#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
namespace llvm {
namespace ScaledNumbers {
const int32_t MaxScale = 16383;
const int32_t MinScale = -16382;
template <class DigitsT> inline int getWidth() { return sizeof(DigitsT) * 8; }
template <class DigitsT>
inline std::pair<DigitsT, int16_t> getRounded(DigitsT Digits, int16_t Scale,
bool ShouldRound) {
static_assert(!std::numeric_limits<DigitsT>::is_signed, "expected unsigned");
if (ShouldRound)
if (!++Digits)
return std::make_pair(DigitsT(1) << (getWidth<DigitsT>() - 1), Scale + 1);
return std::make_pair(Digits, Scale);
inline std::pair<uint32_t, int16_t> getRounded32(uint32_t Digits, int16_t Scale,
bool ShouldRound) {
return getRounded(Digits, Scale, ShouldRound);
inline std::pair<uint64_t, int16_t> getRounded64(uint64_t Digits, int16_t Scale,
bool ShouldRound) {
return getRounded(Digits, Scale, ShouldRound);
template <class DigitsT>
inline std::pair<DigitsT, int16_t> getAdjusted(uint64_t Digits,
int16_t Scale = 0) {
static_assert(!std::numeric_limits<DigitsT>::is_signed, "expected unsigned");
const int Width = getWidth<DigitsT>();
if (Width == 64 || Digits <= std::numeric_limits<DigitsT>::max())
return std::make_pair(Digits, Scale);
int Shift = 64 - Width - countLeadingZeros(Digits);
return getRounded<DigitsT>(Digits >> Shift, Scale + Shift,
Digits & (UINT64_C(1) << (Shift - 1)));
inline std::pair<uint32_t, int16_t> getAdjusted32(uint64_t Digits,
int16_t Scale = 0) {
return getAdjusted<uint32_t>(Digits, Scale);
inline std::pair<uint64_t, int16_t> getAdjusted64(uint64_t Digits,
int16_t Scale = 0) {
return getAdjusted<uint64_t>(Digits, Scale);
std::pair<uint64_t, int16_t> multiply64(uint64_t LHS, uint64_t RHS);
template <class DigitsT>
inline std::pair<DigitsT, int16_t> getProduct(DigitsT LHS, DigitsT RHS) {
static_assert(!std::numeric_limits<DigitsT>::is_signed, "expected unsigned");
if (getWidth<DigitsT>() <= 32 || (LHS <= UINT32_MAX && RHS <= UINT32_MAX))
return getAdjusted<DigitsT>(uint64_t(LHS) * RHS);
return multiply64(LHS, RHS);
inline std::pair<uint32_t, int16_t> getProduct32(uint32_t LHS, uint32_t RHS) {
return getProduct(LHS, RHS);
inline std::pair<uint64_t, int16_t> getProduct64(uint64_t LHS, uint64_t RHS) {
return getProduct(LHS, RHS);
std::pair<uint64_t, int16_t> divide64(uint64_t Dividend, uint64_t Divisor);
std::pair<uint32_t, int16_t> divide32(uint32_t Dividend, uint32_t Divisor);
template <class DigitsT>
std::pair<DigitsT, int16_t> getQuotient(DigitsT Dividend, DigitsT Divisor) {
static_assert(!std::numeric_limits<DigitsT>::is_signed, "expected unsigned");
static_assert(sizeof(DigitsT) == 4 || sizeof(DigitsT) == 8,
"expected 32-bit or 64-bit digits");
if (!Dividend)
return std::make_pair(0, 0);
if (!Divisor)
return std::make_pair(std::numeric_limits<DigitsT>::max(), MaxScale);
if (getWidth<DigitsT>() == 64)
return divide64(Dividend, Divisor);
return divide32(Dividend, Divisor);
inline std::pair<uint32_t, int16_t> getQuotient32(uint32_t Dividend,
uint32_t Divisor) {
return getQuotient(Dividend, Divisor);
inline std::pair<uint64_t, int16_t> getQuotient64(uint64_t Dividend,
uint64_t Divisor) {
return getQuotient(Dividend, Divisor);
template <class DigitsT>
inline std::pair<int32_t, int> getLgImpl(DigitsT Digits, int16_t Scale) {
