Kustomize Tree
# Kree (Kustomization Tree)

Kree let you list all the resources included by a specific kustomizaition file.

## Limitations

  - Remote resources are currently ignored and will not appear in the ouput.

## Example

> kree --help
Usage: kree [OPTIONS] <PATH>

          Path to the kustomization file or directory

  -f, --format <FORMAT>
          Output format
          [default: text]

          Possible values:
          - text: One path per line
          - json: JSON

  -h, --help
          Print help information (use `-h` for a summary)
> kree ../kustomize/examples/multibases
> kree -f json ../kustomize/examples/multibases | jq
> kree -f json ../kustomize/examples/multibases ../kustomize/examples/wordpress | jq
Note: the result is sorted and doesn't follow the arguments order.