Pathfinder library in zig
//! This test solves first part of
const std = @import("std");
const math = std.math;

const Str = []const u8;

const Amphipod = enum {

const SIDEROOMS = 4;

const PathType = u4;

const State = struct {
    hallway: [HALLWAY_LENGTH]?Amphipod = .{null} ** HALLWAY_LENGTH,
    rooms: [SIDEROOMS][SIDEROOM_DEPTH]?Amphipod,
    pub fn print(self: @This()) []u8 {
        const blank =
            \\  #.#.#.#.#
            \\  #########
        var buffer: [100]u8 = undefined;
        var mod: []u8 = buffer[0..blank.len];
        std.mem.copy(u8, mod, blank);
        for (self.hallway, 0..) |amp, idx| {
            if (amp != null) {
                const i: usize = switch (idx) {
                    0 => 14 + 1,
                    1 => 14 + 2,
                    2 => 14 + 4,
                    3 => 14 + 6,
                    4 => 14 + 8,
                    5 => 14 + 10,
                    6 => 14 + 11,
                    else => unreachable,
                const a: u8 = switch (amp.?) {
                    .A => 'A',
                    .B => 'B',
                    .C => 'C',
                    .D => 'D',
                mod[i] = a;
        for (self.rooms, 0..) |room, rid| {
            for (room, 0..) |amp, aid| {
                if (amp != null) {
                    const a: u8 = switch (amp.?) {
                        .A => 'A',
                        .B => 'B',
                        .C => 'C',
                        .D => 'D',
                    mod[14 + 14 + rid * 2 + 3 + 14 * aid] = a;
        return mod;
    fn sideRoomDone(self: @This(), room: usize) bool {
        std.debug.assert(room < SIDEROOMS);
        for (self.rooms[room]) |amp| {
            if (amp == null or amp != @as(Amphipod, @enumFromInt(room))) return false;
        return true;
    fn sideRoomFreeSpace(self: @This(), room: usize) ?u2 {
        var ret: u2 = 0;

        std.debug.assert(room < SIDEROOMS);
        for (self.rooms[room]) |amp| {
            if (amp == null) {
                ret += 1;
            } else if (amp != @as(Amphipod, @enumFromInt(room))) {
                return null;

        std.debug.assert(ret <= SIDEROOM_DEPTH);
        return ret;
    fn checkSideRoom(self: @This()) ?StateQueue {
        for (self.rooms, 0..) |_, idx| {
            const free = self.sideRoomFreeSpace(idx) orelse continue;
            if (free == 0) continue;

            // std.debug.print("FREE: {d}\n", .{free});

            for (self.hallway, 0..) |amp, hwidx| {
                if (amp == @as(Amphipod, @enumFromInt(idx))) {
                    const steps = (self.checkHWtoRoom(hwidx, idx) orelse continue) + free;

                    var ret: StateQueue = undefined;

                    ret.cost = (std.math.powi(usize, 10, @intFromEnum(amp.?)) catch unreachable) * steps;

                    ret.state = self;
                    ret.state.hallway[hwidx] = null;
                    ret.state.rooms[idx][free - 1] = amp;

                    return ret;

            for (self.rooms, 0..) |other, oidx| {
                if (idx == oidx) continue;

                var pos: PathType = 0;
                for (other) |amp| {
                    if (amp == null) {
                        pos += 1;
                    if (amp == @as(Amphipod, @enumFromInt(idx))) {
                        var steps: PathType = undefined;
                        if (idx < oidx) { // moving left
                            const hwidx = oidx + 2;
                            // std.debug.print("L->R from: {d} to: {d}\n", .{ hwidx, idx });
                            steps = (self.checkHWtoRoom(hwidx, idx) orelse break) + free + pos;
                        } else { // moving right
                            const hwidx = oidx + 1;
                            // std.debug.print("R->L from: {d} to: {d}\n", .{ hwidx, idx });
                            steps = (self.checkHWtoRoom(hwidx, idx) orelse break) + free + pos;

                        // we can move amp to his sideroom
                        var ret: StateQueue = undefined;

                        ret.cost = (std.math.powi(usize, 10, @intFromEnum(amp.?)) catch unreachable) * steps;

