// setScale sets the scale to sharp or flat based on tonic
func setScale(tonic string) (scale []string, err error) {
for _, v := range sharps {
if v == tonic {
return sharpScale, nil
for _, v := range flats {
if v == tonic {
return flatScale, nil
return nil, errors.New("tonic has not found: neither in sharps, nor in flats")
var selectScale = map[string][]string{"a": sharpScale, "C": sharpScale, "G": sharpScale, "D": sharpScale, "A": sharpScale, "E": sharpScale, "B": sharpScale, "F#": sharpScale, "e": sharpScale, "b": sharpScale, "f#": sharpScale, "c#": sharpScale, "g#": sharpScale, "d#": sharpScale, "F": flatScale, "Bb": flatScale, "Eb": flatScale, "Ab": flatScale, "Db": flatScale, "Gb": flatScale, "d": flatScale, "g": flatScale, "c": flatScale, "f": flatScale, "bb": flatScale, "eb": flatScale}
// genChromatic generates the choromatic scale starting with the given tonic
func genChromatic(scale []string, tonic string) (chr []string) {
// Scale gives back the proper scale for the given tonic and intervals.
func Scale(tonic, interval string) (result []string) {
scale, ok := selectScale[tonic]
if !ok {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Scale not found for tonic")
var act int
if strings.ToLower(v) == strings.ToLower(tonic) {
chr = scale[k:]
chr = append(chr, scale[:k]...)
if v == strings.Title(tonic) {
if len(interval) == 0 {
result = append(scale[k:], scale[:k]...)
return result
act = k
result = append(result, scale[act])
for k := 0; k < len(interval)-1; k++ {
switch {
case interval[k] == 'm':
act += 1
case interval[k] == 'M':
act += 2
case interval[k] == 'A':
act += 3
if act >= len(scale) {
act = act - len(scale)
result = append(result, scale[act])
// genDiatonic generates the diatonic scale based on intervals
func genDiatonic(scale []string, interval string) (diat []string) {
act := 0
diat = append(diat, scale[0])
for k := 0; k < len(interval)-1; k++ {
switch {
case interval[k] == 'm':
act += 1
case interval[k] == 'M':
act += 2
case interval[k] == 'A':
act += 3
if act >= len(scale) {
act = act - len(scale)
diat = append(diat, scale[act])
// Scale gives back the proper scale for the given tonic and intervals.
func Scale(tonic, interval string) (s []string) {
scale, err := setScale(tonic)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
s = genChromatic(scale, tonic)
if len(interval) == 0 {
s = genDiatonic(s, interval)