# Python Discord Bot Template
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This repository is a template that everyone can use for the start of their discord bot.

When I first started creating my discord bot it took me a while to get everything setup and working with cogs and more. I would've been happy if there were any template existing. But there wasn't any existing template. That's why I decided to create my own template to let <b>you</b> guys create your discord bot in an easy way.

Please note that this template is not supposed to be the best template, but a good template to start learning how discord.py works and to make your own bot in a simple way. You're

If you play to use this template to make your own template or bot, please give me credits, it would be greatly appreciated.

## Authors
* **[Krypton (@kkrypt0nn)]https://github.com/kkrypt0nn** - The only and one developer

## Support

If you need some help for something, do not hesitate to join my discord server [here]https://discord.gg/HzJ3Gfr.

All the updates of the template are available [here]UPDATES.md.

## How to download it

This repository is now a template, on the top left you can simple click on "**Use this template**" to create a GitHub repository based on this template.

Alternatively you can do the following:
* Clone/Download the repository
    * To clone it and get the updates you can definitely use the command
    `git clone`
* Create a discord bot [here]https://discord.com/developers/applications
* Get your bot token
* Invite your bot on servers using the following invite:
https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?&client_id=YOUR_APPLICATION_ID_HERE&scope=bot&permissions=8 (Replace `YOUR_APPLICATION_ID_HERE` with the application ID)

## How to setup

To setup the bot I made it as simple as possible. I now created a [config.py]config.py file where you can put the needed things to edit.

Here is an explanation of what everything is:

| Variable              | What it is                                                            |
| ----------------------| ----------------------------------------------------------------------|
| YOUR_BOT_PREFIX_HERE  | The prefix(es) of your bot                                            |
| YOUR_BOT_TOKEN_HERE   | The token of your bot                                                 |
| APPLICATION_ID        | The application ID of your bot                                        |
| OWNERS                | The user ID of all the bot owners                                     |
| BLACKLIST             | The user ID of all the users who can't use the bot                    |

## How to start

To start the bot you simply need to launch, either your terminal (Linux, Mac & Windows) or your Command Prompt (Windows).

Before running the bot you will need to install all the requirements with this command:
pip install -r requirements.txt

If you have multiple versions of python installed (2.x and 3.x) then you will need to use the following command:
python3 bot.py
or eventually
python3.8 bot.py

If you have just installed python today, then you just need to use the following command:
python bot.py

## Built With

* [Python 3.8]https://www.python.org/

## Issues or Questions

If you have any issues or questions of how to code a specific command, you can:

* Join my discord server [here]https://discord.gg/HzJ3Gfr
* Post them [here]https://github.com/kkrypt0nn/Python-Discord-Bot-Template/issues

Me or other people will take their time to answer and help you.

## Versioning

We use [SemVer]http://semver.org for versioning. For the versions available, see the [tags on this repository]https://github.com/kkrypt0nn/Python-Discord-Bot-Template/tags. 

## Bots who used this template

*DM Krypton#7331 to get yourself in this list*

## License

This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the [LICENSE.md]LICENSE.md file for details