cabal-version: 2.4
name: halo2
synopsis: Playing with Halo-y things.
-- description:
homepage: https://nest.pijul.com/sellout/crypto-junk
bug-reports: https://nest.pijul.com/sellout/crypto-junk/discussions
license: AGPL-3.0-or-later
author: Greg Pfeil
maintainer: greg@technomadic.org
copyright: 2022 Greg Pfeil
category: Cryptography
extra-source-files: CHANGELOG.md
exposed-modules: PLONKish
ghc-options: -Weverything
build-depends: base
, containers
, fin
, vec
default-language: Haskell2010
-- | This builds an elliptic curve from the two coefficients, returning a
-- function that, given the x component of a point will return the positive y
-- component. The negative component can be found via point inversion.
ellipticCurve :: Field f => f -> f -> f -> f
ellipticCurve a b x = sqrt $ x ** 3 + a * x + b
-- -- | This builds an elliptic curve from the two coefficients, returning a
-- -- function that, given the x component of a point will return the positive y
-- -- component. The negative component can be found via point inversion.
-- ellipticCurve :: Field f => f -> f -> f -> f
-- ellipticCurve a b x = sqrt $ x ** 3 + a * x + b
# Crypto(graphy) Junk
Various packages playing with different crypto primitives, schemes, etc. in Haskell.
Probably none of it works. Mostly meant to look pretty.
If you do manage to depend on one of these packages, the modules are meant to be used with [package-qualified imports](https://downloads.haskell.org/ghc/latest/docs/users_guide/exts/package_qualified_imports.html?highlight=package%20qualified). E.g.,
{-# language PackageImports #-}
import "halo2" PLONKish.hs