#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/type_traits.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
namespace llvm {
template <typename From> struct simplify_type {
using SimpleType = From;
static SimpleType &getSimplifiedValue(From &Val) { return Val; }
template <typename From> struct simplify_type<const From> {
using NonConstSimpleType = typename simplify_type<From>::SimpleType;
using SimpleType = typename add_const_past_pointer<NonConstSimpleType>::type;
using RetType =
typename add_lvalue_reference_if_not_pointer<SimpleType>::type;
static RetType getSimplifiedValue(const From &Val) {
return simplify_type<From>::getSimplifiedValue(const_cast<From &>(Val));
template <typename To, typename From, typename Enabler = void> struct isa_impl {
static inline bool doit(const From &Val) { return To::classof(&Val); }
template <typename To, typename From>
struct isa_impl<To, From, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<To, From>::value>> {
static inline bool doit(const From &) { return true; }
template <typename To, typename From> struct isa_impl_cl {
static inline bool doit(const From &Val) {
return isa_impl<To, From>::doit(Val);
template <typename To, typename From> struct isa_impl_cl<To, const From> {
static inline bool doit(const From &Val) {
return isa_impl<To, From>::doit(Val);
template <typename To, typename From>
struct isa_impl_cl<To, const std::unique_ptr<From>> {
static inline bool doit(const std::unique_ptr<From> &Val) {
assert(Val && "isa<> used on a null pointer");
return isa_impl_cl<To, From>::doit(*Val);
template <typename To, typename From> struct isa_impl_cl<To, From *> {
static inline bool doit(const From *Val) {
assert(Val && "isa<> used on a null pointer");
return isa_impl<To, From>::doit(*Val);
template <typename To, typename From> struct isa_impl_cl<To, From *const> {
static inline bool doit(const From *Val) {
assert(Val && "isa<> used on a null pointer");
return isa_impl<To, From>::doit(*Val);
template <typename To, typename From> struct isa_impl_cl<To, const From *> {
static inline bool doit(const From *Val) {
assert(Val && "isa<> used on a null pointer");
return isa_impl<To, From>::doit(*Val);
template <typename To, typename From>
struct isa_impl_cl<To, const From *const> {
static inline bool doit(const From *Val) {
assert(Val && "isa<> used on a null pointer");
return isa_impl<To, From>::doit(*Val);
template <typename To, typename From, typename SimpleFrom>
struct isa_impl_wrap {
static bool doit(const From &Val) {
return isa_impl_wrap<To, SimpleFrom,
typename simplify_type<SimpleFrom>::SimpleType>::
doit(simplify_type<const From>::getSimplifiedValue(Val));
template <typename To, typename FromTy>
struct isa_impl_wrap<To, FromTy, FromTy> {
static bool doit(const FromTy &Val) {
return isa_impl_cl<To, FromTy>::doit(Val);
template <class To, class From> struct cast_retty;
template <class To, class From> struct cast_retty_impl {
using ret_type = To &; };
template <class To, class From> struct cast_retty_impl<To, const From> {
using ret_type = const To &; };
template <class To, class From> struct cast_retty_impl<To, From *> {
using ret_type = To *; };
template <class To, class From> struct cast_retty_impl<To, const From *> {
using ret_type = const To *; };
template <class To, class From> struct cast_retty_impl<To, const From *const> {
using ret_type = const To *; };
template <class To, class From>
struct cast_retty_impl<To, std::unique_ptr<From>> {
using PointerType = typename cast_retty_impl<To, From *>::ret_type;
using ResultType = std::remove_pointer_t<PointerType>;
using ret_type = std::unique_ptr<ResultType>;
template <class To, class From, class SimpleFrom> struct cast_retty_wrap {
using ret_type = typename cast_retty<To, SimpleFrom>::ret_type;
template <class To, class FromTy> struct cast_retty_wrap<To, FromTy, FromTy> {
using ret_type = typename cast_retty_impl<To, FromTy>::ret_type;
template <class To, class From> struct cast_retty {
using ret_type = typename cast_retty_wrap<
To, From, typename simplify_type<From>::SimpleType>::ret_type;
