Definition c_sep {Σ} (c1 c2 : context Σ) :=
if c1 is CEmpty _ then c2 else if c2 is CEmpty _ then c1 else CSep c1 c2.
Definition c_and {Σ} (c1 c2 : context Σ) :=
if c1 is CEmpty _ then c2 else if c2 is CEmpty _ then c1 else CAnd c1 c2.
Fixpoint bind {Σ} (var : string) (c : context Σ) : context Σ
:= match c with
| CEmpty _ => CEmpty _
| CVar var' P => if decide (var = var') then CEmpty _ else CVar var' P
| CAnd c1 c2 => c_and (bind var c1) (bind var c2)
| CSep c1 c2 => c_sep (bind var c1) (bind var c2)
(* TODO: Should I put this in a module, with a `:>`? *)
Inductive uses := One | Many.
Fixpoint prop_of_ctx {Σ} (c : context Σ) : iProp Σ := match c with
| CEmpty _ => True
| CVar _ P => P
| CAnd c1 c2 => prop_of_ctx c1 ∧ prop_of_ctx c2
| CSep c1 c2 => prop_of_ctx c1 ∗ prop_of_ctx c2
Definition uses_prop {Σ} (u : uses) (P : iProp Σ) : iProp Σ := match u with
| One => P
| Many => □P
Lemma c_sep_spec {Σ} (c1 c2 : context Σ)
: prop_of_ctx (c_sep c1 c2) ⊣⊢ prop_of_ctx (CSep c1 c2).
Definition uses_sep (u : uses) (v : uses) : uses := Many.
Lemma uses_sep_spec {Σ} {P : iProp Σ} u v
: uses_prop (uses_sep u v) P ⊢ uses_prop u P ∗ uses_prop v P.
by case c1; case c2; intros; simpl;
try rewrite bi.emp_sep; try rewrite bi.sep_emp.
have: ∀ x, □P ⊢ uses_prop x P by case; [apply: bi.intuitionistically_elim | ].
move=> lemma.
rewrite bi.intuitionistically_sep_dup.
apply: bi.sep_mono; apply: lemma.
Lemma c_and_spec {Σ} (c1 c2 : context Σ)
: prop_of_ctx (c_and c1 c2) ⊣⊢ prop_of_ctx (CAnd c1 c2).
Definition uses_and (u : uses) (v : uses) : uses := match u, v with
| One, One => One
| _, _ => Many
Lemma uses_and_spec {Σ} {P : iProp Σ} u v
: uses_prop (uses_and u v) P ⊢ uses_prop u P ∧ uses_prop v P.
- MUST determine whether variable needs to be persistent.
- MUST allow generation of equality constraints.
- SHOULD allow easy definition of bind_spec.
Module Type contextT.
(* Describes what must hold for an expression to typecheck.
- Free variables, associated with their types and usage patterns.
- Equality constraints, generated during typechecking.
Parameter context : gFunctors -> Type.
Parameter prop : ∀ {Σ}, context Σ -> iProp Σ.
option (constraints * iProp * uses)
Parameter constrain : ∀ {Σ}, Prop -> context Σ -> context Σ.
Axiom constrain_spec : ∀ {Σ} P (ctx : context Σ),
prop (constrain P ctx) ⊢ ∃ _ : P, prop ctx.
(* Combine two expressions, in a separating way. *)
Parameter sep : ∀ {Σ}, context Σ -> context Σ -> context Σ.
Axiom sep_spec : ∀ {Σ} (c1 c2 : context Σ),
prop (sep c1 c2) ⊢ prop c1 ∗ prop c2.
(* Combine two expressions, in a non-separating way. *)
Parameter and : ∀ {Σ}, context Σ -> context Σ -> context Σ.
Axiom and_spec : ∀ {Σ} (c1 c2 : context Σ),
prop (and c1 c2) ⊢ prop c1 ∧ prop c2.
(* Remove a free variable from the context.
Used to implement variable patterns.
Parameter bind : ∀ {Σ}, string -> context Σ -> context Σ.
(* Get the type and usage pattern of a variable. *)
Parameter lookup : ∀ {Σ}, string -> context Σ -> option (iProp Σ * uses).
Axiom bind_spec : ∀ {Σ} var (c : context Σ),
match lookup var c with
| None => emp
| Some (P, uses) => (uses_prop uses P)
end ∗ prop (bind var c) ⊢
prop c.
