author = {Sumit Gulwani and Sagar Jain and Eric Koskinen},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2009 {ACM} {SIGPLAN} Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, {PLDI} 2009, Dublin, Ireland, June 15-21, 2009},
title = {Control-flow refinement and progress invariants for bound analysis},
year = {2009},
editor = {Michael Hind and Amer Diwan},
pages = {375--385},
publisher = {{ACM}},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org},
biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/conf/pldi/GulwaniJK09.bib},
doi = {10.1145/1542476.1542518},
file = {:/home/paradyx/MA/literatur/gulwani2009.pdf:PDF},
groups = {Partial Evaluation},
timestamp = {Fri, 25 Jun 2021 14:48:54 +0200},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/1542476.1542518},
author = {John P. Gallagher},
booktitle = {Proceedings Seventh International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation, VPT@Programming 2019, Genova, Italy, 2nd April 2019},
title = {Polyvariant Program Specialisation with Property-based Abstraction},
year = {2019},
editor = {Alexei Lisitsa and Andrei P. Nemytykh},
pages = {34--48},
series = {{EPTCS}},
volume = {299},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org},
biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/journals/corr/abs-1908-07189.bib},
doi = {10.4204/EPTCS.299.6},
file = {:/home/paradyx/MA/literatur/gallagher2019eptcs.pdf:PDF},
groups = {Partial Evaluation},
timestamp = {Fri, 03 Jun 2022 08:18:12 +0200},
url = {https://doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.299.6},
% TeX root = ../main.tex
\begin{tikzpicture}[program,initial left]
\node[state,initial] (l0) {$l_0$};
\node[state] (l1) [right=3cm of l0] {$l_1$};
\node[state] (l2) [right=3cm of l1] {$l_2$};
\path[->] (l0) edge node {$t_1:\textit{true}$} (l1)
(l1) edge node {$t_3:x \leq 0$} (l2)
edge[loop above] node {$t_2: \begin{aligned}
x &> 0 \\
x &:= x - \textsc{Bern}(0.5)
% TeX root = ../main.tex
\begin{tikzpicture}[program,initial left]
\node[state,initial] (l0) {$l_0$};
\node[state] (l1) [right=3cm of l0] {$l_1$};
\node[state] (l2) [right=3cm of l1] {$l_2$};
\path[->] (l0) edge node {$t_1:\textit{true}$} (l1)
(l1) edge node {$t_5:x \leq 0$} (l2)
edge[in=100,out=145,looseness=15,draw=rot-75] node[above
left] {$t_2:\begin{aligned} p&=0.5 \\ x &> 0 \\ x&:=
x+1\end{aligned}$} (l1)
edge[in=35,out=80,looseness=15,draw=rot-75] node[above right] {$t_3:\begin{aligned}
p&=0.5 \\x &> 0 \\ x&:=
x+2\end{aligned}$} (l1)
edge[loop below] node {$t_4:\begin{aligned} x &> 0 \\ x&:=
x-1\end{aligned}$} ()
% TeX root = ../main.tex
\begin{tikzpicture}[program,initial left]
\node[state,initial] (l0) {$l_0$};
\node[state] (l1) [right=3cm of l0] {$l_1$};
\node[state] (l2) [right=3cm of l1] {$l_2$};
\path[->] (l0) edge node {$t_1:\textit{true}$} (l1)
(l1) edge[loop above] node {$t_2: \
x & > 0 \\
1 &\leq t \leq 3 \\
x &:= x - t
\end{aligned}$} ()
(l1) edge node {$t_3:x \leq 0$} (l2)
% TeX root = ../main.tex
\begin{tikzpicture}[program,initial left]
\node[state,initial] (l0) {$l_0$};
\node[state] (l1) [right=3cm of l0] {$l_1$};
\node[state] (l2) [right=3cm of l1] {$l_2$};
\path[->] (l0) edge node {$t_1:\textit{true}$} (l1)
(l1) edge node {$t_4:x \leq 0$} (l2)
edge[loop above] node {$t_2:\begin{aligned} x &> 1 \\ x&:=
x+1\end{aligned}$} ()
edge[loop below] node {$t_3:\begin{aligned} x &> 0 \\ x&:=
x-1\end{aligned}$} ()
% TeX root = ../main.tex
axis lines = center,
axis on top,
xlabel = x,
ylabel = y,
% Octagon
\addplot[mark=none,draw=black,fill=rwth-50] coordinates {(1,2) (1,3)
(3,4) (4,4) (5,2) (4,1) (2,1)} -- cycle;
% Constraints
% -x + 2y = 5
\addplot[mark=none,dashed] {(x +5)/2};
% y = 4
\addplot[mark=none,dashed] {4};
% 2x + y = 12
\addplot[mark=none,dashed] {-2*x + 12};
% x - y = 3
\addplot[mark=none,dashed] {x - 3};
% y = 1
\addplot[mark=none,dashed] {1};
% x + y = 3
\addplot[mark=none,dashed] {-x + 3};
% x = 1
\addplot[mark=none,dashed] coordinates {(1, 0) (1,5.3)};
% Points
\addplot[only marks,mark=o] coordinates {
(3,4) (4,4)
(1,3) (2,3) (3,3) (4,3)
(1,2) (2,2) (3,2) (4,2) (5,2)
(2,1) (3,1) (4,1)
% TeX root = ../main.tex
axis lines = center,
axis on top,
xlabel = x,
ylabel = y,
% Octagon
\addplot[mark=none,draw=black,fill=rwth-50] coordinates {(1,2) (1,3)
(2,4) (4,4) (5,3) (3,1) (2,1)} -- cycle;
% Constraints
% x = 1
\addplot[mark=none,dashed] coordinates {(1, 0) (1,5.3)};
% -x + y = 2
\addplot[mark=none,dashed] {x + 2};
% y = 4
\addplot[mark=none,dashed] {4};
% x + y = 8
\addplot[mark=none,dashed] {-x + 8};
% -x + y = -2
\addplot[mark=none,dashed] {x - 2};
% y = 1
\addplot[mark=none,dashed] {1};
% x + y = 3
\addplot[mark=none,dashed] {-x + 3};
% Points
\addplot[only marks,mark=o] coordinates {
(2,4) (3,4) (4,4)
(1,3) (2,3) (3,3) (4,3) (5,3)
(1,2) (2,2) (3,2) (4,2)
(2,1) (3,1)
% TeX root = ../main.tex
axis lines = center,
axis on top,
xlabel = x,
ylabel = y,
% Box
\addplot[mark=none,draw=black,fill=rwth-50] coordinates {(1,2) (1,4) (5,4) (5,2)} -- cycle;
% Intervals
\addplot[mark=none,dashed] coordinates {(1,0) (1,2)};
\addplot[mark=none,dashed] coordinates {(5,0) (5,2)};
\addplot[mark=none,dashed] coordinates {(0,2) (1,2)};
\addplot[mark=none,dashed] coordinates {(0,4) (1,4)};
% Points
\addplot[only marks,mark=o] coordinates {
(1,4) (2,4) (3,4) (4,4) (5,4)
(1,3) (2,3) (3,3) (4,3) (5,3)
(1,2) (2,2) (3,2) (4,2) (5,2)
The code specific to this thesis is split into a couple of modules. The code is
fully commented. Nonetheless, this section gives a short overview over the
modules to ease the understanding of the code.
