# dumbpad


dumbpad is a num/macro pad available in two major form factors - single- and dual-rotary encoder.

* Single-encoder PCBs are reversible - components can be soldered to either side to allow
the encoder to be on either the left or right side.
* Dual-encoder PCBs come in two versions - one with the encoders in the bottom corners, the otherin the top corners

Support for dumbpad all PCB revisions can be found in this directory.

* Maintainer: [imchipwood]https://github.com/imchipwood
* PCB repository: [dumbpad on github]https://github.com/imchipwood/dumbpad
  * PCB revisions:
    * v0.x - these revisions have two LEDs for layer indication
      * ['v0x']v0x/: Default setup for single rotary encoder v0.x PCBs
      * ['v0x_right']v0x_right/: Same as v0x but with rotary encoder on right side (components on bottom of PCB)
      * ['v0x_dualencoder']v0x_dualencoder/: Dual-encoder PCBs
    * v1.x - these revisions have three LEDs - two for layer indication, one for numlock indication
      * ['v1x']v1x/: Default setup for v1.x PCBs with a single rotary encoder on the left side
      * ['v1x_right']v1x_right/: Same as v1x but with rotary encoder on right side (components on bottom of PCB)
      * ['v1x_dualencoder']v1x_dualencoder/: v1x PCB with two rotary encoders