    # The symbols section defines the symbols printed before specific elements
    # of Git status displayed in tmux status string.
        # current branch name.
        branch: "⎇ "
        # Git SHA1 hash (in 'detached' state).
        hashprefix: ":"
        # 'ahead count' when local and remote branch diverged.
        ahead: ↑·
        # 'behind count' when local and remote branch diverged.
        behind: ↓·
        # count of files in the staging area.
        staged: "● "
        # count of files in conflicts.
        conflict: "✖ "
        # count of modified files.
        modified: "✚ "
        # count of untracked files.
        untracked: "… "
        # count of stash entries.
        stashed: "⚑ "
        # count of inserted lines (stats section).
        insertions: Σ
        # count of deleted lines (stats section).
        deletions: Δ
        # Shown when the working tree is clean.
        clean: ✔

    # Styles are tmux format strings used to specify text colors and attributes
    # of Git status elements. See the STYLES section of tmux man page.
        # Clear previous style.
        clear: "#[fg=default]"
        # Special tree state strings such as [rebase], [merge], etc.
        state: "#[fg=red,bold]"
        # Local branch name
        branch: "#[fg=white,bold]"
        # Remote branch name
        remote: "#[fg=cyan]"
        # 'divergence' counts
        divergence: "#[fg=yellow]"
        # 'staged' count
        staged: "#[fg=green,bold]"
        # 'conflicts' count
        conflict: "#[fg=red,bold]"
        # 'modified' count
        modified: "#[fg=red,bold]"
        # 'untracked' count
        untracked: "#[fg=magenta,bold]"
        # 'stash' count
        stashed: "#[fg=cyan,bold]"
        # 'insertions' count
        insertions: "#[fg=green]"
        # 'deletions' count
        deletions: "#[fg=red]"
        # 'clean' symbol
        clean: "#[fg=green,bold]"

    # The layout section defines what components gitmux shows and the order in
    # which they appear on tmux status bar.
    # Allowed components:
    #  - branch:            local branch name. Examples: `⎇ main`, `⎇ :345e7a0` or `[rebase]`
    #  - remote-branch:     remote branch name, for example: `origin/main`.
    #  - divergence:        divergence between local and remote branch, if any. Example: `↓·2↑·1`
    #  - remote:            alias for `remote-branch` followed by `divergence`, for example: `origin/main ↓·2↑·1`
    #  - flags:             symbols representing the working tree state, for example `✚ 1 ⚑ 1 … 2`
    #  - stats:             insertions/deletions (lines), for example`Σ56 Δ21`
    #  - some string `foo`: any other character of string is directly shown, for example `foo` or `|`
    layout: [branch, remote-branch, divergence, " - ", flags]

    # Additional configuration options.
        # Maximum displayed length for local and remote branch names.
        branch_max_len: 0
        # Trim left or right end of the branch (`right` or `left`).
        branch_trim: right
        # Character indicating whether and where a branch was truncated.
        ellipsis: …
        # Hides the clean flag
        hide_clean: false
        # Swaps order of behind & ahead upstream counts - "↓·1↑·1" -> "↑·1↓·1"
        swap_divergence: false