include(`site.m4') define(`SOURCE', `<span class="source">EXTLINK(`source', `$1')</span>') BEGIN_DOCUMENT <p> Here's a list of the more noteworthy software I've written: </p> <ul class="biglist"> <li> <h2>desktoputils</h2> <p class="description"> Desktop environment-independent utilities for dealing with application links. </p> SOURCE(`') </li> <li> <h2>nix-plugin-pijul</h2> <p class="description"> A plugin for the EXTLINK(`Nix', `') package manager which adds support for the EXTLINK(`Pijul', `') VCS. </p> SOURCE(`') </li> <li> <h2>nucom</h2> <p class="description"> A cross-platform implementation of Microsoft's COM. Currently supports a minimal subset of COM for both Rust and C/C++. </p> SOURCE(`') </li> <li> <h2>r2dj</h2> <p class="description"> A music bot for EXTLINK(`Mumble', `'). Intended to eventually be a complete music library manager with a desktop client. </p> SOURCE(`') </li> <li> <h2>udptun</h2> <p class="description"> A UDP tunnel which allows multiple clients to connect to one endpoint of the tunnel, a bit like ngrok but for UDP. </p> SOURCE(`') </li> </ul> <p> My other repositories are available EXTLINK(`here', `') (cgit), on EXTLINK(`sourcehut', `'), EXTLINK(`Pijul Nest', `') and EXTLINK(`GitHub', `'). </p> END_DOCUMENT