2022","Kerry ","McCormick ",kerry@mccormicklog.co.nz,"13 William place ",Lynmore,Rotorua,,3010,40,84,"A good balance of durability and light weight",,"X-Pac VX07RS - Off-White","Two 19mm webbing compression straps",,"Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters)",,"Extra heavy duty base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Grey HDPE Gridstop","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets",None,"Hi David
Side panels and back panel would like xpac vx21 cire
Roll top fabric x pac vx07rs
Not sure of colour options
Only won't to go this way because they are working well on my present pack,happy to listen to your thoughts
Hope life is good for you, look forward to your reply
Kerry "
"Aug 7, 2022",Matt,Hall-Smith,matt@precursor.co.nz,"27A Carter Road",,ORATIA,Auckland,0604,53,94,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue","Standard fairly durable base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey","Flat Lycra Pockets",None,"Hi David, been an admirer of your designs for a long time now. Got my bug for custom gear when I met Bill Wilkins from Ultimate Equipment as a teenager. Ive just received your newsletter and time to commit. I'm 6'2"" (188cm) and think I've got my back measurement right according to your instructions. I'm going for blue with the orange safety side panel and an extended roll top. I tramp mostly, but use poles and carry an ice axe sometimes. Expeditions are generally 5 days with the occasional 7 if I'm lucky. Let me know if you need more info. Next mission is early November. I look forward to hearing back from you. Matt 021 661 702"
"Aug 4, 2022",Harvey,Brouard,Harvey.brou@gmail.com,"3 Parklands Drive",Huntsbury,Christchurch,Canterbury,8022,46,87,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters)","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Extra heavy duty base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Large Zip Up Pockets ($70 extra, you need to select this option in my webshop or I can invoice for them)","External Access Left Side of Pack (low down on side of rolltop, LHS side with the pack on)","I used Warwick Tufnell's bag for Godzone last year. I understand you gave him a prototype or updated bag after he sent his old one in for repair. I thought the bag went fantastic.
I only have a few modifications from that experience.
Could the external access pocket please be sewn into the side around its perimeter such that it isnt a loose flap inside the bag. could it be slightly larger than normal or sized to fit a small first aid + headtorch and battery bag. I found that this got in the way of the packraft or or pulling out things buried deep in the bag when really full. Might not solve the issue so if you have any experience doing this id be keen to hear.
I also thought the side pockets could be 25mm deeper. Not sure if things have changed since then but if thats possible to make them slightly deeper than his were, and shift the first side compression strap up to match that would be great.
Also keen for a teal bum bag.
Harvey "
"Apr 30, 2022","Reegan ",Absolum,reegan.ab@gmail.com,"352 Sunset road","Sunnybrook ","Rotorua ",,3015,40,83,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Alpine style ice tool holder (don't select ice axe loops later)","+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters)","Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Gear Loops","Internal Access Pocket",
"Apr 12, 2022",Mark,Houghton,markedhoughton@icloud.com,"126 Panorama Drive","Enner Glynn",Nelson,Nelson,7011,49,92,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown","Ecopak EP250 LE Graphite","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters)","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi Dave - have had a good dig around your site online so I think I have everything sussed but sing out if it is not making sense.
I get the impression you will cringe at me squeezing in extra volume with the longer roll-top but we are in that ""family"" tramping mode where you never quite know how much room you are going to need to accommodate smaller party members gear!
Mark H"
"Submission Date","First Name","Last Name",Email,"Street Address","Street Address Line 2",City,"State / Province","Postal / Zip Code","Torso Length (cm)","Waist Circumference (cm)","I am going for","Side Panels (assuming you have the pack on)","Side Pockets (assuming you have the pack on)","Side Compression","Back Panel (what someone following behind will see)","Back Pocket (what someone following behind will see)","Rolltop Size","Rolltop Fabric and Colour","Bottom of Pack","Ice Axe Loops","Strap Fabric and Colour","Removable Strap Bottle Pockets (+$25 ea)","Sternum Strap","Waist Belt Colour and Fabric","Waist Belt Pockets/Gear Loops","Zip Pocket",Message
"May 8, 2023",Vicky,"Pethybridge ",quickbeyond8@gmail.com,"33 Nelson street","Pukekohe Traders","Pukekohe ",,2120,50,135,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack)","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Standard fairly durable base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi, Dean here. I called you today about your products. I put the order in my girlfriends name so we can have it delivered to her work place. Contact me anytime on 022 647 5764 "
"Apr 26, 2023",Oscar,Hadley,oscarbhadley@gmail.com,"1406 Motueka Valley Highway, RD1 Motueka, Ngatiomti","RD1 Motueka",Motueka,Tasman,7196,48,93,Durability,"Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack)","Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack)","Lycra pocket and stretch cord",Standard,"Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple","Extra heavy duty base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hey there, Im super excited to get my hands on one of your packs. I have a couple of mates that have them and they are raving about them! Im looking for a pack for work thats suitable for both on and off track and the odd trip in the snow. If youd have any suggestions on the materials I've selected I'd love to hear it.
Cheers, Oscar "
"Apr 12, 2023",Gerard,Hill,edgeeffect.gh@gmail.com,"48 Bligh St",,"Te Anau",Southland,9600,49,88,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters)","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Extra heavy duty base","One 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loop","Grey HDPE Gridstop",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi David,
A fairly standard build in black with an orange back panel, hopefully for some pack rafting and general use.
If possible please add a loop on the front as a handle to lift the pack from that side, wide enough to get a hand through so about 10cm apart where it is sown. I will email a photo of what I'm thinking for that.
I am away until 21st April but will be back in Te Anau after that to discuss anything. The only thing I wasn't sure about is how thick to make the side pockets, so maybe I can come in later next week to look at the fabric options for that.
"Mar 29, 2023",James,Haddow,jbh78@me.com,"49 Leven Street",,Dunedin,Otago,9010,49,83,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack)","Lycra pocket and stretch cord",Standard,"Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red","Standard fairly durable base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Basically I think I would like the one in the video, except instead of the blue accents, a burnt orange colour (I think this called brick red) instead of the blue bits. (I say basically, because you might advise different fabrics - I intend to use it for tramping in NZ on track and off track, I like ultralight but understand that NZ has harsher conditions than most places)
I have chosen Brick Red colour as from the fabrics picture, it looks like what I would describe as burnt orange? Is this correct?
Side pockets colour in the video one I'm guessing is Black Knight?
Strap fabric in the video I’m guessing is Black Knight as well?
I put for two strap bottle pockets, but I’m actually wanting one bottle pocket and one mobile phone pocket please (like the video)
Waist Belt in the video I’m guessing is Black Knight again?
If you are able to deliver by 20th April for my tramp I’m planning, that would be amazing, but I understand if your lead times are longer."
"Mar 13, 2023",Thomas,McKellar,tommck90@gmail.com,"16 Merlewood Ave",,Christchurch,Canterbury,8022,53,91,Durability,"Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Small Alpine Pockets","Three 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy","No pocket, with stretch cord","+ 10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive","Extra heavy duty base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi Dave,
It was great to meet when we visited your workshop in January, sorry it took me so long to put an order through.
For the 'small heavy duty alpine' side pockets: are these the type that the tip of a snowstake could tuck into, if it is held by the compression strap? If so, that's great. If not, are you able to send a picture of an example so I can see?
I'd really like to get the Ultra 400 TX fabric on the base, but also on the bottom few centimetres of the pack (like on this pack: https://www.instagram.com/p/CnP09OKSFxv/). Would that work here?
Also - perhaps most importantly! - can I get one of the side panels in tropic teal, and one in bright blue?
"Feb 22, 2023",Tony,Beaven,tonybeaven@icloud.com,"623 Mt Eden Road",,Auckland,"Mt Eden",1024,50,82,"Light Weight","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack)","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters)","Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy","Extra heavy duty base","One 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loop","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi thanks for making me a pack
I'm happy to take your advice on details. I'm 60 so it doesn't have to last forever, but light would be good and want to tramp, ski touring carry to hut pack and carry my wife's gear on some of the days ie the long top. Outer back pocket for wet gear and side for empty water bottle. my Aim is a large, waterproof Fiordland trips that i can still fit in small luxuries. Could you secure a pocket on the left shoulder strap below the sternum strap for a phone (80x160mm) so it doesn't bounce around maybe sew it on both sides with a waterproof zip and flap. Is the triangle on back pocket to protect ice axe point, they are good at tearing packs? I have a trip on the 19th April enough time?
Thanks again Tony "
"Feb 2, 2023",Chris,Hill,chris.hill@doctors.org.uk,"35 Sumnervale Drive",,Christchurch,Sumner,8081,46,98,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters)","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Standard fairly durable base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Grey HDPE Gridstop","one, colour to match pack (+$25)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hey David,
Here is the specs for the pack.
Its primarily for ski-mountaineering where I use a pack raft for access, hence the volume.
It will also be used for an upcoming ski mountaineering trip to India where I will be hauling gear up a few different valleys.
With the Lycra pocket and stretch cord, can that be grey??
Can I also add a phone pouch??
Many thanks,
"Jan 4, 2023",John,Middendorf,deuce4@bigwalls.net,"43A Cremorne Ave",,Cremorne,TAS,7024,55,96,"A good balance of durability and light weight",,None,"Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket",,"No pocket, with stretch cord","+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters)",,"Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","I have not selected colors or options, as I hope to talk with you about that via email. thank you!!!"
"Nov 23, 2022",Jiri,Schlemmer,jiri.schlemmer@gmail.com,"293 Karaka Bay Road","Karaka Bays",Wellington,,6022,51,94,Durability,"Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$150/pack)","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue","Extra heavy duty base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Gear Loops","Internal Access Pocket","As per email:
- Ultra800TX for bottom of pack
- if the hipbelt pockets could be made removable, I would buy them
- daisy chain loops on the shoulder straps to be apart enough to fit a Peak Design Capture clip
- removable/replaceable padding as per one of your 55l packs on Instagram
- how durable is the lycra back pocket? Could stretchable Ultra fabric be used instead?"
"Oct 15, 2022",Wendelien,Bakker,wendelienbakker@gmail.com,"73 Kohu Road",Titirangi,Auckland,,0604,48,93,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown","Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hello,
Would you be able to do a small side/topish hole for my water bladder straw to come out?
I'm very excited about this! Its my birthday present for myself, I have the Rees Dart and the Hollyford lined up in December, do you think it will be ready by then?
"Aug 26, 2022","Kerry ","McCormick ",kerry@mccormicklog.co.nz,"13 William place ",Lynmore,Rotorua,,3010,40,84,"A good balance of durability and light weight",,"X-Pac VX07RS - Off-White","Two 19mm webbing compression straps",,"Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters)",,"Extra heavy duty base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Grey HDPE Gridstop","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets",None,"Hi David
Side panels and back panel would like xpac vx21 cire
Roll top fabric x pac vx07rs
Not sure of colour options
Only won't to go this way because they are working well on my present pack,happy to listen to your thoughts
Hope life is good for you, look forward to your reply
Kerry "
"Aug 7, 2022",Matt,Hall-Smith,matt@precursor.co.nz,"27A Carter Road",,ORATIA,Auckland,0604,53,94,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue","Standard fairly durable base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey","Flat Lycra Pockets",None,"Hi David, been an admirer of your designs for a long time now. Got my bug for custom gear when I met Bill Wilkins from Ultimate Equipment as a teenager. Ive just received your newsletter and time to commit. I'm 6'2"" (188cm) and think I've got my back measurement right according to your instructions. I'm going for blue with the orange safety side panel and an extended roll top. I tramp mostly, but use poles and carry an ice axe sometimes. Expeditions are generally 5 days with the occasional 7 if I'm lucky. Let me know if you need more info. Next mission is early November. I look forward to hearing back from you. Matt 021 661 702"
"Aug 4, 2022",Harvey,Brouard,Harvey.brou@gmail.com,"3 Parklands Drive",Huntsbury,Christchurch,Canterbury,8022,46,87,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters)","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Extra heavy duty base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Large Zip Up Pockets ($150 extra)","","I used Warwick Tufnell's bag for Godzone last year. I understand you gave him a prototype or updated bag after he sent his old one in for repair. I thought the bag went fantastic.
I only have a few modifications from that experience.
Could the external access pocket please be sewn into the side around its perimeter such that it isnt a loose flap inside the bag. could it be slightly larger than normal or sized to fit a small first aid + headtorch and battery bag. I found that this got in the way of the packraft or or pulling out things buried deep in the bag when really full. Might not solve the issue so if you have any experience doing this id be keen to hear.
I also thought the side pockets could be 25mm deeper. Not sure if things have changed since then but if thats possible to make them slightly deeper than his were, and shift the first side compression strap up to match that would be great.
Also keen for a teal bum bag.
Harvey "
"Apr 30, 2022","Reegan ",Absolum,reegan.ab@gmail.com,"352 Sunset road","Sunnybrook ","Rotorua ",,3015,40,83,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Alpine style ice tool holder (don't select ice axe loops later)","+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters)","Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Gear Loops","Internal Access Pocket",
"Apr 12, 2022",Mark,Houghton,markedhoughton@icloud.com,"126 Panorama Drive","Enner Glynn",Nelson,Nelson,7011,49,92,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown","Ecopak EP250 LE Graphite","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters)","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi Dave - have had a good dig around your site online so I think I have everything sussed but sing out if it is not making sense.