\section{Command-Line Interface}
The techniques described above were implemented natively in Koat2. They are
available as part of the normal analysis via the flags \texttt{--cfr-native}.
The old option for control-flow refinement \texttt{--cfr} was renamed to
\texttt{--cfr-ir}, and can probably be removed in the future.
During normal analysis the control-flow refinement is done on every \gls{scc}
and the bounds of the resulting scc is compared to the previous bounds.
A full program can be refined using the native control-flow refinement with a
separate command \texttt{cfr}. For the new control-flow refinement the option is
added to switch between the various method to select location for abstraction
and the abstraction method itself (see \Sref{sec:abstraction}). An summary of
the compatible options is given in \tref{tab:options}.
As discussed in \Sref{sec:updateinvariants} the polyhedra computed during
evaluation are tighter than the invariants computed during preprocessing. In
order to update the invariants after the partial evaluation a new option
\texttt{--update-invariants} is added and activated by default.
% \begin{table}
% \center
% \begin{tabular}[ccc]
% \hline
% \begin{comment}
% analysis --cfr=native,update-invariants, --o
% --cfr=irankfinder,
% --cfr=off
% prob-analysis --cfr=native
% cfr --native
% --irankfinder
% \end{comment}
% \hline
% \end{tabular}
% \caption{}
% \end{table}
cfr --
The project was compiled with OCaml 4.14.0.
\addConstraint{ x_i }{\leq 1,\protect\quad\label{eq:lip1-leq1}}{i = 1,\dots,n}
\addConstraint{ x_i }{\geq 0,\protect\quad\label{eq:lip1-geq0}}{i = 1,\dots,n}
\addConstraint{ x_i }{\leq 1,\protect\quad\label{eq:ilp-leq1}}{i = 1,\dots,n}
\addConstraint{ x_i }{\geq 0,\protect\quad\label{eq:ilp-geq0}}{i = 1,\dots,n}
\ref{eq:lip1-hit} guarantees that every loop is \enquote{hit}, while
\ref{eq:lip1-leq1} and \ref{eq:lip1-geq0} enforce that every location is only
selected at most once. The optimization goal \ref{eq:lip-vfs} being to select
\ref{eq:ilp-hit} guarantees that every loop is \enquote{hit}, while
\ref{eq:ilp-leq1} and \ref{eq:ilp-geq0} enforce that every location is only
selected at most once. The optimization goal \ref{eq:ilp-vfs} being to select
# Textbautsteine
For random program variables in this thesis, $\Omega$ will be the set of
integers and $\mathcal{F}$ the maximal $\sigma$-field in $\Omega$, the
power-set $2^\Omega$. However since the program variables are chosen at
random, a specific path over a given program can also be considered a random
event in the probability space and hence be considered as a ransom variable.
In this case $\Omega$ is the set of all runs $\mathcal{Runs}$. The exact
definition will be introduced later on in \Sref{}.
\begin{definition}[Linear Constraints]
Let $V$ be a fixed set of integer
Variables $\{x_1, x_2, \dots, n\} $. A linear constraint is defined as $\psi
= a_0 + a_1 x_1 + \dots + a_n x_n \diamond 0$ where $a_i \in \mathbb{N}$ are
integer coefficients, $x_i \in V$ are variables and $\diamond \in \{>, <,
\geq, \leq, =\}$. \end{definition}
An assignment $\sigma : V \mapsto \mathbb{Z}$ assigns an integer value to
each variable in $V$. $\sigma$ is a solution for a linear constraint $\psi$
\end{definition} \
Common operations can be defined over probability distributions as well, which
will be very handy in probabilistic integer programs. Given two probability
distributions $p$, and $q$, the following operations are defined:
p \diamond q (x) = \sum_{\substack{i,j \in \Z \\ i \diamond j = x}} p(i)
\cdot q(i) \hspace{1cm} \with \diamond \in \{+, \cdot\}
\todo{more operators?}
In the context of this thesis the discrete bounded distributions will be used to
describe the possible values of a variable. They can be used as if they were
non-probabilistic values, for exymple and
It can be used inside the
A note non-probabilistic (fixed) value $k$ is equivalent to a distribution which
assignes the probability $1$ to this fixed value $k$ and $0$ to every other
program itself during assignments when setting a new value to a variable or
during analysis to describe the possible values of the variables at a certain
p_k(x) = \begin{cases}
1, & x = k \\
0, & \text{otherwise}
- Term Rewrite Systems (TRS)
- Transition Systems
- A set of States S
- A start location S_0 \in S
- A set of transitions T \in S x C x S
- Integer Transition Systems (ITS)
Koat2 can work on integer programs with polynomial integer
arithmetic.\cite{Brockschmidt16} To represent states and invariants in such a
program, one needs polynomial constraints. As an extended concept Koat2 uses
boxes and we will use polyhedra for the partial evaluation. Since those concepts
are closely related we will introduce them together.
