Pjcolor is a small AWK script for coloring and formating "pijul change" command like output.
# Pjcolor

Pjcolor is a small AWK script for coloring and formating `pijul change` command like outputs.
At the same time providing sane theming capabilities(as far as *AWK* allows)

## Screenshot

Everyone loves screenshots, so here is one.

![Pjcolor on Alacritty terminal ]https://i.ibb.co/Y7Lv5Cn/pjcolor.png

Default theme should look good with most dark and bright color schemes.

## Install

- Run `pijul clone https://nest.pijul.com/levi/pjcolor`

- Place `pjcolor` file anywhere in the file system, for example in `~/pijul/scripts`

- Give it execute permission `chod +x ~/pijul/scripts/pjcolor`

- Update your *$PATH* variable

    - In case of **bash** `export PATH=$PATH:~/pijul/scripts/`
    - Or add `export PATH=$PATH:~/pijul/scripts/` in your `~/.profile` or '~/.bashrc' file

    - In case of **fish**  `set PATH $PATH ~/pijul/scripts`
    - Or add `set -x PATH ~/pijul/scripts` in your `~/.config/fish/config.fish` file

    - In case of **csh/tcsh** (freeBSD) `set path = ($path ~/pijul/scripts)`
    - Or add `set path = ($path ~/pijul/scripts)` in your `~/.profile` or `~/.login` file

## Usage

Pjcolor is just simple script to pipe through:\
`pijul change | pjcolor`\
`pijul change <HASH> | pjcolor`\

## Theming

For compatibility reasons the Unicode arrow character at the beginning of the line (see screenshot) has been disabled by default.\
To enable it, uncomment variable "MARKER" and install one of the following patched fonts:

- **Powerline**  https://github.com/powerline/fonts
- **Nerd fonts** https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts
- **Hack** https://github.com/source-foundry/Hack
- **FiraCode** https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode

In case you want to create your own Pjcolor theme.
It is best to include it like this:

`@include "<your-custom-pjcolor-theme>"`

Don't forget to comment out existing default theme.
Also export your **$AWKPATH** Environment Variable. This will allow *AWK* to pickup your theme without need to provide full path.

## Troubleshooting

If you are running system other than **GNU/Linux** you might need to install GNU version of awk.
For example under **FreeBSD** this package is called `gawk` and its different from FreeBSD version of awk. Keep in mind you would also have to change Shebang path to
`#!/usr/local/bin/gawk -f` and this is the case for **FreeBSD** system.