Local Builds with Nix

The simplest way to get the server building is currently to use [nix]https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/.

Once you've installed nix, from the root of the project, run:

nix-shell --pure
cabal new-build

Local Development with docker-compose

The easiest way to run local aftok infrastructure is using Docker and
docker-compose. Several steps are necessary to set up your local environment
for development.

Obtaining Docker Images

The docker-compose setup requires 4 images:

* `aftok/aftok-server:latest`
* `nginx/nginx:latest`
* `postgres/postgres:latest`
* `electriccoinco/zcashd:v4.2.0`

You can obtain these images by running the following. This assumes the use of
`sudo` under Linux; this may not be necessary on other platforms (e.g. OSX).

make build-image # build the aftok-server image(s)
docker pull nginx/nginx:latest
docker pull postgres/postgres:latest
docker pull electriccoinco/zcashd:v4.2.0

If you have problems building the aftok-server image, you can also obtain
a prebuilt image by running

docker pull aftok/aftok-server:latest

Configuration Files

A number of configuration files are required for docker-compose to be able
to run all of the necessary containers successfully. You should create
a `local` directory, which will have the following contents:

├── conf
│   ├── nginx
│   │   ├── mime.types
│   │   └── nginx.conf
│   ├── nginx-certs
│   │   ├── aftok.crt
│   │   └── aftok.key
│   ├── server
│   │   ├── aftok.bip70-chain.cert.pem
│   │   ├── aftok.bip70.key.pem
│   │   ├── aftok.cfg
│   │   ├── aftok-migrations.cfg
│   │   └── snap-site-key
│   └── zcashd
│       ├── zcash-data
│       │   └── zcash.conf
│       └── zcash-params
└── db-dumps
    └── aftok.sample.plsql

Sample default versions of each of these files can be found in the `conf`
directory; you can simply use the following to set up your local environment:

mkdir local
cp -r conf local

# The aftok-zcashd container runs zcashd as user 2001, so we change the
# owner of the zcashd configuration directories to this user.
sudo chown -R 2001.2001 local/zcashd

Database Initialization

When you first set up your local docker environment for aftok development, the
database that is created by `docker-compose up` will not be initialized.  The
easiest way to get it set up is to bootstrap from an existing database dump. 

First, you'll need to start the servers. Expect aftok-server and aftok-nginx to
both fail to start; they won't work properly until the database is initialized,
but that's okay.

Also, if you have a copy of postgres already running at localhost:5432 you may
need to change the exposed port in docker-compose.yml so as to avoid conflicts.

If you're using docker on OSX, the `sudo` in the lines below (which is required
on linux) should be omitted.

sudo docker-compose up
sudo docker ps

At this point, the `aftok-db` container should be the only one that's running;
the other two will have failed on startup.

Assuming that you have such a dump at `local/postgres/db-dumps/aftok.dump`, use the
`deploy/dbinit.sh` script to initialize the database. The postgres user's password 
can be specified in the docker-compose file.

./deploy/dbinit.sh local/postgres/db-dumps/aftok.dump

Now, you should be able to shut down docker-compose using ^C and 
restart it with `docker-compose up`.

Database Configuration

All database DDL state is handled using the Haskell dbmigrations tool.

Once all the containers are up, you'll need to run the existing database
migrations as follows:

stack install dbmigrations-postgresql
moo-postgresql upgrade --config-file ./local/server/conf/aftok-migrations.cfg

New migrations can be created with:

moo-postgresql new --config-file ./local/server/conf/aftok-migrations.cfg kebab-case-descriptive-name