module FiordlandPacks export metrics, metrics_plot using Airtable, CSV, DataFrames, Dates, HTTP, Indicators, JSON3, PrettyTables, UnicodePlots, VegaLite """ """ function metrics(date::String, invoices::Int) @show make_visitor_plot(date) @show build_page_rank_table(date) @show north_star(date) @show airtable_sales_for_period(date) @show sales(date, invoices) #number of invoices sent MYOB, PayPal end # update csv manually because script is sometimes wrong for now function metrics_plot() if Sys.isapple() file = "/Users/david/julia/FiordlandPacks/images_and_tables/FiordlandPacks.csv" else file = "/media/david/SSD1/FiordlandPacks/images_and_tables/FiordlandPacks.csv" end df = DataFrame(CSV.File(file)) transform!(df, [:Shopify_Sales, :Invoice_Sales] => (a, b) -> a .+ b) select!(df, :Week, :Contact_Submit, :Pack_Builder_Clicks, :Checkouts_Created, :Customer_Actions, :Shopify_Sales, :Invoice_Sales, :Shopify_Sales_Invoice_Sales_function => "Sales", :Google_Spend) table = pretty_table(last(df, 12); title="Metrics", header=["Week", "Contact", "Builder", "Checkout", "ACTIONS", "Shopify", "Invoice", "Sales", "Google"], display_size=(30, 300)) df2 = Base.stack(df, [:Customer_Actions, :Sales, :Google_Spend]) transform!(df2, :Week => ByRow(x -> Dates.format(x, "yyyy-mm-dd"))) rename!(df2, :variable => "Metric", :value => "Number") df2 |> @vlplot( :line, x = :Week, y = :Number, color = :Metric, title = "Metrics Plot", width = 400, height = 400 ) |> if Sys.isapple() save("/Users/david/julia/FiordlandPacks/images_and_tables/metrics_fiordland_packs.png") else save("/media/david/SSD1/FiordlandPacks/images_and_tables/metrics_fiordland_packs.png") end return table end ### PLAUSIBLE # Needs ENV["Plausible"] = "" in startup.jl function query_plausible(url::String) headers = ["Authorization" => "Bearer $(ENV["Plausible"])"] data =, headers).body) return data.results end # +5 day because of moving average, need refactor later. function get_traffic(end_date::Dates.Date, days::Int, SITE_ID::String="")::DataFrame start_date = end_date - Dates.Day(days + 5) url = "$SITE_ID&period=custom&date=$(dts(start_date)),$(dts(end_date))" df = DataFrame(query_plausible(url)) return df end """ make_visitor_plot(date::String) Takes a date in string form yy-mm-dd, number of days defaults to 30. Returns a unicode plot of unique site visits, compared to 1 year ago. """ function make_visitor_plot(date::String, days::Int=30) current = std(date) if current == current -= Dates.Day(1) end last_year = current - Dates.Year(1) c = get_traffic(current, days)[!, 2] |> x -> Indicators.sma(x, n=7) |> x -> last(x, days) |> x -> round.(x, digits=1) p = get_traffic(last_year, days)[!, 2] |> x -> Indicators.sma(x, n=7) |> x -> last(x, days) |> x -> round.(x, digits=1) plt = lineplot(collect(-days:-1), [c p], color=[:blue :yellow], title="Unique Visitors: 7 day moving average", name=["Last $days Days", "Last Year"], xlabel="Day", ylabel="Visitors", canvas=DotCanvas, border=:ascii) vcat(DataFrame("Days" => collect(-days:-1), "Visits" => c, "Period" => "Last $days Days"), DataFrame("Days" => collect(-days:-1), "Visits" => p, "Period" => "Previous Year")) |> @vlplot( :line, x = :Days, y = :Visits, color = :Period, title = "Unique Visitors: 7 Day Moving Average", width = 400, height = 400 ) |> if Sys.isapple() save("/Users/david/julia/FiordlandPacks/images_and_tables/visits_fiordland_packs.png") else save("/media/david/SSD1/FiordlandPacks/images_and_tables/visits_fiordland_packs.png") end return plt end # Date to string formatter function dts(date::Dates.Date)::String return Dates.format(date, "yyyy-mm-dd") end # String to date formatter function std(date::String)::Dates.Date return Date("$date", dateformat"y-m-d") end function get_page_rank(end_date::Dates.Date, days::Int, SITE_ID::String="")::DataFrame start_date = end_date - Dates.Day(days) url = "$SITE_ID&period=custom&date=$(dts(start_date)),$(dts(end_date))&property=event:page&limit=10" df = DataFrame(query_plausible(url)) rename!