I get the impression you will cringe at me squeezing in extra volume with the longer roll-top but we are in that ""family"" tramping mode where you never quite know how much room you are going to need to accommodate smaller party members gear!
Mark H"
Created,Name,Address,Email,Torso Length (cm),Waist Circumference (cm),I am going for,Side Panels,Side Pockets,Side Compression,Back Panel (what someone following behind will see),Back Pocket (what someone following behind will see),Rolltop Size,Rolltop Fabric and Colour,Bottom of Pack,Ice Axe Loops,Strap Fabric and Colour,Removable Strap Bottle Pockets,Sternum Strap,Waist Belt Fabric and Colour,Waist Belt Pockets/Gear Loops,Zip Pocket,Message
2023-05-29,Richard Stone,"39 Carnarvon Ave
1071",2014stone2014@gmail.com,53.0,90,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,Please call me on 0220 915 603 if you need any clarification.
2023-05-26,Zach Preston,"16 Sylvan Street
8024",zachspreston@gmail.com,40.5,83,Durability,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$120/pack),Small Alpine Pockets,Three 19mm webbing compression straps,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$120/pack),Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 10 cm,X-Pac VX07 - White,Extra heavy duty base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Grey HDPE Gridstop,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Gear Loops,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi David,
Thanks again for your call yesterday.
Re materials, I’m happy to let you make choices for anywhere that wasn’t Ultra 400 TX. Durability is the priority for me. That being said, I’d love white colour anywhere that didn’t compromise on durability.
I’ve listed the custom items we talked about below. Please do let me know if I need to pay extra for any of these. I realise this is quite a few extra features, so do let me know.
1. Solid back pocket (can this be white?)
2. Third compression strap / solid strap over the side pockets so that skis can be mounted. I selected the ‘small alpine pockets’ but wasn’t actually sure what the difference was between this and the normal ones. First priority is third strap. Having a small side pocket to fit a 1L Nalgene would just be a bonus.
Not essential custom items:
3. Can there be both gear loops + Licra pouches on the waist belt?
4. Swap the male and female buckles on the top right compression strap so that the roll-top can also be secured to the side compression straps (this was just recommended by a friend).
2023-04-05,Hamish Edwards,"6b Bowen Street
Te Anau
9600",hemiphaga.h@gmail.com,53.0,78,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters),Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White,Extra heavy duty base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Grey HDPE Gridstop,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Gear Loops,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi Dave, I was in your workshop the other day and finally getting around to putting an order in. I'm just looking for something to replace my macpac ascent, for longer trips or trips with more gear and maybe to occasionally carry a packraft. If you have any spare fabric for a small bag for crampons would be amazing too, happy to pay for it
I live in Te Anau at the moment so no need to post the pack, I can just pick it up if that works. If you send me an Invoice I can pay by Bank deposit.
2023-02-24,Jeffrey Calvillo,"23 Helwick St
9305",calvillo6472@gmail.com,53.0,86,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White,Ecopak EP250 LE Graphite,Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord,Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 10 cm,X-Pac VX07 - White,Standard fairly durable base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Grey HDPE Gridstop,"one, colour to match pack (+$25)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi David,
This is Jeff from the visit on Friday.
I don't have ice axes, but I would need something to hold my hiking poles.
Please address the package as follows (I got this from NZ Post's website so if you know of a better way to get them to hold a package, I'll trust your judgement):
Mr. Jeff Calvillo (Post Restante)
NZ Post Shop Wanaka Central
Paper Plus Wanaka
23 Helwick St
Wanaka 9305"
2023-01-07,Jeremy Fee,"95a Eastern Terrace
8023",jeremyfee@gmail.com,50.0,90,Durability,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,X-Pac VX07 - Navy Blue,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters),X-Pac VX07RS - Off-White,Extra heavy duty base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Grey HDPE Gridstop,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi,
I emailed earlier this week about using VX42 for back and side panels and have a few additional requests. Please let me know if these are possible and additional time or material costs.
VX42 for back and side panels.
VX07 Navy Blue for left side pocket (when looking from back) and VX07 Red for right side.
Make the pack slightly wider and deeper (32cm x 22cm)?
Use VX07 Off-White or Gridstop instead of Lycra for the back pocket?
Add a zip pocket to the back?
2022-12-04,Michael Kenny,"Cabin 2
Block 44
Garden Island
Western Australia
6168",mkenny.photos@gmail.com,50.0,90,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$120/pack),Ecopak EP250 LE Graphite,Three 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 10 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Grey HDPE Gridstop,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hey mate! Here's the pack I'd like to go with. You can invoice me through PayPal as I'm based in Australia. I'll pick up in Te Anau.
2022-11-20,Kent Ericksen,"17 Keyte Street
112",kent@ericksen.co.nz,53.0,99,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$120/pack),Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$120/pack),Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 5 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Extra heavy duty base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi David, thanks for the feedback on my emailed pack builder choices. I selected Extra Heavy Duty Base for the bottom of Pack assuming this is what you meant by Black EPX600. Ngā mihi, Kent"
2022-11-17,Julian Bernard,"Julian Bernard, Suite 13235
Level 1, 6 Johnsonville Road
6037",julian@aya.yale.edu,48.0,83,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain,Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue,Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 5 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Large Zip Up Pockets ($150 extra),Internal Access Pocket,"Are the following modifications possible?
-left Side Panel EPX200 Deep Purple
-add removable shoulder pocket for cellphone (+$25)
Do you still have Rear Blaze and hip strap color/fabric options?
I'm not 100% on colors, just as I cant get a feel for them online. Do you have any examples/favoriate combos of Green Mountain, Ocean Blue, with other accents?"
2022-11-05,Owen Borlase,"23 Firth Terrace
6012",butch@borlase.co.nz,48.0,95,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey,Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord,Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 5 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,No Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Can I please have one of the removable strap bottle pockets a phone pocket?
Have been using a twenty year old Macpac Ascent and looking forward to something a little lighter. Mainly do 4-5 day walks in the Tararua so want a little durability but also keeping weight down. "
2022-09-15,Fergus Frame,"48 Arthur Street
upper riccarton
8041",fergusframe@gmail.com,48.0,86,A good balance of durability and light weight,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy,Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters),X-Pac VX07 - Navy Blue,Extra heavy duty base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Grey HDPE Gridstop,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi I got in touch the other day about a pack for godzone this is what I've come up with. I'd also like to have for the option to put skis on the sides. I'm open to suggestions if you think this setup could be tweaked a bit.
I am unsure about the heavy duty vs standard base material, does this add much weight?"
2022-08-30,Leo Pritt,"2 / 14 Clifton Terrace
6012",leo.pritt@gmail.com,53.0,82,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 10 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Flat Lycra Pockets,None,"There are a few modifications that would suit me:
- Is it possible to include provision for a bladder / tube? I tend to prefer bladders over bottles for tramping.
- I use a camera clip to keep my camera handy when hiking (a slightly older version of this https://www.peakdesign.com/products/capture), but I usually need the shoulder strap to be less than ~55mm wide at about nipple height to fit the clamp. It would probably work even better if there is a section of ~50mm webbing sewn on the strap that the clip could clamp around. Could you make that work?
Give me a bell on 0273339766 if it's easier to talk through over the phone."
"Submission Date","First Name","Last Name",Email,"Street Address","Street Address Line 2",City,"State / Province","Postal / Zip Code","Torso Length (cm)","Waist Circumference (cm)","I am going for","Side Panels (assuming you have the pack on)","Side Pockets (assuming you have the pack on)","Side Compression","Back Panel (what someone following behind will see)","Back Pocket (what someone following behind will see)","Rolltop Size","Rolltop Fabric and Colour","Bottom of Pack","Ice Axe Loops","Strap Fabric and Colour","Removable Strap Bottle Pockets (+$25 ea)","Sternum Strap","Waist Belt Fabric and Colour","Waist Belt Pockets/Gear Loops","Zip Pocket",Message
"May 29, 2023",Richard,Stone,2014stone2014@gmail.com,"39 Carnarvon Ave",,Auckland,Glendowie,1071,53,90,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Lycra pocket and stretch cord",Standard,"Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Please call me on 0220 915 603 if you need any clarification."
"May 26, 2023",Zach,Preston,zachspreston@gmail.com,"16 Sylvan Street",Middleton,Christchurch,,8024,40.5,83,Durability,"Ultra 400TX - Black (+$120/pack)","Small Heavy Duty Alpine Pockets","Three 19mm webbing compression straps","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$120/pack)","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+10 cm","X-Pac VX07 - White","Extra heavy duty base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Grey HDPE Gridstop","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Gear Loops","Internal Access Pocket","Hi David,
Thanks again for your call yesterday.
Re materials, I’m happy to let you make choices for anywhere that wasn’t Ultra 400 TX. Durability is the priority for me. That being said, I’d love white colour anywhere that didn’t compromise on durability.
I’ve listed the custom items we talked about below. Please do let me know if I need to pay extra for any of these. I realise this is quite a few extra features, so do let me know.
1. Solid back pocket (can this be white?)
2. Third compression strap / solid strap over the side pockets so that skis can be mounted. I selected the ‘small alpine pockets’ but wasn’t actually sure what the difference was between this and the normal ones. First priority is third strap. Having a small side pocket to fit a 1L Nalgene would just be a bonus.
Not essential custom items:
3. Can there be both gear loops + Licra pouches on the waist belt?
4. Swap the male and female buckles on the top right compression strap so that the roll-top can also be secured to the side compression straps (this was just recommended by a friend).
"Apr 5, 2023",Hamish,Edwards,hemiphaga.h@gmail.com,"6b Bowen Street",,"Te Anau",,9600,53,78,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters)","Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White","Extra heavy duty base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Grey HDPE Gridstop","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Gear Loops","Internal Access Pocket","Hi Dave, I was in your workshop the other day and finally getting around to putting an order in. I'm just looking for something to replace my macpac ascent, for longer trips or trips with more gear and maybe to occasionally carry a packraft. If you have any spare fabric for a small bag for crampons would be amazing too, happy to pay for it
I live in Te Anau at the moment so no need to post the pack, I can just pick it up if that works. If you send me an Invoice I can pay by Bank deposit.
"Feb 24, 2023",Jeffrey,Calvillo,calvillo6472@gmail.com,"23 Helwick St",,Wanaka,Otago,9305,53,86,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White","Ecopak EP250 LE Graphite","Tabs plus 3mm stretch cord","Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+10 cm","X-Pac VX07 - White","Standard fairly durable base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Grey HDPE Gridstop","one, colour to match pack (+$25)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi David,
This is Jeff from the visit on Friday.
I don't have ice axes, but I would need something to hold my hiking poles.
Please address the package as follows (I got this from NZ Post's website so if you know of a better way to get them to hold a package, I'll trust your judgement):
Mr. Jeff Calvillo (Post Restante)
NZ Post Shop Wanaka Central
Paper Plus Wanaka
23 Helwick St
Wanaka 9305"
"Jan 7, 2023",Jeremy,Fee,jeremyfee@gmail.com,"95a Eastern Terrace",Beckenham,Christchurch,Canterbury,8023,50,90,Durability,"X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","X-Pac VX07 - Navy Blue","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters)","X-Pac VX07RS - Off-White","Extra heavy duty base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi,
I emailed earlier this week about using VX42 for back and side panels and have a few additional requests. Please let me know if these are possible and additional time or material costs.
VX42 for back and side panels.
VX07 Navy Blue for left side pocket (when looking from back) and VX07 Red for right side.
Make the pack slightly wider and deeper (32cm x 22cm)?
Use VX07 Off-White or Gridstop instead of Lycra for the back pocket?
Add a zip pocket to the back?
"Dec 4, 2022","Michael ",Kenny,mkenny.photos@gmail.com,"Cabin 2","Block 44","Garden Island","Western Australia ",6168,50,90,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$120/pack)","Ecopak EP250 LE Graphite","Three 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hey mate! Here's the pack I'd like to go with. You can invoice me through PayPal as I'm based in Australia. I'll pick up in Te Anau.
"Nov 20, 2022",Kent,Ericksen,kent@ericksen.co.nz,"17 Keyte Street",Kensington,Whangarei,Northland,0112,53,99,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$120/pack)","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$120/pack)","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Extra heavy duty base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi David, thanks for the feedback on my emailed pack builder choices. I selected Extra Heavy Duty Base for the bottom of Pack assuming this is what you meant by Black EPX600. Ngā mihi, Kent"
"Nov 17, 2022",Julian,Bernard,julian@aya.yale.edu,"Julian Bernard, Suite 13235","Level 1, 6 Johnsonville Road",Johnsonville,Wellington,6037,48,83,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain","Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue","Tabs only","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Large Zip Up Pockets ($150 extra)","Internal Access Pocket","Are the following modifications possible?
-left Side Panel EPX200 Deep Purple
-add removable shoulder pocket for cellphone (+$25)
Do you still have Rear Blaze and hip strap color/fabric options?
I'm not 100% on colors, just as I cant get a feel for them online. Do you have any examples/favoriate combos of Green Mountain, Ocean Blue, with other accents?"
"Nov 5, 2022",Owen,Borlase,butch@borlase.co.nz,"23 Firth Terrace",Karori,"Wellington ",,6012,48,95,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey","Tabs plus 3mm stretch cord","Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","No Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Can I please have one of the removable strap bottle pockets a phone pocket?