Inductive uses := One | Many.
(* Interpret the expression in the toplevel scope.
This will return a collection of constraints.
Note that the constraint may be something like
(error ("Variables not in scope.", ["x", "y"])).
Parameter toplevel : ∀ {Σ}, context Σ -> Prop.
Axiom toplevel_spec : ∀ {Σ} (ctx : context Σ),
toplevel ctx -> ⊢ prop ctx.
End contextT.
Module context <: contextT.
(* It turns out to be easier to carry the equality constraints
along with the variables, until they are bound.
Afterward, I store the constraints separately.
Record contextT {Σ} : Type := {
Constraints : Prop;
Variables : stringmap (iProp Σ * uses * Prop);
Definition context Σ : Type := contextT (Σ := Σ).
Definition prop {Σ} (ctx : context Σ) : iProp Σ :=
∃ _ : Constraints ctx,
[∗ map] data ∈ Variables ctx,
let '(P, u, constraints) := data in
∃ _ : (constraints : Prop), uses_prop u P.
Definition var {Σ} (var : string) (type : iProp Σ) : context Σ := {|
Constraints := True;
Variables := {[var := (type, One, True)]};
Theorem var_spec {Σ} v (T : iProp Σ) : prop (var v T) ⊢ T.
apply: bi.exist_elim; move=> [].
rewrite big_sepM_singleton.
apply: bi.exist_elim; move=> [].
Definition constrain {Σ} (constraint : Prop) (ctx : context Σ) : context Σ := {|
Constraints := constraint ∧ Constraints ctx;
Variables := Variables ctx;
Theorem constrain_spec {Σ} P (ctx : context Σ)
: prop (constrain P ctx) ⊢ ∃ _ : P, prop ctx.
apply: bi.exist_elim. move=> [wP w].
do 2 apply: bi.exist_intro'.
(* Returns:
- Whether the variable must be persistent.
- The type of the variable.
- The generated equality constraints.
Fixpoint ctx_uses {Σ} (var : string) (c : context Σ)
: option (uses * iProp Σ * Prop)
:= match c with
| CEmpty _ => None
| CVar var' P =>
if decide (var = var')
then Some (One, P, True)
else None
| CAnd c1 c2 =>
(λ '(u1, P1, constraints1) '(u2, P2, constraints2), Some
( match u1, u2 with One, One => One | _, _ => Many end
, P1
, constraints1 ∧ constraints2 ∧ P1 = P2
(ctx_uses var c1)
(ctx_uses var c2)
| CSep c1 c2 =>
(λ '(u1, P1, constraints1) '(u2, P2, constraints2), Some
( Many
, P1
, constraints1 ∧ constraints2 ∧ P1 = P2
(ctx_uses var c1)
(ctx_uses var c2)
Lemma bind_spec {Σ} var (c : context Σ)
: match ctx_uses var c with
| None => prop_of_ctx (bind var c) ⊢ prop_of_ctx c
| Some (uses, P, constraints) =>
constraints ->
prop_of_ctx (bind var c) ∗
(match uses with One => P | Many => □P end) ⊢
prop_of_ctx c
have: ∀ u (P : iProp Σ), □ P ⊢ match u with One => P | Many => □ P end.
{ case. apply: bi.intuitionistically_elim. done. }
move=> lemma1.
Lemma big_sepM_hetero {type : bi} `{countable : Countable K} {V1 V2}
(Φ : K -> V1 -> type) (Ψ : K -> V2 -> type)
(m1 : gmap K V1) (m2 : gmap K V2)
: (∀ k,
(if m1 !! k is Some v then Φ k v else emp) ⊢
(if m2 !! k is Some v then Ψ k v else emp))
-> ([∗ map] k ↦ v ∈ m1, Φ k v) ⊢ ([∗ map] k ↦ v ∈ m2, Ψ k v).
move: m2.
induction m1 as [|k v1 m1' fact1 IH1] using map_ind.
- move=> m2 H. rewrite big_sepM_empty.
induction m2 as [|k v2 m2' fact2 IH2] using map_ind.
+ by rewrite big_sepM_empty.
+ rewrite big_sepM_insert; last exact fact2.
rewrite -(bi.emp_sep emp%I).
apply: bi.sep_mono.
* move: (H k) => H'.
by rewrite lookup_empty lookup_insert in H'.
* apply: IH2 => k'.
rewrite lookup_empty.
case: (decide (k = k')).