(df, :page => "$(days)_days") select!(df, Not(:visitors)) return df end """ build_page_rank_table(date::String) Takes a date in string form yy-mm-dd. Returns a pretty table of top 10 pages for 7, 30, 365 days. Make sure repl window is wide enough """ function build_page_rank_table(date::String) current = Date("$date", dateformat"y-m-d") if current == current -= Dates.Day(1) end week = get_page_rank(current, 7) month = get_page_rank(current, 30) year = get_page_rank(current, 365) table = hcat(week, month, year) return pretty_table(table; title="Page Rank", header=["week", "month", "year"]) end # "Outbound+Link:+Click", "Contact+Submit" function get_custom_events(end_date::Dates.Date, event::String, days::Int=7, SITE_ID::String="")::@NamedTuple{Event::String, Number::Int64} start_date = end_date - Dates.Day(days) url = "$SITE_ID&period=custom&date=$(dts(start_date)),$(dts(end_date))&property=event:props:method&filters=event:name%3D%3D$event" df = DataFrame(query_plausible(url)) e = replace(event, "+" => " ") |> x -> titlecase(x) isempty(df) ? (return (Event=e, Number=0)) : (return (Event=e, Number=first(df.visitors))) end # "thank_you", "checkouts" function get_pageview_events(end_date::Dates.Date, event::String, days::Int=7, SITE_ID::String="")::@NamedTuple{Event::String, Number::Int64} start_date = end_date - Dates.Day(days) url = "$SITE_ID&period=custom&date=$(dts(start_date)),$(dts(end_date))&property=event:props:method&filters=event:page==/**$event**" df = DataFrame(query_plausible(url)) e = replace(event, "_" => " ") |> x -> titlecase(x) isempty(df) ? (return (Event=e, Number=0)) : (return (Event=e, Number=first(df.visitors))) end function north_star(date::String, days::Int=7) d = std(date) contact = get_custom_events(d, "Contact+Submit", days) pack_builders = get_custom_events(d, "Outbound+Link:+Click", days) checkouts = get_pageview_events(d, "checkouts", days) df = DataFrame([contact, pack_builders, checkouts]) push!(df, ["Total" sum(df.Number)]) df[2, 1] = "Pack Builders" return pretty_table(df; title="North Star Metric", header=["Event", "Number"], body_hlines=[3]) end function sales(date::String, invoices_sent::Int, days::Int=7) d = std(date) shopify = get_pageview_events(d, "thank_you", days) inv = (Event="Invoice", Number=invoices_sent) df = DataFrame([shopify, inv]) push!(df, ["Total" sum(df.Number)]) df[1, 1] = "Shopify" return pretty_table(df; title="Sales", header=["", "Number"], body_hlines=[2]) end ### AIRTABLE base = (key="appt7SR7DsTsh22zO", name="Pack Builders") tables = [ #(key="tblZzSmPq7LhdHUFk", name="25l Strong"), #(key="tbltssUMDKNkjC8ld", name="35l"), (key="tbldrQLd5cO2D1XEb", name="45l"), (key="tbl1JARaob1EhEv2l", name="55l"), (key="tbl8NXUqwPniIOxbM", name="65l") #=, (key="tblp5cmBqyD4SY9zv", name="AC50"), (key="tblKCK6N2BapDupSF", name="AC60"), (key="tblSLbNuFaOb0Qorp", name="AC70"), (key="tbl9Etx9No0cPn11A", name="Waist Bag")=# ] function table_sales_for_period(table::String, end_date::Dates.Date, days::Int=7, base::String="appt7SR7DsTsh22zO")::DataFrame start_date = end_date - Dates.Day(days) q = AirTable(table, AirBase(base))#; filterByFormula="{Status} = 'Todo'") data = [getfield(i, 3) for i in Airtable.query(q)] # cols = union(keys.(data)...) df = DataFrame([c => get.(data, c, missing) for c in cols]...) df.Created = Date.(chop.