(* file: survey.ml *)
open Fmlib_browser

let often_list =
  [ ""; "daily"; "weekly"; "monthly"; "quarterly"; "biannually"; "annually" ]

let where_list =
    "good tramping tracks";
    "tough tramping tracks";
    "the tops";
    "the crags";
    "the summit";

let what_list =
    "under 2 kg";
    "2 to 5 kg";
    "5 to 10 kg";
    "10 to 20 kg";
    "20 to 25 kg";
    "+ 25 kg";

let first_element list = match list with [] -> "" | hd :: tail -> hd

(* Model*)
type state = {
  often : string;
  most_used : string;
  where : string;
  what : string;
  message : string;

let init : state =
    often = first_element often_list;
    most_used = "";
    where = first_element where_list;
    what = first_element what_list;
    message = "";

(* Messages *)
type msg =
  | Often of string
  | Most_used of string
  | Where of string
  | What of string
  | Message of string

(* Views*)

let header_view state =
  let open Html in
  let open Attribute in
  let img attrs nodes = node "img" attrs nodes in
  div []
      div [ class_ "grid" ] [ div [] []; img [ src "logo.svg" ] []; div [] [] ];
      p []
            "Please complete this survey. Help design the next Fiordland Pack.";
      p []
            "This is 100% anonymous. No google analytics. No facebook pixel. \
             No cookies.";

let see_view state =
  let open Html in
  let open Attribute in
  div []
      li [] [ text "often: "; text state.often ];
      li [] [ text "most used: "; text state.most_used ];
      li [] [ text "where: "; text state.where ];
      li [] [ text "what: "; text state.what ];
      li [] [ text "message: "; text state.message ];

let view state =
  let open Html in
  let open Attribute in
  let often str = Often str in
  let most_used str = Most_used str in
  let where str = Where str in
  let what str = What str in
  let message str = Message str in

  let section attrs nodes = node "section" attrs nodes in
  let form attrs nodes = node "form" attrs nodes in
    [ class_ "container-fluid" ]
      section [ id "header" ] [ header_view state ];
        [ id "main" ]
              attribute "action" "https://formspree.io/f/mpzvpdvp";
              attribute "method" "post";
              section []
                    [ attribute "for" "how_often" ]
                      text "How often do you use a backpack?";
                          attribute "type" "text";
                          attribute "name" "how_often";
                          id "how_often";
                          value state.often;
                          on_input often;
                           (fun x -> node "option" [] [ text x ])
                    [ attribute "for" "where" ]
                      text "Where do you use your pack most?";
                          attribute "type" "text";
                          attribute "name" "where";
                          id "where";
                          value state.where;
                          on_input where;
                           (fun x -> node "option" [] [ text x ])
                    [ attribute "for" "what" ]
                      text "What kind of load do you carry?";
                          attribute "type" "text";
                          attribute "name" "what";
                          id "what";
                          value state.what;
                          on_input what;
                           (fun x -> node "option" [] [ text x ])
                    [ attribute "for" "most_used" ]
                      text "What is your all time most used backpack?";
                          attribute "type" "text";
                          attribute "name" "most_used";
                          id "most_used";
                          value state.most_used;
                          on_input most_used;
                    [ attribute "for" "message" ]
                      text "What is most important in a backpack?";
                          attribute "type" "text";
                          attribute "name" "message";
                          id "message";
                          value state.message;
                          on_input message;
                  button [ attribute "type" "submit" ] [ text "Send" ];
      (* ; section [id "see"] [ see_view state ] *);

(* Update *)
let update (state : state) = function
  | Often str -> { state with often = str }
  | Most_used str -> { state with most_used = str }
  | Where str -> { state with where = str }
  | What str -> { state with what = str }
  | Message str -> { state with message = str }

let _ = sandbox init view update