Have been using a twenty year old Macpac Ascent and looking forward to something a little lighter. Mainly do 4-5 day walks in the Tararua so want a little durability but also keeping weight down. "
"Sep 15, 2022",Fergus,Frame,fergusframe@gmail.com,"48 Arthur Street","upper riccarton",Christchurch,Canterbury,8041,48,86,"A good balance of durability and light weight","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters)","X-Pac VX07 - Navy Blue","Extra heavy duty base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Grey HDPE Gridstop","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi I got in touch the other day about a pack for godzone this is what I've come up with. I'd also like to have for the option to put skis on the sides. I'm open to suggestions if you think this setup could be tweaked a bit.
I am unsure about the heavy duty vs standard base material, does this add much weight?"
"Aug 30, 2022",Leo,Pritt,leo.pritt@gmail.com,"2 / 14 Clifton Terrace",Kelburn,Wellington,,6012,53,82,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Flat Lycra Pockets",None,"There are a few modifications that would suit me:
- Is it possible to include provision for a bladder / tube? I tend to prefer bladders over bottles for tramping.
- I use a camera clip to keep my camera handy when hiking (a slightly older version of this https://www.peakdesign.com/products/capture), but I usually need the shoulder strap to be less than ~55mm wide at about nipple height to fit the clamp. It would probably work even better if there is a section of ~50mm webbing sewn on the strap that the clip could clamp around. Could you make that work?
Give me a bell on 0273339766 if it's easier to talk through over the phone."
Submission Date,First Name,Last Name,Email,Street Address,Street Address Line 2,City,State / Province,Postal / Zip Code,Torso Length (cm),Waist Circumference (cm),I am going for,Side Panels (assuming you have the pack on),Side Pockets (assuming you have the pack on),Side Compression,Back Panel (what someone following behind will see),Back Pocket (what someone following behind will see),Rolltop Size,Rolltop Fabric and Colour,Bottom of Pack,Ice Axe Loops,Strap Fabric and Colour,Removable Strap Bottle Pockets (+$25 ea),Sternum Strap,Waist Belt Colour and Fabric,Waist Belt Pockets/Gear Loops,Zip Pocket,Message
"May 29, 2023",Richard,Stone,2014stone2014@gmail.com,39 Carnarvon Ave,,Auckland,Glendowie,1071,53,90,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,Please call me on 0220 915 603 if you need any clarification.
"May 26, 2023",Zach,Preston,zachspreston@gmail.com,16 Sylvan Street,Middleton,Christchurch,,8024,40.5,83,Durability,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$120/pack),Small Alpine Pockets,Three 19mm webbing compression straps,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$120/pack),Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 10 cm,X-Pac VX07 - White,Extra heavy duty base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Grey HDPE Gridstop,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Gear Loops,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi David,
Thanks again for your call yesterday.
Re materials, I’m happy to let you make choices for anywhere that wasn’t Ultra 400 TX. Durability is the priority for me. That being said, I’d love white colour anywhere that didn’t compromise on durability.
I’ve listed the custom items we talked about below. Please do let me know if I need to pay extra for any of these. I realise this is quite a few extra features, so do let me know.
1. Solid back pocket (can this be white?)
2. Third compression strap / solid strap over the side pockets so that skis can be mounted. I selected the ‘small alpine pockets’ but wasn’t actually sure what the difference was between this and the normal ones. First priority is third strap. Having a small side pocket to fit a 1L Nalgene would just be a bonus.
Not essential custom items:
3. Can there be both gear loops + Licra pouches on the waist belt?
4. Swap the male and female buckles on the top right compression strap so that the roll-top can also be secured to the side compression straps (this was just recommended by a friend).
"Apr 5, 2023",Hamish,Edwards,hemiphaga.h@gmail.com,6b Bowen Street,,Te Anau,,9600,53,78,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters),Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White,Extra heavy duty base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Grey HDPE Gridstop,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Gear Loops,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi Dave, I was in your workshop the other day and finally getting around to putting an order in. I'm just looking for something to replace my macpac ascent, for longer trips or trips with more gear and maybe to occasionally carry a packraft. If you have any spare fabric for a small bag for crampons would be amazing too, happy to pay for it
I live in Te Anau at the moment so no need to post the pack, I can just pick it up if that works. If you send me an Invoice I can pay by Bank deposit.
"Feb 24, 2023",Jeffrey,Calvillo,calvillo6472@gmail.com,23 Helwick St,,Wanaka,Otago,9305,53,86,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White,Ecopak EP250 LE Graphite,Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord,Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 10 cm,X-Pac VX07 - White,Standard fairly durable base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Grey HDPE Gridstop,"one, colour to match pack (+$25)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi David,
This is Jeff from the visit on Friday.
I don't have ice axes, but I would need something to hold my hiking poles.
Please address the package as follows (I got this from NZ Post's website so if you know of a better way to get them to hold a package, I'll trust your judgement):
Mr. Jeff Calvillo (Post Restante)
NZ Post Shop Wanaka Central
Paper Plus Wanaka
23 Helwick St
Wanaka 9305"
"Jan 7, 2023",Jeremy,Fee,jeremyfee@gmail.com,95a Eastern Terrace,Beckenham,Christchurch,Canterbury,8023,50,90,Durability,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,X-Pac VX07 - Navy Blue,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters),X-Pac VX07RS - Off-White,Extra heavy duty base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Grey HDPE Gridstop,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi,
I emailed earlier this week about using VX42 for back and side panels and have a few additional requests. Please let me know if these are possible and additional time or material costs.
VX42 for back and side panels.
VX07 Navy Blue for left side pocket (when looking from back) and VX07 Red for right side.
Make the pack slightly wider and deeper (32cm x 22cm)?
Use VX07 Off-White or Gridstop instead of Lycra for the back pocket?
Add a zip pocket to the back?
"Dec 4, 2022",Michael ,Kenny,mkenny.photos@gmail.com,Cabin 2,Block 44,Garden Island,Western Australia ,6168,50,90,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$120/pack),Ecopak EP250 LE Graphite,Three 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 10 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Grey HDPE Gridstop,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hey mate! Here's the pack I'd like to go with. You can invoice me through PayPal as I'm based in Australia. I'll pick up in Te Anau.
"Nov 20, 2022",Kent,Ericksen,kent@ericksen.co.nz,17 Keyte Street,Kensington,Whangarei,Northland,0112,53,99,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$120/pack),Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$120/pack),Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 5 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Extra heavy duty base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi David, thanks for the feedback on my emailed pack builder choices. I selected Extra Heavy Duty Base for the bottom of Pack assuming this is what you meant by Black EPX600. Ngā mihi, Kent"
"Nov 17, 2022",Julian,Bernard,julian@aya.yale.edu,"Julian Bernard, Suite 13235","Level 1, 6 Johnsonville Road",Johnsonville,Wellington,6037,48,83,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain,Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue,Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 5 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Large Zip Up Pockets ($150 extra),Internal Access Pocket,"Are the following modifications possible?
-left Side Panel EPX200 Deep Purple
-add removable shoulder pocket for cellphone (+$25)
Do you still have Rear Blaze and hip strap color/fabric options?
I'm not 100% on colors, just as I cant get a feel for them online. Do you have any examples/favoriate combos of Green Mountain, Ocean Blue, with other accents?"
"Nov 5, 2022",Owen,Borlase,butch@borlase.co.nz,23 Firth Terrace,Karori,Wellington ,,6012,48,95,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey,Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord,Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 5 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,No Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Can I please have one of the removable strap bottle pockets a phone pocket?
Have been using a twenty year old Macpac Ascent and looking forward to something a little lighter. Mainly do 4-5 day walks in the Tararua so want a little durability but also keeping weight down. "
"Sep 15, 2022",Fergus,Frame,fergusframe@gmail.com,48 Arthur Street,upper riccarton,Christchurch,Canterbury,8041,48,86,A good balance of durability and light weight,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy,Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 15 cm (tall pack for packrafters),X-Pac VX07 - Navy Blue,Extra heavy duty base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Grey HDPE Gridstop,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi I got in touch the other day about a pack for godzone this is what I've come up with. I'd also like to have for the option to put skis on the sides. I'm open to suggestions if you think this setup could be tweaked a bit.
I am unsure about the heavy duty vs standard base material, does this add much weight?"
"Aug 30, 2022",Leo,Pritt,leo.pritt@gmail.com,2 / 14 Clifton Terrace,Kelburn,Wellington,,6012,53,82,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 10 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Flat Lycra Pockets,None,"There are a few modifications that would suit me:
- Is it possible to include provision for a bladder / tube? I tend to prefer bladders over bottles for tramping.
- I use a camera clip to keep my camera handy when hiking (a slightly older version of this https://www.peakdesign.com/products/capture), but I usually need the shoulder strap to be less than ~55mm wide at about nipple height to fit the clamp. It would probably work even better if there is a section of ~50mm webbing sewn on the strap that the clip could clamp around. Could you make that work?
Give me a bell on 0273339766 if it's easier to talk through over the phone."
Created,Name,Address,Email,Torso Length (cm),Waist Circumference (cm),I am going for,Side Panels,Side Pockets,Side Compression,Back Panel (what someone following behind will see),Back Pocket (what someone following behind will see),Rolltop Size,Rolltop Fabric and Colour,Bottom of Pack,Ice Axe Loops,Strap Fabric and Colour,Removable Strap Bottle Pockets,Sternum Strap,Waist Belt Fabric and Colour,Waist Belt Pockets/Gear Loops,Zip Pocket,Message
2023-08-08,Kevin Moginie,"1 Wicklow tce
Albert town
9305",kevinmoginie@gmail.com,52,96,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue,None,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Grey HDPE Gridstop pocket with stretch cord,+ 10 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Standard fairly durable base,One 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loop,Grey HDPE Gridstop,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi David, we met last summer when I visited you at the shop and looked at getting one of these, then buggered my knees. I am off to Peru Sept 1 and wonder if you can build one before then?
Kevin Moginie
0220 997883"
2023-04-29,Ellen De Smet,"99 Silverdale Road
3216",eswdesmet@gmail.com,44,93,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia,Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 5 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Grey HDPE Gridstop,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,
2023-04-17,Mathea Roorda,"26 Ferguson Street
North Island Urban Delivery
6021",mathea.paradise@gmail.com,44,100,A good balance of durability and light weight,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,X-Pac VX07RS - Red,Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 10 cm,X-Pac VX07RS - Red,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Grey HDPE Gridstop,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,None,"Pack builder completed based on the info we discussed. If I have missed something can you let me know? Also:
waist measurement - I did my hip (100)
waist is not much different - 95cm!
I need to confirm torso height when I have someone available to double check my measurement.
Thanks. Mathea"
2023-03-21,Nicholas Tierney,"Unit 3 9-11 Rintala st
7250",nicholas.tierney@gmail.com,49,96,Light Weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red,Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord,Ecopak EPX200 - Teal,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 10 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy,Standard fairly durable base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red,Flat Lycra Pockets,None,"Hi there!
I've had two great bags from you - a 35L and a 45L. After some time with the recent super orange 45L bag, I think I have realised a couple of things that I need for my trip that have come up in this bag:
- A bit of extra rolltop for water carries and food
- Full size side pockets as I've found they are useful for me
- No hip belt pockets - these were not as useful as I thought
- Also some extra colours is fun
Regarding my torso length, I wanted to double check the length that I sent you
- 49cm torso length
- 96cm waist circumference
I will send you an email with some photos of my bag on a recent trip. I have previously had a 35L bag from you that I had my torso length at 53cm, and my recent 45L bag from you was at 49cm - I will attach some photos to an email and see if you think I should go for a longer pack perhaps - the 49cm bag is the 45L ultra+orange one, and while it feel comfortable enough, the bag does feel a bit like it rides up touch high and the shoulder straps don't feel like they sit quite right. I'm in a bit of a rabbit hole here but I think even though 49cm seems to be the measurement my friends take, perhaps something a bit longer might be better for this bag - what are your thoughts?
I'd like to customise the colour choice - the theme is to have a variety of colours in this bag, with some of the left and right colours having a red and blue consistency.
If I am wearing the bag, then the colours I would like are:
- Left strap fabric: Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red
- Right strap fabric: Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue
- Left waist belt colour: Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red
- Right waist belt colour Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue
- Left pocket fabric: Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red
- Right pocket fabric: Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue
- Left Side Panel: Ecopak EPX200 Fuchsia
- Right Side Panel: Ecopak EPX200 Bright Orange
Other colours are as stated above in the pack builder.
Finally regarding weight - I'm keen to get this bag as light as I can - this is my thru hiking bag for the pacific crest trail, and I'd love to get close to the 600-750g weight if I can.
Let me know if you've got any questions :)
Also, do you think the bag would be able to arrive before April 27? I fly out that day to the USA to hike the PCT so would need the bag before then ideally!"
2023-02-24,Sarah Classen,,calvillo6472@gmail.com,44,,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack),Ecopak EP250 LE Graphite,Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack),Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 10 cm,X-Pac VX07RS - Off-White,Standard fairly durable base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Grey HDPE Gridstop,"one, colour to match pack (+$25)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Thank you again for your help and patience today with my questions!
I don't have ice axes, but I would need something to hold my hiking poles.
Please address the package as follows (I got this from NZ Post's website so if you know of a better way to get them to hold a package, I'll trust your judgement):
Ms. Sarah Classen (Post Restante)
NZ Post Shop Wanaka Central
Paper Plus Wanaka
23 Helwick St
Wanaka 9305
For the waist belt, I prefer the larger waist belt from the 55L pack as we discussed. We look forward to our new and improved packs :)"
2023-01-21,Rebecca Bohlmann,"24 Caswell Road
Milford Sound Lodge c/o Trips & Tramps
Te Anau
9600",bohlmannrebecca3@gmail.com,51,80,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Teal,Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,Ecopak EPX200 - Teal,Extra heavy duty base,One 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loop,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Large Zip Up Pockets ($150 extra),Internal Access Pocket,"Hi there,
I have been looking at your packs for a while and decided to go for one of yours!