template <class To, class From, class SimpleFrom> struct cast_convert_val {
static typename cast_retty<To, From>::ret_type doit(const From &Val) {
return cast_convert_val<To, SimpleFrom,
typename simplify_type<SimpleFrom>::SimpleType>::
doit(simplify_type<From>::getSimplifiedValue(const_cast<From &>(Val)));
template <class To, class FromTy> struct cast_convert_val<To, FromTy, FromTy> {
static typename cast_retty<To, FromTy>::ret_type doit(const FromTy &Val) {
return *(std::remove_reference_t<typename cast_retty<To, FromTy>::ret_type>
*)&const_cast<FromTy &>(Val);
template <class To, class FromTy>
struct cast_convert_val<To, FromTy *, FromTy *> {
static typename cast_retty<To, FromTy *>::ret_type doit(const FromTy *Val) {
return (typename cast_retty<To, FromTy *>::ret_type) const_cast<FromTy *>(
template <class X> struct is_simple_type {
static const bool value =
std::is_same<X, typename simplify_type<X>::SimpleType>::value;
template <typename To, typename From, typename Enable = void>
struct CastIsPossible {
static inline bool isPossible(const From &f) {
return isa_impl_wrap<
To, const From,
typename simplify_type<const From>::SimpleType>::doit(f);
template <typename To, typename From>
struct CastIsPossible<To, Optional<From>> {
static inline bool isPossible(const Optional<From> &f) {
assert(f && "CastIsPossible::isPossible called on a nullopt!");
return isa_impl_wrap<
To, const From,
typename simplify_type<const From>::SimpleType>::doit(*f);
template <typename To, typename From>
struct CastIsPossible<To, From,
std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<To, From>::value>> {
static inline bool isPossible(const From &f) { return true; }
template <typename To> struct NullableValueCastFailed {
static To castFailed() { return To(nullptr); }
template <typename To, typename From, typename Derived>
struct DefaultDoCastIfPossible {
static To doCastIfPossible(From f) {
if (!Derived::isPossible(f))
return Derived::castFailed();
return Derived::doCast(f);
namespace detail {
template <typename OptionalDerived, typename Default>
using SelfType = std::conditional_t<std::is_same<OptionalDerived, void>::value,
Default, OptionalDerived>;
template <typename To, typename From, typename Derived = void>
struct ValueFromPointerCast
: public CastIsPossible<To, From *>,
public NullableValueCastFailed<To>,
public DefaultDoCastIfPossible<
To, From *,
detail::SelfType<Derived, ValueFromPointerCast<To, From>>> {
static inline To doCast(From *f) { return To(f); }
template <typename To, typename From, typename Derived = void>
struct UniquePtrCast : public CastIsPossible<To, From *> {
using Self = detail::SelfType<Derived, UniquePtrCast<To, From>>;
using CastResultType = std::unique_ptr<
std::remove_reference_t<typename cast_retty<To, From>::ret_type>>;
static inline CastResultType doCast(std::unique_ptr<From> &&f) {
return CastResultType((typename CastResultType::element_type *)f.release());
static inline CastResultType castFailed() { return CastResultType(nullptr); }
static inline CastResultType doCastIfPossible(std::unique_ptr<From> &&f) {
if (!Self::isPossible(f))
return castFailed();
return doCast(f);
template <typename To, typename From, typename Derived = void>
struct OptionalValueCast
: public CastIsPossible<To, From>,
public DefaultDoCastIfPossible<
Optional<To>, From,
detail::SelfType<Derived, OptionalValueCast<To, From>>> {
static inline Optional<To> castFailed() { return Optional<To>{}; }
static inline Optional<To> doCast(const From &f) { return To(f); }
template <typename To, typename From, typename ForwardTo>
struct ConstStrippingForwardingCast {
using DecayedFrom = std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_pointer_t<From>>;
using NonConstFrom = std::conditional_t<std::is_pointer<From>::value,
DecayedFrom *, DecayedFrom &>;
static inline bool isPossible(const From &f) {
return ForwardTo::isPossible(const_cast<NonConstFrom>(f));
static inline decltype(auto) castFailed() { return ForwardTo::castFailed(); }
static inline decltype(auto) doCast(const From &f) {
return ForwardTo::doCast(const_cast<NonConstFrom>(f));
