#include "llvm/Support/Alignment.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Support/EndianStream.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Host.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
namespace llvm {
template <typename Info> class OnDiskChainedHashTableGenerator {
class Item {
typename Info::key_type Key;
typename Info::data_type Data;
Item *Next;
const typename Info::hash_value_type Hash;
Item(typename Info::key_type_ref Key, typename Info::data_type_ref Data,
Info &InfoObj)
: Key(Key), Data(Data), Next(nullptr), Hash(InfoObj.ComputeHash(Key)) {}
typedef typename Info::offset_type offset_type;
offset_type NumBuckets;
offset_type NumEntries;
llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<Item> BA;
struct Bucket {
offset_type Off;
unsigned Length;
Item *Head;
Bucket *Buckets;
void insert(Bucket *Buckets, size_t Size, Item *E) {
Bucket &B = Buckets[E->Hash & (Size - 1)];
E->Next = B.Head;
B.Head = E;
void resize(size_t NewSize) {
Bucket *NewBuckets = static_cast<Bucket *>(
safe_calloc(NewSize, sizeof(Bucket)));
for (size_t I = 0; I < NumBuckets; ++I)
for (Item *E = Buckets[I].Head; E;) {
Item *N = E->Next;
E->Next = nullptr;
insert(NewBuckets, NewSize, E);
E = N;
NumBuckets = NewSize;
Buckets = NewBuckets;
void insert(typename Info::key_type_ref Key,
typename Info::data_type_ref Data) {
Info InfoObj;
insert(Key, Data, InfoObj);
void insert(typename Info::key_type_ref Key,
typename Info::data_type_ref Data, Info &InfoObj) {
if (4 * NumEntries >= 3 * NumBuckets)
resize(NumBuckets * 2);
insert(Buckets, NumBuckets, new (BA.Allocate()) Item(Key, Data, InfoObj));
bool contains(typename Info::key_type_ref Key, Info &InfoObj) {
unsigned Hash = InfoObj.ComputeHash(Key);
for (Item *I = Buckets[Hash & (NumBuckets - 1)].Head; I; I = I->Next)
if (I->Hash == Hash && InfoObj.EqualKey(I->Key, Key))
return true;
return false;
offset_type Emit(raw_ostream &Out) {
Info InfoObj;
return Emit(Out, InfoObj);
offset_type Emit(raw_ostream &Out, Info &InfoObj) {
using namespace llvm::support;
endian::Writer LE(Out, little);
unsigned TargetNumBuckets =
NumEntries <= 2 ? 1 : NextPowerOf2(NumEntries * 4 / 3);
if (TargetNumBuckets != NumBuckets)
for (offset_type I = 0; I < NumBuckets; ++I) {
Bucket &B = Buckets[I];
if (!B.Head)
B.Off = Out.tell();
assert(B.Off && "Cannot write a bucket at offset 0. Please add padding.");
assert(B.Length != 0 && "Bucket has a head but zero length?");
for (Item *I = B.Head; I; I = I->Next) {
LE.write<typename Info::hash_value_type>(I->Hash);
const std::pair<offset_type, offset_type> &Len =
InfoObj.EmitKeyDataLength(Out, I->Key, I->Data);
#ifdef NDEBUG
InfoObj.EmitKey(Out, I->Key, Len.first);
InfoObj.EmitData(Out, I->Key, I->Data, Len.second);
uint64_t KeyStart = Out.tell();
InfoObj.EmitKey(Out, I->Key, Len.first);
uint64_t DataStart = Out.tell();
InfoObj.EmitData(Out, I->Key, I->Data, Len.second);
uint64_t End = Out.tell();
assert(offset_type(DataStart - KeyStart) == Len.first &&
"key length does not match bytes written");
assert(offset_type(End - DataStart) == Len.second &&
"data length does not match bytes written");
offset_type TableOff = Out.tell();
uint64_t N = offsetToAlignment(TableOff, Align(alignof(offset_type)));
TableOff += N;
while (N--)
for (offset_type I = 0; I < NumBuckets; ++I)
return TableOff;
OnDiskChainedHashTableGenerator() {
NumEntries = 0;
NumBuckets = 64;
Buckets = static_cast<Bucket *>(safe_calloc(NumBuckets, sizeof(Bucket)));
~OnDiskChainedHashTableGenerator() { std::free(Buckets); }
template <typename Info> class OnDiskChainedHashTable {
const typename Info::offset_type NumBuckets;
const typename Info::offset_type NumEntries;
const unsigned char *const Buckets;
const unsigned char *const Base;
Info InfoObj;
typedef Info InfoType;