I live in Milford and am excited to find something so local. :)
Heading off to the States to hike the AZT in 2 months.
It's a little hard for me to imagine what the pack looks like with the colors I chose, haha but I trust your decision to swap the colors around as needed or suits the pack better in your opinion.
Is there any chance to only add 1 Zip up pocket? "
2023-01-18,Karen Tills,"761 Belk Road
Bay Of Plenty
3171",kmtills@xtra.co.nz,45,81,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue,Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue,Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 5 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Grey HDPE Gridstop,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,
2023-01-09,Jarvis Feaver,"78 kelburn Parade
6012",jarvisf1@hotmail.com,50,81,Durability,Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 10 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Teal,Extra heavy duty base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Large Zip Up Pockets ($150 extra),Internal Access Pocket,"Thanks heaps, looking forward to this pack. I have not gone through shopify so ill keep an eye out for the invoice.
2022-12-06,Anneke Lewis,"56 Sylvan Valley Avenue
604",annekejlewis@gmail.com,46,90,Durability,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack),Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia,Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack),Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 10 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Extra heavy duty base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Instead of two strap bottle pockets, could I have one bottle, and one zip pocket?--
- zip pocket in fuchsia (or even better if it can be fuchsia and orange - like your 2 colour mini pouch!)
- bottle in bright orange and black (I couldn't tell if the grey you often do with bottle holders is EPX200 or something else, but I'd like black if poss)
with the lycra pockets on the waist strap - can they both (or even just one side) be tweaked to fit my phone if it doesn't already? phone size with the life proof case - 18cm x 9.5cm."
2022-11-22,Scott Harris,"17 Hillview close
3821",scottyrharris9@gmail.com,40,86,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple,HDPE Gridstop - Grey,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Teal,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Grey HDPE Gridstop,"one, colour to match pack (+$25)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,
2022-10-27,Andrew Hogarth,"431 Awapuni Road
4071",andrew.h@farmersair.co.nz,68,115,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack),Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue,Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack),Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 10 cm,Liteskin LS07 - Heather,Extra heavy duty base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Grey HDPE Gridstop,"two, colour to match pack (+$50)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,None,
2022-10-24,Jonty Mckinnel,"57a Albert Street
9810",jontym14@gmail.com,47,88,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey,Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 10 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue,Extra heavy duty base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey,"one, colour to match pack (+$25)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Large Zip Up Pockets ($150 extra),Internal Access Pocket,Will be using this pack for godzone so any recommendations or suggestions are welcome :)
2022-10-03,Cheyne Anderson,"7 Elsie St
2206",cheyneleighanderson@gmail.com,45,25,Durability,Ecopak EPX200 - Teal,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord,Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 5 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Teal,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hello David,
My partner Miles got a very similar pack from you and absolutely loves it.
I am taking the plunge into the pool of handmade packs.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!"
2022-09-30,Joshua Knox,"48 montreal road
washington valley
7010",joshknox@yahoo.com,55,94,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown,Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red,Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket,Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown,Alpine style ice tool holder (don't select ice axe loops later),Standard,Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red,Standard fairly durable base,,Grey HDPE Gridstop,"one, colour to match pack (+$25)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,please include lid
2022-08-22,Chelsea Lokes,"13 Quinns Road
612",sealokes@gmail.com,44,98,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 5 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi David, I would also like to order 1 x phone pocket to match the straps (Black Knight).
I will wait for your invoice to include the phone pocket price. Thank you!"
2022-07-27,James Smith,"666 Bluff Rd Sheffield
7580",Jamesshmmt@icloud.com,46,90,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy,Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,Alpine style ice tool holder (don't select ice axe loops later),+ 10 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Grey HDPE Gridstop,Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Gear Loops,Internal Access Pocket,
2022-07-06,Lisa Cox,,lisaclarecox09@gmail.com,49,98,A good balance of durability and light weight,,,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,,Standard fairly durable base,One 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loop,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Large Zip Up Pockets ($150 extra),Internal Access Pocket,"Hi, for the pack materials and colours- I really like the pack in pictures 3,4 and 5. Love the hints of rescue orange with the grey and black. Exactly the same as that colour scheme please if possible and the deep side pockets for my 1.5 litre kiwi blue bottle and 1 litre Nalgene bottles. Also, I carry my foam sleep pad on the bottom of my pack. Is it possible to have the straps and buckles for this too? "
2022-06-05,Miles Herbert,"7 Elsie St, Earlwood, NSW, 2206
2206",Miles.p.herbert@gmail.com,19,32,Durability,Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown,Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn,Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord,Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 5 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Grey HDPE Gridstop,Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hello,
Hoping you ship to Australia as well. Very happy to cover shipping costs.
Send me an email on miles.p.herbert@gmail.com if you want to chat.
Miles "
2022-05-15,Wako Tanaka,"122 Cox Street
7930",w4k0t0@gmail.com,45,84,A good balance of durability and light weight,,Ecopak EPX200 - Teal,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,,Alpine style ice tool holder (don't select ice axe loops later),Standard,Ecopak EPX200 - Teal,,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Grey HDPE Gridstop,,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Gear Loops,Internal Access Pocket,"Main Fabric: Ultra 400 TX
Side pockets: Shallow ones with Ecopack EPX200 Golden Dazy
The little triangles on shoulder harness: EPX200 Golden Dazy if possible
Shoulder harness pockets: Is it possible to make a pocket that's like the one on a running vest? It is built-in, the side is non-elastic fabric and the other part has a meshy a little bit strethcy material. The opening top has an elastic chord to be able to sinch it so that a water flask/bottle doesn't jump out. I will send you an email with pictures and measurements. Or otherwise the low-profile flat pockets just like George's would do (double layered one).
Top strap: The Y-strap
Ice Axe attachment: I had to re-think about this because if I get the triangle I cannot use it to put my walking poles away. I really like the front design of the Macpac Pursuit (the only thing I like about the pack). If you could immitate that, it would be really really great. I will send you an email about it too.
2022-04-04,Vaughn Woods,"79 Shackleton Rd
Mt Eden
1024",vaughn.woods@voco.co.nz,44,84,Light Weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 5 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Grey HDPE Gridstop,Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Flat Lycra Pockets,Internal Access Pocket,"Hi, looking to use the pack for adventure racing and training for such. I have another smaller pack but want this one when need to carry a bit more gear including paddle at times (would be useful for bottom of pockets to have slightly heavier fabric is possible to take the wear of carbon paddle end.
Back pocket /pouch I use for food on the go and wind breaker jacket so don’t have to stop and open pack to get to it.
Side pockets used for cycle size drink bottles, walking poles and sometimes paddle . So width to fit bottle and about 20cm deep I think would be about the right sizing depending what you think.
From a colour perspective I like the black, grey and orange example on the website, orange flashes for visibility back and ground useful
Thanks "
2022-04-03,Kirk Hargreaves,"5 Somes Road
8082",kirkh00@gmail.com,50,,A good balance of durability and light weight,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,X-Pac VX07RS - Red,Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 5 cm,X-Pac VX07RS - Red,Extra heavy duty base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Grey HDPE Gridstop,Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,No Pockets,None,"Hi David. Just the medium sized pockets thanks.
2022-03-31,Harriet Heron,"46A College Street
College Estate
4500",harrietheron231@gmail.com,46,77,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue,Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord,Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 5 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia,Standard fairly durable base,None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue,Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue,Large Zip Up Pockets ($150 extra),Internal Access Pocket,"Hi, this isn't a note for the pack but for the small pouch I've also ordered (sorry, wasn't sure where else to put the note). I have selected 'golden dazy' as the colour but what I was really hoping for was the blue and yellow pouches where the proceeds go towards Ukraine if it's possible. It's a really cool thing for you to be doing! If you don't have any left, yellow will be fine. Thanks :)"
2022-03-30,Kerry Mccormick,"13. William Place
3010",kerry@mccormicklog.co.nz,40,84,A good balance of durability and light weight,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,X-Pac VX07RS - Red,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 5 cm,X-Pac VX07RS - Red,Standard fairly durable base,Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Large Zip Up Pockets ($150 extra),Internal Access Pocket,"Thanks for your help earlier on David,if you can improve on any of these choices please do so
Kind Regards
"Submission Date","First Name","Last Name",Email,"Street Address","Street Address Line 2",City,"State / Province","Postal / Zip Code","Torso Length (cm)","Waist Circumference (cm)","I am going for","Side Panels (assuming you have the pack on)","Side Pockets (assuming you have the pack on)","Side Compression","Back Panel (what someone following behind will see)","Back Pocket (what someone following behind will see)","Rolltop Size","Rolltop Fabric and Colour","Bottom of Pack","Ice Axe Loops","Strap Fabric and Colour","Removable Strap Bottle Pockets (+$25 ea)","Sternum Strap","Waist Belt Colour and Fabric","Waist Belt Pockets/Gear Loops","Zip Pocket",Message
"Aug 8, 2023",Kevin,Moginie,kevinmoginie@gmail.com,"1 Wicklow tce","Albert town",Wanaka,Otago,9305,52,96,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue",None,"Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Solid Grey HDPE Gridstop pocket with stretch cord.","+10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Standard fairly durable base","One 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loop","Grey HDPE Gridstop","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi David, we met last summer when I visited you at the shop and looked at getting one of these, then buggered my knees. I am off to Peru Sept 1 and wonder if you can build one before then?
Kevin Moginie
0220 997883"
"Apr 29, 2023",Ellen,"De Smet",eswdesmet@gmail.com,"99 Silverdale Road","Silverdale ",Hamilton,Waikato,3216,44,93,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia","Tabs plus 3mm stretch cord","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket",
"Apr 17, 2023",Mathea,Roorda,mathea.paradise@gmail.com,"26 Ferguson Street",Newtown,Wellington,"North Island Urban Delivery",6021,44,100,"A good balance of durability and light weight","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","X-Pac VX07RS - Red","Tabs only","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+10 cm","X-Pac VX07RS - Red","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets",None,"Pack builder completed based on the info we discussed. If I have missed something can you let me know? Also:
waist measurement - I did my hip (100)
waist is not much different - 95cm!
I need to confirm torso height when I have someone available to double check my measurement.
Thanks. Mathea"
"Mar 21, 2023",Nicholas,Tierney,nicholas.tierney@gmail.com,"Unit 3 9-11 Rintala st",Australia,Newstead,Tasmania,7250,49,96,"Light Weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red","Tabs plus 3mm stretch cord","Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy","Standard fairly durable base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red","Flat Lycra Pockets",None,"Hi there!
I've had two great bags from you - a 35L and a 45L. After some time with the recent super orange 45L bag, I think I have realised a couple of things that I need for my trip that have come up in this bag:
- A bit of extra rolltop for water carries and food
- Full size side pockets as I've found they are useful for me
- No hip belt pockets - these were not as useful as I thought
- Also some extra colours is fun
Regarding my torso length, I wanted to double check the length that I sent you
- 49cm torso length
- 96cm waist circumference
I will send you an email with some photos of my bag on a recent trip. I have previously had a 35L bag from you that I had my torso length at 53cm, and my recent 45L bag from you was at 49cm - I will attach some photos to an email and see if you think I should go for a longer pack perhaps - the 49cm bag is the 45L ultra+orange one, and while it feel comfortable enough, the bag does feel a bit like it rides up touch high and the shoulder straps don't feel like they sit quite right. I'm in a bit of a rabbit hole here but I think even though 49cm seems to be the measurement my friends take, perhaps something a bit longer might be better for this bag - what are your thoughts?
I'd like to customise the colour choice - the theme is to have a variety of colours in this bag, with some of the left and right colours having a red and blue consistency.
If I am wearing the bag, then the colours I would like are:
- Left strap fabric: Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red
- Right strap fabric: Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue
- Left waist belt colour: Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red
- Right waist belt colour Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue
- Left pocket fabric: Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red
- Right pocket fabric: Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue
- Left Side Panel: Ecopak EPX200 Fuchsia
- Right Side Panel: Ecopak EPX200 Bright Orange
Other colours are as stated above in the pack builder.
Finally regarding weight - I'm keen to get this bag as light as I can - this is my thru hiking bag for the pacific crest trail, and I'd love to get close to the 600-750g weight if I can.
Let me know if you've got any questions :)
Also, do you think the bag would be able to arrive before April 27? I fly out that day to the USA to hike the PCT so would need the bag before then ideally!"
"Feb 24, 2023",Sarah,Classen,calvillo6472@gmail.com,,,,,,44,,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack)","Ecopak EP250 LE Graphite","Tabs plus 3mm stretch cord","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack)","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+10 cm","X-Pac VX07RS - Off-White","Standard fairly durable base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Grey HDPE Gridstop","one, colour to match pack (+$25)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Thank you again for your help and patience today with my questions!
I don't have ice axes, but I would need something to hold my hiking poles.
