As the current state of the project is pre-MVP, the apply endpoint is missing authorization at this time.
Basic auth was added (CMY6YHG36OX27OCWAENW2FQ3AKBR52XY3OBLKG5RY3D62UZ4BGUQC), and now should be leveraged to make sure only the owner can push code to the repository. Other Role based authorization things are not considered yet, and expending roles and such is out of scope for the time being.
As the current state of the project is pre-MVP, the apply endpoint is missing authorization at this time.
Basic auth was added (CMY6YHG36OX27OCWAENW2FQ3AKBR52XY3OBLKG5RY3D62UZ4BGUQC), and now should be leveraged to make sure only the owner can push code to the repository. Other Role based authorization things are not considered yet, and expending roles and such is out of scope for the time being.