-- move=><-. by rewrite fact2.
-- move=> neq.
move: (H k').
by rewrite lookup_empty lookup_insert_ne.
elim c; simpl.
- done.
- move=> var' P.
case: (decide (var = var')).
+ by rewrite bi.emp_sep.
+ done.
- move=> c1; case: (ctx_uses var c1) => [[[u1 P1] constraints1]|] H1;
move=> c2; case: (ctx_uses var c2) => [[[u2 P2] constraints2]|] H2;
simpl; rewrite c_and_spec; simpl;
[ move=>[/H1 w1 [/H2 w2 eq]]
| move: H2 => w2 /H1 w1
| move: H1 => w1 /H2 w2
| move: H1 H2 => w1 w2
(apply: transitivity; last (apply: bi.and_mono; [apply: w1 | apply: w2])).
+ rewrite eq.
apply: transitivity; first apply: bi.sep_and_r.
apply: bi.and_mono; apply: bi.sep_mono_r.
* case u1; last done.
apply: transitivity; last apply: (lemma2 u2).
by case u2.
* case u2; last by case u1.
apply: transitivity; last apply: (lemma2 u1).
by case u1.
+ apply: transitivity; first apply: bi.sep_and_r.
apply: bi.and_mono; first done.
rewrite -{2}[prop_of_ctx _]bi.sep_emp.
apply: bi.sep_mono; first done.
apply: bi.True_intro.
+ apply: transitivity; first apply: bi.sep_and_r.
apply: bi.and_mono; last done.
rewrite -{2}[prop_of_ctx _]bi.sep_emp.
apply: bi.sep_mono; first done.
apply: bi.True_intro.
+ done.
- move=> c1; case: (ctx_uses var c1) => [[[u1 P1] constraints1]|] H1;
move=> c2; case: (ctx_uses var c2) => [[[u2 P2] constraints2]|] H2;
simpl; rewrite c_sep_spec; simpl;
[ move=>[/H1 w1 [/H2 w2 eq]]
| move: H2 => w2 /H1 w1
| move: H1 => w1 /H2 w2
| move: H1 H2 => w1 w2
(apply: transitivity; last (apply: bi.sep_mono; [apply: w1 | apply: w2])).
+ apply: transitivity;
last (apply: bi.sep_mono; apply: bi.sep_mono_r; apply: lemma1).
rewrite eq {1}bi.intuitionistically_sep_dup.
rewrite bi.sep_assoc bi.sep_assoc; apply: bi.sep_mono_l.
rewrite -bi.sep_assoc -bi.sep_assoc; apply: bi.sep_mono_r.
by rewrite bi.sep_comm.
+ by rewrite
[(prop_of_ctx (bind var c2) ∗ _)%I]bi.sep_comm
+ by rewrite bi.sep_assoc.
+ done.
apply: transitivity.
apply: bi.sep_mono.
- move: (H k) => H'.
rewrite lookup_insert in H'.
exact: H'.
- apply: (IH1 (delete k m2)) => k'.
case: (decide (k = k')).
+ move=><-. by rewrite fact1 lookup_delete.
+ move=> neq.
rewrite lookup_delete_ne; last exact neq.
move: (H k').
rewrite lookup_insert_ne; last exact neq.
Inductive expr {Σ : gFunctors} : context Σ -> iProp Σ -> Type :=
| Pair {c1 c2 T1 T2} : expr c1 T1 -> expr c2 T2 -> expr (c_sep c1 c2) (T1 ∗ T2)
| Var {T} : ∀ var, expr (CVar var T) T
| Lam {ctx T1 T2}
: ∀ var {constraints : match ctx_uses var ctx with
| None => True
| Some (uses, type, constraints) =>
constraints ∧ type = T1 ∧ match uses with
| Many => error
( "A linear variable was used multiple times.", var )
| One => True
end },
expr ctx T2 ->
expr (bind var ctx) (T1 -∗ T2)
Definition sep {Σ} (c1 : context Σ) (c2 : context Σ) : context Σ := {|
Constraints := Constraints c1 ∧ Constraints c2;
Variables := union_with
(λ '(P, u, c1) '(Q, v, c2), Some (P, uses_sep u v, c1 ∧ c2 ∧ P = Q))
(Variables c1) (Variables c2);
Theorem sep_spec {Σ} (c1 c2 : context Σ)
: prop (sep c1 c2) ⊢ prop c1 ∗ prop c2.
