# `fly`-ing `huginn` close to the ground

konami are remaking MGS3. some people are trying to sell [electric ekranoplans]https://www.regentcraft.com/seagliders/viceroy#specifications. and
here i am being a freeloader nerd for the 2nd decade. ingredients:

- [huginn/huginn image]https://ghcr.io/huginn/huginn (sponsor [co-author & maintainer knu]https://github.com/sponsors/knu)
- [sentry DSN]https://sentry.io/pricing/ and/or [GlitchTip]https://glitchtip.com/pricing ([donation page]https://liberapay.com/GlitchTip/donate)
- [fly.io dashboard]https://fly.io/docs/about/pricing/
- [inoreader]https://jp.inoreader.com/pricing and/or [feedly]https://feedly.com/i/pro and/or [feedbin]https://feedbin.com/

i use its agent to crawl comic/blogs' syndication feeds, then reformat & augment them to read easily in [feedme]https://github.com/seazon/feedme. The comics update at most daily ([SMBC]https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/archive has been running since 2002), or thrice-weekly (Ryan North's [dinosaurs]https://qwantz.com/index.php?comic=1 have been talkin' since 2003 (lovingly crafted in [XP's MS Paint]https://www.qwantz.com/index.php?comic=4005). and the blogs update less frequently than that. there's no need to keep huginn web-part running 24/7, and we can also reduce the scheduler wake-up frequency.

## Getting `flyctl` on MediaTek ramips mt7621

it's a softfloat Little-Endian MIPS cpu, we'll build `flyctl` like this:

scalar clone http://github.com/superfly/flyctl
cd flyctl/src
git sparse-checkout disable
env GOARCH=mipsle GOMIPS=softfloat make build
gzip bin/flyctl
# deliver flyctl.gz to the mips

## Making sentry crons and/or glitchtip uptime monitor

on sentry, SMBC will have a daily check-in schedule. Dinosaur Comics posts on Mon-Wed-Fri, accounting for TZ & scheduling delay, we'll have a Tue-Thu-Sat check-in regimen. both will allow some further ~2h slack time. the monitoring slugs are readable text now, not UUIDv4 anymore. but that's guessable. along with the project's `SENTRY_DSN` and quickstart for rails, we're good to go.

on glitchtip, set up a 86399-second interval uptime heartbeat (they don't accept >=86400s). we'll use the URL later.

## Launch pad

we start simple with the `supervisord`-based image. that'd keep a 1GB fly machine running all the time.

Fly people use docker images as a packaging format, they define the
environment around that. here, we bake in postgresql and the sentry
SDK gems. remember to [load `stackprof` first]https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/ruby/profiling/#enable-profiling:

mkdir hug
cd hug

echo -e '.dockerignore\nDockerfile\nfly.toml\nhug-db.toml\nsentry.rb' | tee .dockerignore

tee Dockerfile <<-EOD
FROM ghcr.io/huginn/huginn:cbeb5c293ec3394dcd202b132b80e14398da8a11

ENV ADDITIONAL_GEMS=stackprof,sentry-ruby,sentry-rails
RUN APP_SECRET_TOKEN=nbd DATABASE_ADAPTER=postgresql bundle install -j 4

# we tune this often
COPY sentry.rb /app/config/initializers/sentry.rb


tee sentry.rb <<-EOR
Sentry.init do |config|
 config.breadcrumbs_logger = [:active_support_logger, :http_logger]
 config.traces_sample_rate = 0.5
 config.profiles_sample_rate = 1.0

generate random for `APP_SECRET_TOKEN`:

podman run --rm -it --entrypoint sh ghcr.io/huginn/huginn:cbeb5c293ec3394dcd202b132b80e14398da8a11 rake secret

Build initial fly config, along with a managed postgres:

flyctl launch \
--org personal \
--name hug \
--region fra \
--push \
--vm-cpukind shared \
--vm-cpus 1 \
--vm-memory 1024

for the postgres, you can use development, 256MB, auto scale to zero (default after 1h, but [you can be more aggressive/conservative]https://fly.io/docs/postgres/managing/scale-to-zero/#turn-off-the-scale-to-zero-feature). let's write down its config file here too:

flyctl config save \
--app hug-db \
--config hug-db.toml

and it's a good idea to save the running postgres image for later use:

flyctl image show -a hug-db

load some more secrets into the app:

flyctl secrets import <<-EOS

and put more app config

tee -a fly.toml <<-EOT

  guest_path = "/app/public"
  url_prefix = "/public"





  AGENT_LOG_LENGTH="10" # used to fit heroku 10_000 rows limit


now you try to `flyctl launch` it, see the resulting 2.0GB image starts on fly regino `fra`

if you get context deadline exceeded for build, try wesockets mode

flyctl wg websockets enable

to attach in for debugging

flyctl ssh console -s

in there, multi-process img has `pstree` to view supervisor's tree

and tail the logs

flyctl logs

here, you can open the public URL, and create an account with the invitation code. there's no `admin` account because we didn't run SEED job. huginn will have created sample agents for you, explore them for idea

## Split out the workers

The current vm resource is

flyctl machine show

Inside the one machine for `app` process group, there's supervisord, then foreman, managing an unicorn `web.1` (master + 2workers), and the rufus scheduler `jobs.1` task. the unicorn is only useful when i open the site, or inoreader comes to fetch the feed. rufus should be running all the time, to execute scheduled tasks (agents, events propagation, and cleanups). Let's split out `app` to `web` and `jobs`, then we can let web autostop/start according to load.