What i want to copy out of huginn

Memorials for the goners

  • Mark Pilgrim
  • happle tea
  • abstruse goose
  • 909sickle
  • channelate


i use these agents on huginn:

C[Time trigger]-->RA[RSS Agents]-->ST
G[Grabbers website agents]-->ST
ST[show title text]-->FT
FT[RSS Output Agents]

There's no secret besides the feed-fetching token. Example with

  1. RA fetchs FeedBurner link (discoverable on-site)
  2. G fetches, grabs img[itemprop] as main content, and [itemprop="articleBody"] as extra text
  3. ST is not used, the title text is the same as comic title
  4. FT doesn't do any relevant transformations (feed img has size, but G's output does not)

The transformations I want are:

  • [x] Show title text: for each img[title], copy the title out as sibling p
  • [x] Remove resizing: for each img, remove srcset,height,width attr, remove ComicPress resizing parameters in src attr
  • Oglaf: fetch comics, show both alt and title
  • Channelate: the bonus panel is on a separate page, with strange filename. Thus we run grabber for it & the bonus page


Inoreader remembers items per feed, i hope. It'd be nice to short items by some date, before letting inoreader fetch them.

Huginn stores agent settings & memory in PG. Some useful data we can get out is:

  • (UI) agents' last output event age (query param sort=last_event_at.asc), to detect idle sources
  • (DB) fetch error in log, to detect changed sites, expired certs, etc.


rsspls and news-flash crates are possible idea sources.

we're using miniserve to keep the VM flying, but data is generated before build time with cargo run --bin oneshot, using one-time fetched XML files.