rewrite /prop.
apply: bi.exist_elim; move => [w1 w2].
rewrite bi.sep_exist_l; apply: bi.exist_intro'.
rewrite bi.sep_exist_r; apply: bi.exist_intro'.
clear w1 w2.
apply: transitivity; last (
apply: bi.sep_mono;
[ apply: (big_sepM_hetero
(λ k _,
if Variables c1 !! k is Some (P, u, constraints)
then ∃ _ : (constraints : Prop), uses_prop u P
else emp)%I _
(Variables (sep c1 c2))) => k
| apply: (big_sepM_hetero
(λ k _,
if Variables c2 !! k is Some (P, u, constraints)
then ∃ _ : (constraints : Prop), uses_prop u P
else emp)%I _
(Variables (sep c1 c2))) => k
- rewrite -big_sepM_sep.
apply: big_sepM_mono => k [[P u] constraints] fact.
apply: bi.exist_elim.
move: fact; rewrite lookup_union_with.
case: (Variables c1 !! k) => [[[P1 u1] constraints1]|];
case: (Variables c2 !! k) => [[[P2 u2] constraints2]|];
simpl; last done;
move=>w; injection w; clear w;
move=> <-<-<- w.
+ move: w => [w1 [w2 <-]].
rewrite bi.sep_exist_l; apply: bi.exist_intro'.
rewrite bi.sep_exist_r; apply: bi.exist_intro'.
apply: uses_sep_spec.
+ by rewrite bi.sep_emp; apply: bi.exist_intro'.
+ by rewrite bi.emp_sep; apply: bi.exist_intro'.
- rewrite lookup_union_with.
case: (Variables c1 !! k) => [[[P1 u1] constraints1]|];
case: (Variables c2 !! k) => [[[P2 u2] constraints2]|];
- rewrite lookup_union_with.
case: (Variables c1 !! k) => [[[P1 u1] constraints1]|];
case: (Variables c2 !! k) => [[[P2 u2] constraints2]|];
Definition and {Σ} (c1 : context Σ) (c2 : context Σ) : context Σ := {|
Constraints := Constraints c1 ∧ Constraints c2;
Variables := union_with
(λ '(P, u, c1) '(Q, v, c2), Some (P, uses_and u v, c1 ∧ c2 ∧ P = Q))
(Variables c1) (Variables c2);
Theorem and_spec {Σ} (c1 c2 : context Σ)
: prop (and c1 c2) ⊢ prop c1 ∧ prop c2.
rewrite /prop.
apply: bi.exist_elim; move => [w1 w2].
rewrite bi.and_exist_l; apply: bi.exist_intro'.
rewrite bi.and_exist_r; apply: bi.exist_intro'.
clear w1 w2.
apply: transitivity; last (
apply: bi.and_mono;
[ apply: (big_sepM_hetero
(λ k _,
if Variables c1 !! k is Some (P, u, constraints)
then ∃ _ : (constraints : Prop), uses_prop u P
else emp)%I _
(Variables (and c1 c2))) => k
| apply: (big_sepM_hetero
(λ k _,
if Variables c2 !! k is Some (P, u, constraints)
then ∃ _ : (constraints : Prop), uses_prop u P
else emp)%I _
(Variables (and c1 c2))) => k
- rewrite -big_sepM_and.
apply: big_sepM_mono => k [[P u] constraints] fact.
apply: bi.exist_elim.
move: fact; rewrite lookup_union_with.
case: (Variables c1 !! k) => [[[P1 u1] constraints1]|];
case: (Variables c2 !! k) => [[[P2 u2] constraints2]|];
simpl; last done;
move=>w; injection w; clear w;
move=> <-<-<- w.
+ move: w => [w1 [w2 <-]].
rewrite bi.and_exist_l; apply: bi.exist_intro'.
rewrite bi.and_exist_r; apply: bi.exist_intro'.
apply: uses_and_spec.
+ by rewrite bi.and_True; apply: bi.exist_intro'.
+ by rewrite bi.True_and; apply: bi.exist_intro'.
