Description: Create tables for persistence of billable & payments data.
Created: 2016-12-31 03:45:38.125915 UTC
Depends: 2016-10-13_05-36-55_user-event-log
Apply: |
  create type aftok_event_t as enum(

  -- a log of raw events - the current state of the database
  -- should be reproducible by replaying the entire history of
  -- events
  create table if not exists aftok_events (
    id uuid primary key default uuid_generate_v4(),
    event_time timestamp with time zone not null,
    created_by uuid references users(id) null,
    event_type aftok_event_t not null,
    event_json json not null

  create type recurrence_t as enum ('onetime', 'weekly', 'semimonthly', 'monthly', 'annually');

  create table if not exists billables (
    id uuid primary key default uuid_generate_v4(),
    project_id uuid not null references projects(id),
    event_id uuid not null references aftok_events(id),
    name text not null,
    description text,
    recurrence_type recurrence_t not null,
    recurrence_count int,
    billing_amount numeric not null,
    grace_period_days int not null

  create table if not exists subscriptions (
    id uuid primary key default uuid_generate_v4(),
    user_id uuid not null references users(id),
    billable_id uuid not null references billables(id),
    event_id uuid not null references aftok_events(id),
    start_date date not null,
    end_date date null

  create table if not exists payment_requests (
    id uuid primary key default uuid_generate_v4(),
    subscription_id uuid not null references subscriptions(id),
    event_id uuid not null references aftok_events(id),
    request_data bytea not null,
    url_key text not null,
    request_time timestamp with time zone not null,
    billing_date date not null

  create table if not exists payments (
    id uuid primary key default uuid_generate_v4(),
    payment_request_id uuid not null references payment_requests(id),
    event_id uuid not null references aftok_events(id),
    payment_data bytea not null,
    payment_date timestamp with time zone not null,
    exchange_rates json

Revert: |
  drop table payments;
  drop table payment_requests;
  drop table subscriptions;
  drop table billables;
  drop type recurrence_t;
  drop table aftok_events;
  drop type aftok_event_t;