defmodule SomethingErlangWeb.LiveHelpers do import Phoenix.LiveView import Phoenix.LiveView.Helpers alias Phoenix.LiveView.JS @doc """ Renders a live component inside a modal. The rendered modal receives a `:return_to` option to properly update the URL when the modal is closed. ## Examples <.modal return_to={Routes.thread_index_path(@socket, :index)}> <.live_component module={SomethingErlangWeb.ThreadLive.FormComponent} id={ || :new} title={@page_title} action={@live_action} return_to={Routes.thread_index_path(@socket, :index)} thread: @thread /> </.modal> """ def modal(assigns) do assigns = assign_new(assigns, :return_to, fn -> nil end) ~H""" <div id="modal" class="phx-modal fade-in" phx-remove={hide_modal()}> <div id="modal-content" class="phx-modal-content fade-in-scale" phx-click-away={JS.dispatch("click", to: "#close")} phx-window-keydown={JS.dispatch("click", to: "#close")} phx-key="escape" > <%= if @return_to do %> <%= live_patch "✖", to: @return_to, id: "close", class: "phx-modal-close", phx_click: hide_modal() %> <% else %> <a id="close" href="#" class="phx-modal-close" phx-click={hide_modal()}>✖</a> <% end %> <%= render_slot(@inner_block) %> </div> </div> """ end defp hide_modal(js \\ %JS{}) do js |> JS.hide(to: "#modal", transition: "fade-out") |> JS.hide(to: "#modal-content", transition: "fade-out-scale") end end