static_assert(!std::numeric_limits<DigitsT>::is_signed, "expected unsigned");
if (!Digits)
return std::make_pair(INT32_MIN, 0);
int32_t LocalFloor = sizeof(Digits) * 8 - countLeadingZeros(Digits) - 1;
int32_t Floor = Scale + LocalFloor;
if (Digits == UINT64_C(1) << LocalFloor)
return std::make_pair(Floor, 0);
assert(LocalFloor >= 1);
bool Round = Digits & UINT64_C(1) << (LocalFloor - 1);
return std::make_pair(Floor + Round, Round ? 1 : -1);
template <class DigitsT> int32_t getLg(DigitsT Digits, int16_t Scale) {
return getLgImpl(Digits, Scale).first;
template <class DigitsT> int32_t getLgFloor(DigitsT Digits, int16_t Scale) {
auto Lg = getLgImpl(Digits, Scale);
return Lg.first - (Lg.second > 0);
template <class DigitsT> int32_t getLgCeiling(DigitsT Digits, int16_t Scale) {
auto Lg = getLgImpl(Digits, Scale);
return Lg.first + (Lg.second < 0);
int compareImpl(uint64_t L, uint64_t R, int ScaleDiff);
template <class DigitsT>
int compare(DigitsT LDigits, int16_t LScale, DigitsT RDigits, int16_t RScale) {
static_assert(!std::numeric_limits<DigitsT>::is_signed, "expected unsigned");
if (!LDigits)
return RDigits ? -1 : 0;
if (!RDigits)
return 1;
int32_t lgL = getLgFloor(LDigits, LScale), lgR = getLgFloor(RDigits, RScale);
if (lgL != lgR)
return lgL < lgR ? -1 : 1;
if (LScale < RScale)
return compareImpl(LDigits, RDigits, RScale - LScale);
return -compareImpl(RDigits, LDigits, LScale - RScale);
template <class DigitsT>
int16_t matchScales(DigitsT &LDigits, int16_t &LScale, DigitsT &RDigits,
int16_t &RScale) {
static_assert(!std::numeric_limits<DigitsT>::is_signed, "expected unsigned");
if (LScale < RScale)
return matchScales(RDigits, RScale, LDigits, LScale);
if (!LDigits)
return RScale;
if (!RDigits || LScale == RScale)
return LScale;
int32_t ScaleDiff = int32_t(LScale) - RScale;
if (ScaleDiff >= 2 * getWidth<DigitsT>()) {
RDigits = 0;
return LScale;
int32_t ShiftL = std::min<int32_t>(countLeadingZeros(LDigits), ScaleDiff);
assert(ShiftL < getWidth<DigitsT>() && "can't shift more than width");
int32_t ShiftR = ScaleDiff - ShiftL;
if (ShiftR >= getWidth<DigitsT>()) {
RDigits = 0;
return LScale;
LDigits <<= ShiftL;
RDigits >>= ShiftR;
LScale -= ShiftL;
RScale += ShiftR;
assert(LScale == RScale && "scales should match");
return LScale;
template <class DigitsT>
std::pair<DigitsT, int16_t> getSum(DigitsT LDigits, int16_t LScale,
DigitsT RDigits, int16_t RScale) {
static_assert(!std::numeric_limits<DigitsT>::is_signed, "expected unsigned");
assert(LScale < INT16_MAX && "scale too large");
assert(RScale < INT16_MAX && "scale too large");
int16_t Scale = matchScales(LDigits, LScale, RDigits, RScale);
DigitsT Sum = LDigits + RDigits;
if (Sum >= RDigits)
return std::make_pair(Sum, Scale);
DigitsT HighBit = DigitsT(1) << (getWidth<DigitsT>() - 1);
return std::make_pair(HighBit | Sum >> 1, Scale + 1);
inline std::pair<uint32_t, int16_t> getSum32(uint32_t LDigits, int16_t LScale,
uint32_t RDigits, int16_t RScale) {
return getSum(LDigits, LScale, RDigits, RScale);
inline std::pair<uint64_t, int16_t> getSum64(uint64_t LDigits, int16_t LScale,
uint64_t RDigits, int16_t RScale) {
return getSum(LDigits, LScale, RDigits, RScale);
template <class DigitsT>
std::pair<DigitsT, int16_t> getDifference(DigitsT LDigits, int16_t LScale,
DigitsT RDigits, int16_t RScale) {