static inline decltype(auto) doCastIfPossible(const From &f) {
return ForwardTo::doCastIfPossible(const_cast<NonConstFrom>(f));
template <typename To, typename From, typename ForwardTo>
struct ForwardToPointerCast {
static inline bool isPossible(const From &f) {
return ForwardTo::isPossible(&f);
static inline decltype(auto) doCast(const From &f) {
return *ForwardTo::doCast(&f);
template <typename To, typename From, typename Enable = void>
struct CastInfo : public CastIsPossible<To, From> {
using Self = CastInfo<To, From, Enable>;
using CastReturnType = typename cast_retty<To, From>::ret_type;
static inline CastReturnType doCast(const From &f) {
return cast_convert_val<
To, From,
typename simplify_type<From>::SimpleType>::doit(const_cast<From &>(f));
static inline CastReturnType castFailed() { return CastReturnType(nullptr); }
static inline CastReturnType doCastIfPossible(const From &f) {
if (!Self::isPossible(f))
return castFailed();
return doCast(f);
template <typename To, typename From>
struct CastInfo<To, From, std::enable_if_t<!is_simple_type<From>::value>> {
using Self = CastInfo<To, From>;
using SimpleFrom = typename simplify_type<From>::SimpleType;
using SimplifiedSelf = CastInfo<To, SimpleFrom>;
static inline bool isPossible(From &f) {
return SimplifiedSelf::isPossible(
static inline decltype(auto) doCast(From &f) {
return SimplifiedSelf::doCast(simplify_type<From>::getSimplifiedValue(f));
static inline decltype(auto) castFailed() {
return SimplifiedSelf::castFailed();
static inline decltype(auto) doCastIfPossible(From &f) {
return SimplifiedSelf::doCastIfPossible(
template <typename To, typename From>
struct CastInfo<To, std::unique_ptr<From>> : public UniquePtrCast<To, From> {};
template <typename To, typename From>
struct CastInfo<To, Optional<From>> : public OptionalValueCast<To, From> {};
template <typename To, typename From>
LLVM_NODISCARD inline bool isa(const From &Val) {
return CastInfo<To, const From>::isPossible(Val);
template <typename First, typename Second, typename... Rest, typename From>
LLVM_NODISCARD inline bool isa(const From &Val) {
return isa<First>(Val) || isa<Second, Rest...>(Val);
template <typename To, typename From>
LLVM_NODISCARD inline decltype(auto) cast(const From &Val) {
assert(isa<To>(Val) && "cast<Ty>() argument of incompatible type!");
return CastInfo<To, const From>::doCast(Val);
template <typename To, typename From>
LLVM_NODISCARD inline decltype(auto) cast(From &Val) {
assert(isa<To>(Val) && "cast<Ty>() argument of incompatible type!");
return CastInfo<To, From>::doCast(Val);
template <typename To, typename From>
LLVM_NODISCARD inline decltype(auto) cast(From *Val) {
assert(isa<To>(Val) && "cast<Ty>() argument of incompatible type!");
return CastInfo<To, From *>::doCast(Val);
template <typename To, typename From>
LLVM_NODISCARD inline decltype(auto) cast(std::unique_ptr<From> &&Val) {
assert(isa<To>(Val) && "cast<Ty>() argument of incompatible type!");
return CastInfo<To, std::unique_ptr<From>>::doCast(std::move(Val));
template <typename To, typename From>
LLVM_NODISCARD inline decltype(auto) dyn_cast(const From &Val) {
return CastInfo<To, const From>::doCastIfPossible(Val);
template <typename To, typename From>
LLVM_NODISCARD inline decltype(auto) dyn_cast(From &Val) {
return CastInfo<To, From>::doCastIfPossible(Val);
template <typename To, typename From>
LLVM_NODISCARD inline decltype(auto) dyn_cast(From *Val) {
return CastInfo<To, From *>::doCastIfPossible(Val);
template <typename To, typename From>
LLVM_NODISCARD inline decltype(auto) dyn_cast(std::unique_ptr<From> &&Val) {
return CastInfo<To, std::unique_ptr<From>>::doCastIfPossible(std::move(Val));
template <typename T>
constexpr bool IsNullable = std::is_pointer<T>::value ||
std::is_constructible<T, std::nullptr_t>::value;
template <typename T, typename Enable = void> struct ValueIsPresent {
using UnwrappedType = T;
static inline bool isPresent(const T &t) { return true; }
static inline decltype(auto) unwrapValue(T &t) { return t; }
template <typename T> struct ValueIsPresent<Optional<T>> {
