
  pdftitle    = {Control-Flow Refinement in a Framework for Automated (Probabilistic) Complexity Analysis},
  % pdfsubject  = {},
  pdfauthor   = {Yoann Maurice Kehler},
  pdfkeywords = {KoAT2, Control-Flow Refinment, iRankFinder, Aprove} ,
  pdfcreator  = {xelatex},
  pdfproducer = {XeLaTeX}

% Tikz
% \tikzexternalize
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    shorten >=1pt,
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% todo notes


% Theorems
\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} % Needs proof, and is central to this thesis.
\newtheorem{lemma}{Lemma} % Needs proof, and works towards a theorem
\newtheorem*{rem}{Remark} % Trivial stuff.

% algorithms

% Bibliography

% Acronyms with glossaries

    \chapter{Preliminaries} \label{ch:preliminaries}