static_assert(!std::numeric_limits<DigitsT>::is_signed, "expected unsigned");
const DigitsT SavedRDigits = RDigits;
const int16_t SavedRScale = RScale;
matchScales(LDigits, LScale, RDigits, RScale);
if (LDigits <= RDigits)
return std::make_pair(0, 0);
if (RDigits || !SavedRDigits)
return std::make_pair(LDigits - RDigits, LScale);
const auto RLgFloor = getLgFloor(SavedRDigits, SavedRScale);
if (!compare(LDigits, LScale, DigitsT(1), RLgFloor + getWidth<DigitsT>()))
return std::make_pair(std::numeric_limits<DigitsT>::max(), RLgFloor);
return std::make_pair(LDigits, LScale);
inline std::pair<uint32_t, int16_t> getDifference32(uint32_t LDigits,
int16_t LScale,
uint32_t RDigits,
int16_t RScale) {
return getDifference(LDigits, LScale, RDigits, RScale);
inline std::pair<uint64_t, int16_t> getDifference64(uint64_t LDigits,
int16_t LScale,
uint64_t RDigits,
int16_t RScale) {
return getDifference(LDigits, LScale, RDigits, RScale);
} }
namespace llvm {
class raw_ostream;
class ScaledNumberBase {
static constexpr int DefaultPrecision = 10;
static void dump(uint64_t D, int16_t E, int Width);
static raw_ostream &print(raw_ostream &OS, uint64_t D, int16_t E, int Width,
unsigned Precision);
static std::string toString(uint64_t D, int16_t E, int Width,
unsigned Precision);
static int countLeadingZeros32(uint32_t N) { return countLeadingZeros(N); }
static int countLeadingZeros64(uint64_t N) { return countLeadingZeros(N); }
static uint64_t getHalf(uint64_t N) { return (N >> 1) + (N & 1); }
static std::pair<uint64_t, bool> splitSigned(int64_t N) {
if (N >= 0)
return std::make_pair(N, false);
uint64_t Unsigned = N == INT64_MIN ? UINT64_C(1) << 63 : uint64_t(-N);
return std::make_pair(Unsigned, true);
static int64_t joinSigned(uint64_t U, bool IsNeg) {
if (U > uint64_t(INT64_MAX))
return IsNeg ? INT64_MIN : INT64_MAX;
return IsNeg ? -int64_t(U) : int64_t(U);
template <class DigitsT> class ScaledNumber : ScaledNumberBase {
"only unsigned floats supported");
typedef DigitsT DigitsType;
typedef std::numeric_limits<DigitsType> DigitsLimits;
static constexpr int Width = sizeof(DigitsType) * 8;
static_assert(Width <= 64, "invalid integer width for digits");
DigitsType Digits = 0;
int16_t Scale = 0;
ScaledNumber() = default;
constexpr ScaledNumber(DigitsType Digits, int16_t Scale)
: Digits(Digits), Scale(Scale) {}
ScaledNumber(const std::pair<DigitsT, int16_t> &X)
: Digits(X.first), Scale(X.second) {}
static ScaledNumber getZero() { return ScaledNumber(0, 0); }
static ScaledNumber getOne() { return ScaledNumber(1, 0); }
static ScaledNumber getLargest() {
return ScaledNumber(DigitsLimits::max(), ScaledNumbers::MaxScale);
static ScaledNumber get(uint64_t N) { return adjustToWidth(N, 0); }
static ScaledNumber getInverse(uint64_t N) {
return get(N).invert();
static ScaledNumber getFraction(DigitsType N, DigitsType D) {
return getQuotient(N, D);
int16_t getScale() const { return Scale; }
DigitsType getDigits() const { return Digits; }
template <class IntT> IntT toInt() const;
bool isZero() const { return !Digits; }
bool isLargest() const { return *this == getLargest(); }
bool isOne() const {
if (Scale > 0 || Scale <= -Width)
return false;
return Digits == DigitsType(1) << -Scale;
int32_t lg() const { return ScaledNumbers::getLg(Digits, Scale); }