In the following $\V$ denotes a countable finite set of variables $\V = \{v_1,
\dots, v_n\}$.
For a domain $D$ and a structure $\mathfrak{I} = (D, +, \cdot, 0, 1, \leq,
<, =)$, a constraint $\psi \in \L$ is \textit{satisfiable} in when the formula
$\psi$ is $\mathfrak{I} \models \psi$. We say a variable assignment $\beta: \V
\rightarrow D$ \textit{satisfies} the constraint $\psi$ when $(\mathfrak{I},
For a domain $A$ and a structure $\mathfrak{A} = (A, +, \cdot, 0, 1, \leq,
<, =)$, a constraint $\psi \in \L$ is \textit{satisfiable} in when
$\mathfrak{A} \models \psi$. We say a (total) variable assignment $\beta: \V
\rightarrow A$ \textit{satisfies} the constraint $\psi$ when $(\mathfrak{A},
In practice constraints are often provided in a more general form. Restricting
the constraints to a specific form does not limit it's practicality, since they
Note that the constraints are restricted to (strict) inequality against zero. In
practice constraints are often provided in a more general form. Restricting the
constraints to the specific form does not limit it's practicality, since they
When talking about integer arithmetic we will thus only refer to linear
\section{Abstract Domains}\label{sec:abstract_domains}
Another way of reasoning about constraints is to see them in an $n$-dimensional
space. Constraints partition the space excluding one half. In case of integer
arithmetic the solutions are discrete points in this space. Linear constraints
describe half-spaces and a set of linear constraints describes a (possibly
open) convex polyhedron. More about polyhedron in \Sref{sec:polyhedron}.
\subcaptionlistentry{Formula $\varphi_1$}
\subcaptionlistentry{Formula $\varphi_2$}
\subcaptionlistentry{Formula $\varphi_3 = \varphi_1 \land \varphi_2$}
% \subbottom[Formula $\varphi_1$]{
% \centering
% \input{figures/ch1_example1_phi1}
% }
% \subbottom[Formula $\varphi_2$]{
% \centering
% \input{figures/ch1_example1_phi2}
% }
% \subbottom[Formula $\varphi_3 = \varphi_1 \land \varphi_2$]{
% \centering
% \input{figures/ch1_example1_phi3}
% }
\caption{Graphical representation of the set of constraints $\varphi_1$,
$\varphi_2$ and $\varphi_3$ from Example \ref{ex:1}. Every constraint is
represented by a line and the excluded side is marked by hatchings. }
Consider the following constraints over the variables $\V = \{x, y\}$:
\varphi_1 &= 2y \leq x \\
\varphi_2 &= 2y > x^2 - 4
They are graphically represented in \fref{fig:ex1} using a 2D-coordinate
system. Since the space is two-dimensional the linear constraint $\varphi_1$
can be represented as a straight line and $\varphi_2$ as a parabola.
The solutions are marked as circles. For example, the assignment $\sigma: x
\mapsto 0, y \mapsto -2$ (colored red) satisfies $\varphi_1$ but not
$\varphi_2$. The conjunction $\varphi_3 = \varphi_1 \land \varphi_2$ is
clearly equal to the intersection of both sets of solutions. While
$\varphi_1$ and $\varphi_2$ have infinitely many solutions, the conjunction
$\varphi_3$ has not.
The problem of determining, if a set of constraints is satisfiable or finding
valid variable assignments for a given formula is called \gls{smt}-solving and
is well researched. The theories relevant for this thesis the are
quantifier-free linear integer arithmetic (usually called \texttt{QF\_LIA}) and
quantifier-free polynomial integer arithmetic (\texttt{QF\_PIA}).
When talking about integer arithmetic on only refers to linear constraints.
Sometimes one want's to remove a variable from a formula or a set of
constraints. It is especially useful, when having a formula with temporary
variables that are only relevant to a certain transition but should not
influence the program after wards.
The problem of determining, if a set of constraints is satisfiable or finding
valid variable assignments for a given formula is part of \gls{smt} and is well
researched. The theories relevant for this thesis the are quantifier-free linear
integer arithmetic (usually called \texttt{QF\_LIA}) and quantifier-free
polynomial integer arithmetic (\texttt{QF\_PIA}).
Formally, removing a variable is equivalent to existentially quantifying it.
However, existential quantification is not available in quantifier free integer
arithmetic. Instead one searches for a formula that describes all original
solutions but restricted to the smaller domain.
Sometimes one is not interested in the result to all variables but only to a
subset of variables. It will later become relevant when handling temporary
variables that are only relevant to the scope of a transition. In FO-logic one
would just existentially quantify the variable. However the new FO-formula
wouldn't be quantifier-free anymore. Instead a new formula is searched that has
just the same solutions when ignoring the values for the irrelevant variables.
Let $X \subseteq V$ and $\varphi$ be an FO-formula over the variables $V$
and let $\sigma|_X$ denote the restriction of $\sigma$ to the smaller to
domain $X$.
Let $X \subseteq V$ and $\varphi$ be a quantifier-free FO-formula over the
variables $V$ and let $\beta|_X$ denote the restriction of the assignment
$\beta$ to the smaller to domain $X$.
a formula $\varphi'$, with $\llbracket \varphi' \rrbracket =
\set{\sigma|_X}{\sigma \in \llbracket \varphi \rrbracket}$.
\todo{use $\sigma$ and $\beta$ consistently.}
a quantifier-free FO-formula $\varphi'$ over the variables $X$, with
$\llbracket \varphi' \rrbracket = \set{\beta|_X}{\sigma \in \llbracket
\varphi \rrbracket}$.
Geometrically, the projection can be seen as set of solutions projected
(casting a shadow) onto the remaining dimensions.
\section{Abstract Domains}\label{sec:abstract_domains}
Another way of reasoning about solutions is to see them as points in an
$m$-dimensional space for variables $X \subset \V$ and $|X| = m$. Every
constraint partitions the space into one included and one excluded part. In case
of integer arithmetic the solutions are discrete points in this space.
