import("//clang/runtimes.gni") declare_args() { # Use exceptions. libcxxabi_enable_exceptions = true # Build libc++abi with definitions for operator new/delete. libcxxabi_enable_new_delete_definitions = true # Build libcxxabi as a shared library. libcxxabi_enable_shared = true # Build libcxxabi as a static library. libcxxabi_enable_static = true # Do not export any symbols from the static library. libcxxabi_hermetic_static_library = true } cxxabi_headers = [ # Make `gn format` not collapse this, for "../include/cxxabi.h", ] cxxabi_sources = [ # C++ABI files "cxa_aux_runtime.cpp", "cxa_default_handlers.cpp", "cxa_demangle.cpp", "cxa_exception_storage.cpp", "cxa_guard.cpp", "cxa_handlers.cpp", "cxa_vector.cpp", "cxa_virtual.cpp", # C++ STL files "stdlib_exception.cpp", "stdlib_stdexcept.cpp", "stdlib_typeinfo.cpp", # Internal files "abort_message.cpp", "fallback_malloc.cpp", "private_typeinfo.cpp", ] if (libcxxabi_enable_new_delete_definitions) { cxxabi_sources += [ "stdlib_new_delete.cpp" ] } if (libcxxabi_enable_exceptions) { cxxabi_sources += [ "cxa_exception.cpp", "cxa_personality.cpp", ] } else { cxxabi_sources += [ "cxa_noexception.cpp" ] } if (target_os == "linux" || target_os == "fuchsia") { cxxabi_sources += [ "cxa_thread_atexit.cpp" ] } config("cxxabi_config") { include_dirs = [ "//libcxxabi/include", # Some files depend on libc++ internals. "//libcxx/src", ] cflags_cc = [ "-std=c++20", "-nostdinc++", ] defines = [ "_LIBCXXABI_BUILDING_LIBRARY", "_LIBCPP_BUILDING_LIBRARY", ] if (target_os == "win") { defines += [ "_LIBCXXABI_DISABLE_VISIBILITY_ANNOTATIONS" ] } } if (libcxxabi_enable_shared) { shared_library("cxxabi_shared") { output_dir = runtimes_dir output_name = "c++abi" if (target_os == "linux" || target_os == "mac") { cflags = [ "-fPIC" ] ldflags = [ "-nostdlib++" ] libs = [ "dl", "pthread", ] } sources = cxxabi_sources public = cxxabi_headers deps = [ "//compiler-rt/lib/builtins", "//libcxx/include", "//libunwind/src:unwind_shared", ] configs += [ ":cxxabi_config" ] configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:no_exceptions", "//llvm/utils/gn/build:no_rtti", ] } } if (libcxxabi_enable_static) { static_library("cxxabi_static") { output_dir = runtimes_dir output_name = "c++abi" complete_static_lib = true configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:thin_archive" ] sources = cxxabi_sources public = cxxabi_headers if (libcxxabi_hermetic_static_library) { cflags = [ "-fvisibility=hidden" ] if (libcxxabi_enable_new_delete_definitions) { cflags_cc = [ "-fvisibility-global-new-delete-hidden" ] } defines = [ "_LIBCXXABI_DISABLE_VISIBILITY_ANNOTATIONS", "_LIBCPP_DISABLE_VISIBILITY_ANNOTATIONS", ] } deps = [ "//compiler-rt/lib/builtins", "//libcxx/include", "//libunwind/src:unwind_static", ] configs += [ ":cxxabi_config" ] configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:no_exceptions", "//llvm/utils/gn/build:no_rtti", ] } } group("src") { deps = [] if (libcxxabi_enable_shared) { deps += [ ":cxxabi_shared" ] } if (libcxxabi_enable_static) { deps += [ ":cxxabi_static" ] } }