typedef typename Info::internal_key_type internal_key_type;
typedef typename Info::external_key_type external_key_type;
typedef typename Info::data_type data_type;
typedef typename Info::hash_value_type hash_value_type;
typedef typename Info::offset_type offset_type;
OnDiskChainedHashTable(offset_type NumBuckets, offset_type NumEntries,
const unsigned char *Buckets,
const unsigned char *Base,
const Info &InfoObj = Info())
: NumBuckets(NumBuckets), NumEntries(NumEntries), Buckets(Buckets),
Base(Base), InfoObj(InfoObj) {
assert((reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(Buckets) & 0x3) == 0 &&
"'buckets' must have a 4-byte alignment");
static std::pair<offset_type, offset_type>
readNumBucketsAndEntries(const unsigned char *&Buckets) {
assert((reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(Buckets) & 0x3) == 0 &&
"buckets should be 4-byte aligned.");
using namespace llvm::support;
offset_type NumBuckets =
endian::readNext<offset_type, little, aligned>(Buckets);
offset_type NumEntries =
endian::readNext<offset_type, little, aligned>(Buckets);
return std::make_pair(NumBuckets, NumEntries);
offset_type getNumBuckets() const { return NumBuckets; }
offset_type getNumEntries() const { return NumEntries; }
const unsigned char *getBase() const { return Base; }
const unsigned char *getBuckets() const { return Buckets; }
bool isEmpty() const { return NumEntries == 0; }
class iterator {
internal_key_type Key;
const unsigned char *const Data;
const offset_type Len;
Info *InfoObj;
iterator() : Key(), Data(nullptr), Len(0), InfoObj(nullptr) {}
iterator(const internal_key_type K, const unsigned char *D, offset_type L,
Info *InfoObj)
: Key(K), Data(D), Len(L), InfoObj(InfoObj) {}
data_type operator*() const { return InfoObj->ReadData(Key, Data, Len); }
const unsigned char *getDataPtr() const { return Data; }
offset_type getDataLen() const { return Len; }
bool operator==(const iterator &X) const { return X.Data == Data; }
bool operator!=(const iterator &X) const { return X.Data != Data; }
iterator find(const external_key_type &EKey, Info *InfoPtr = nullptr) {
const internal_key_type &IKey = InfoObj.GetInternalKey(EKey);
hash_value_type KeyHash = InfoObj.ComputeHash(IKey);
return find_hashed(IKey, KeyHash, InfoPtr);
iterator find_hashed(const internal_key_type &IKey, hash_value_type KeyHash,
Info *InfoPtr = nullptr) {
using namespace llvm::support;
if (!InfoPtr)
InfoPtr = &InfoObj;
offset_type Idx = KeyHash & (NumBuckets - 1);
const unsigned char *Bucket = Buckets + sizeof(offset_type) * Idx;
offset_type Offset = endian::readNext<offset_type, little, aligned>(Bucket);
if (Offset == 0)
return iterator(); const unsigned char *Items = Base + Offset;
unsigned Len = endian::readNext<uint16_t, little, unaligned>(Items);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Len; ++i) {
hash_value_type ItemHash =
endian::readNext<hash_value_type, little, unaligned>(Items);
const std::pair<offset_type, offset_type> &L =
offset_type ItemLen = L.first + L.second;
if (ItemHash != KeyHash) {
Items += ItemLen;
const internal_key_type &X =
InfoPtr->ReadKey((const unsigned char *const)Items, L.first);
if (!InfoPtr->EqualKey(X, IKey)) {
Items += ItemLen;
return iterator(X, Items + L.first, L.second, InfoPtr);
return iterator();
iterator end() const { return iterator(); }
Info &getInfoObj() { return InfoObj; }
static OnDiskChainedHashTable *Create(const unsigned char *Buckets,
const unsigned char *const Base,
const Info &InfoObj = Info()) {
assert(Buckets > Base);
auto NumBucketsAndEntries = readNumBucketsAndEntries(Buckets);
return new OnDiskChainedHashTable<Info>(NumBucketsAndEntries.first,
Buckets, Base, InfoObj);
template <typename Info>
class OnDiskIterableChainedHashTable : public OnDiskChainedHashTable<Info> {