An abstract domains is a representation of those sets of points. Usually they
over-approximate the sets in order to facilitate operations. Commonly used
abstract domains are Polyhedra\cite{bagnara2005convexpolyhedron}
Octagons\cite{mine2001wcre, mine2007arxiv, mine2006hosc,truchet2010synacs}, and
the Interval domain\cite{}
All abstract domains support the following operations with varying computational
and memory requirements: emptiness, intersection, inclusion test, orthogonal
projection, upper, and lower bounds. There are many more but we will focus only
on the ones important for this thesis. They all
The test for emptiness is equivalent to asking if a formula is satisfiable as
every point represents a solution to the formula. Intersecting two or more
abstract values is equivalent to the conjunction of one or more formulas.
However, the intersection of two abstract values might include more values than
the solutions of the formula conjunction due to the approximative nature of
abstract domains.
\caption{Formula $\varphi_1$}
\caption{Formula $\varphi_2$}
\caption{Formula $\varphi_3 = \varphi_1 \land \varphi_2$}
\caption{Graphical representation of the set of constraints $\varphi_1$,
$\varphi_2$ and $\varphi_3$ from Example \ref{ex:intersection}. Every constraint is
represented by a line and the excluded side is marked by
hatchings.\label{fig:ex_intersection} }
Consider the following constraints over the variables $\V = \{x, y\}$:
\varphi_1 &= 2y \leq x \\
\varphi_2 &= 2y > x^2 - 4
They are graphically represented in \fref{fig:ex_intersection} using a
2D-coordinate system. Since the space is two-dimensional the linear
constraint $\varphi_1$ can be represented as a straight line and $\varphi_2$
as a parabola.
The solutions are marked as circles. For example, the assignment $\sigma: x
\mapsto 0, y \mapsto -2$ (colored red) satisfies $\varphi_1$ but not
$\varphi_2$. The conjunction $\varphi_3 = \varphi_1 \land \varphi_2$ is
clearly equal to the intersection of both sets of solutions. While
$\varphi_1$ and $\varphi_2$ have infinitely many solutions, the conjunction
$\varphi_3$ has not.
The orthogonal projection computes the projection of an FO-formula, possibly
loosing some precision in the process. Geometrically, the projection can be seen
as set of solutions projected (casting a shadow) onto the remaining dimensions.
Among others the following operations are important to our use-case.
1. Emptiness
2. Intersection
3. Inclusion test
3. Orthogonal projection
4. Upper and lower bounds
\subsection{Not necessarily closed convex polyhedra}\label{ssec:nncpolyhedra}
In the following we will give a short introduction to the abstract domains. A
visual example for the three abstract domains is given in
\caption{Interval domain (Box)\label{fig:abstract_domains_box}}
\caption{Octagon domain\label{fig:abstract_domains_oct}}
\caption{Polyhedra domain\label{fig:abstract_domains_poly}}
\caption{Visual comparison of the Interval domain, Octagons and
\subsection{Not necessarily closed convex polyhedra}\label{ssec:polyhedra}
As discussed in \Sref{sec:constraints} strictness of linear constraints and in
turn openness of half-spaces are not relevant to the integer domain. Hence when
talking about integer arithmetic one refers only to polyhedra.
\todo{more about tightness of operations}
\todo{say something about
overapproximation of polynomial constraints}
An octagon can be described by a set of constraints of the form $\pm v_i \pm v_j
\leq b$\cite{mine2001wcre}. Obviously, such constraints are linear constraints
and hence octagons are a specialization of polyhedra.
$\mathcal{P} \subseteq \R^n$ is an octagon if and only if it can be
expressed by an a set of constraints of the form $\pm v_i \pm
v_j \leq b$\cite{mine2001wcre}.
Octagons are used in \gls{koat} during the computation of invariants. They are
faster to work with than polyhedra but less precise. \todo{cite runtime for
various operations} As shown in \Sref{sec:invariant}, too wide constraints are
not a problem for invariants.
Obviously, such constraints are linear constraints and hence octagons are a
specialization of polyhedra. Octagons are used in \gls{koat} during the
generation of invariants. They are faster to work with than polyhedra but less
By construction every Box is an octagon and in turn a polyhedron. For every
polyhedron $P$ one can find a box $B$ that includes the polyhedron. Whenever
it's acceptable to arbitrarily widen the polyhedron, one can work with boxes
instead. Boxes are computationally very efficient, although rather imprecise,
for most applications.\todo{beautify}
\todo{example picture}
By construction every box is an octagon and in turn a polyhedron. For every
polyhedron $P$ one can find a box $P'$ that contains the polyhedron
$P$.\todo{citation or proof}
Whenever it's acceptable to arbitrarily widen the
polyhedron, one can work with boxes instead. Boxes are computationally very
efficient, although rather imprecise, for most applications.
\begin{definition}[Probability space]
Imagine probabilistic event with some possible outcomes $\Omega$. For example a
coin-toss can have arbitrary many outcomes when taking the position on the table
into account, the fact that the coin might get lost in the process etc.
A probability measure describes the probabilities of sets of random outcomes.
For example the coin-toss on the table has a sub-set of outcomes where the
coin's head is above. The probability measure would assign a probability close
to 50\% for a somewhat normal coin-toss.
