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# Demo
* Up and running
* Recording patches
* Reordering patches
**Time Elapsed:** 6 min.
### Up and running
pijul init demo
### Recording patches
vi README.md
> This repo contains beers and movies that are important to me.
pijul add Readme.md
pijul record -m "Initial patch"
pijul key generate hanno
mkdir directory
pijul add directory
pijul record
### Reordering patches
pijul init beers-and-movies
cd beers-and-movies
touch README.md
pijul add README.md
pijul record -m "Initial patch"
pijul fork next-week
pijul channel
pijul channel switch next-week
pijul channel switch main
vi movies.txt
pijul add movies.txt
pijul record -m "Watched a movie"
vi beers.txt
pijul add beers.txt
pijul record -m "Drank a beer"
vi movies.txt
pijul add *
pijul record -m "Watched another movie"
pijul log
// copy the hashes somewhere, or duplicate the terminal tab
pijul channel switch next-week
pijul apply <hash> (beer)
pijul log
pijul apply <hash> (another movie)
// notice the dependent patch!
pijul log
pijul unrecord --reset <hash> (movie)
pijul unrecord --reset <hash> (another movie)
## Pijul's current status
<small><a href="https://pijul.org/posts/2022-01-08-beta">https://pijul.org/posts/2022-01-08-beta</a></small>
Pijul is now feature-complete and it will be backwards-compatible from now on.
However, it is still in beta.
Overall, I think Pijul is quite promising, but it needs some work in its current beta phase.
So some of its popularity will be depending on how they will get stable versions later this year.