const unsigned char *Payload;
typedef OnDiskChainedHashTable<Info> base_type;
typedef typename base_type::internal_key_type internal_key_type;
typedef typename base_type::external_key_type external_key_type;
typedef typename base_type::data_type data_type;
typedef typename base_type::hash_value_type hash_value_type;
typedef typename base_type::offset_type offset_type;
class iterator_base {
const unsigned char *Ptr;
offset_type NumItemsInBucketLeft;
offset_type NumEntriesLeft;
typedef external_key_type value_type;
iterator_base(const unsigned char *const Ptr, offset_type NumEntries)
: Ptr(Ptr), NumItemsInBucketLeft(0), NumEntriesLeft(NumEntries) {}
: Ptr(nullptr), NumItemsInBucketLeft(0), NumEntriesLeft(0) {}
friend bool operator==(const iterator_base &X, const iterator_base &Y) {
return X.NumEntriesLeft == Y.NumEntriesLeft;
friend bool operator!=(const iterator_base &X, const iterator_base &Y) {
return X.NumEntriesLeft != Y.NumEntriesLeft;
void advance() {
using namespace llvm::support;
if (!NumItemsInBucketLeft) {
NumItemsInBucketLeft =
endian::readNext<uint16_t, little, unaligned>(Ptr);
Ptr += sizeof(hash_value_type); const std::pair<offset_type, offset_type> &L =
Ptr += L.first + L.second;
const unsigned char *getItem() const {
return Ptr + (NumItemsInBucketLeft ? 0 : 2) + sizeof(hash_value_type);
OnDiskIterableChainedHashTable(offset_type NumBuckets, offset_type NumEntries,
const unsigned char *Buckets,
const unsigned char *Payload,
const unsigned char *Base,
const Info &InfoObj = Info())
: base_type(NumBuckets, NumEntries, Buckets, Base, InfoObj),
Payload(Payload) {}
class key_iterator : public iterator_base {
Info *InfoObj;
typedef external_key_type value_type;
key_iterator(const unsigned char *const Ptr, offset_type NumEntries,
Info *InfoObj)
: iterator_base(Ptr, NumEntries), InfoObj(InfoObj) {}
key_iterator() : iterator_base(), InfoObj() {}
key_iterator &operator++() {
return *this;
key_iterator operator++(int) { key_iterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;
internal_key_type getInternalKey() const {
auto *LocalPtr = this->getItem();
auto L = Info::ReadKeyDataLength(LocalPtr);
return InfoObj->ReadKey(LocalPtr, L.first);
value_type operator*() const {
return InfoObj->GetExternalKey(getInternalKey());
key_iterator key_begin() {
return key_iterator(Payload, this->getNumEntries(), &this->getInfoObj());
key_iterator key_end() { return key_iterator(); }
iterator_range<key_iterator> keys() {
return make_range(key_begin(), key_end());
class data_iterator : public iterator_base {
Info *InfoObj;
typedef data_type value_type;
data_iterator(const unsigned char *const Ptr, offset_type NumEntries,
Info *InfoObj)
: iterator_base(Ptr, NumEntries), InfoObj(InfoObj) {}
data_iterator() : iterator_base(), InfoObj() {}
data_iterator &operator++() { this->advance();
return *this;
data_iterator operator++(int) { data_iterator tmp = *this;
return tmp;
value_type operator*() const {
auto *LocalPtr = this->getItem();
auto L = Info::ReadKeyDataLength(LocalPtr);
const internal_key_type &Key = InfoObj->ReadKey(LocalPtr, L.first);
return InfoObj->ReadData(Key, LocalPtr + L.first, L.second);
data_iterator data_begin() {
return data_iterator(Payload, this->getNumEntries(), &this->getInfoObj());
data_iterator data_end() { return data_iterator(); }
iterator_range<data_iterator> data() {
return make_range(data_begin(), data_end());
static OnDiskIterableChainedHashTable *
Create(const unsigned char *Buckets, const unsigned char *const Payload,
const unsigned char *const Base, const Info &InfoObj = Info()) {
assert(Buckets > Base);
auto NumBucketsAndEntries =
return new OnDiskIterableChainedHashTable<Info>(
NumBucketsAndEntries.first, NumBucketsAndEntries.second,
Buckets, Payload, Base, InfoObj);