} else if (CCTK_EQUALS(method, "RKF78")) {
typedef CCTK_REAL T;
const auto R = [](T x, T y) { return x / y; };
const tuple<vector<tuple<T, vector<T> > >, vector<T> > tableau{
{/* 1 */ 0, {}}, //
{/* 2 */ R(2, 27), {R(2, 27)}}, //
{/* 3 */ R(1, 9), {R(1, 36), R(3, 36)}}, //
{/* 4 */ R(1, 6), {R(1, 24), 0, R(3, 24)}}, //
{/* 5 */ R(5, 12), {R(20, 48), 0, R(-75, 48), R(75, 48)}}, //
{/* 6 */ R(1, 2), {R(1, 20), 0, 0, R(5, 20), R(4, 20)}}, //
{/* 7 */ R(5, 6),
{R(-25, 108), 0, 0, R(125, 108), R(-260, 108), R(250, 108)}}, //
{/* 8 */ R(1, 6),
{R(31, 300), 0, 0, 0, R(61, 225), R(-2, 9), R(13, 900)}}, //
{/* 9 */ R(2, 3),
{2, 0, 0, R(-53, 6), R(704, 45), R(-107, 9), R(67, 90), 3}}, //
{/* 10 */ R(1, 3),
{R(-91, 108), 0, 0, R(23, 108), R(-976, 135), R(311, 54),
R(-19, 60), R(17, 6), R(-1, 12)}}, //
{/* 11 */ 1,
{R(2383, 4100), 0, 0, R(-341, 164), R(4496, 1025), R(-301, 82),
R(2133, 4100), R(45, 82), R(45, 164), R(18, 41)}}, //
// {/* 12 */ 0,
// {R(3, 205), 0, 0, 0, 0, R(-6, 41), R(-3, 205), R(-3, 41), R(3,
// 41),
// R(6, 41)}}, //
// {/* 13 */ 1,
// {R(-1777, 4100), 0, 0, R(-341, 164), R(4496, 1025), R(-289, 82),
// R(2193, 4100), R(51, 82), R(33, 164), R(12, 41), 0, 1}}, //
R(41, 840), 0, 0, 0, 0, R(34, 105), R(9, 35), R(9, 35), R(9, 280),
R(9, 280), R(41, 840),
// 0,
// 0,
// Check Butcher tableau
const size_t nsteps = get<0>(tableau).size();
for (size_t step = 0; step < nsteps; ++step) {
// TODO: Could allow <=
assert(get<1>(get<0>(tableau).at(step)).size() == step);
const auto &c = get<0>(get<0>(tableau).at(step));
const auto &as = get<1>(get<0>(tableau).at(step));
T x = 0;
for (const auto &a : as)
x += a;
assert(fabs(x - c) <= 10 * numeric_limits<T>::epsilon());
// TODO: Could allow <=
assert(get<1>(tableau).size() == nsteps);
const auto &bs = get<1>(tableau);
T x = 0;
for (const auto &b : bs)
x += b;
assert(fabs(x - 1) <= 10 * numeric_limits<T>::epsilon());
const auto old = var.copy();
vector<statecomp_t> ks;
// Special-case step 1 (why?)