Formally a probability measure is defined on a $\sigma$-algebra which asserts
the intuitive property of random event: if you can measure two subsets of
outcomes (e.g. $A = \set{ \omega \in \Omega} {\text{ coin shows head}}$, and $B
= \set{\omega \in \Omega} {\text{coin shows tail}}$) so you can for both subsets
together ($A \union B = \set{\omega \in \Omega} {\text{coin shows head or
tails}}$) and the probability of the combined outcomes is equal to the sum of
the individual outcomes.
\begin{definition}[Probability Measure]\label{def:measure}
A set function $\mu$ on a $\sigma$-field $\F$ is a probability
measure if it satisfies the following conditions:
\item $\mu(A)\in [0,1]$ for $A \in \F$
\item $\mu(\emptyset) = 0$
\item if $A_1, A_2, ...$ is a disjoint sequence of $\F$-sets then
\mu\left(\Union_{k=1}^\infty A_k \right) = \sum_{k=1}^\infty
\item $\mu(\Omega) = 1$
A probability space describes the set of all possible outcomes $\Omega$, the
measurable sub-sets of outcomes $\F$ and the probability $P$ of those measurable
\begin{definition}[Probability space]\label{def:probability_space}
\item $P$ assigns a probability to every event and satisfies the
following conditions:
\item $0 \leq P(A) \leq 1$ for $A \in \F$,
\item $P(\emptyset) = 0$, and $P(\Omega) = 1$,
\item $ $\todo{invariance of permutation.}
\todo{Refer to a definition of a $\sigma$-algebra.}
A set function $\mu$ on a $\sigma$-field $\F$ in $\Omega$ is a probability
measure if it satisfies the following conditions:
\item $\mu(A)\in [0,1]$ for $A \in \F$
\item $\mu(\emptyset) = 0$
\item if $A_1, A_2, ...$ is a disjoint sequence of $\F$-sets then
\mu\left(\Union_{k=1}^\infty A_k \right) = \sum_{k=1}^\infty
\item $\mu(\Omega) = 1$
\item $P$ assigns a probability to every set in $\F$ and is a
probability measure.
In the following, we will only consider discrete random variables $X : \Omega
\rightarrow \Z$ with countably (but possibly infinitely) many possible results,
since only discrete random variables are relevant for this thesis.
In the following, we will encounter discrete random variables $X : \Omega
\rightarrow \Z$ with countably (but possibly infinitely) many possible results.
between those locations. A run of the program is a sequence of configurations --
that is a location and a state -- where every configuration is reachable via a
transition from the previous configuration.
Non-deterministic programs have mutually non-exclusive transitions leaving the
same location. Hence it is unclear which transition is taken at runtime. The
decision is made by a scheduler. Also guards and assignments of the transition
might depend on temporary variables that are not set by the state.
between those locations. A run of a program is a sequence of configurations,
where every configuration contains the location at which the program is and a
state that holds the current values of the program variables. A transition
contains conditions, called \textit{guard}, that must be true for the current
state to be taken. Whenever a transition is taken it can modifies the state with
some updates. An update assigns a new value to a program variable depending on
the previous state. Ever inter program starts at a unique location usually
called $l_0$. Whenever no transition guard is satisfied the program terminates.
Probabilistic programs are similar to non-determistic ones, but the transition
taken is decied on a probabilistic basis. Imagine an oracle that throws some
dice to determin the taken transition.
In order to allow both concepts in a program, we use the concept of
\textit{general transitions}: they are sets of (conventional) transitions with
the probabilities adding up to 1, acting as a single transition for the
resolution of non-determinism. Non-determinism can only occur between general
transitions and it is resolved first before probabilities are resolved.
\caption{A non-deterministic integer program over the variables $\V =
Deterministic and non-probabilistic programs are a special case of probabilistic
programs, where every general transition consist of a single transition and all
general transitions are mutually exclusive.
Take the program displayed in \fref{fig:ex_pip_nd} for example. At location
$l_1$ with the state $\sigma(x) = 3$ both transitions $t_2$ and $t_3$ are
possible, since both of their guards $x > 0$ and $x > 1$ are satisfied. At
runtime the decision which transition is taken is arbitrary
This thesis will closely follow the definitions of F. Meyer \cite{https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-66167-4_8}.
For the following the set of all variables is split into the program variables
$\PV$ and temporary variables $TV$. Program variables are assigned at the start
of a program and can get values assigned during the run of a program, wheras
temporary variables are only existentially quantified for every transition.
Hence, they do not \enquote{carry over} between states.
A similar concept to non-determinism (where the decision is fully arbitrary), is
to give a probability to each transition. Instead of picking the transition
fully arbitrarily, the transitions are picked with the respective probability.
Although similar, non-deterministic and probabilistic branching treated
separately. In order to allow both concepts in a program, one introduces the
concept of \textit{general transitions}: they are sets of (conventional)
transitions with the probabilities adding up to 1, acting as a single transition
for the resolution of non-determinism. Non-determinism can only occur between
general transitions and it is resolved first before probabilities are resolved,
and every transition in a general transition must have the same guard.
\begin{definition}[Probabilistic Integer Program]
\caption{A probabilistic (and non-deterministic) integer program over
the variables $\V= \{x\}$. \label{fig:ex_pip_prob}}
Take the program displayed in \fref{fig:ex_pip_prob} for example. The
transitions $t_2$ and $t_3$ are part of a general transition (marked in
red). For simplicity, all other transitions are unique members of their own
general transition and the trivial probability of 1 is omitted.
At location $l_1$ with a variable assignment $\sigma(x) = 3$ three
transitions $t_2$, $t_3$ and $t_4$ are possible. The non-determinism is
resolved first
Besides probabilistic branching, variable assignments can be non-deterministic
or probabilistic, which is also called non-deterministic or probabilistic
sampling. Non-deterministic sampling occurs when on a transition a variable is
updated to an expression that contains unbound variables (variables that are not
assigned a value in the previous state). The unbound variables are sampled
arbitrarily from all the integers, but can be constraint by the guard, in which
case the transition is only taken if the non-deterministic sampling fulfills the
guard. If the sampled value fulfills no transition's guard it means the program
terminates. Non-deterministic sampling is resolved before the non-deterministic
\caption{A integer program with non-deterministic sampling over
the variables $\V= \{x, t\}$ with program variables $\PV=\{x\}$.
Take the program displayed in \fref{fig:ex_pip_nds} for example. The
transition $t_2$ contains an update with a temporary $t$ variable.
Furthermore, the temporary variable is constraint to $1 \leq t \leq 3$.
Since the temporary variable $t$ is not bound in the state $\sigma: \PV
\rightarrow \Z$, the variable can take any arbitrary value.
Whenever temporary variable is sampled to a value not satisfying the
guard of $t_2$ and x is larger then zero, the program would terminate.
Probabilistic sampling is done using probability distributions. Coincidentally,
only the probability distributions from \Sref{ssec:distributions} are supported.
