Compiler projects using llvm
; Check handling of match-time diagnostics for invalid patterns (e.g.,
; substitution overflow) in the case of expected patterns (e.g., CHECK).

RUN: echo > %t.chk \
RUN:      'CHECK: [[#0x8000000000000000+0x8000000000000000]] [[UNDEFVAR]]'
RUN: echo > '10000000000000000'

      ERR:{{.*}}: error: unable to substitute variable or numeric expression: overflow error
 ERR-NEXT:{{ *}}^
 ERR-NEXT:{{.*}}: error: undefined variable: UNDEFVAR
 ERR-NEXT:{{CHECK: \[\[#0x8000000000000000\+0x8000000000000000\]\] \[\[UNDEFVAR\]\]}}

DUMP-NEXT:           1: 10000000000000000 
DUMP-NEXT:check:1'0     X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ error: match failed for invalid pattern
DUMP-NEXT:check:1'1                        unable to substitute variable or numeric expression: overflow error
DUMP-NEXT:check:1'2                        undefined variable: UNDEFVAR

; Check -dump-input=never cases.

RUN: %ProtectFileCheckOutput \
RUN: not FileCheck -dump-input=never %t.chk < 2>&1 \
RUN: | FileCheck %s -match-full-lines -check-prefixes=ERR

RUN: %ProtectFileCheckOutput \
RUN: not FileCheck -dump-input=never -v %t.chk < 2>&1 \
RUN: | FileCheck %s -match-full-lines -check-prefixes=ERR

RUN: %ProtectFileCheckOutput \
RUN: not FileCheck -dump-input=never -vv %t.chk < 2>&1 \
RUN: | FileCheck %s -match-full-lines -check-prefixes=ERR

; Check -dump-input=fail cases.

RUN: %ProtectFileCheckOutput \
RUN: not FileCheck -dump-input=fail %t.chk < 2>&1 \
RUN: | FileCheck %s -match-full-lines -check-prefixes=ERR,DUMP

RUN: %ProtectFileCheckOutput \
RUN: not FileCheck -dump-input=fail -v %t.chk < 2>&1 \
RUN: | FileCheck %s -match-full-lines -check-prefixes=ERR,DUMP

RUN: %ProtectFileCheckOutput \
RUN: not FileCheck -dump-input=fail -vv %t.chk < 2>&1 \
RUN: | FileCheck %s -match-full-lines -check-prefixes=ERR,DUMP