Please address the package as follows (I got this from NZ Post's website so if you know of a better way to get them to hold a package, I'll trust your judgement):
Ms. Sarah Classen (Post Restante)
NZ Post Shop Wanaka Central
Paper Plus Wanaka
23 Helwick St
Wanaka 9305
For the waist belt, I prefer the larger waist belt from the 55L pack as we discussed. We look forward to our new and improved packs :)"
"Jan 21, 2023",Rebecca,Bohlmann,bohlmannrebecca3@gmail.com,"24 Caswell Road","Milford Sound Lodge c/o Trips & Tramps","Te Anau",Southland,9600,51,80,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy","Lycra pocket and stretch cord",Standard,"Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Extra heavy duty base","One 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loop","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Large Zip Up Pockets ($150 extra)","Internal Access Pocket","Hi there,
I have been looking at your packs for a while and decided to go for one of yours!
I live in Milford and am excited to find something so local. :)
Heading off to the States to hike the AZT in 2 months.
It's a little hard for me to imagine what the pack looks like with the colors I chose, haha but I trust your decision to swap the colors around as needed or suits the pack better in your opinion.
Is there any chance to only add 1 Zip up pocket? "
"Jan 18, 2023",Karen,Tills,kmtills@xtra.co.nz,"761 Belk Road",R.D.1,Tauranga,"Bay Of Plenty",3171,45,81,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue","Tabs only","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket",
"Jan 9, 2023",Jarvis,Feaver,jarvisf1@hotmail.com,"78 kelburn Parade",Kelburn,Wellington,Wellington,6012,50,81,Durability,"Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Extra heavy duty base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Large Zip Up Pockets ($150 extra)","Internal Access Pocket","Thanks heaps, looking forward to this pack. I have not gone through shopify so ill keep an eye out for the invoice.
"Dec 6, 2022",Anneke,Lewis,annekejlewis@gmail.com,"56 Sylvan Valley Avenue",Titirangi,Auckland,,0604,46,90,Durability,"Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack)","Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack)","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Extra heavy duty base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Instead of two strap bottle pockets, could I have one bottle, and one zip pocket?--
- zip pocket in fuchsia (or even better if it can be fuchsia and orange - like your 2 colour mini pouch!)
- bottle in bright orange and black (I couldn't tell if the grey you often do with bottle holders is EPX200 or something else, but I'd like black if poss)
with the lycra pockets on the waist strap - can they both (or even just one side) be tweaked to fit my phone if it doesn't already? phone size with the life proof case - 18cm x 9.5cm."
"Nov 22, 2022","Scott ","Harris ",scottyrharris9@gmail.com,"17 Hillview close ",,Nilma,"Victoria ",3821,40,86,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple","HDPE Gridstop - Grey","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Lycra pocket and stretch cord",Standard,"Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop","one, colour to match pack (+$25)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket",
"Oct 27, 2022",Andrew,Hogarth,andrew.h@farmersair.co.nz,"431 Awapuni Road",RD1,Gisborne,,4071,68,115,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack)","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack)","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+10 cm","Liteskin LS07 - Heather","Extra heavy duty base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets",None,
"Oct 24, 2022",Jonty,Mckinnel,jontym14@gmail.com,"57a Albert Street","Gladstone ","Invercargill ","Southland ",9810,47,88,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue","Extra heavy duty base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey","one, colour to match pack (+$25)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Large Zip Up Pockets ($110 extra, you need to select this option in my webshop or I can invoice for them)","Internal Access Pocket","Will be using this pack for godzone so any recommendations or suggestions are welcome :)"
"Oct 3, 2022","Cheyne ",Anderson,cheyneleighanderson@gmail.com,"7 Elsie St",,Earlwood,NSW,2206,45,25,Durability,"Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Tabs plus 3mm stretch cord","Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hello David,
My partner Miles got a very similar pack from you and absolutely loves it.
I am taking the plunge into the pool of handmade packs.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!"
"Sep 30, 2022",joshua,knox,joshknox@yahoo.com,"48 montreal road ","washington valley ","Nelson ",,7010,55,94,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown","Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown","Alpine style ice tool holder (don't select ice axe loops later)",Standard,"Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red","Standard fairly durable base",,"Grey HDPE Gridstop","one, colour to match pack (+$25)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","please include lid"
"Aug 22, 2022",Chelsea,Lokes,sealokes@gmail.com,"13 Quinns Road",Waiatarua,Auckland,,0612,44,98,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi David, I would also like to order 1 x phone pocket to match the straps (Black Knight).
I will wait for your invoice to include the phone pocket price. Thank you!"
"Jul 27, 2022",James,Smith,Jamesshmmt@icloud.com,"666 Bluff Rd Sheffield",,Sheffield,Canterbury,7580,46,90,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Alpine style ice tool holder (don't select ice axe loops later)","+10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Gear Loops","Internal Access Pocket",
"Jul 6, 2022",Lisa,Cox,lisaclarecox09@gmail.com,,,,,,49,98,"A good balance of durability and light weight",,,"Two 19mm webbing compression straps",,"Lycra pocket and stretch cord",Standard,,"Standard fairly durable base","One 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loop","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Large Zip Up Pockets ($70 extra, you need to select this option in my webshop or I can invoice for them)","Internal Access Pocket","Hi, for the pack materials and colours- I really like the pack in pictures 3,4 and 5. Love the hints of rescue orange with the grey and black. Exactly the same as that colour scheme please if possible and the deep side pockets for my 1.5 litre kiwi blue bottle and 1 litre Nalgene bottles. Also, I carry my foam sleep pad on the bottom of my pack. Is it possible to have the straps and buckles for this too? "
"Jun 5, 2022",Miles,Herbert,Miles.p.herbert@gmail.com,"7 Elsie St, Earlwood, NSW, 2206",,Earlwood,NSW,2206,19,32,Durability,"Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown","Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn","Tabs plus 3mm stretch cord","Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hello,
Hoping you ship to Australia as well. Very happy to cover shipping costs.
Send me an email on miles.p.herbert@gmail.com if you want to chat.
Miles "
"May 15, 2022",Wako,Tanaka,w4k0t0@gmail.com,"122 Cox Street",,Geraldine,Canterbury,7930,45,84,"A good balance of durability and light weight",,"Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Two 19mm webbing compression straps",,"Alpine style ice tool holder (don't select ice axe loops later)",Standard,"Ecopak EPX200 - Teal",,"None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop",,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Gear Loops","Internal Access Pocket","Main Fabric: Ultra 400 TX
Side pockets: Shallow ones with Ecopack EPX200 Golden Dazy
The little triangles on shoulder harness: EPX200 Golden Dazy if possible
Shoulder harness pockets: Is it possible to make a pocket that's like the one on a running vest? It is built-in, the side is non-elastic fabric and the other part has a meshy a little bit strethcy material. The opening top has an elastic chord to be able to sinch it so that a water flask/bottle doesn't jump out. I will send you an email with pictures and measurements. Or otherwise the low-profile flat pockets just like George's would do (double layered one).
Top strap: The Y-strap
Ice Axe attachment: I had to re-think about this because if I get the triangle I cannot use it to put my walking poles away. I really like the front design of the Macpac Pursuit (the only thing I like about the pack). If you could immitate that, it would be really really great. I will send you an email about it too.
"Apr 4, 2022",Vaughn,Woods,vaughn.woods@voco.co.nz,"79 Shackleton Rd",,Auckland,"Mt Eden",1024,44,84,"Light Weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi, looking to use the pack for adventure racing and training for such. I have another smaller pack but want this one when need to carry a bit more gear including paddle at times (would be useful for bottom of pockets to have slightly heavier fabric is possible to take the wear of carbon paddle end.
Back pocket /pouch I use for food on the go and wind breaker jacket so don’t have to stop and open pack to get to it.
Side pockets used for cycle size drink bottles, walking poles and sometimes paddle . So width to fit bottle and about 20cm deep I think would be about the right sizing depending what you think.
From a colour perspective I like the black, grey and orange example on the website, orange flashes for visibility back and ground useful
Thanks "
"Apr 3, 2022","Kirk ","Hargreaves ",kirkh00@gmail.com,"5 Somes Road","Lyttelton ","Christchurch ",,"8082 ",50,,"A good balance of durability and light weight","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","X-Pac VX07RS - Red","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","X-Pac VX07RS - Red","Extra heavy duty base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","No Pockets",None,"Hi David. Just the medium sized pockets thanks.
"Mar 31, 2022",Harriet,Heron,harrietheron231@gmail.com,"46A College Street","College Estate",Whanganui,Region,4500,46,77,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Tabs only","Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue","Large Zip Up Pockets ($70 extra, you need to select this option in my webshop or I can invoice for them)","Internal Access Pocket","Hi, this isn't a note for the pack but for the small pouch I've also ordered (sorry, wasn't sure where else to put the note). I have selected 'golden dazy' as the colour but what I was really hoping for was the blue and yellow pouches where the proceeds go towards Ukraine if it's possible. It's a really cool thing for you to be doing! If you don't have any left, yellow will be fine. Thanks :)"
"Mar 30, 2022","Kerry ","McCormick ",kerry@mccormicklog.co.nz,"13. William Place ","Lynmore ","Rotorua ",,3010,40,84,"A good balance of durability and light weight","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","X-Pac VX07RS - Red","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","X-Pac VX07RS - Red","Standard fairly durable base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Large Zip Up Pockets ($70 extra, you need to select this option in my webshop or I can invoice for them)","Internal Access Pocket","Thanks for your help earlier on David,if you can improve on any of these choices please do so
Kind Regards
"Submission Date","First Name","Last Name",Email,"Street Address","Street Address Line 2",City,"State / Province","Postal / Zip Code","Torso Length (cm)","Waist Circumference (cm)","I am going for","Side Panels (assuming you have the pack on)","Side Pockets (assuming you have the pack on)","Side Compression","Back Panel (what someone following behind will see)","Back Pocket (what someone following behind will see)","Rolltop Size","Rolltop Fabric and Colour","Bottom of Pack","Ice Axe Loops","Strap Fabric and Colour","Removable Strap Bottle Pockets (+$25 ea)","Sternum Strap","Waist Belt Colour and Fabric","Waist Belt Pockets/Gear Loops","Zip Pocket",Message
"Aug 8, 2023",Kevin,Moginie,kevinmoginie@gmail.com,"1 Wicklow tce","Albert town",Wanaka,Otago,9305,52,96,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue",None,"Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Grey HDPE Gridstop pocket with stretch cord","+ 10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Standard fairly durable base","One 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loop","Grey HDPE Gridstop","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi David, we met last summer when I visited you at the shop and looked at getting one of these, then buggered my knees. I am off to Peru Sept 1 and wonder if you can build one before then?
Kevin Moginie
0220 997883"
"Apr 29, 2023",Ellen,"De Smet",eswdesmet@gmail.com,"99 Silverdale Road","Silverdale ",Hamilton,Waikato,3216,44,93,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia","Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket",
"Apr 17, 2023",Mathea,Roorda,mathea.paradise@gmail.com,"26 Ferguson Street",Newtown,Wellington,"North Island Urban Delivery",6021,44,100,"A good balance of durability and light weight","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","X-Pac VX07RS - Red","Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 10 cm","X-Pac VX07RS - Red","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets",None,"Pack builder completed based on the info we discussed. If I have missed something can you let me know? Also:
waist measurement - I did my hip (100)
waist is not much different - 95cm!
I need to confirm torso height when I have someone available to double check my measurement.
Thanks. Mathea"
"Mar 21, 2023",Nicholas,Tierney,nicholas.tierney@gmail.com,"Unit 3 9-11 Rintala st",Australia,Newstead,Tasmania,7250,49,96,"Light Weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red","Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord","Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy","Standard fairly durable base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red","Flat Lycra Pockets",None,"Hi there!
I've had two great bags from you - a 35L and a 45L. After some time with the recent super orange 45L bag, I think I have realised a couple of things that I need for my trip that have come up in this bag:
- A bit of extra rolltop for water carries and food
- Full size side pockets as I've found they are useful for me
- No hip belt pockets - these were not as useful as I thought
- Also some extra colours is fun
Regarding my torso length, I wanted to double check the length that I sent you
- 49cm torso length
- 96cm waist circumference
I will send you an email with some photos of my bag on a recent trip. I have previously had a 35L bag from you that I had my torso length at 53cm, and my recent 45L bag from you was at 49cm - I will attach some photos to an email and see if you think I should go for a longer pack perhaps - the 49cm bag is the 45L ultra+orange one, and while it feel comfortable enough, the bag does feel a bit like it rides up touch high and the shoulder straps don't feel like they sit quite right. I'm in a bit of a rabbit hole here but I think even though 49cm seems to be the measurement my friends take, perhaps something a bit longer might be better for this bag - what are your thoughts?
I'd like to customise the colour choice - the theme is to have a variety of colours in this bag, with some of the left and right colours having a red and blue consistency.
If I am wearing the bag, then the colours I would like are:
- Left strap fabric: Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red
- Right strap fabric: Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue
- Left waist belt colour: Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red
- Right waist belt colour Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue
- Left pocket fabric: Ecopak RBC 450RS - Revel Red
- Right pocket fabric: Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue
- Left Side Panel: Ecopak EPX200 Fuchsia
- Right Side Panel: Ecopak EPX200 Bright Orange
Other colours are as stated above in the pack builder.
Finally regarding weight - I'm keen to get this bag as light as I can - this is my thru hiking bag for the pacific crest trail, and I'd love to get close to the 600-750g weight if I can.
Let me know if you've got any questions :)
Also, do you think the bag would be able to arrive before April 27? I fly out that day to the USA to hike the PCT so would need the bag before then ideally!"