using UnwrappedType = T;
static inline bool isPresent(const Optional<T> &t) { return t.has_value(); }
static inline decltype(auto) unwrapValue(Optional<T> &t) { return t.value(); }
template <typename T>
struct ValueIsPresent<T, std::enable_if_t<IsNullable<T>>> {
using UnwrappedType = T;
static inline bool isPresent(const T &t) { return t != nullptr; }
static inline decltype(auto) unwrapValue(T &t) { return t; }
namespace detail {
template <typename T> inline bool isPresent(const T &t) {
return ValueIsPresent<typename simplify_type<T>::SimpleType>::isPresent(
simplify_type<T>::getSimplifiedValue(const_cast<T &>(t)));
template <typename T> inline decltype(auto) unwrapValue(T &t) {
return ValueIsPresent<T>::unwrapValue(t);
template <typename... X, class Y>
LLVM_NODISCARD inline bool isa_and_present(const Y &Val) {
if (!detail::isPresent(Val))
return false;
return isa<X...>(Val);
template <typename... X, class Y>
LLVM_NODISCARD inline bool isa_and_nonnull(const Y &Val) {
return isa_and_present<X...>(Val);
template <class X, class Y>
LLVM_NODISCARD inline auto cast_if_present(const Y &Val) {
if (!detail::isPresent(Val))
return CastInfo<X, const Y>::castFailed();
assert(isa<X>(Val) && "cast_if_present<Ty>() argument of incompatible type!");
return cast<X>(detail::unwrapValue(Val));
template <class X, class Y> LLVM_NODISCARD inline auto cast_if_present(Y &Val) {
if (!detail::isPresent(Val))
return CastInfo<X, Y>::castFailed();
assert(isa<X>(Val) && "cast_if_present<Ty>() argument of incompatible type!");
return cast<X>(detail::unwrapValue(Val));
template <class X, class Y> LLVM_NODISCARD inline auto cast_if_present(Y *Val) {
if (!detail::isPresent(Val))
return CastInfo<X, Y *>::castFailed();
assert(isa<X>(Val) && "cast_if_present<Ty>() argument of incompatible type!");
return cast<X>(detail::unwrapValue(Val));
template <class X, class Y>
LLVM_NODISCARD inline auto cast_if_present(std::unique_ptr<Y> &&Val) {
if (!detail::isPresent(Val))
return UniquePtrCast<X, Y>::castFailed();
return UniquePtrCast<X, Y>::doCast(std::move(Val));
template <class X, class Y> auto cast_or_null(const Y &Val) {
return cast_if_present<X>(Val);
template <class X, class Y> auto cast_or_null(Y &Val) {
return cast_if_present<X>(Val);
template <class X, class Y> auto cast_or_null(Y *Val) {
return cast_if_present<X>(Val);
template <class X, class Y> auto cast_or_null(std::unique_ptr<Y> &&Val) {
return cast_if_present<X>(std::move(Val));
template <class X, class Y> auto dyn_cast_if_present(const Y &Val) {
if (!detail::isPresent(Val))
return CastInfo<X, const Y>::castFailed();
return CastInfo<X, const Y>::doCastIfPossible(detail::unwrapValue(Val));
template <class X, class Y> auto dyn_cast_if_present(Y &Val) {
if (!detail::isPresent(Val))
return CastInfo<X, Y>::castFailed();
return CastInfo<X, Y>::doCastIfPossible(detail::unwrapValue(Val));
template <class X, class Y> auto dyn_cast_if_present(Y *Val) {
if (!detail::isPresent(Val))
return CastInfo<X, Y *>::castFailed();
return CastInfo<X, Y *>::doCastIfPossible(detail::unwrapValue(Val));
template <class X, class Y> auto dyn_cast_or_null(const Y &Val) {
return dyn_cast_if_present<X>(Val);
template <class X, class Y> auto dyn_cast_or_null(Y &Val) {
return dyn_cast_if_present<X>(Val);
template <class X, class Y> auto dyn_cast_or_null(Y *Val) {
return dyn_cast_if_present<X>(Val);
template <class X, class Y>
LLVM_NODISCARD inline typename CastInfo<X, std::unique_ptr<Y>>::CastResultType
unique_dyn_cast(std::unique_ptr<Y> &Val) {
if (!isa<X>(Val))
return nullptr;
return cast<X>(std::move(Val));
template <class X, class Y>
LLVM_NODISCARD inline auto unique_dyn_cast(std::unique_ptr<Y> &&Val) {
return unique_dyn_cast<X, Y>(Val);
template <class X, class Y>
LLVM_NODISCARD inline typename CastInfo<X, std::unique_ptr<Y>>::CastResultType
unique_dyn_cast_or_null(std::unique_ptr<Y> &Val) {
if (!Val)
return nullptr;
return unique_dyn_cast<X, Y>(Val);
template <class X, class Y>
LLVM_NODISCARD inline auto unique_dyn_cast_or_null(std::unique_ptr<Y> &&Val) {
return unique_dyn_cast_or_null<X, Y>(Val);