int32_t lgFloor() const { return ScaledNumbers::getLgFloor(Digits, Scale); }
int32_t lgCeiling() const {
return ScaledNumbers::getLgCeiling(Digits, Scale);
bool operator==(const ScaledNumber &X) const { return compare(X) == 0; }
bool operator<(const ScaledNumber &X) const { return compare(X) < 0; }
bool operator!=(const ScaledNumber &X) const { return compare(X) != 0; }
bool operator>(const ScaledNumber &X) const { return compare(X) > 0; }
bool operator<=(const ScaledNumber &X) const { return compare(X) <= 0; }
bool operator>=(const ScaledNumber &X) const { return compare(X) >= 0; }
bool operator!() const { return isZero(); }
std::string toString(unsigned Precision = DefaultPrecision) {
return ScaledNumberBase::toString(Digits, Scale, Width, Precision);
raw_ostream &print(raw_ostream &OS,
unsigned Precision = DefaultPrecision) const {
return ScaledNumberBase::print(OS, Digits, Scale, Width, Precision);
void dump() const { return ScaledNumberBase::dump(Digits, Scale, Width); }
ScaledNumber &operator+=(const ScaledNumber &X) {
std::tie(Digits, Scale) =
ScaledNumbers::getSum(Digits, Scale, X.Digits, X.Scale);
if (Scale > ScaledNumbers::MaxScale)
*this = getLargest();
return *this;
ScaledNumber &operator-=(const ScaledNumber &X) {
std::tie(Digits, Scale) =
ScaledNumbers::getDifference(Digits, Scale, X.Digits, X.Scale);
return *this;
ScaledNumber &operator*=(const ScaledNumber &X);
ScaledNumber &operator/=(const ScaledNumber &X);
ScaledNumber &operator<<=(int16_t Shift) {
return *this;
ScaledNumber &operator>>=(int16_t Shift) {
return *this;
void shiftLeft(int32_t Shift);
void shiftRight(int32_t Shift);
ScaledNumber matchScales(ScaledNumber X) {
ScaledNumbers::matchScales(Digits, Scale, X.Digits, X.Scale);
return X;
uint64_t scale(uint64_t N) const;
uint64_t scaleByInverse(uint64_t N) const {
return inverse().scale(N);
int64_t scale(int64_t N) const {
std::pair<uint64_t, bool> Unsigned = splitSigned(N);
return joinSigned(scale(Unsigned.first), Unsigned.second);
int64_t scaleByInverse(int64_t N) const {
std::pair<uint64_t, bool> Unsigned = splitSigned(N);
return joinSigned(scaleByInverse(Unsigned.first), Unsigned.second);
int compare(const ScaledNumber &X) const {
return ScaledNumbers::compare(Digits, Scale, X.Digits, X.Scale);
int compareTo(uint64_t N) const {
return ScaledNumbers::compare<uint64_t>(Digits, Scale, N, 0);
int compareTo(int64_t N) const { return N < 0 ? 1 : compareTo(uint64_t(N)); }
ScaledNumber &invert() { return *this = ScaledNumber::get(1) / *this; }
ScaledNumber inverse() const { return ScaledNumber(*this).invert(); }
static ScaledNumber getProduct(DigitsType LHS, DigitsType RHS) {
return ScaledNumbers::getProduct(LHS, RHS);
static ScaledNumber getQuotient(DigitsType Dividend, DigitsType Divisor) {
return ScaledNumbers::getQuotient(Dividend, Divisor);
static int countLeadingZerosWidth(DigitsType Digits) {
if (Width == 64)
return countLeadingZeros64(Digits);
if (Width == 32)
return countLeadingZeros32(Digits);
return countLeadingZeros32(Digits) + Width - 32;
static ScaledNumber adjustToWidth(uint64_t N, int32_t Shift) {
assert(Shift >= ScaledNumbers::MinScale && "Shift should be close to 0");
assert(Shift <= ScaledNumbers::MaxScale - 64 &&
"Shift should be close to 0");