Updates are restricted to integer polynomials with variables and additionally
distributions when probabilistic sampling is allowed. The value of the
indeterminate in the polynomial is equal to the (possibly temporary) variable or
sampled from the distribution with the corresponding probability.
\caption{A integer program with probabilistic sampling over
the variables $\V= \{x\}$ with program variables $\PV=\{x\}$.
Take the program depicted in \fref{fig:ex_pip_probs} for example. In
transition $t_2$, the variable x is assigned to the polynomial $x -
\textsc{Bern}(0.5)$. The value of the Bernoulli distribution can take the
value of 1 or 2 with a probability of 0.5 in both cases. In case that the
distribution is sampled to 1, the variable x is decremented, and stays the
same otherwise.
Deterministic non-probabilistic programs are a special case of probabilistic
programs, where every general transition consist of a single transition, all
general transitions are mutually exclusive, and no non-deterministic or
probabilistic sampling is done in the transitions. Similarly non-deterministic
non-probabilistic programs are a special case of probabilistic programs where
every general transition contains only a single transition and no probabilistic
sampling is allowed.
This thesis will closely follow the formal definitions of E. Meyer
\cite{meyer2021tacas}. First the formal definition for a probabilistic program
is given, then the semantics are introduced.
\begin{definition}[Probabilistic Integer Program]\label{def:pip}
\item a probability $p \geq 0$, that the transition is taken when
the correspondig general transition $g$ is executed.
\item a guard $τ \in C$
\item an update function $η : \PV \mapsto \Z[\PV] \cup D$,
mapping every program variable to a polynomial or a bounded
distribution function. All $t \in g$ must share the same
start location $l$, guard $τ$.
\item a probability $p \geq 0$, that the transition is taken
when the corresponding general transition $g$ is executed.
\item a guard $\tau \in C$
\item an update function $\eta : \PV \mapsto \Z[\V \cup D]$,
mapping every program variable to an integer polynomial
containing variables or a distribution functions. All $t \in
g$ must share the same start location $l$, guard $τ$.
\caption{A simple probabilistic integer program.}
Let's recap the semantics of a probabilistic integer program.
\fref{fig:pip1} gives an example for a very simple probabilistic integer
\todo{give an example for temporary variables}
Unsurprisingly, a PIP is executed starting at the start location with a given
assignment $\sigma_0 : \PV \rightarrow \N$. A pair of location and assignment
$(l, \sigma) \in \L \times \Sigma$ is called a configuration and represents
specific state of a program during an execution.
Given a configuration
assignment for the program variables (the input to the program), the program
is evaluated starting from the start location $l_0$.
An execution path of a program is a sequence of configurations, where the first
configuration is the starting configuration.
The curent configuration is represented as a tuple $(l_0, c_0)$.
An execution path is a sequence of configurations.
\subsection{Non-deterministic and probabilistic branching and assignments}
- Probabilistic branching
- Non-determinstic branching
- probabilistic assignments (via branching)
- non-deterministic assignments (via temporary variables)
for a transition:
- constant cost
- most simple case cost = 1 for every transition
- combining transitions and adding costs
- costs depending on variables
for a prefix:
- finite sequence of configurations
- runtime = sum of all costs over all steps in the prefix
- probability = product over all transition probabilities in the prefix
- legal prefix = non-zero probability
for a path:
- infinite sequence of configurations
- runtime = runtime of the largest non-zero probability prefix
- pro
legal paths = paths with a non-zero
for a program:
- supremum over runtime of all paths
\begin{definition}[Runtime of a run]
\begin{definition}[Worst-case runtime of a Program]
\begin{definition}[Expected runtime of a Program]
Various languages exist to represent integer programs in a computer readable
form; namely Koat2\cite{}, IntC, Some weird XML Onthology
% \cite{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TermCOMP/TPDB/master/xml/xtc.xsd}
% - CINT
% - Koat Format
% For probabilistic: PIP
During this thesis we will transform programs. The goal is to find equivalent
programs that are easier to analyize by Koat2. But what does equivalence mean?
On non probabilistic programs one would expect, that while beeing structurally
different, the outcome of the new program is the same as the old one.
In addition the new program should take the same time as the old one. Since
costs are represented as a variable, this is part of the outcome. But the
runtime of a program is calculated by ranking-functions and they count the
number of visits to a location. In order for the runtime to be the same, bounds
shall remain the same. \todo{doesn't realy make sence!}
In probabilistic programs, a the run is non-deterministic and hence calculating
the runtime is impossible. Instead we have expected runtime-bounds. So the new
program should have the same expected runtime-bounds and the same expected
costs, as the old program. Let's give a more formal definition.
\begin{definition}[Program equivalence]
Given two PIP $P = (\V, L, \GT, l_0)$ and $P' = (\V, L', \GT', l_0)$
are equivalent if and only if the following properties hold:
\item \todo{continue}
\subsection{Strongly connected components}
A given \gls{pip} induces two relations. The first one being the relation if a
transition exists from one location to another and the other one describes if a
path exists from one location to another.
\todo{open question regarding temporary variables}
% the original definition alled states defining variables, but this let's
% temporary variables carry-over to the next transition. Is this what we
% want?
Before defining the semantics of a \gls{pip} a new special location $l_\bot$ is
introduced that will be used to indicate the termination of a program as well as
a virtual transition $t_\bot$ and general transition $gt_\bot = \{t_\bot\}$ with
the same purpose. Instead of just vaguely \enquote{terminating} a program takes
the transition $gt_\bot$ to the location $l_\bot$ if and only if no other
transition is walkable. Since no normal transition leaves the location $l_\bot$
the run loops indefinitely on the location $l_\bot$ after termination. In
addition a new transition $t_\text{in}$ will be used for the start of the
A state $s$ is a variable assignment for the variables of a program $s: \V
\rightarrow \Z$. \Sigma is the set of all states. The set of configuration is
defined as $\confs = L \union \{l_\bot\} \times \T \union \{t_{\text{in}},
t_\bot\} \times \Sigma$.