"Feb 24, 2023",Sarah,Classen,calvillo6472@gmail.com,,,,,,44,,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack)","Ecopak EP250 LE Graphite","Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack)","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 10 cm","X-Pac VX07RS - Off-White","Standard fairly durable base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Grey HDPE Gridstop","one, colour to match pack (+$25)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Thank you again for your help and patience today with my questions!
I don't have ice axes, but I would need something to hold my hiking poles.
Please address the package as follows (I got this from NZ Post's website so if you know of a better way to get them to hold a package, I'll trust your judgement):
Ms. Sarah Classen (Post Restante)
NZ Post Shop Wanaka Central
Paper Plus Wanaka
23 Helwick St
Wanaka 9305
For the waist belt, I prefer the larger waist belt from the 55L pack as we discussed. We look forward to our new and improved packs :)"
"Jan 21, 2023",Rebecca,Bohlmann,bohlmannrebecca3@gmail.com,"24 Caswell Road","Milford Sound Lodge c/o Trips & Tramps","Te Anau",Southland,9600,51,80,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy","Lycra pocket and stretch cord",Standard,"Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Extra heavy duty base","One 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loop","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Large Zip Up Pockets ($150 extra)","Internal Access Pocket","Hi there,
I have been looking at your packs for a while and decided to go for one of yours!
I live in Milford and am excited to find something so local. :)
Heading off to the States to hike the AZT in 2 months.
It's a little hard for me to imagine what the pack looks like with the colors I chose, haha but I trust your decision to swap the colors around as needed or suits the pack better in your opinion.
Is there any chance to only add 1 Zip up pocket? "
"Jan 18, 2023",Karen,Tills,kmtills@xtra.co.nz,"761 Belk Road",R.D.1,Tauranga,"Bay Of Plenty",3171,45,81,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue","Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket",
"Jan 9, 2023",Jarvis,Feaver,jarvisf1@hotmail.com,"78 kelburn Parade",Kelburn,Wellington,Wellington,6012,50,81,Durability,"Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Extra heavy duty base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Large Zip Up Pockets ($150 extra)","Internal Access Pocket","Thanks heaps, looking forward to this pack. I have not gone through shopify so ill keep an eye out for the invoice.
"Dec 6, 2022",Anneke,Lewis,annekejlewis@gmail.com,"56 Sylvan Valley Avenue",Titirangi,Auckland,,0604,46,90,Durability,"Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack)","Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack)","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Extra heavy duty base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Instead of two strap bottle pockets, could I have one bottle, and one zip pocket?--
- zip pocket in fuchsia (or even better if it can be fuchsia and orange - like your 2 colour mini pouch!)
- bottle in bright orange and black (I couldn't tell if the grey you often do with bottle holders is EPX200 or something else, but I'd like black if poss)
with the lycra pockets on the waist strap - can they both (or even just one side) be tweaked to fit my phone if it doesn't already? phone size with the life proof case - 18cm x 9.5cm."
"Nov 22, 2022","Scott ","Harris ",scottyrharris9@gmail.com,"17 Hillview close ",,Nilma,"Victoria ",3821,40,86,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple","HDPE Gridstop - Grey","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Lycra pocket and stretch cord",Standard,"Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop","one, colour to match pack (+$25)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket",
"Oct 27, 2022",Andrew,Hogarth,andrew.h@farmersair.co.nz,"431 Awapuni Road",RD1,Gisborne,,4071,68,115,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack)","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack)","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 10 cm","Liteskin LS07 - Heather","Extra heavy duty base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop","two, colour to match pack (+$50)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets",None,
"Oct 24, 2022",Jonty,Mckinnel,jontym14@gmail.com,"57a Albert Street","Gladstone ","Invercargill ","Southland ",9810,47,88,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue","Extra heavy duty base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey","one, colour to match pack (+$25)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Large Zip Up Pockets ($150 extra)","Internal Access Pocket","Will be using this pack for godzone so any recommendations or suggestions are welcome :)"
"Oct 3, 2022","Cheyne ",Anderson,cheyneleighanderson@gmail.com,"7 Elsie St",,Earlwood,NSW,2206,45,25,Durability,"Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord","Ecopak EPX200 - Snow White","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hello David,
My partner Miles got a very similar pack from you and absolutely loves it.
I am taking the plunge into the pool of handmade packs.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!"
"Sep 30, 2022",joshua,knox,joshknox@yahoo.com,"48 montreal road ","washington valley ","Nelson ",,7010,55,94,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown","Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown","Alpine style ice tool holder (don't select ice axe loops later)",Standard,"Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red","Standard fairly durable base",,"Grey HDPE Gridstop","one, colour to match pack (+$25)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","please include lid"
"Aug 22, 2022",Chelsea,Lokes,sealokes@gmail.com,"13 Quinns Road",Waiatarua,Auckland,,0612,44,98,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi David, I would also like to order 1 x phone pocket to match the straps (Black Knight).
I will wait for your invoice to include the phone pocket price. Thank you!"
"Jul 27, 2022",James,Smith,Jamesshmmt@icloud.com,"666 Bluff Rd Sheffield",,Sheffield,Canterbury,7580,46,90,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Ecopak EPX200 - Golden Dazy","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Alpine style ice tool holder (don't select ice axe loops later)","+ 10 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Ocean Blue","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Gear Loops","Internal Access Pocket",
"Jul 6, 2022",Lisa,Cox,lisaclarecox09@gmail.com,,,,,,49,98,"A good balance of durability and light weight",,,"Two 19mm webbing compression straps",,"Lycra pocket and stretch cord",Standard,,"Standard fairly durable base","One 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loop","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Large Zip Up Pockets ($150 extra)","Internal Access Pocket","Hi, for the pack materials and colours- I really like the pack in pictures 3,4 and 5. Love the hints of rescue orange with the grey and black. Exactly the same as that colour scheme please if possible and the deep side pockets for my 1.5 litre kiwi blue bottle and 1 litre Nalgene bottles. Also, I carry my foam sleep pad on the bottom of my pack. Is it possible to have the straps and buckles for this too? "
"Jun 5, 2022",Miles,Herbert,Miles.p.herbert@gmail.com,"7 Elsie St, Earlwood, NSW, 2206",,Earlwood,NSW,2206,19,32,Durability,"Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown","Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn","Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord","Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hello,
Hoping you ship to Australia as well. Very happy to cover shipping costs.
Send me an email on miles.p.herbert@gmail.com if you want to chat.
Miles "
"May 15, 2022",Wako,Tanaka,w4k0t0@gmail.com,"122 Cox Street",,Geraldine,Canterbury,7930,45,84,"A good balance of durability and light weight",,"Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","Two 19mm webbing compression straps",,"Alpine style ice tool holder (don't select ice axe loops later)",Standard,"Ecopak EPX200 - Teal",,"None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop",,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Gear Loops","Internal Access Pocket","Main Fabric: Ultra 400 TX
Side pockets: Shallow ones with Ecopack EPX200 Golden Dazy
The little triangles on shoulder harness: EPX200 Golden Dazy if possible
Shoulder harness pockets: Is it possible to make a pocket that's like the one on a running vest? It is built-in, the side is non-elastic fabric and the other part has a meshy a little bit strethcy material. The opening top has an elastic chord to be able to sinch it so that a water flask/bottle doesn't jump out. I will send you an email with pictures and measurements. Or otherwise the low-profile flat pockets just like George's would do (double layered one).
Top strap: The Y-strap
Ice Axe attachment: I had to re-think about this because if I get the triangle I cannot use it to put my walking poles away. I really like the front design of the Macpac Pursuit (the only thing I like about the pack). If you could immitate that, it would be really really great. I will send you an email about it too.
"Apr 4, 2022",Vaughn,Woods,vaughn.woods@voco.co.nz,"79 Shackleton Rd",,Auckland,"Mt Eden",1024,44,84,"Light Weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Flat Lycra Pockets","Internal Access Pocket","Hi, looking to use the pack for adventure racing and training for such. I have another smaller pack but want this one when need to carry a bit more gear including paddle at times (would be useful for bottom of pockets to have slightly heavier fabric is possible to take the wear of carbon paddle end.
Back pocket /pouch I use for food on the go and wind breaker jacket so don’t have to stop and open pack to get to it.
Side pockets used for cycle size drink bottles, walking poles and sometimes paddle . So width to fit bottle and about 20cm deep I think would be about the right sizing depending what you think.
From a colour perspective I like the black, grey and orange example on the website, orange flashes for visibility back and ground useful
Thanks "
"Apr 3, 2022","Kirk ","Hargreaves ",kirkh00@gmail.com,"5 Somes Road","Lyttelton ","Christchurch ",,"8082 ",50,,"A good balance of durability and light weight","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","X-Pac VX07RS - Red","Two 19mm webbing compression straps plus tight paddle strap inside pocket","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","X-Pac VX07RS - Red","Extra heavy duty base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","No Pockets",None,"Hi David. Just the medium sized pockets thanks.
"Mar 31, 2022",Harriet,Heron,harrietheron231@gmail.com,"46A College Street","College Estate",Whanganui,Region,4500,46,77,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord","Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia","Standard fairly durable base","None (Tabs always present for a homemade cord loop)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Bright Blue","Large Zip Up Pockets ($150 extra)","Internal Access Pocket","Hi, this isn't a note for the pack but for the small pouch I've also ordered (sorry, wasn't sure where else to put the note). I have selected 'golden dazy' as the colour but what I was really hoping for was the blue and yellow pouches where the proceeds go towards Ukraine if it's possible. It's a really cool thing for you to be doing! If you don't have any left, yellow will be fine. Thanks :)"
"Mar 30, 2022","Kerry ","McCormick ",kerry@mccormicklog.co.nz,"13. William Place ","Lynmore ","Rotorua ",,3010,40,84,"A good balance of durability and light weight","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","X-Pac VX07RS - Red","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","X-Pac VX07RS - Red","Standard fairly durable base","Two 12mm webbing Ice Axe Loops","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Grey HDPE Gridstop","Large Zip Up Pockets ($150 extra)","Internal Access Pocket","Thanks for your help earlier on David,if you can improve on any of these choices please do so
Kind Regards
Created,Name,Address,Email,Torso Length (cm),Waist Circumference (cm),I am going for,Side Panels,Side Pockets,Side Compression,Back Panel (what someone following behind will see),Back Pocket (what someone following behind will see),Rolltop Size,Rolltop Fabric and Colour,Bottom of Pack,Strap Fabric and Colour,Removable Strap Bottle Pockets,Sternum Strap,Waist Belt Fabric and Colour,Message
2023-05-21,Bruce Keach,"37 Oban
9350",hilojumper@gmail.com,,,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,No Bottom Pocket,Grey HDPE Gridstop,none,None,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,
2023-05-10,Takla Gardey,,tgardey@mindspring.com,48,,Light Weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Teal,HDPE Gridstop - Grey,Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord,Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,Liteskin LS07 - Heather,Lycra Bottom Pocket,Grey HDPE Gridstop,"one, colour to match pack (+$25)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"EPX70HH for side pockets and rolltop
Email for address"
2023-04-28,Jane Shearer,"136 Coal Pit Road
9371",jane.shearer@resolutionz.biz,40,85,A good balance of durability and light weight,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,X-Pac VX07RS - Red,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,X-Pac VX07RS - Red,No Bottom Pocket,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"Now this is Jane's pack of Jane and Chris.
Re getting the packs, if timing allows we would like to pick them up as we live in Gibbston, near Queenstown - can we communicate on that one based on when you make them?
As for Chris, any design thoughts based on our info and your experience, please let us know! We reckon that if this works, there might be a lot of bike packers thinking it is a good idea!"
2023-04-28,Jane Shearer,"136 Coal Pit Rd
9371",jane.shearer@resolutionz.biz,47,96,A good balance of durability and light weight,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,X-Pac VX07 - Navy Blue,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,X-Pac VX07 - Navy Blue,,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"Hi this is from Chris who just called you - my partner Jane and I are buying two packs and we are putting them both under her name.
Just to reiterate our intent - the packs will be used as a front roll bag on a Salsa Anything Cradle. So the material needs to deal with the abrasion that comes with being strapped in a cradle on the front of a MTB. We have selected compression straps because we want to make the load tight before it is strapped into the cradle. The packs will also be used to carry all our gear when we are doing hike-a-bike rather than pushing a loaded bike. Feel free to come back with any design comments!
2023-04-21,Denise Blanchard,"55 d Palmerston Road
Havelock north
4130",denise@terminus.net.nz,45,106,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple,Ecopak EP250 LE Graphite,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple,Lycra Bottom Pocket,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,
2023-04-21,Denise Blanchard,"55d Palmerston Road
Havelock North
4130",denise@terminus.net.nz,54,112,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Ecopak EP250 LE Graphite,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,No Bottom Pocket,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,My husbands back measurement is 54 cm and he would like an orange and grey colour way. I may not have picked the rights spots for colours if you can provide guidance that would be great … thank you
2023-03-10,Matt Sanson,"58 Wiggins Street, Sumner
8081",matty_sanson@hotmail.com,50,96,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack),Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 5 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive,Lycra Bottom Pocket,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"Hi,
As per the email this will be used as a daypack for hunting while leaving the main pack behind. My Current pack is canvas and weighs more than 1kg. It also takes up alot of room in my main pack.
I'm a little confused by the fabric choices. I'm hoping for something that will survive a bit of scrub bashing but still be light and packable.
Also hoping to use the side compression straps in combination with the side pockets to store some gear on the outside of the pack i.e. tripod and walking stick.
Is it also possible to get loops for an ice axe?
