* License (GPL):
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Author: © 2020 by Jos Boersema
// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
// Configuration:
// --------------------------------------v---------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
// Below here no more comfortable configuration options.....
// --------------------------------------^---------------------------------------
/* Redefine a layer in this file
* _Activate_ one or more of the below BASESFILE_LAYER_..., to redefine the layer
* in this file. The version in ./keymap.c will be ignored. Keep in mind to use
* transparent keys (_______) for “hold” layer switch keys on the BASE map, for
* your new layer.
/* ⬇ */
/* Layer _..._BASE: Qwerty with arrows on Base, normal BASE layer and 'default' layer
* - This version of Qwerty puts arrows on Base, and assumes the 'arrow' hardware key.
* When not compiled with 'arrow' hardware key, Base will not contain ‛down arrow’.
* This does not mean that this is the recommended version of Qwerty in general for
* the 'arrow' hardware key with Qwerty. Regular Qwerty works with the additional
* hardware key 'arrow'. The regular Qwerty compile option just works differently
* than this version with arrows on Base. Regular qwerty has the additional hardware
* key on the right be a toggle to _MOV layer, where you then have arrows in the same
* area. Notice further that in all cases, you have a hold key to the _MOV layer under
* what is colloqually known as the ‛left space bar’, which leads to convenient arrow
* keys in the home row.
* Putting directional arrow keys on the Base layer will cost you several keys on
* the Base layer: hold _RAR, GUI, and ‛/?’.
* • The ‛/?’ key is displaced to the _NSY layer.
* • The GUI key is lost. You could decide to also use the ‛south paw’/‛command’
* hardware key, which is a GUI by default.
* • Hold key to _RAR layer is lost. You can only reach _RAR layer, using the right
* shift toggle, which is on a short timer.
* My recommendation would be: see if you can make things work with regular Qwerty
* if you are a 10 fingers typist, first. Moving your hand to this arrow cluster
* seems to be a high cost to pay. You will also loose the default location for ‛/?’.
* For special need situations regarding this right hand row1/2 arrow cluster, a
* tap to _MOV layer on the ‛arrow’ hardware key, should be a reasonable cost to
* pay, if a situation is already important enough to decide to move your hand there.
* For short uses of arrow keys, holding to the _MOV layer is the most efficient.
* If you are not a 10 finger typist though, holding a key to _MOV layer seems to be
* inconvenient, and thus arrows on Base could be better for you.
* Hence my conclusion: only compile ‛Qwerty with arrows on Base’ if the regular
* Qwerty isn't working for you.
// Process user configuration wrt ‛Default’ or ‛Alternative’ spot for this layout.