% TeX root = main.tex
entails if and only if is unsatisfiable.
\enquote Let entails , and assume
an assignment exists such that .
By contradiction is unsatisfiable.
\enquote Let is
unsatisfiable and assume . There exists an assignment
Combined .
By contradiction entails .
Given an assignment , a formula and an update . Without loss of generality is
a set of fresh variables with . We define
. For any partial assignment and if ,
then .
Equation holds, because the substitutions can be
chained. Equation holds, because the
projection removed no variables contained in the substitution. Hence they
are just implicitly existentially quantified and not affected otherwise.
In equation the substitutions can be
removed, because and do not contain any affected
variables, as they were freshly generated. In Equation
the update is just replaced by it's
definition. Equation holds because if is a
model for the formula, the formula is satisfiable. The inverse is not
necessary true. Applying the substitution a second
time, does nothing in Equation because
and specifically do not contain any variables .
Afterwards, the substitution is moved to the outside. Equation
holds by assumption.
The property based abstraction is a valid abstraction function. For all
and finite set of properties , the
following holds.
Let and be a finite set of
properties. Let be a satisfying
assignment of .