2022-05-08,Glen Silvester,"206 Brown Street
3500",glensilvester@icloud.com,41,83,Light Weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red,Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard ,,Lycra Bottom Pocket,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"Hi Dave, Hope you had a good trip away. We spoke with you just before you went. I'm a friend of Jenny Walker who loves the pack you made for her. Have decided to proceed with a pack for me (Glen - female) and not for Paul at this stage. If you need to contact me, my phone is 022 0027627 (but I often have it on silent because of my work - so a text or phone message is good and I'll get back to you.) My email is glensilvester@icloud.com.
Many thanks,
2022-04-24,Frank Wills,"15 Somerset Avenue
6021",frank.kerry.wills@icloud.com,,,A good balance of durability and light weight,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,X-Pac VX07RS - Off-White,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 5 cm,X-Pac VX07RS - Off-White,No Bottom Pocket,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"Have you done load lifters (like on your 45L) for your 35L pack?
I've used a couple of frameless packs the last few years that I do love (ULA CDT and HMG 2400) however there's something that always ends up bothering me: when the straps are curved over your shoulders evenly the top of the pack always ends up falling away from your body in a slightly annoying way. It really seems to impact the way the pack hugs your shoulders and upper back, and how the load is distributed across your shoulders.
This situation only seems to arise near the top-end of my carry weight (8KG or so with tent). Of course, it's always more noticeable if you start using the neck of the pack but I generally think that's something you should live with as a temporary situation.
Anyway, enough rambling. I think a couple of lifters would help cinch the top of a pack up against the top of my shoulders and make things more ergonomic. I reckon this would be worth the weight."
"Submission Date","First Name","Last Name",Email,"Street Address","Street Address Line 2",City,"State / Province","Postal / Zip Code","Torso Length (cm)","Waist Circumference (cm)","I am going for","Side Panels (assuming you have the pack on)","Side Pockets (assuming you have the pack on)","Side Compression","Back Panel (what someone following behind will see)","Back Pocket (what someone following behind will see)","Rolltop Size","Rolltop Colour and Fabric","Bottom of Pack",Straps,"Removable Strap Bottle Pockets (+$25 ea)","Sternum Strap","Waist Belt",Message
"May 21, 2023","Bruce ","Keach ",hilojumper@gmail.com,"37 Oban ",Street,"Glenorchy ",,9350,,,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Lycra pocket and stretch cord",Standard,"Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","No Bottom Pocket","Grey Gridstop with Webbing Daisy Chain",none,None,"Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt",
"May 10, 2023",Takla,Gardey,tgardey@mindspring.com,,,,,,48,,"Light Weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Teal","HDPE Gridstop - Grey","Tabs plus 3mm stretch cord","Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple","Lycra pocket and stretch cord",Standard,"Liteskin LS07 - Heather","Lycra Bottom Pocket","Grey Gridstop with Webbing Daisy Chain","one, colour to match pack (+$25)","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt","EPX70HH for side pockets and rolltop
Email for address"
"Apr 28, 2023",Jane,Shearer,jane.shearer@resolutionz.biz,"136 Coal Pit Road",Gibbston,Queenstown,Otago,9371,40,85,"A good balance of durability and light weight","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","X-Pac VX07RS - Red","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","Lycra pocket and stretch cord",Standard,"X-Pac VX07RS - Red","No Bottom Pocket","Black Ecopak RBC450RS with Webbing Daisy Chain",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt","Now this is Jane's pack of Jane and Chris.
Re getting the packs, if timing allows we would like to pick them up as we live in Gibbston, near Queenstown - can we communicate on that one based on when you make them?
As for Chris, any design thoughts based on our info and your experience, please let us know! We reckon that if this works, there might be a lot of bike packers thinking it is a good idea!"
"Apr 28, 2023",Jane,Shearer,jane.shearer@resolutionz.biz,"136 Coal Pit Rd",Gibbston,Queenstown,Otago,9371,47,96,"A good balance of durability and light weight","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","X-Pac VX07 - Navy Blue","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","Lycra pocket and stretch cord",Standard,"X-Pac VX07 - Navy Blue",,"Black Ecopak RBC450RS with Webbing Daisy Chain",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt","Hi this is from Chris who just called you - my partner Jane and I are buying two packs and we are putting them both under her name.
Just to reiterate our intent - the packs will be used as a front roll bag on a Salsa Anything Cradle. So the material needs to deal with the abrasion that comes with being strapped in a cradle on the front of a MTB. We have selected compression straps because we want to make the load tight before it is strapped into the cradle. The packs will also be used to carry all our gear when we are doing hike-a-bike rather than pushing a loaded bike. Feel free to come back with any design comments!
"Apr 21, 2023",Denise,Blanchard,denise@terminus.net.nz,"55 d Palmerston Road",,"Havelock north",,4130,45,106,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple","Ecopak EP250 LE Graphite","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia","Lycra pocket and stretch cord",Standard,"Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple","Lycra Bottom Pocket","Black Ecopak RBC450RS with Webbing Daisy Chain",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt",
"Apr 21, 2023","Denise ",Blanchard,denise@terminus.net.nz,"55d Palmerston Road",,"Havelock North",,4130,54,112,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Ecopak EP250 LE Graphite","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Lycra pocket and stretch cord",Standard,"Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","No Bottom Pocket","Black Ecopak RBC450RS with Webbing Daisy Chain",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt","My husbands back measurement is 54 cm and he would like an orange and grey colour way. I may not have picked the rights spots for colours if you can provide guidance that would be great … thank you "
"Mar 10, 2023",Matt,Sanson,matty_sanson@hotmail.com,"58 Wiggins Street, Sumner",,Christchurch,Canterbury,8081,50,96,"A good balance of durability and light weight","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack)","Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack)","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive","Lycra Bottom Pocket","Black Ecopak RBC450RS with Webbing Daisy Chain",none,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt","Hi,
As per the email this will be used as a daypack for hunting while leaving the main pack behind. My Current pack is canvas and weighs more than 1kg. It also takes up alot of room in my main pack.
I'm a little confused by the fabric choices. I'm hoping for something that will survive a bit of scrub bashing but still be light and packable.
Also hoping to use the side compression straps in combination with the side pockets to store some gear on the outside of the pack i.e. tripod and walking stick.
Is it also possible to get loops for an ice axe?
"May 8, 2022",Glen,Silvester,glensilvester@icloud.com,"206 Brown Street",,Thames,,3500,41,83,"Light Weight","Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red","Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","None, extend main panels instead ","None, extend main panels instead ","Lycra Bottom Pocket","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain",,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt","Hi Dave, Hope you had a good trip away. We spoke with you just before you went. I'm a friend of Jenny Walker who loves the pack you made for her. Have decided to proceed with a pack for me (Glen - female) and not for Paul at this stage. If you need to contact me, my phone is 022 0027627 (but I often have it on silent because of my work - so a text or phone message is good and I'll get back to you.) My email is glensilvester@icloud.com.
Many thanks,
"Apr 24, 2022",Frank,Wills,frank.kerry.wills@icloud.com,"15 Somerset Avenue",,Wellington,Wellington,6021,,,"A good balance of durability and light weight","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","X-Pac VX07RS - Off-White","Two 19mm webbing compression straps","X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","+ 5 cm","X-Pac VX07RS - Off-White","No Bottom Pocket","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain",,"Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt","Have you done load lifters (like on your 45L) for your 35L pack?
I've used a couple of frameless packs the last few years that I do love (ULA CDT and HMG 2400) however there's something that always ends up bothering me: when the straps are curved over your shoulders evenly the top of the pack always ends up falling away from your body in a slightly annoying way. It really seems to impact the way the pack hugs your shoulders and upper back, and how the load is distributed across your shoulders.
This situation only seems to arise near the top-end of my carry weight (8KG or so with tent). Of course, it's always more noticeable if you start using the neck of the pack but I generally think that's something you should live with as a temporary situation.
Anyway, enough rambling. I think a couple of lifters would help cinch the top of a pack up against the top of my shoulders and make things more ergonomic. I reckon this would be worth the weight."
Submission Date,First Name,Last Name,Email,Street Address,Street Address Line 2,City,State / Province,Postal / Zip Code,Torso Length (cm),Waist Circumference (cm),I am going for,Side Panels (assuming you have the pack on),Side Pockets (assuming you have the pack on),Side Compression,Back Panel (what someone following behind will see),Back Pocket (what someone following behind will see),Rolltop Size,Rolltop Fabric and Colour,Bottom of Pack,Strap Fabric and Colour,Removable Strap Bottle Pockets (+$25 ea),Sternum Strap,Waist Belt Colour and Fabric,Message
"May 21, 2023",Bruce ,Keach ,hilojumper@gmail.com,37 Oban ,Street,Glenorchy ,,9350,,,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Mission Grey,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,No Bottom Pocket,Grey HDPE Gridstop,none,None,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,
"May 10, 2023",Takla,Gardey,tgardey@mindspring.com,,,,,,48,,Light Weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Teal,HDPE Gridstop - Grey,Tabs with 3mm Stretch Cord,Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,Liteskin LS07 - Heather,Lycra Bottom Pocket,Grey HDPE Gridstop,"one, colour to match pack (+$25)",Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"EPX70HH for side pockets and rolltop
Email for address"
"Apr 28, 2023",Jane,Shearer,jane.shearer@resolutionz.biz,136 Coal Pit Road,Gibbston,Queenstown,Otago,9371,40,85,A good balance of durability and light weight,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,X-Pac VX07RS - Red,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,X-Pac VX07RS - Red,No Bottom Pocket,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"Now this is Jane's pack of Jane and Chris.
Re getting the packs, if timing allows we would like to pick them up as we live in Gibbston, near Queenstown - can we communicate on that one based on when you make them?
As for Chris, any design thoughts based on our info and your experience, please let us know! We reckon that if this works, there might be a lot of bike packers thinking it is a good idea!"
"Apr 28, 2023",Jane,Shearer,jane.shearer@resolutionz.biz,136 Coal Pit Rd,Gibbston,Queenstown,Otago,9371,47,96,A good balance of durability and light weight,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,X-Pac VX07 - Navy Blue,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,X-Pac VX07 - Navy Blue,,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"Hi this is from Chris who just called you - my partner Jane and I are buying two packs and we are putting them both under her name.
Just to reiterate our intent - the packs will be used as a front roll bag on a Salsa Anything Cradle. So the material needs to deal with the abrasion that comes with being strapped in a cradle on the front of a MTB. We have selected compression straps because we want to make the load tight before it is strapped into the cradle. The packs will also be used to carry all our gear when we are doing hike-a-bike rather than pushing a loaded bike. Feel free to come back with any design comments!
"Apr 21, 2023",Denise,Blanchard,denise@terminus.net.nz,55 d Palmerston Road,,Havelock north,,4130,45,106,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple,Ecopak EP250 LE Graphite,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,Ecopak EPX200 - Deep Purple,Lycra Bottom Pocket,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,
"Apr 21, 2023",Denise ,Blanchard,denise@terminus.net.nz,55d Palmerston Road,,Havelock North,,4130,54,112,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Ecopak EP250 LE Graphite,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,No Bottom Pocket,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,My husbands back measurement is 54 cm and he would like an orange and grey colour way. I may not have picked the rights spots for colours if you can provide guidance that would be great … thank you
"Mar 10, 2023",Matt,Sanson,matty_sanson@hotmail.com,"58 Wiggins Street, Sumner",,Christchurch,Canterbury,8081,50,96,A good balance of durability and light weight,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack),Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ultra 400TX - Black (+$100/pack),Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 5 cm,Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive,Lycra Bottom Pocket,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,none,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"Hi,
As per the email this will be used as a daypack for hunting while leaving the main pack behind. My Current pack is canvas and weighs more than 1kg. It also takes up alot of room in my main pack.
I'm a little confused by the fabric choices. I'm hoping for something that will survive a bit of scrub bashing but still be light and packable.
Also hoping to use the side compression straps in combination with the side pockets to store some gear on the outside of the pack i.e. tripod and walking stick.
Is it also possible to get loops for an ice axe?
"May 8, 2022",Glen,Silvester,glensilvester@icloud.com,206 Brown Street,,Thames,,3500,41,83,Light Weight,Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red,Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Standard ,,Lycra Bottom Pocket,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"Hi Dave, Hope you had a good trip away. We spoke with you just before you went. I'm a friend of Jenny Walker who loves the pack you made for her. Have decided to proceed with a pack for me (Glen - female) and not for Paul at this stage. If you need to contact me, my phone is 022 0027627 (but I often have it on silent because of my work - so a text or phone message is good and I'll get back to you.) My email is glensilvester@icloud.com.
Many thanks,
"Apr 24, 2022",Frank,Wills,frank.kerry.wills@icloud.com,15 Somerset Avenue,,Wellington,Wellington,6021,,,A good balance of durability and light weight,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,X-Pac VX07RS - Off-White,Two 19mm webbing compression straps,X-Pac VX21 Cire - Black,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,+ 5 cm,X-Pac VX07RS - Off-White,No Bottom Pocket,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"Have you done load lifters (like on your 45L) for your 35L pack?
I've used a couple of frameless packs the last few years that I do love (ULA CDT and HMG 2400) however there's something that always ends up bothering me: when the straps are curved over your shoulders evenly the top of the pack always ends up falling away from your body in a slightly annoying way. It really seems to impact the way the pack hugs your shoulders and upper back, and how the load is distributed across your shoulders.