(df.Created, tail=14), "yyyy-mm-dd") function is_between(date::Dates.Date, start_date::Dates.Date=start_date, end_date::Dates.Date=end_date)::Bool return (start_date <= date <= end_date) end subset!(df, :Created => x -> is_between.(x), skipmissing=true) sort!(df) return df end """ airtable_sales_for_period(date::String) Takes a date in string form yy-mm-dd, tables default to variable list above, number of days defaults to f, base defaults to pack builders. Returns a returns a pretty table of last 7 days sales. Note sales recorded in jotform all default to 2023-08-18, the date they were imported into airtable. """ function airtable_sales_for_period(date::String, tables=tables::Vector{@NamedTuple{key::String, name::String}}, days::Int=7, base::String="appt7SR7DsTsh22zO") end_date = Date("$date", dateformat"y-m-d") if end_date == end_date -= Dates.Day(1) end for t in tables df = table_sales_for_period(t.key, end_date) select!(df, :Number, :Created, :Name) !isempty(df) && println(pretty_table(df; title="$(", header=["Order Number", "Date", "Name"], crop=:none), "\n") #, display_size = (30, 300) end return end # /admin/orders.json?created_at_min=2012-08-01 12:00&limit=2012-08-01 12:00 function shopify_sales_for_period(end_date::Dates.Date, days::Int=7)::DataFrame start_date = end_date - Dates.Day(days) end ### JOTFORM #= # Needs ENV["Jotform"] = "" in startup.jl # Query api k=FiordlandPacks.query_jotform("") # save json to file using JSON3 open("my2.json", "w") do f JSON3.pretty(f, JSON3.write(k)) println(f) end # ExpandNestedData.jl -> works badly on this json, crap api. function query_jotform(url::String) tail = "?apiKey=$(ENV["Jotform"])" data =*tail)).body) return data.content end using CSV, DataFrames, Dates, DataFramesMeta # example file: "Downloads/25l_Strong_Pack_Builder2023-08-16_08_54_03.csv" # Note: mutates the input file, just easier. function jotform_csv_to_airtable!(file::String) df=DataFrame(CSV.File(file)) @transform!(df, @byrow :Date = parse(Date, :"Submission Date", Dates.DateFormat("u d, Y"))) f(x) = ismissing(x) ? "" : strip(x) * "\n" g(x) = ismissing(x) ? "" : string(x) @transform!(df, @byrow :Address = (f(:"Street Address") * f(:"Street Address Line 2") * f(:"City") * f(:"State / Province") * g(:"Postal / Zip Code"))) @transform!(df, @byrow :Name = titlecase(strip(:"First Name") * " " * strip(:"Last Name"))) select!(df, :Date, :Name, :Address, :) select!(df, Not([:"Submission Date", :"Street Address", :"Street Address Line 2", :"City", :"State / Province", :"Postal / Zip Code", :"First Name", :"Last Name"])) rename!(df, :"Side Panels (assuming you have the pack on)" => "Side Panels", :"Side Pockets (assuming you have the pack on)" => "Side Pockets", "Removable Strap Bottle Pockets (+\$25 ea)" => "Removable Strap Bottle Pockets", "Waist Belt Colour and Fabric" => "Waist Belt Fabric and Colour") #CSV.write(file, df) return df end function validate_exported_df(df::DataFrame, file::String) std = DataFrame(CSV.File("/Users/david/julia/FiordlandPacks/forms/Pack_Builder_Options.csv")) #println(setdiff(names(df), names(std)), " ", file) #to check col name differences #println(length(names(df)), " ", names(df)) #println(names(df)[7:end-1]) #for 25l it is [4:end-1] @info file for col in names(df)[7:end-1] @info col @info setdiff(df[!, Symbol(col)], std[!, Symbol(col)]) end println() end for i in ["Downloads/65l_Pack_Builder.csv", "Downloads/55l_Pack_Builder.csv", "Downloads/45l_Pack_Builder.csv", "Downloads/35l_Pack_Builder.csv", "Downloads/25l_Strong_Pack_Builder.csv"] df= jotform_csv_to_airtable!(i) #|> x -> validate_exported_df(x, i) CSV.write("$(i)_final-2023-08-18", df) end =# end # module