Copyright © Krypton 2021 - https://github.com/kkrypt0nn
This is a template to create your own discord bot in python.

Version: 2.4.3

import asyncio
import discord
import os
import platform
import sys
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.ext.commands import Bot

if not os.path.isfile("config.py"):
    sys.exit("'config.py' not found! Please add it and try again.")
    import config

Setup bot intents (events restrictions)
For more information about intents, please go to the following websites:

Default Intents:
intents.messages = True
intents.reactions = True
intents.guilds = True
intents.emojis = True
intents.bans = True
intents.guild_typing = False
intents.typing = False
intents.dm_messages = False
intents.dm_reactions = False
intents.dm_typing = False
intents.guild_messages = True
intents.guild_reactions = True
intents.integrations = True
intents.invites = True
intents.voice_states = False
intents.webhooks = False

Privileged Intents (Needs to be enabled on dev page):
intents.presences = True
intents.members = True

intents = discord.Intents.all()

bot = Bot(command_prefix=config.BOT_PREFIX, intents=intents)

# The code in this even is executed when the bot is ready
async def on_ready():
    print(f"Logged in as {bot.user.name}")
    print(f"Discord.py API version: {discord.__version__}")
    print(f"Python version: {platform.python_version()}")
    print(f"Running on: {platform.system()} {platform.release()} ({os.name})")

# Setup the game status task of the bot
async def status_task():
    while True:
        await bot.change_presence(activity=discord.Game("with you!"))
        await asyncio.sleep(60)
        await bot.change_presence(activity=discord.Game("with Krypton!"))
        await asyncio.sleep(60)
        await bot.change_presence(activity=discord.Game(f"{config.BOT_PREFIX} help"))
        await asyncio.sleep(60)
        await bot.change_presence(activity=discord.Game("with humans!"))
        await asyncio.sleep(60)

# Removes the default help command of discord.py to be able to create our custom help command.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for file in os.listdir("./cogs"):
        if file.endswith(".py"):
            extension = file[:-3]
                print(f"Loaded extension '{extension}'")
            except Exception as e:
                exception = f"{type(e).__name__}: {e}"
                print(f"Failed to load extension {extension}\n{exception}")

# The code in this event is executed every time someone sends a message, with or without the prefix
async def on_message(message):
    # Ignores if a command is being executed by a bot or by the bot itself
    if message.author == bot.user or message.author.bot:
    # Ignores if a command is being executed by a blacklisted user
    if message.author.id in config.BLACKLIST:
    await bot.process_commands(message)

# The code in this event is executed every time a command has been *successfully* executed
async def on_command_completion(ctx):
    full_command_name = ctx.command.qualified_name
    split = full_command_name.split(" ")
    executed_command = str(split[0])
        f"Executed {executed_command} command in {ctx.guild.name} (ID: {ctx.message.guild.id}) by {ctx.message.author} "
        f"(ID: {ctx.message.author.id})"

# The code in this event is executed every time a valid commands catches an error
async def on_command_error(context, error):
    if isinstance(error, commands.CommandOnCooldown):
        embed = discord.Embed(
            description="This command is on a %.2fs cool down" % error.retry_after,
        await context.send(embed=embed)
    raise error

# Run the bot with the token