use std::path::Path;

use futures::stream::StreamExt;
use tokio::fs;
use tokio::prelude::*;
use tokio::task;

use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result};
use nix_base32::to_nix_base32;
use path_clean::PathClean;
use sha2::{Digest, Sha256};

/// Extracts the narinfo hash part from a nix store filename.
/// ```
/// use nix_mirror::filename_to_narinfo_hash;
/// let hash = filename_to_narinfo_hash("0001w2k3pgl0pkrn827dxiibvc2sibnd-singleton-bool-0.1.5.tar.gz.drv").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(hash, "0001w2k3pgl0pkrn827dxiibvc2sibnd");
/// ```
pub fn filename_to_narinfo_hash(filename: &str) -> Result<&str> {
        .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("failed to parse narinfo hash: {}", filename))

/// Extracts the narinfo hash path from a nix store path
/// ```
/// use nix_mirror::store_path_to_narinfo_hash;
/// let hash = store_path_to_narinfo_hash("/nix/store/0001w2k3pgl0pkrn827dxiibvc2sibnd-singleton-bool-0.1.5.tar.gz.drv").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(hash, "0001w2k3pgl0pkrn827dxiibvc2sibnd");
/// ```
pub fn store_path_to_narinfo_hash(store_path: &str) -> Result<&str> {
        .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("failed to parse store_path: {}", store_path))

/// Download a single file to a temporary file, moving it to the destination file atomically
/// if the download succeeded.
/// `client` - a reqwest::Client, as given by `reqwest::Client::new()`.
/// `url` - the url we want to download
/// `destination` - where we want the resulting file to end up
/// `hash` - optionally a sha256-digest (in nix-base32) of the file that will be checked
pub async fn download_atomically(
    client: &reqwest::Client,
    url: String,
    destination: &Path,
    hash: Option<&str>,
) -> Result<fs::File> {
    let mut resp_stream = client
    let mut ctx =|_| Sha256::new());

    let destination_dir = destination.parent().unwrap();
    let result: Result<_> = task::block_in_place(|| {
        let tempfile = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new_in(&destination_dir)?;
        let f: fs::File = tempfile.reopen()?.into();
        Ok((tempfile, f))
    let (tempfile, mut async_file) = result?;

    while let Some(bytes) = {
        let bytes = bytes?;
        if let Some(ctx) = ctx.as_mut() {
    if let Some(ctx) = ctx {
        let hash = hash.unwrap();
        let computed = to_nix_base32(&ctx.finalize().as_ref());
        if computed != hash {
                "hash of file: {:?} failed, expected: {}, got: {}",

    let f = task::block_in_place(|| tempfile.persist(&destination))?;
    let mut f = fs::File::from(f);;


/// Download a narinfo file (or open it if it already exists), parse it and download
/// the referenced nar-archive (if it doesn't already exist).
/// Returns a `Vec` of narinfo hashes for all the packages references, so that they can
/// be downloaded in turn.
pub async fn handle_narinfo(
    client: &reqwest::Client,
    cache_url: &String,
    mirror_dir: &Path,
    narinfo_hash: String,
) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
    let mut narinfo_filename = mirror_dir.join(&narinfo_hash);
    let narinfo_filename = narinfo_filename.clean();

    // check to see if the narinfo file exists and download it if it doesn't
    // (or if we fail to open it).
    let narinfo_file = if let Ok(f) = fs::File::open(&narinfo_filename).await {
    } else {
        let url = format!("{}/{}.narinfo", cache_url, &narinfo_hash);
        download_atomically(client, url, &narinfo_filename, None).await?

    let narinfo_file = io::BufReader::new(narinfo_file);
    let mut lines = narinfo_file.lines();

    // ugly parser, but it would be overkill to reach for a parsing library here
    let mut url = Err(anyhow!("failed to find URL"));
    let mut references = Vec::new();
    let mut filehash = Err(anyhow!("failed to find filehash"));
    while let Some(line) = {
        let line = line?;
        let mut split = line.splitn(2, ": ");
        let key ="failed to find key")?;
        let val ="failed to find val")?;
        match key {
            "URL" => url = Ok(String::from(val)),
            "References" => {
                references = val
                    .flat_map(|x| x.split("-").next())
            "FileHash" => {
                filehash = val
                    .context("invalid filehash")
            _ => {}

    // we error out if we didn't find an url or a filehash
    let url = url?;
    let filehash = filehash?;

    // check to see if we need to download the nar archive, if so do it
    let filename = mirror_dir.join(&url).clean();
    if fs::File::open(&filename).await.is_err() {
        let url = format!("{}/{}", cache_url, &url);
        download_atomically(client, url, &filename, Some(&filehash)).await?;