                        ret.state = self;
                        ret.state.rooms[oidx][pos] = null;
                        ret.state.rooms[idx][free - 1] = amp;

                        return ret;
                    // only first item can move, no need to check others

        return null;
    fn checkHWtoRoom(self: @This(), from: usize, to: usize) ?PathType {
        // #############
        // #
        // ###0#1#2#3###
        //   #0#1#2#3#
        //   #########

        std.debug.assert(to < 4);
        std.debug.assert(from < 8);

        var steps: PathType = 0;
        if (from -| to >= 2) {
            var idx: usize = from -| 1;
            while (idx >= to + 2) : (idx -= 1) {
                // std.debug.print("LEFT from: {d} to: {d} step: {d}\n", .{ from, to, idx });
                if (self.hallway[idx] == null) steps += 2 else return null;
        } else {
            var idx: usize = from + 1;
            while (idx <= to + 1) : (idx += 1) {
                // std.debug.print("RIGHT from: {d} to: {d} step: {d}\n", .{ from, to, idx });
                if (self.hallway[idx] == null) steps += 2 else return null;
        // room entrance point
        if (from != 6 and from != 0) steps += 1;

        return steps;
    pub fn neighborFn(self: @This(), allocator: std.mem.Allocator) ![]StateQueue {
        var ret = std.ArrayList(StateQueue).init(allocator);

        // Amphipod can move to its final place, always a good move
        if (self.checkSideRoom()) |item| {
            try ret.append(item);
            return ret.toOwnedSlice();

        // we already checked the side rooms, so we only have to collect
        // each rooms first item's possible hallway positions
        for (self.rooms, 0..) |room, idx| {
            // std.debug.print("ROOM->HW check {d} room\n", .{idx});
            for (room, 0..) |amp, pos| {
                if (amp == null) continue;

                // do not move items in right room
                // except: we should move away to let wrong placed amp out
                if (amp == @as(Amphipod, @enumFromInt(idx))) {
                    var tainted: bool = false;

                    var next: PathType = @as(PathType, @intCast(pos)) + 1;
                    while (next < SIDEROOM_DEPTH) : (next += 1) {
                        if (room[next] != @as(Amphipod, @enumFromInt(idx))) tainted = true;
                    if (!tainted) break;

                for (self.hallway, 0..) |hw, hwidx| {
                    if (hw == null) { // destination hallway spot is free
                        // std.debug.print("checking hallway spot {d} with amp {any}\n", .{hwidx, amp});
                        const steps = (self.checkHWtoRoom(hwidx, idx) orelse continue) + pos + 1;

                        var st: StateQueue = undefined;

                        st.cost = steps * try std.math.powi(usize, 10, @intFromEnum(amp.?));

                        st.state = self;
                        st.state.hallway[hwidx] = amp;
                        st.state.rooms[idx][pos] = null;

                        try ret.append(st);
                // only first item can move

        return ret.toOwnedSlice();

fn parseInput(comptime input: Str) !State {
    var lines = std.mem.split(u8, input, "\n");

    var ret = State{ .rooms = undefined };

    var line: usize = 0;
    var counter: usize = 0;
    while ( |l| : (line += 1) {
        if (line == 2 or line == 3) {
            for (l, 0..) |ch, idx| {
                if (idx == 3 or idx == 5 or idx == 7 or idx == 9) {
                    const amp: Amphipod = switch (ch) {
                        'A' => .A,
                        'B' => .B,
                        'C' => .C,
                        'D' => .D,
                        else => unreachable,
                    // std.debug.print("{d} {d}\n", .{counter%siderooms, counter/siderooms});
                    ret.rooms[counter % SIDEROOMS][counter / SIDEROOMS] = amp;
                    counter += 1;

    return ret;

const PF = @import("pathfinder.zig");
const StateQueue = PF.Graph.Graph(State).QueueType;

test "Graph" {
    const start_str =
        \\  #B#C#A#C#
        \\  #########
    const goal_str =
        \\  #A#B#C#D#
        \\  #########
    const start = try parseInput(start_str);
    const goal = try parseInput(goal_str);

    var graph = PF.Graph.Graph(State).init(std.testing.allocator);
    defer graph.deinit();

    const ret = try graph.dijkstra(start, goal);

    try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 16244), ret);