# Background
This is planned as an exercise in [Rust](https://rust-lang.org) programming language. Therefore progress will be in terms of time available.
## What is in the name?
Naming things is hard. Very hard. So I chose a Finnish word for "rustic" (maalaismainen) as the word rustic has rust in the name and ic is almost irc :).
# Implementation goals
- Working IRC server
- As this will be initially targeted as a Proof of Concept we are satisfied if we have a successfull client - server communication with one client (e.g. [HexChat](https://hexchat.github.io/)).
- Minimal dependencies outside Rust (this implies that solution should be portable to many environments)
- Cargo packages which are not tied to specific operating systems will be used. Especially for security related code.
- Main target environments: BSD (HardenedBSD) / Linux (Ubuntu)
# Specifications
Main information source for the IRC specification will be the material available at [Modern IRC](https://modern.ircdocs.horse/).