- rewrite lookup_union_with.
case: (Variables c1 !! k) => [[[P1 u1] constraints1]|];
case: (Variables c2 !! k) => [[[P2 u2] constraints2]|];
- rewrite lookup_union_with.
case: (Variables c1 !! k) => [[[P1 u1] constraints1]|];
case: (Variables c2 !! k) => [[[P2 u2] constraints2]|];
Definition bind {Σ} (var : string) (ctx : context Σ) : context Σ := {|
Variables := delete var (Variables ctx);
Constraints := Constraints ctx ∧
if Variables ctx !! var is Some (_, _, constraints)
then constraints
else True;
Definition lookup {Σ} (var : string) (ctx : context Σ)
: option (iProp Σ * uses)
:= option_map fst (Variables ctx !! var).
Theorem bind_spec {Σ} var (c : context Σ)
: match lookup var c with
| None => emp
| Some (P, uses) => (uses_prop uses P)
end ∗ prop (bind var c) ⊢
prop c.
rewrite /prop.
rewrite bi.sep_exist_l; apply: bi.exist_elim.
move=> [w1 w2].
apply: bi.exist_intro'.
rewrite /lookup.
move: w2.
have: Variables c !! var = Variables c !! var by [];
case: {-1}(Variables c !! var) => [[[P u] constraints]|] fact w2.
- simpl.
rewrite (big_sepM_delete _ (Variables c)); last exact fact.
rewrite bi.sep_exist_r. apply: bi.exist_intro'.
- simpl.
by rewrite bi.emp_sep delete_notin.
Definition toplevel {Σ} (ctx : context Σ) : Prop :=
if decide (Variables ctx = ∅)
then Constraints ctx
else error (
"Variables not in scope.",
map fst (map_to_list (Variables ctx))
Theorem toplevel_spec {Σ} (ctx : context Σ) :
toplevel ctx -> ⊢ prop ctx.
rewrite /toplevel /prop.
case: (decide (Variables ctx = ∅)) => [-> | _] w.
- apply: bi.exist_intro'.
by rewrite big_sepM_empty.
- by apply: error_elim.
End context.
Inductive expr {Σ : gFunctors} : iProp Σ -> Type :=
| Var {T} : string -> expr T
| Lam {T1 T2} : string -> expr T2 -> expr (T1 -∗ T2)
| Pair {T1 T2} : expr T1 -> expr T2 -> expr (T1 ∗ T2)
Fixpoint check_expr {Σ} {type : iProp Σ} (e : expr type) : context.context Σ := match e with
| Var var => context.var var type
| @Lam _ T1 T2 var e =>
let ctx := check_expr e in
(match context.lookup var ctx with
| Some (T, uses) => T = T1 ∧ uses = One
| None => True
(context.bind var (check_expr e))
| Pair e1 e2 => context.sep (check_expr e1) (check_expr e2)
- move=> ctx1 ctx2 type1 type2 e1 fact1 e2 fact2.
rewrite c_sep_spec.
elim e; simpl.
- move=> T var. apply: context.var_spec.
- move=> T1 T2 var body H.
apply: transitivity; first apply: context.constrain_spec.
apply: bi.exist_elim => w.
apply: bi.wand_intro_r.
apply: transitivity; last apply: H.
apply: transitivity; last apply: (context.bind_spec var).
rewrite {1}bi.sep_comm.
apply: bi.sep_mono_l.
move: w; case: (context.lookup var (check_expr body)) => [[P u]|].
+ by move=>[->->].
+ move=>[]. apply: bi.True_intro.
- move=> T1 T2 e1 H1 e2 H2.
apply: transitivity; first apply: context.sep_spec.
- done.
- move=> ctx1 type1 type2 var w e fact1.
move: (bind_spec var ctx1) w.
case: (ctx_uses var ctx1) => [[[uses P] constraint]|].
+ case uses; last (move=> _ [_ [_ err]]; apply: (error_elim err)).
move=> H2 [/H2 fact2 [<- []]].
apply: bi.wand_intro_r.
apply: transitivity.
* apply: fact2.
* apply: fact1.
+ move=> fact2 [].
apply: bi.wand_intro_r.
rewrite -[type2]bi.sep_emp.
apply: bi.sep_mono.
* apply: transitivity; [apply: fact2 | apply: fact1].
* apply: bi.True_intro.
Theorem check_program {Σ} (type : iProp Σ) :
expr (CEmpty _) type -> ⊢ type.
Definition check_program {Σ} {type : iProp Σ} (e : expr type) : Prop :=
context.toplevel (check_expr e).
Theorem check_program_spec {Σ} {type : iProp Σ} (e : expr type) :
check_program e -> ⊢ type.