## Customizations from the `default` keymap

* caps lock is left ctrl / press & release for escape
* keyboard LED brightness control - Fn + ] (same as default)
* bootmagic:
  * ability to swap keys - for moving between mac and win/linux
  * for win/linux - keys are as labeled in layer 0; AJ_RCTL is right ctl
  * for mac:
    * LALT and LGUI swapped
    * RALT key sends RGUI code
    * AJ_RCTL key sends RALT code
  * layer 2 access via Fn + AJ_RCTL pressed in any order
    * regardless of swapped state
  * ability to disable left gui
* Fn + v sends a middle mouse click - nice for pasting the mouse selection in
  linux - I always mess up and scroll while clicking
  * note: the mouse cursor has to be placed at the insert point
* mapping some Fn + key combinations to program launch shortcuts