This situation only seems to arise near the top-end of my carry weight (8KG or so with tent). Of course, it's always more noticeable if you start using the neck of the pack but I generally think that's something you should live with as a temporary situation.
Anyway, enough rambling. I think a couple of lifters would help cinch the top of a pack up against the top of my shoulders and make things more ergonomic. I reckon this would be worth the weight."
Created,Name,Address,Email,Side Panels,Side Pockets,Back Panel (what someone following behind will see),Back Pocket (what someone following behind will see),Strap Fabric and Colour,Sternum Strap,Waist Belt Fabric and Colour,Removable Strap Bottle Pockets,Message
2023-07-06,Brent Collett,"116 Haleys Gully Rd
3099",brent.collett@gmail.com,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"one, colour to match pack. +$25",
2023-01-23,Hamish Watchman,"3 Hurley Place
Palmerston North
4412",thatwatchmanguy@gmail.com,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"one, colour to match pack. +$25",
2022-11-03,Mark Roberts,"81 Trewavas street, Motueka
7120",frescomicrogreensnz@gmail.com,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,"No pocket, with stretch cord",Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,none,"Hi, just ordered my 25l back pack. If possible just the whole thing in black would be ideal.
Really looking forward to getting one of your backpacks. I was introduced to you via the wild podcast when you were interviewed a few years ago, and your brand was called empty packs. I love what your doing and having run a small business myself making bespoke surfboards I greatly appreciate the independent builder. So a big thankyou for what you do👍 Cheers Mark"
2022-10-14,Adam Emig,"48 Montreal Rd
Washington Valley
7010",at.emig@gmail.com,Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain,"No pocket, with stretch cord",Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"one, colour to match pack. +$25","Hey mate, I'm a bike commuter in need of a new bag. Love your designs! I think I picked the colours right, but I'm essentially looking for the same bag as in the photo, really enjoy that colour scheme. I was wondering if you had an imagine of a bag that had the back pocket and cord?"
2022-10-03,Glen Howey,"120 Mull Street (℅ CY Miller)
9372",glenhoweyphoto@gmail.com,Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,none,"Hi there, just wanted to thank you for supporting the FMC and the photography competition, oh and thanks for the orange pack too ;-> Cheers, Glen."
2022-09-20,Rueben Shim,"19A Kekerenga Street
6022",shimrueben@gmail.com,Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"one, colour to match pack. +$25","- Could the strap pocket be zipped so it can contain a phone securely?
- Would be it be possible to add a zipped pocket inside the main compartment for stashing small items (phone/wallet/passport/keys etc.)?"
2022-05-19,Meg Shaw,"107 Blue Mountains Road
Upper Hutt
5371",meglet79@hotmail.com,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,,"Hi David, I hope you’re well and enjoyed the rest of the Martin’s Bay trip..! know you said you don’t really like making packs for people you know, but I’m quite keen on one of these 25L packs and I’d like to support your business. I certainly wouldn’t expect any special deals. There are a couple of details I’d like to add/change if possible (and I’m happy to pay any extra for non-standard stuff):
1. I’m wondering if the 80mm straps will be too wide for my little shoulders? I should have tried your pack on the other week! Is it possible to go down to, say, 70mm (and put the extra 20mm gap in between the straps)? If this messes with your patterns/construction etc too much then all good.
2. Would it be possible to have Lycra pockets on the shoulder straps? I see you‘ve done this on some of your other packs…
Thank you :)
2022-04-24,Timothy Keats,"19 Kate Sheppard Place
6011",keatstimothy@gmail.com,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,,
2022-03-29,Glen Woodcock,"302 barton street
rocket coffee
3204",roaster@rocketcoffee.co.nz,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,,"
2022-03-29,Juliet Bruce,"67 Bristol Street
8014",juliet.bruce394@gmail.com,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,,
"Submission Date","First Name","Last Name",Email,"Street Address","Street Address Line 2",City,"State / Province","Postal / Zip Code","Side Panels","Side Pockets","Back Panel (what someone following behind will see)","Back Pocket (what someone following behind will see)",Straps,"Sternum Strap","Waist Belt","Removable Strap Bottle Pockets (+$25 ea)",Message
"Jul 6, 2023","Brent ",Collett,brent.collett@gmail.com,"116 Haleys Gully Rd ",,"Hurstbridge ","Victoria ",3099,"Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Black Lycra Pockets","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","Black Ecopak RBC450RS with Webbing Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt","one, colour to match pack. +$25",
"Jan 23, 2023",Hamish,Watchman,thatwatchmanguy@gmail.com,"3 Hurley Place",Awapuni,"Palmerston North",Manawatu,4412,"Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Black Lycra Pockets","Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","Black Ecopak RBC450RS with Webbing Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt","one, colour to match pack. +$25",
"Nov 3, 2022",Mark,Roberts,frescomicrogreensnz@gmail.com,"81 Trewavas street, Motueka",Motueka,Nelson,"Tasman ",7120,"Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","Black Lycra Pockets","Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight","No pocket, with stretch cord","Black Ecopak RBC450RS with Webbing Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt",none,"Hi, just ordered my 25l back pack. If possible just the whole thing in black would be ideal.
Really looking forward to getting one of your backpacks. I was introduced to you via the wild podcast when you were interviewed a few years ago, and your brand was called empty packs. I love what your doing and having run a small business myself making bespoke surfboards I greatly appreciate the independent builder. So a big thankyou for what you do👍 Cheers Mark"
"Oct 14, 2022",Adam,Emig,at.emig@gmail.com,"48 Montreal Rd",,"Washington Valley",Nelson,7010,"Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn","Black Lycra Pockets","Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain","No pocket, with stretch cord","Black Ecopak RBC450RS with Webbing Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt","one, colour to match pack. +$25","Hey mate, I'm a bike commuter in need of a new bag. Love your designs! I think I picked the colours right, but I'm essentially looking for the same bag as in the photo, really enjoy that colour scheme. I was wondering if you had an imagine of a bag that had the back pocket and cord?"
"Oct 3, 2022",Glen,Howey,glenhoweyphoto@gmail.com,"120 Mull Street (℅ CY Miller)",,Glenorchy,,9372,"Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive","Black Lycra Pockets","Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","Black Ecopak RBC450RS with Webbing Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt",none,"Hi there, just wanted to thank you for supporting the FMC and the photography competition, oh and thanks for the orange pack too ;-> Cheers, Glen."
"Sep 20, 2022",Rueben,Shim,shimrueben@gmail.com,"19A Kekerenga Street",,Wellington,Wellington,6022,"Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red","Black Lycra Pockets","Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","Black Ecopak RBC450RS with Webbing Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt","one, colour to match pack. +$25","- Could the strap pocket be zipped so it can contain a phone securely?
- Would be it be possible to add a zipped pocket inside the main compartment for stashing small items (phone/wallet/passport/keys etc.)?"
"May 19, 2022",Meg,Shaw,meglet79@hotmail.com,"107 Blue Mountains Road",RD1,"Upper Hutt",Wellington,5371,"Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue","Black Lycra Pockets","Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","19mm Webbing Daisy Chain Only","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt",,"Hi David, I hope you’re well and enjoyed the rest of the Martin’s Bay trip..! know you said you don’t really like making packs for people you know, but I’m quite keen on one of these 25L packs and I’d like to support your business. I certainly wouldn’t expect any special deals. There are a couple of details I’d like to add/change if possible (and I’m happy to pay any extra for non-standard stuff):
1. I’m wondering if the 80mm straps will be too wide for my little shoulders? I should have tried your pack on the other week! Is it possible to go down to, say, 70mm (and put the extra 20mm gap in between the straps)? If this messes with your patterns/construction etc too much then all good.
2. Would it be possible to have Lycra pockets on the shoulder straps? I see you‘ve done this on some of your other packs…
Thank you :)
"Apr 24, 2022",Timothy,Keats,keatstimothy@gmail.com,"19 Kate Sheppard Place",Pipitea,Wellington,Wellington,6011,"Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Black Lycra Pockets","Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","Loose Bottle Pockets with 12mm Daisy Chain","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt",,
"Mar 29, 2022",glen,woodcock,roaster@rocketcoffee.co.nz,"302 barton street","rocket coffee",hamilton,waikato,3204,"Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange","Black Lycra Pockets","Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","19mm Webbing Daisy Chain Only","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt",,"
"Mar 29, 2022",Juliet,Bruce,juliet.bruce394@gmail.com,"67 Bristol Street",,"Christchurch ",Canterbury,8014,"Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey","Black Lycra Pockets","Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia","Lycra pocket and stretch cord","19mm Webbing Daisy Chain Only","Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap","Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt",,
Submission Date,First Name,Last Name,Email,Street Address,Street Address Line 2,City,State / Province,Postal / Zip Code,Side Panels (assuming you have the pack on),Side Pockets (assuming you have the pack on),Back Panel (what someone following behind will see),Back Pocket (what someone following behind will see),Strap Fabric and Colour,Sternum Strap,Waist Belt Colour and Fabric,Removable Strap Bottle Pockets (+$25 ea),Message
"Jul 6, 2023",Brent ,Collett,brent.collett@gmail.com,116 Haleys Gully Rd ,,Hurstbridge ,Victoria ,3099,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"one, colour to match pack. +$25",
"Jan 23, 2023",Hamish,Watchman,thatwatchmanguy@gmail.com,3 Hurley Place,Awapuni,Palmerston North,Manawatu,4412,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Coyote Brown,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"one, colour to match pack. +$25",
"Nov 3, 2022",Mark,Roberts,frescomicrogreensnz@gmail.com,"81 Trewavas street, Motueka",Motueka,Nelson,Tasman ,7120,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Black Knight,"No pocket, with stretch cord",Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,none,"Hi, just ordered my 25l back pack. If possible just the whole thing in black would be ideal.
Really looking forward to getting one of your backpacks. I was introduced to you via the wild podcast when you were interviewed a few years ago, and your brand was called empty packs. I love what your doing and having run a small business myself making bespoke surfboards I greatly appreciate the independent builder. So a big thankyou for what you do👍 Cheers Mark"
"Oct 14, 2022",Adam,Emig,at.emig@gmail.com,48 Montreal Rd,,Washington Valley,Nelson,7010,Ecopak EPX200 - Red Barn,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain,"No pocket, with stretch cord",Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"one, colour to match pack. +$25","Hey mate, I'm a bike commuter in need of a new bag. Love your designs! I think I picked the colours right, but I'm essentially looking for the same bag as in the photo, really enjoy that colour scheme. I was wondering if you had an imagine of a bag that had the back pocket and cord?"
"Oct 3, 2022",Glen,Howey,glenhoweyphoto@gmail.com,120 Mull Street (℅ CY Miller),,Glenorchy,,9372,Ecopak EPX200 - Army Olive,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,none,"Hi there, just wanted to thank you for supporting the FMC and the photography competition, oh and thanks for the orange pack too ;-> Cheers, Glen."
"Sep 20, 2022",Rueben,Shim,shimrueben@gmail.com,19A Kekerenga Street,,Wellington,Wellington,6022,Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Brick Red,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Ecopak RBC 450RS - Black Knight,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,"one, colour to match pack. +$25","- Could the strap pocket be zipped so it can contain a phone securely?
- Would be it be possible to add a zipped pocket inside the main compartment for stashing small items (phone/wallet/passport/keys etc.)?"
"May 19, 2022",Meg,Shaw,meglet79@hotmail.com,107 Blue Mountains Road,RD1,Upper Hutt,Wellington,5371,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Blue,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,,"Hi David, I hope you’re well and enjoyed the rest of the Martin’s Bay trip..! know you said you don’t really like making packs for people you know, but I’m quite keen on one of these 25L packs and I’d like to support your business. I certainly wouldn’t expect any special deals. There are a couple of details I’d like to add/change if possible (and I’m happy to pay any extra for non-standard stuff):
1. I’m wondering if the 80mm straps will be too wide for my little shoulders? I should have tried your pack on the other week! Is it possible to go down to, say, 70mm (and put the extra 20mm gap in between the straps)? If this messes with your patterns/construction etc too much then all good.
2. Would it be possible to have Lycra pockets on the shoulder straps? I see you‘ve done this on some of your other packs…
Thank you :)
"Apr 24, 2022",Timothy,Keats,keatstimothy@gmail.com,19 Kate Sheppard Place,Pipitea,Wellington,Wellington,6011,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,,
"Mar 29, 2022",glen,woodcock,roaster@rocketcoffee.co.nz,302 barton street,rocket coffee,hamilton,waikato,3204,Ecopak EPX200 - Bright Orange,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Green Mountain,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,,"
"Mar 29, 2022",Juliet,Bruce,juliet.bruce394@gmail.com,67 Bristol Street,,Christchurch ,Canterbury,8014,Ecopak EPX200 - Wolf Grey,Black Lycra Pockets,Ecopak EPX200 - Fuchsia,Lycra pocket and stretch cord,Grey HDPE Gridstop,Adjustable Removable Sternum Strap,Removeable 25mm Webbing Waist Belt,,
# FiordlandPacks
[![Build Status](https://github.com/quietlight/FiordlandPacks.jl/actions/workflows/CI.yml/badge.svg?branch=main)](https://github.com/quietlight/FiordlandPacks.jl/actions/workflows/CI.yml?query=branch%3Amain)
name = "FiordlandPacks"
uuid = "f58b79c6-f1a0-4b9f-97a8-5b284887882d"
authors = ["David Cary"]
version = "1.0.0-DEV"
Airtable = "96f7d883-6668-4fbe-bb01-b60427b16035"
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test = ["Test"]
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2023 David Cary
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.