A dev repo for the papa cli utility ( please fix channels on the nest :'( )
#[cfg(feature = "northstar")]
use crate::core::northstar::{init_northstar, update_northstar};
use std::path::PathBuf;

use clap::{Parser, Subcommand};
use log::debug;

use crate::api::model;

use directories::ProjectDirs;
use rustyline::Editor;

mod api;
mod core;

use crate::core::commands::*;

#[clap(name = "Papa")]
#[clap(author = "AnAcutalEmerald <emerald_actual@proton.me>")]
#[clap(version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"))]
#[clap(about = "Command line mod manager for Northstar")]
#[clap(after_help = "Welcome back. Cockpit cooling reactivated.")]
struct Cli {
    command: Commands,
    #[clap(short, long)]
    debug: bool,

enum Commands {
    ///Install a mod or mods from https://northstar.thunderstore.io/
    #[clap(alias = "i")]
    Install {
        #[clap(value_name = "MOD")]
        #[clap(help = "Mod name(s) to install")]
        #[clap(required_unless_present = "url")]
        mod_names: Vec<String>,

        ///Alternate url to use - won't be tracked or updated
        #[clap(short, long)]
        #[clap(value_name = "URL")]
        url: Option<String>,

        ///Don't ask for confirmation
        #[clap(short, long)]
        yes: bool,

        ///Force installation
        #[clap(short, long)]
        force: bool,

        ///Make mod globally available
        #[clap(short, long)]
        global: bool,
    ///Remove a mod or mods from the current mods directory
    #[clap(alias = "r", alias = "rm")]
    Remove {
        #[clap(value_name = "MOD")]
        #[clap(help = "Mod name(s) to remove")]
        mod_names: Vec<String>,
    ///List installed mods
    #[clap(alias = "l", alias = "ls")]
    List {
        ///List only globally installed mods
        #[clap(short, long)]
        global: bool,

        ///List both local and global mods
        #[clap(short, long)]
        all: bool,
    ///Clear mod cache
    #[clap(alias = "c")]
    Clear {
            help = "Force removal of all files in the cahce directory, not just downloaded packages"
        #[clap(long, short)]
        full: bool,
    ///Display or update the configuration
    #[clap(alias = "cfg")]
    Config {
        #[clap(long, short, value_name = "PATH")]
        ///Set the directory where 'mods/' can be found
        mods_dir: Option<String>,

        #[clap(long, short, value_name = "CACHE")]
        ///Set whether or not to cache packages
        cache: Option<bool>,
    ///Update currently installed mods
    #[clap(alias = "u")]
    Update {
        ///Don't ask for confirmation
        #[clap(short, long)]
        yes: bool,
    ///Search for a mod
    #[clap(alias = "s")]
    Search {
        ///The term to search for
        term: Vec<String>,

    ///Disable mod(s) or sub-mod(s)
    Disable { mods: Vec<String> },
    ///Enable mod(s) or sub-mod(s)
    Enable { mods: Vec<String> },

    //These will only be available on linux for now because symlinks on Windows are weird
    #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
    #[clap(alias = "link", alias = "ln")]
    ///Link a global mod to the current mods folder
    Include {
        mods: Vec<String>,
        #[clap(long, short)]
        force: bool,
    #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
    #[clap(alias = "unlink")]
    ///Unlink a global mod from the current mods folder
    Exclude { mods: Vec<String> },

    ///Commands for managing Northstar itself
    #[cfg(feature = "northstar")]
    Northstar {
        command: NstarCommands,

    ///Manage clusters of Northstar servers
    #[cfg(feature = "cluster")]
    Cluster {
        command: WsCommands,

    #[cfg(feature = "profiles")]
    ///Manage mod profiles
    Profile {
        command: ProfCommands,

enum NstarCommands {
    //    ///Installs northstar to provided path, or current directory.
    //    Install { game_path: Option<PathBuf> },
    ///Initializes a new northstar installation in the provided path, or current directory.
    Init { game_path: Option<PathBuf> },
    ///Updats the current northstar install. Must have been installed with `papa northstar init`.
    Update {},
    #[cfg(feature = "launcher")]
    ///Start the Northstar client
    Start {},

async fn main() {
    let cli = Cli::parse();
    if cli.debug {
        std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "DEBUG");

    let dirs = ProjectDirs::from("me", "greenboi", "papa").unwrap();

    let rl = Editor::<()>::new();

    let mut ctx = core::Ctx::new(dirs, rl).expect("Failed to create context");

    let res = match cli.command {
        Commands::Update { yes } => update(&mut ctx, yes).await,
        Commands::Config {
            mods_dir: None,
            cache: None,
        } => {
                "Current config:\n{}",
        Commands::Config { mods_dir, cache } => update_config(&mut ctx, mods_dir, cache),
        Commands::List { global, all } => list(&ctx, global, all),
        Commands::Install {
            mod_names: _,
            url: Some(url),
            yes: _,
            force: _,
            global: _,
        } => install_from_url(&ctx, url).await,
        Commands::Install {
            url: None,
        } => install(&mut ctx, mod_names, yes, force, global).await,
        Commands::Disable { mods } => disable(&ctx, mods),
        Commands::Enable { mods } => enable(&ctx, mods),
        Commands::Search { term } => search(&ctx, term).await,
        Commands::Remove { mod_names } => remove(&ctx, mod_names),
        Commands::Clear { full } => clear(&ctx, full),
        #[cfg(feature = "northstar")]
        Commands::Northstar { command } => match command {
            //      NstarCommands::Install { game_path } => {
            //          let game_path = if let Some(p) = game_path {
            //              p.canonicalize().unwrap()
            //          } else {
            //              std::env::current_dir().unwrap()
            //          };
            //          core.install_northstar(&game_path).await
            //      }
            NstarCommands::Init { game_path } => {
                let game_path = if let Some(p) = game_path {
                    match p.canonicalize() {
                        Ok(p) => p,
                        Err(e) => {
                            debug!("{:#?}", e);
                            println!("{}", e);
                } else {
                init_northstar(&mut ctx, &game_path).await
            NstarCommands::Update {} => update_northstar(&mut ctx).await,
            #[cfg(feature = "launcher")]
            NstarCommands::Start {} => ctx.start_northstar(&ctx),
        #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
        Commands::Include { mods, force } => include(&ctx, mods, force),
        #[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
        Commands::Exclude { mods } => exclude(&ctx, mods),
        #[cfg(feature = "cluster")]
        Commands::Cluster { command } => cluster(&mut ctx, command),
        #[cfg(feature = "profiles")]
        Commands::Profile { command } => profile(&mut ctx, command),

    if let Some(e) = res.err() {
        if cli.debug {
            debug!("{:#?}", e);
        } else {
            println!("{}", e);