auto Adjusted = ScaledNumbers::getAdjusted<DigitsT>(N, Shift);
return Adjusted;
static ScaledNumber getRounded(ScaledNumber P, bool Round) {
if (P.isLargest())
return P;
return ScaledNumbers::getRounded(P.Digits, P.Scale, Round);
#define SCALED_NUMBER_BOP(op, base) \
template <class DigitsT> \
ScaledNumber<DigitsT> operator op(const ScaledNumber<DigitsT> &L, \
const ScaledNumber<DigitsT> &R) { \
return ScaledNumber<DigitsT>(L) base R; \
template <class DigitsT>
ScaledNumber<DigitsT> operator<<(const ScaledNumber<DigitsT> &L,
int16_t Shift) {
return ScaledNumber<DigitsT>(L) <<= Shift;
template <class DigitsT>
ScaledNumber<DigitsT> operator>>(const ScaledNumber<DigitsT> &L,
int16_t Shift) {
return ScaledNumber<DigitsT>(L) >>= Shift;
template <class DigitsT>
raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const ScaledNumber<DigitsT> &X) {
return X.print(OS, 10);
template <class DigitsT> \
bool operator op(const ScaledNumber<DigitsT> &L, T1 R) { \
return L.compareTo(T2(R)) op 0; \
} \
template <class DigitsT> \
bool operator op(T1 L, const ScaledNumber<DigitsT> &R) { \
return 0 op R.compareTo(T2(L)); \
SCALED_NUMBER_COMPARE_TO_TYPE(op, uint64_t, uint64_t) \
SCALED_NUMBER_COMPARE_TO_TYPE(op, uint32_t, uint64_t) \
SCALED_NUMBER_COMPARE_TO_TYPE(op, int64_t, int64_t) \
SCALED_NUMBER_COMPARE_TO_TYPE(op, int32_t, int64_t)
template <class DigitsT>
uint64_t ScaledNumber<DigitsT>::scale(uint64_t N) const {
if (Width == 64 || N <= DigitsLimits::max())
return (get(N) * *this).template toInt<uint64_t>();
return ScaledNumber<uint64_t>(Digits, Scale).scale(N);
template <class DigitsT>
template <class IntT>
IntT ScaledNumber<DigitsT>::toInt() const {
typedef std::numeric_limits<IntT> Limits;
if (*this < 1)
return 0;
if (*this >= Limits::max())
return Limits::max();
IntT N = Digits;
if (Scale > 0) {
assert(size_t(Scale) < sizeof(IntT) * 8);
return N << Scale;
if (Scale < 0) {
assert(size_t(-Scale) < sizeof(IntT) * 8);
return N >> -Scale;
return N;
template <class DigitsT>
ScaledNumber<DigitsT> &ScaledNumber<DigitsT>::
operator*=(const ScaledNumber &X) {
if (isZero())
return *this;
if (X.isZero())
return *this = X;
int32_t Scales = int32_t(Scale) + int32_t(X.Scale);
*this = getProduct(Digits, X.Digits);
return *this <<= Scales;
template <class DigitsT>
ScaledNumber<DigitsT> &ScaledNumber<DigitsT>::
operator/=(const ScaledNumber &X) {
if (isZero())
return *this;
if (X.isZero())
return *this = getLargest();
int32_t Scales = int32_t(Scale) - int32_t(X.Scale);
*this = getQuotient(Digits, X.Digits);
return *this <<= Scales;
template <class DigitsT> void ScaledNumber<DigitsT>::shiftLeft(int32_t Shift) {
if (!Shift || isZero())
assert(Shift != INT32_MIN);
if (Shift < 0) {
int32_t ScaleShift = std::min(Shift, ScaledNumbers::MaxScale - Scale);
Scale += ScaleShift;
if (ScaleShift == Shift)
if (isLargest())
Shift -= ScaleShift;
if (Shift > countLeadingZerosWidth(Digits)) {
*this = getLargest();
Digits <<= Shift;
template <class DigitsT> void ScaledNumber<DigitsT>::shiftRight(int32_t Shift) {
if (!Shift || isZero())
assert(Shift != INT32_MIN);
if (Shift < 0) {
int32_t ScaleShift = std::min(Shift, Scale - ScaledNumbers::MinScale);
Scale -= ScaleShift;
if (ScaleShift == Shift)
Shift -= ScaleShift;
if (Shift >= Width) {
*this = getZero();
Digits >>= Shift;