#! /usr/bin/env fish

# Wrapper that invokes the AWS CLI with cached credentials provided by imaws.
# Helps Lens, et al function better with imaws & role assumption.
# TODO: deal with assuming special roles (other than the profile default)
#   - how? where does AWS_PROFILE even come from when this script gets invoked?

if test -n "$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"; and test -n "$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"
  # Nothing to do; we already (appear to) have valid creds
  aws $argv
  exit 0

set -l min_ttl 60
set -l profile_name $AWS_PROFILE

set mfa_serial (grep -A5 "\[profile $profile_name\]" ~/.aws/config | grep mfa_serial | awk 'BEGIN { FS = " ?= ?" } ; { print $2 }')
set role_arn (grep -A5 "\[profile $profile_name\]" ~/.aws/config | grep role_arn | awk 'BEGIN { FS = " ?= ?" } ; { print $2 }')
set source_profile (grep -A5 "\[profile $profile_name\]" ~/.aws/config | grep source_profile | awk 'BEGIN { FS = " ?= ?" } ; { print $2 }')

if test -z "$role_arn"
  echo "imaws-wrapper: No profile '$profile_name' in ~/.aws/config"
  exit 1

set -l role_account_id (echo  $role_arn | cut -d: -f5)
set -l cache_key (echo $role_arn | cut -d: -f5)-(echo $role_arn | cut -d/ -f2)
set -l json_file $HOME/.aws/cli/cache/imaws-$cache_key.json

if test -f "$json_file"
  set -gx AWS_SESSION_EXPIRY (jq -r '.Credentials.Expiration | strptime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00") | mktime' $json_file)
  if test (math $AWS_SESSION_EXPIRY - (jq -n 'now|floor')) -gt $min_ttl
    set -gx AWS_ACCOUNT_ID $role_account_id
    set -gx AWS_PROFILE $profile_name
    set -gx AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID (jq -r .Credentials.AccessKeyId  $json_file)
    set -gx AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (jq -r .Credentials.SecretAccessKey  $json_file)
    set -gx AWS_SESSION_TOKEN (jq -r .Credentials.SessionToken  $json_file)

    aws $argv
    exit 0

echo "imaws-wrapper: Credentials expired; please run imaws to refresh them"
exit 1