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Copyright (C) 2015 Lars Brinkhoff
INFO-DIR-SECTION Emacs editing modes
* Forth mode: (forth-mode).  Emacs mode for editing Forth files.

File:,  Node: Top,  Next: Overview,  Up: (dir)

Forth Mode

Forth Mode is a programming language mode for Forth.  It can be used to
edit regular Forth files, and block files.  There is also a host of
commands for interacting with a running Forth session.

* Menu:

* Overview::
* Using Forth Mode::
* Forth Interaction::

File:,  Node: Overview,  Next: Using Forth Mode,  Prev: Top,  Up: Top

Programming language mode for Forth.

File:,  Node: Using Forth Mode,  Next: Forth Interaction,  Prev: Overview,  Up: Top

How to use forth-mode.

   Key bindings:

'M-x completion-at-point'

     Attempt to complete the Forth word under point.

'M-x forward-sexp'

     Move forward across one balanced expression.

'M-x backward-sexp'

     Move backward across one balanced expression.

File:,  Node: Forth Interaction,  Prev: Using Forth Mode,  Up: Top

How to interact with Forth.

   Key bindings:

'M-x run-forth'

     Start an interactive Forth session.

'C-c C-z'
'M-x forth-switch-to-output-buffer'

     Switch to the interactive Forth session.

'C-c C-r'
'M-x forth-restart'

     Restart the interactive Forth session.

'C-c C-k'
'M-x forth-kill'

     End the interactive Forth session.

'C-c :'
'M-x forth-eval'

     Enter a string to evaluation.  The output, if any, is printed in
     the minibuffer.

'C-c C-r'
'M-x forth-eval-region'

     Evaluate the current region.  The output, if any, is printed in the

'C-c C-e'
'M-x forth-eval-last-expression'

     Evaluate the expression before point.  The output, if any, is
     printed in the minibuffer.

'C-x M-e'
'M-x forth-eval-last-expression-display-output'

     Evaluate the expression before point.  Display the output, if any,
     in the interactive Forth session.

'M-x forth-eval-defun'

     Evaluate the colon definition under point.  The output, if any, is
     printed in the minibuffer.

'C-c C-l'
'M-x forth-load-file'

     Load the current file into the interactive Forth Session.

'C-c C-s'
'M-x forth-see'

     Display a human-readable representation of the word under point.

Tag Table:
Node: Top258
Node: Overview609
Node: Using Forth Mode736
Node: Forth Interaction1138

End Tag Table

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