Note that additionally to the location and state, the last transition taken to
the current location is captured as well. This won't be relevant for the partial
evaluation but is important to define the probabilistic properties of a
A run of the program is an \textit{infinite} sequence of configurations, and the
set of all runs is defined as $\runs = \confs^\omega$. In contrast a finite
prefix is a finite sequence of configurations. The set of all finite prefixes is
defined as $\fpath = \confs^*$.
The set of configurations does not exclude invalid combinations of
locations and transitions, that is a configuration with a location that is
not the target of the incoming transition, or a state that is impossible to
reach via the incoming transition. Conversely, the set of runs and finite
prefixes does not exclude invalid paths, e.g. two consecutive configurations
that cannot be reached via the given transition, etc. The validity of a path
will be described by a probability measure where invalid paths have a zero
For a \gls{pip} one can define a $(\runs, \F, \textit{pr})$. The outcomes of
the probabilistic event in this space are the runs on the program. Every
distinct run is measurable hence the $\sigma$-algebra $\F$ is defined to contain
every set ${r} \in \F$ for $r \in \runs$. The probability measure $pr$ describes
the probability of the given runs. Formally the probability space is defined by
a cylindrical construction \todo{elaborate}. Since the construction is rather
involved we will only sum up and the properties relevant to this thesis.
First the probability of a run is separate from the non-determinism. So for all
the considerations the non determinism is assumed to be decided by a scheduler
and the probability measure depends on the scheduler.
The probability of specific run in the probability space is equal to the
probability that every transition in the run is taken. Naturally, invalid
transitions (either because they do not exist in the program, or because the
guard is not satisfied) have a zero probability.
The probability space will be used to define the semantics of a \gls{pip}
\subsection{Notes about the probability measure}
Probability that a variable $x$ takes the value $s(x)$ when taking the
transition $t$ from an (non-deterministically resolved) assignment $\tilde{s}$:
\todo{redefine with polynomials over indeterminates}
(Trivial) probability that the temporary variables got assigned there expected
values, given a (non-deterministically resolved) assignment $\tilde{s}$ and the
resulting assignment $s$
Probability of a transition after a finite prefix: For $F = \dots (l', t', s') \in \fpath$, $(l, t,
x) \in \confs$, $t = (l', p, \tau, \eta, l)$.
pr_{\mathfrak{S},s_0}((l', t',s') \rightarrow (l, t, s)) :=
pr_{\mathfrak{S},s_0}(f \rightarrow (l,t,s))= p \cdot \prod_{x\in\PV}
q_{\tilde{s},t,s(x)}(x) \cdot \prod_{u \in \TV} \delta_{\tilde{s}(u),s(u)})
The probability depends on the scheduler $\mathfrak{S}$ and the starting
state $s_0$.
Probability of a finite prefix. For $f = c_0, \dots, c_n \in \fpath$:
pr_{\mathfrak{S},s_0}(f) = pr_{\mathfrak{S},s_0}(c_0) \cdot \prod_{i=1}^n pr_{\mathfrak{A},s_0}(c_{i-1} \rightarrow c_i)
Cylindrical construction yields the unique probability measure
$\mathbf{P}_{\mathfrak{S},s_0} : \F \rightarrow [0,1]$ for infinite runs
for a transition:
- constant cost
- most simple case cost = 1 for every transition
- combining transitions and adding costs
- costs depending on variables
for a prefix:
- finite sequence of configurations
- runtime = sum of all costs over all steps in the prefix
- probability = product over all transition probabilities in the prefix
- legal prefix = non-zero probability
for a path:
- infinite sequence of configurations
- runtime = runtime of the largest non-zero probability prefix
- pro
legal paths = paths with a non-zero
for a program:
- supremum over runtime of all paths
\begin{definition}[Runtime of a run]
\begin{definition}[Worst-case runtime of a Program]
\begin{definition}[Expected runtime of a Program]
% Various languages exist to represent integer programs in a computer readable
% form; namely Koat2\cite{}, IntC, Some weird XML Onthology
% \cite{https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TermCOMP/TPDB/master/xml/xtc.xsd}
% - CINT
% - Koat Format
% For probabilistic: PIP
% During this thesis we will transform programs. The goal is to find equivalent
% programs that are easier to analyze by Koat2. But what does equivalence mean?
% On non probabilistic programs one would expect, that while beeing structurally
% different, the outcome of the new program is the same as the old one.
% In addition the new program should take the same time as the old one. Since
% costs are represented as a variable, this is part of the outcome. But the
% runtime of a program is calculated by ranking-functions and they count the
% number of visits to a location. In order for the runtime to be the same, bounds
% shall remain the same. \todo{doesn't realy make sence!}
% In probabilistic programs, a the run is non-deterministic and hence calculating
% the runtime is impossible. Instead we have expected runtime-bounds. So the new
% program should have the same expected runtime-bounds and the same expected
% costs, as the old program. Let's give a more formal definition.
Ranking functions are a widely use tool to prove termination and runtime-bounds of integer transition systems. The simplest variant of ranking functions are \gls{lrf}
% Ranking functions are a widely use tool to prove termination and runtime-bounds of integer transition systems. The simplest variant of ranking functions are \gls{lrf}
We seek a function $f(x_1,\dots,x_n) = a_1x_1 + \cdots + a_nx_n + a_0$ with the rationals as a co-domain, such that
\item $f(\bar{x}) \leq 0$ for any valuation $\bar{x}$ that satisfies the loop constraints;
\item $f(\bar{x}) - f(\bar{x}') \geq 1$ for any transition leadtion from $\bar{x}$ to $\bar{x}'$
% We seek a function $f(x_1,\dots,x_n) = a_1x_1 + \cdots + a_nx_n + a_0$ with the rationals as a co-domain, such that
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item $f(\bar{x}) \leq 0$ for any valuation $\bar{x}$ that satisfies the loop constraints;
% \item $f(\bar{x}) - f(\bar{x}') \geq 1$ for any transition leadtion from $\bar{x}$ to $\bar{x}'$
% \end{enumerate}
% \cite{benamram2017}\todo{plagiat}
% Intuition: The ranking function decreases for every walkable transition. If such a ranking function exists, the loop terminates. \todo{not sure about this, guess}
% \section{Lexicographic ranking functions}
% We expand the \gls{lrf} to a tuple of \gls{lrf}. Where whenever lexicograpically higher function decreases lower ones can increase again.