for (size_t step = 1; step < nsteps; ++step) {
const auto &c = get<0>(get<0>(tableau).at(step));
const auto &as = get<1>(get<0>(tableau).at(step));
// Set current time
*const_cast<CCTK_REAL *>(&cctkGH->cctk_time) = old_time + c * dt;
// Add scaled RHS to state vector
statecomp_t::assign(var, old);
for (size_t i = 0; i < as.size(); ++i)
if (as.at(i) != 0)
statecomp_t::axpy(var, as.at(i) * dt, ks.at(i));
// TODO: Deallocate ks that are not needed any more
CallScheduleGroup(cctkGH, "ODESolvers_PostStep");
if (verbose)
CCTK_VINFO("Calculating RHS #2 at t=%g", double(cctkGH->cctk_time));
CallScheduleGroup(cctkGH, "ODESolvers_RHS");
// Calculate new state vector
const auto &bs = get<1>(tableau);
statecomp_t::assign(var, old);
for (size_t i = 0; i < bs.size(); ++i)
if (bs.at(i) != 0)
statecomp_t::axpy(var, bs.at(i) * dt, ks.at(i));
} else if (CCTK_EQUALS(method, "DP87")) {
typedef CCTK_REAL T;
const auto R = [](T x, T y) { return x / y; };
// These coefficients are taken from the Einstein Toolkit, thorn
// CactusNumerical/MoL, file RK87.c, written by Peter Diener,
// following P. J. Prince and J. R. Dormand, Journal of
// Computational and Applied Mathematics, volume 7, no 1, 1981
const tuple<vector<vector<T> >, vector<T> > tableau{
{/*1*/}, //
{/*2*/ R(1, 18)}, //
{/*3*/ R(1, 48), R(1, 16)}, //
{/*4*/ R(1, 32), 0, R(3, 32)}, //
{/*5*/ R(5, 16), 0, -R(75, 64), R(75, 64)}, //
{/*6*/ R(3, 80), 0, 0, R(3, 16), R(3, 20)}, //
{/*7*/ R(29443841, 614563906), 0, 0, R(77736538, 692538347),
-R(28693883, 1125000000), R(23124283, 1800000000)}, //
{/*8*/ R(16016141, 946692911), 0, 0, R(61564180, 158732637),
R(22789713, 633445777), R(545815736, 2771057229),
-R(180193667, 1043307555)}, //
{/*9*/ R(39632708, 573591083), 0, 0, -R(433636366, 683701615),
-R(421739975, 2616292301), R(100302831, 723423059),
R(790204164, 839813087), R(800635310, 3783071287)}, //
{/*10*/ R(246121993, 1340847787), 0, 0,
-R(37695042795, 15268766246), -R(309121744, 1061227803),
-R(12992083, 490766935), R(6005943493, 2108947869),
R(393006217, 1396673457), R(123872331, 1001029789)}, //
{/*11*/ -R(1028468189, 846180014), 0, 0, R(8478235783, 508512852),
R(1311729495, 1432422823), -R(10304129995, 1701304382),
-R(48777925059, 3047939560), R(15336726248, 1032824649),
-R(45442868181, 3398467696), R(3065993473, 597172653)}, //
{/*12*/ R(185892177, 718116043), 0, 0, -R(3185094517, 667107341),
-R(477755414, 1098053517), -R(703635378, 230739211),
R(5731566787, 1027545527), R(5232866602, 850066563),
-R(4093664535, 808688257), R(3962137247, 1805957418),
R(65686358, 487910083)}, //
{/*13*/ R(403863854, 491063109), 0, 0, -R(5068492393, 434740067),
-R(411421997, 543043805), R(652783627, 914296604),
R(11173962825, 925320556), -R(13158990841, 6184727034),
R(3936647629, 1978049680), -R(160528059, 685178525),
R(248638103, 1413531060), 0}, //
{R(14005451, 335480064), 0, 0, 0, 0, -R(59238493, 1068277825),
R(181606767, 758867731), R(561292985, 797845732),
-R(1041891430, 1371343529), R(760417239, 1151165299),
R(118820643, 751138087), -R(528747749, 2220607170), R(1, 4)}};
// Check Butcher tableau
const size_t nsteps = get<0>(tableau).size();
for (size_t step = 0; step < nsteps; ++step)
// TODO: Could allow <=
assert(get<0>(tableau).at(step).size() == step);
// TODO: Could allow <=
assert(get<1>(tableau).size() == nsteps);
const auto &bs = get<1>(tableau);
T x = 0;
for (const auto &b : bs)
x += b;
assert(fabs(x - 1) <= 10 * numeric_limits<T>::epsilon());
const auto old = var.copy();