Transform a program into an equivalent program. \todo{define equivalence of
- Term Rewrite Systems (TRS)
- Transition Systems
- A set of States S
- A start location S_0 \in S
- A set of transitions T \in S x C x S
Koat2 can work on integer programs with polynomial integer
arithmetic.\cite{Brockschmidt16} To represent states and invariants in such a
program, one needs polynomial constraints. As an extended concept Koat2 uses
boxes and we will use polyhedra for the partial evaluation. Since those concepts
are closely related we will introduce them together.
is strongly related to the question upper and lower runtime bounds, or the
runtime complexity of a program, is equally non-computable. Nevertheless, the
answers to those questions are very important, since proven termination or small
runtime-complexities are generally desirable in practice. For example a compiler
might want to warn the programmer about faulty code sections that were not
marked explicitly to run indefinitely, or the developer could be forced to prove
the efficiency of his program in critical scenarios. In an ever more complex
world, with ever more complex algorithms, the need for automatic tools arised.
Even though the question for runtime-complexity can not be answered in a general
case, many tools were developed to automatically analyze the complexity of
various programming paradigms as tight and fast as possible.
is strongly related to the search for upper and lower runtime bounds, or the
runtime complexity of a program, is equally undecidable. Nevertheless, the
answers to those questions are very important in practice. For example a
compiler might want to warn the programmer about faulty code sections that were
not marked explicitly to run indefinitely, or the developer could be forced to
prove the efficiency of his program in critical scenarios. In an ever more
complex world, with ever more complex algorithms, the need for automatic tools
arised. Even though the question for runtime-complexity can not be answered in a
general case, many tools were developed to automatically analyze the complexity
of various programming paradigms as tight and fast as possible.
runtime-complexity and size bounds on integer transition systems. At its core,
KoAT iteratively computes ranking \todo{be more precise}functions to prove upper
bounds, alternating between size and runtime-bounds and thus leveraging the
relation between both to get tight results. Optionally to improve the analysis,
KoAT resorts to refinement techniques, like \gls{mprf} and
\gls{cfr}\cite{giesl2022lncs}. Recently, KoAT was expanded to work on
probabilistic integer programs as well\cite{meyer2021tacas}.
runtime-complexity and size bounds on transition systems. At its core,
KoAT computes bounds for subprograms using \gls{mprf} or \gls{twn}, and then
putting the subprograms together generate upper runtime-complexity and size
bounds for the whole program.
Optionally to improve the analysis, Koat can resort to partial evaluation
as a control-flow refinement techniques\cite{giesl2022lncs}.
At first \gls{koat} was aimed at linear integer programs, but it was recently
extended to probabilistic integer programs\cite{meyer2021tacas} and
non-linear arithmetic\todo{citation needed}.
The tool iRankFinder is another tool taking part in \gls{termcomp}. It converts
\gls{its} into \gls{chc} and uses
% Hier weiter machen
The tool iRankFinder\cite{irankfinder2018wst} is another tool taking part in
\gls{termcomp}. It uses linear and lexicographic ranking functions for the
analysis and the program is internally represented as \gls{chc} program, which
is very similar to integer transition systems in the regard that integer
transition systems can be transformed into equivalent \gls{chc} systems.
Control-flow refinement is a technique where a program is transformed into a
semantically equivalent program, which is easier to analyse with the existing
analysis techniques (e.g. linear, lexicographic, and multiphase ranking
functions). The technique was put forward by \citeauthor{gulwani2009}
\cite{gulwani2009}. A typical example of such a program can be seen
in example \ref{ex:splitterloop}, where a single loop is replaced by two
independent consecutive loops. iRankFinder successfully implemented the
control-flow refinement technique by partial evaluation proposed by
This thesis improves on the latest version of \gls{koat} by reimplementing the
control flow refinement technique of iRankFinder\cite{irankfinder2018wst}
natively in KoAT instead of calling an external library and adapting it to the
paradigm of probabilistic programs. The well-known basics required to understand
this thesis are recapitulated in \Sref{sec:preliminaries}, focusing especially
on constraints, probability, and (probabilistic) integer programs. In
\Sref{sec:theory} the \gls{cfr} techniques from iRankFinder are adapted to
\Gls{pip}, showing the proving the theoretical correctness of the construction.
\Sref{sec:implementation} will focus on the changes made to \gls{koat} and the
challenges met during implementation of the technique in Ocaml. Finally in
\Cref{sec:conclusion} the new version of \gls{koat} will be compared to its
predecessor with regard to the found runtime-complexity and size bounds as well
as the overall computational performance of the tool using the problems from the
\gls{koat} borrowed the implementation of iRankFinder as a black-box which came
with a number of limitations\cite{giesl2022wst}: Besides code-quality and
performance issues, the external library wouldn't be able to profit from future
improvements to the algorithms. This thesis improves on the latest version of
\gls{koat} by reimplementing the control flow refinement technique of
iRankFinder\cite{irankfinder2018wst} natively in KoAT instead of calling the
external library and adapting it to the paradigm of probabilistic programs.
The well-known basics required to understand this thesis are recapitulated in
\Sref{sec:preliminaries}, focusing especially on constraints, probability, and
(probabilistic) integer programs. In \Sref{sec:theory} the \gls{cfr} techniques
from iRankFinder are adapted to \Gls{pip}, showing the proving the theoretical
correctness of the construction. \Sref{sec:implementation} will focus on the
changes made to \gls{koat} and the challenges met during implementation of the
technique in OCaml. Finally in \Cref{sec:conclusion} the new version of
\gls{koat} will be compared to its predecessor with regard to the found
runtime-complexity and size bounds as well as the overall computational
performance of the tool using the problems from the \gls{tpdb}.
\newacronym{twn}{TWN}{triangular weakly non-linear loop}
\newacronym{scc}{SCC}{strongly connected component}